public AvatarClassDwarf(ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			: base(2, 2, 7, 3, new ChanceMovementBehavior(chanceProvider, 2), "Images/MapTiles/HeroDwarf.png", "Dwarf")
			ActionStrategies.Add(new SearchForCurrentTileActionsStrategy());
			ActionStrategies.Add(new SearchForInterestingLocationsStrategy());
			ActionStrategies.Add(new SearchForAdjacentUnvisitedLocationsStrategy());
			ActionStrategies.Add(new CheatAndFindUnseenInterestingLocations());
		override public TurnStepAction FindAction(Avatar currentAvatar, AvatarTurnState avatarTurnState, QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			List<AbstractTileAction> actionsForCurrentLocation = mapAnalyzer.GetActionsAtObserverLocation(currentAvatar);
			if (actionsForCurrentLocation.Count <= 0)
			{ return null; }

			AbstractTileAction tileAction = actionsForCurrentLocation[0];
			TurnStepAction action = new ActionableTurnStepAction(tileAction, currentAvatar);

			return action;
		override public TurnStepAction FindAction(Avatar currentAvatar, AvatarTurnState avatarTurnState, QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			List<LocationOfInterest> interestingDestinations = mapAnalyzer.GetInterestingLocationsCheating(currentAvatar);
			if (interestingDestinations.Count <= 0)
			{ return null; }

			interestingDestinations = interestingDestinations.OrderBy(item => item.StepsToLocation).ToList();

			MovementTurnStepAction action = new MovementTurnStepAction(currentAvatar, interestingDestinations[0].StepsToLocation);
			return action;
		override public TurnStepAction FindAction(Avatar currentAvatar, AvatarTurnState avatarTurnState, QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			PointList unwalkedTiles = mapAnalyzer.GetAdjacentUnvisitedLocations(currentAvatar);
			if (unwalkedTiles.Count <= 0)
			{ return null; }

			// Just pick the first tile, and see if that opens up any other actions...
			PointList path = new PointList() { unwalkedTiles[0] };

			MovementTurnStepAction action = new MovementTurnStepAction(currentAvatar, path);
			return action;
		private void OnChanceGathererComplete(object sender, EventArgs args)
			if (sender is ChanceGatherer)
				ChanceGatherer chanceGatherer = (ChanceGatherer)sender;
				List<ChanceSubmission> submissions = chanceGatherer.Submissions;
				_chanceProvider = new ChanceProvider(submissions);

				// Go to the introduction
				GameIntroduction gameIntroduction = new GameIntroduction(_storyTeller);
				gameIntroduction.Complete += OnGameIntroductionComplete;
		public void TakeOverExperience()
			//// First, go to the Chance Gatherer
			//ChanceGatherer chanceGatherer = new ChanceGatherer();
			//chanceGatherer.Complete += OnChanceGathererComplete;

			// This skips straight to the QuestView
			List<ChanceSubmission> submissions = new List<ChanceSubmission>();
			submissions.Add(new ChanceSubmission() { SubmitterName = "Jonathon", Value = 6 });
			submissions.Add(new ChanceSubmission() { SubmitterName = "Jonathon", Value = 6 });
			submissions.Add(new ChanceSubmission() { SubmitterName = "Jonathon", Value = 6 });
			_chanceProvider = new ChanceProvider(submissions);
			OnGameIntroductionComplete(null, null);
		public QuestView(AbstractQuest quest, ChanceProvider chanceProvider, StoryTeller storyTeller)

			_quest = quest;
			_chanceProvider = chanceProvider;
			_storyTeller = storyTeller;

			_turnTakers = new List<Avatar>();
			_currentTurnTaker = null;
			_currentTurnTakerIndex = -1;

			_turnTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
			_turnTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
			_turnTimer.Tick += OnTurnTimerTick;

			Loaded += OnLoaded;
		public AvatarClassWizard(ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			: base(1, 2, 4, 6, new ChanceMovementBehavior(chanceProvider, 2), "Images/MapTiles/HeroWizard.png", "Wizard")

Ejemplo n.º 9
		public void DefendAgainst(int attackDamageRolled, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			BreakFocus(); // If the Avatar is hit, break the focus of the Avatar.

			// TODO: Defend!
Ejemplo n.º 10
		virtual public TurnStepAction DoTakeTurnStep(QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			if (!IsHeroAlive) // Can't play if dead.
				if (_sentDeathMessage)
				{ return null; }
					_sentDeathMessage = true;
					return new DeadTurnStepAction(this);
			if (TurnState.MovementPointsLeft <= 0 && TurnState.HasTakenAction) // We can continue our turn as long as we have movement points left, and have not taken our action
			{ return null; }

			// Determine the action to perform
			TurnStepAction action = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < _avatarClass.ActionStrategies.Count && action == null; i++)
				AbstractActionStrategy strategy = _avatarClass.ActionStrategies[i];
				if (_focusAction == null || strategy.CanBreakFocus)
					action = strategy.FindAction(this, TurnState, mapAnalyzer, chanceProvider);
					if (action != null && !MayTakeAction(action, TurnState))
					{ action = null; }

					if (action != null)
					{ _focusAction = null; }

			if (_focusAction != null && _focusAction.AcceptsAvatarFocus && _focusAction.HasMoreTurns) // If our focus action still has stuff to do, let it keep focus
				if (MayTakeAction(_focusAction, TurnState))
				{ action = _focusAction; }

			if (action == null) // If we can't figure anything else out, then end the turn.
				action = new ConfusedTurnStepAction(this); // In the real game, this should never happen.  Avatars should always find *something* to do.
				TurnState.HasTakenAction = true;
				TurnState.MovementPointsLeft = 0;

			if (action.AcceptsAvatarFocus && action.HasMoreTurns) // If the action is multi-step, focus on it until something interrupts us
			{ _focusAction = action; }

			return action;
		public AvatarClassElf(ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			: base(2, 2, 6, 4, new ChanceMovementBehavior(chanceProvider, 2), "Images/MapTiles/HeroElf.png", "Elf")

		public ChanceMovementBehavior(ChanceProvider chanceProvider, int numberOfMovementDice)
			: base()
			_chanceProvider = chanceProvider;
			NumberOFMovementDice = numberOfMovementDice;
		public virtual TurnStepAction FindAction(Avatar currentAvatar, AvatarTurnState avatarTurnState, QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
		{ return null; } // Override in subclasses
		override public TurnStepAction FindAction(Avatar currentAvatar, AvatarTurnState avatarTurnState, QuestAnalyzer mapAnalyzer, ChanceProvider chanceProvider)
			List<Avatar> enemies = mapAnalyzer.GetAdjacentEnemies(currentAvatar, currentAvatar.CanAttackAdjacent);

			return null;