string GetConnectionCostInfo(ConnectionCost connectionCost)
           string cost = string.Empty;
           cost += "Connection Cost Information: \n";
           cost += "====================\n";

           if (connectionCost == null)
               cost += "Connection Cost not available\n";
               return cost;

           switch (connectionCost.NetworkCostType)
               case NetworkCostType.Unrestricted:
                   cost += "Cost: Unrestricted";
               case NetworkCostType.Fixed:
                   cost += "Cost: Fixed";
               case NetworkCostType.Variable:
                   cost += "Cost: Variable";
               case NetworkCostType.Unknown:
                   cost += "Cost: Unknown";
                   cost += "Cost: Error";
           cost += "\n";
           cost += "Roaming: " + connectionCost.Roaming + "\n";
           cost += "Over Data Limit: " + connectionCost.OverDataLimit + "\n";
           cost += "Approaching Data Limit : " + connectionCost.ApproachingDataLimit + "\n";

           return cost;
        //Display Cost based suggestions to the user
        string CostBasedSuggestions(ConnectionCost connectionCost)
            string costBasedSuggestions = string.Empty;
            costBasedSuggestions += "Cost Based Suggestions: \n";
            costBasedSuggestions += "====================\n";

            if (connectionCost.Roaming)
                costBasedSuggestions += "Connection is out of MNO's network, using the connection may result in additional charge. Application can implement High Cost behavior in this scenario\n";
            else if (connectionCost.NetworkCostType == NetworkCostType.Variable)
                costBasedSuggestions += "Connection cost is variable, and the connection is charged based on usage, so application can implement the Conservative behavior\n";
            else if (connectionCost.NetworkCostType == NetworkCostType.Fixed)
                if (connectionCost.OverDataLimit || connectionCost.ApproachingDataLimit)
                    costBasedSuggestions += "Connection has exceeded the usage cap limit or is approaching the datalimit, and the application can implement High Cost behavior in this scenario\n";
                    costBasedSuggestions += "Application can implemement the Conservative behavior\n";
                costBasedSuggestions += "Application can implement the Standard behavior\n";
            return costBasedSuggestions;