Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Make a class that will be responsible for managind the buffer lists
 public void InnerMakeMeshDraw(IList <Mesh> meshes, IList <Material> materials)
     for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++)
         _mesh_id2mesh_draw[i] = new MeshDraw(meshes[i], materials);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // First pass: calculate the transofmration matrix for each vertex
        // here we must associate a matrix with each bone (maybe with each vertex_id??)
        // then we multiply the current_bone matrix with the one we had before
        // (perhaps it was identity, perhaps it was already some matrix (if
        // the bone influences many vertices) )
        // then we store this multiplied matrix.
        // in the render function we get a vertex_id, so we can find the matrix to apply
        // to the vertex, then we send the vertex to OpenGL
        public void RecursiveCalculateVertexTransform(Node nd, Matrix4x4 current)
            Matrix4x4 current_node = current * nd.Transform;

            foreach (int mesh_id in nd.MeshIndices)
                Mesh     cur_mesh  = _scene._inner.Meshes[mesh_id];
                MeshDraw mesh_draw = _mesh_id2mesh_draw[mesh_id];
                foreach (Bone bone in cur_mesh.Bones)
                    // a bone transform is more than by what we need to trasnform the model
                    BoneNode  armature_node   = _scene.GetBoneNode(bone.Name);
                    Matrix4x4 bone_global_mat = armature_node.GlobTrans;
                    /// bind tells the original delta in global coord, so we can find current delta
                    Matrix4x4 bind         = bone.OffsetMatrix;
                    Matrix4x4 delta_roto   = bind * bone_global_mat;
                    Matrix4x4 current_bone = delta_roto * current_node;
                    foreach (var pair in bone.VertexWeights)
                        // Can apply bone weight here
                        mesh_draw._vertex_id2matrix[pair.VertexID] = current_bone;
            foreach (Node child in nd.Children)
                RecursiveCalculateVertexTransform(child, current_node);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // Render the scene.
 // each vertex at most one bone policy
 private void RecursiveRenderSystemDrawing(Node nd)
     foreach (int mesh_id in nd.MeshIndices)
         MeshDraw mesh_draw = _mesh_id2mesh_draw[mesh_id];
     foreach (Node child in nd.Children)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Second pass: transform all vertices in a mesh according to bone
        // just apply the previously caluclated matrix
        public void RecursiveTransformVertices(Node nd)
            foreach (int mesh_id in nd.MeshIndices)
                MeshDraw mesh_draw = _mesh_id2mesh_draw[mesh_id];
                // map data from VBO
                IntPtr data;
                int    qty_vertices;
                mesh_draw.BeginModifyVertexData(out data, out qty_vertices);
                // iterate over inital vertex positions
                Mesh       cur_mesh = _scene._inner.Meshes[mesh_id];
                MeshBounds aabb     = _extra_geometry._mesh_id2box[mesh_id];
                // go over every vertex in the mesh
                    // array of floats: X,Y,Z.....
                    int    sz     = 3; // size of step
                    float *coords = (float *)data;
                    for (int vertex_id = 0; vertex_id < qty_vertices; vertex_id++)
                        Matrix4x4 matrix_with_offset = mesh_draw._vertex_id2matrix[vertex_id];
                        // get the initial position of vertex when scene was loaded
                        Vector3D vertex_default = cur_mesh.Vertices[vertex_id];
                        Vector3D vertex;
                        Entity.TransformPositionAssimp(ref vertex_default, ref matrix_with_offset, out vertex);
                        // write new coords back into array
                        coords[vertex_id * sz + 0] = vertex.X;
                        coords[vertex_id * sz + 1] = vertex.Y;
                        coords[vertex_id * sz + 2] = vertex.Z;

                foreach (Node child in nd.Children)