Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            threadInfo t = e.Argument as threadInfo;

                if (chkMajorIsp.Checked == true)
                else if (chkMXCheck.Checked == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Thread crashed due to:" + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Runit()
            string sConnectionString = "";
            char   quotes            = '"';

            string sret = "";

            // connect to source
            sConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text.Substring(txtConnectionString.Text.IndexOf("-") + 2);
            iConnectionType   = Convert.ToInt32(txtConnectionString.Text.Substring(0, 1));
            verify.SetSettings(txtKeyField2.Text, sConnectionString, iConnectionType, txtTableName.Text, txtEmailFieldFrom.Text, txtEmailFieldTo.Text, txtReasonID.Text, txtSupressionID.Text, chkFixTyposMajorISP.Checked, chkFixKnownTyposGeneral.Checked, chkDeleteFictitiousDomains.Checked, chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains.Checked, chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses.Checked, chkDeleteWirelessDomains.Checked, chkDeleteRoleUsernames.Checked, chkFixTypoSuffix.Checked, chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails.Checked, chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP.Checked, chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral.Checked, chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP.Checked, chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral.Checked, txtDns.Text);

            sret = verify.DbConnectSource(sConnectionString, iConnectionType);

            string ssqlmx = "";

            if (iConnectionType == 2)
                ssqlmx = "SELECT DISTINCT " + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtKeyField2.Text + "," + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + " FROM " + txtTableName.Text + " LEFT JOIN dbo_popular_domains ON Mid(" + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "],Instr(" + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "]," + quotes + "@" + quotes + ") +1) = dbo_popular_domains.[domain] WHERE (((dbo_popular_domains.[domain]) Is Null) And ((InStr(" + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "," + quotes + "yahoo" + quotes + "))=0) And ((InStr(" + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "," + quotes + "hotmail" + quotes + "))=0) And ((InStr(" + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "," + quotes + "aol" + quotes + "))=0) And (" + txtTableName.Text + ".reasoncode > 99));";
                ssqlmx = "SELECT DISTINCT " + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtKeyField2.Text + ", " + txtTableName.Text + "." + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "  FROM " + txtTableName.Text + " LEFT JOIN popular_domains ON substring(" + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "],charindex('@'," + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "]) +1,len(" + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "])) = popular_domains.[domain] WHERE (((popular_domains.[domain]) Is Null) And ((charindex('yahoo'," + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "]))=0) And ((charindex('hotmail'," + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "]))=0) And ((charindex('aol'," + txtTableName.Text + ".[" + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + "]))=0) And (reasoncode > 99))";

            //to do
            //update and all the fields for this user back to the db
            if (chkContinue.Checked == true)
                data = verify.DbDataSet("select " + txtKeyField2.Text + "," + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + " from  " + txtTableName.Text + " where " + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + " is null", iConnectionType);
            else if (chkReRun.Checked == true)
                data = verify.DbDataSet("select " + txtKeyField2.Text + "," + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + " from  " + txtTableName.Text + " where " + txtEmailFieldTo.Text + " = 'invalid' and len(" + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + ") > 6", iConnectionType);
            else if (chkMajorIsp.Checked == true)
                data = verify.DbDataSet("select " + txtKeyField2.Text + ",new_email from  " + txtTableName.Text + " where reasoncode >  99 and Mid(new_email,InStr(new_email,'@')+1) = 'gmail.com'", iConnectionType);
            else if (chkMXCheck.Checked == true)
                data = verify.DbDataSet(ssqlmx, iConnectionType);
                data = verify.DbDataSet("select " + txtKeyField2.Text + "," + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + " from  " + txtTableName.Text, iConnectionType);
            //  sret = verify.DbConnectSource(sConnectionString, iConnectionType);

            sret = verify.DbConnectSourceDB("Data Source=sql2012a;Initial Catalog=EmailVerifier;User Id=sa;Password=Yankeesmets1;", 1);
            if (chkBoxRestart.Checked == true)
                sret = verify.DbExecute("update " + txtTableName.Text + " set reasoncode = 0", iConnectionType);

            sret = verify.DbScalarDB("select count(*) from last_settings where user_name = '" + lblEmailFieldTo.Text + "'", 1);
            if (sret == "0")
                sret = verify.DbExecuteDB("insert into last_settings(user_name,ConnectionString,iConnectionType,id_field,table_name,email_field_name,dns_server,chkFixTyposMajorISP,chkFixKnownTyposGeneral,chkDeleteFictitiousDomains,chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains,chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses,chkDeleteWirelessDomains,chkDeleteRoleUsernames,chkFixTypoSuffix,chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails,chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP,chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral,chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP,chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral) values('" + lblEmailFieldTo.Text + "','" + txtConnectionString.Text + "'," + iConnectionType + ",'" + txtKeyField2.Text + "','" + txtTableName.Text + "','" + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + "','" + txtDns.Text + "'," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTyposMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixKnownTyposGeneral.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteFictitiousDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteWirelessDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteRoleUsernames.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTypoSuffix.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral.Checked) + ")", 1);
            else if (Convert.ToInt32(sret) > 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Somehow you have more then one profile, all your profiles under this name are being deleted and this new one is being saved");
                sret = verify.DbExecuteDB("delete from last_settings  where user_name = '" + lblEmailFieldTo.Text + "'", 1);
                sret = verify.DbExecuteDB("insert into last_settings(user_name,ConnectionString,iConnectionType,id_field,table_name,email_field_name,dns_server,chkFixTyposMajorISP,chkFixKnownTyposGeneral,chkDeleteFictitiousDomains,chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains,chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses,chkDeleteWirelessDomains,chkDeleteRoleUsernames,chkFixTypoSuffix,chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails,chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP,chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral,chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP,chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral) values('" + lblEmailFieldTo.Text + "','" + txtConnectionString.Text + "'," + iConnectionType + ",'" + txtKeyField2.Text + "','" + txtTableName.Text + "','" + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + "','" + txtDns.Text + "'," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTyposMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixKnownTyposGeneral.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteFictitiousDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteWirelessDomains.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteRoleUsernames.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTypoSuffix.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP.Checked) + "," + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral.Checked) + ")", 1);
                sret = verify.DbExecuteDB("update last_settings set ConnectionString = '" + txtConnectionString.Text + "',iConnectionType = " + iConnectionType + ",id_field = '" + txtKeyField2.Text + "',table_name = '" + txtTableName.Text + "',email_field_name = '" + txtEmailFieldFrom.Text + "',dns_server = '" + txtDns.Text + "',  chkFixTyposMajorISP = " + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTyposMajorISP.Checked) + ",chkFixKnownTyposGeneral = " + Convert.ToByte(chkFixKnownTyposGeneral.Checked) + ",chkDeleteFictitiousDomains = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteFictitiousDomains.Checked) + ",chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapDomains.Checked) + ",chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteSpamTrapAddresses.Checked) + ",chkDeleteWirelessDomains = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteWirelessDomains.Checked) + ",chkDeleteRoleUsernames = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteRoleUsernames.Checked) + ",chkFixTypoSuffix = " + Convert.ToByte(chkFixTypoSuffix.Checked) + ",chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedEmails.Checked) + ",chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteBadFormatedMajorISP.Checked) + ",chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailsWithNoMXgeneral.Checked) + ",chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyMajorISP.Checked) + ",chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral = " + Convert.ToByte(chkDeleteEmailifMXcantVerifyGeneral.Checked) + " where user_name = '" + lblEmailFieldTo.Text + "'", 1);

            threadInfo tt = new threadInfo();

            tt.d = data;
            tt.v = verify;

            progressBar1.Minimum = 1;
            progressBar1.Step    = 1;

            int icntr = 0;

            lblTotal.Text = verify.DbScalar("select count(*) from " + txtTableName.Text, iConnectionType);
            lbltoDo.Text  = verify.DbScalar("select count(*) from " + txtTableName.Text + " where reasoncode > 0", iConnectionType);

                progressBar1.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(lblTotal.Text);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text) == 0)
                    progressBar1.Value = 1;
                    progressBar1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text);
            catch { }


                int  iperf     = 0;
                int  ilast     = 0;
                int  templast  = 0;
                bool firsttime = true;
                while (bend == false)

                    if (icntr > 1000)// 30 seconds (calculated it on rel5)
                        icntr = 0;
                        if (firsttime == false)
                            templast = Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text);
                        lbltoDo.Text = verify.DbScalar("select count(*) from " + txtTableName.Text + " where reasoncode > 0", iConnectionType);

                        if (firsttime == false)
                            ilast = Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text) - templast;
                        firsttime = false;

                        progressBar1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text);
                    if (iperf == 2) //60 seconds
                        iperf          = 0;
                        txtPerMin.Text = Convert.ToString(ilast * 2);
                        label10.Text   = Convert.ToString((Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text) * 100) / Convert.ToInt32(lblTotal.Text));
                        txtMin.Text    = Convert.ToString((Convert.ToInt32(lblTotal.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(lbltoDo.Text)) / Convert.ToInt32(txtPerMin.Text));
            catch { }