public void Create(Customer customer, string createdById = null)
            // If the customer created by Id does not equal null, but the id specified does not exist
            if (customer.CreatedById != null &&
                !_context.Users.Any(e => e.Id == customer.CreatedById))
                throw new UserNotFoundException();

            // Assign the Slug
            customer.Slug = customer.CompanyName.GenerateSlug();

            // If the Company Name Or Slug already exist, throw Exception
            if (_context.Customers.Any(e => e.CompanyName.Equals(customer.CompanyName)
                                            || e.Slug.Equals(customer.Slug)))
                throw new CompanyAlreadyExistsException();

            // Assign the created by id
            customer.CreatedById = createdById;

            // Add to the table

            // Save changes
        public void EditCustomer(Customer customer)
            // Attach to context if for some reason it is not
            if (_context.Entry(customer).State == EntityState.Detached)

            // Reslugify
            // TODO find a way to see if the CompanyName is actually a dirty field
            customer.Slug = customer.CompanyName.GenerateSlug();

            // Check to see if another company has the same company name
            if (DoesCustomerExist(customer))
                throw new CompanyAlreadyExistsException();

            // Make it dirty
            _context.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public OrderCreateViewModel OrderCreateFactory(
            Customer customer,
            List<Product> products,
            OrderCreateViewModel vm = null)
            // Check if the view model exists, if not create new one
            vm = vm ?? new OrderCreateViewModel();

            // Assign the order details if it exists or create new one
            vm.Order = vm.Order ?? new OrderViewModel();

            // Products
            var productsList = products.Select(
                e => new OrderProductViewModel
                    ProductId = e.ProductId,
                    ProductName = e.ProductName,
                    Price = e.UnitPrice,
                    SupplierName = e.Supplier.CompanyName,
                    Qauntity = 0

            // Reassign products with proper quanities
            vm.Products?.ForEach(e =>
                if (e.Qauntity <= 0) return;
                var orderProductViewModel = productsList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductId == e.ProductId);
                if (orderProductViewModel != null)
                    orderProductViewModel.Qauntity = e.Qauntity;

            vm.Products = productsList;

            vm.Customer = customer;

            return vm;
            && e.CustomerId != customer.CustomerId); // With Different ID

        public async Task DeleteCustomerAsync(Customer customer)
            // Something went wrong, throw exception
            if (customer == null) throw new CustomerNotFoundException();

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
 private bool DoesCustomerExist(Customer customer) => _context.Customers.Any(e =>
     (e.CompanyName.Equals(customer.CompanyName) // Same Company Name
      || e.Slug.Equals(customer.Slug)) // Or Some Slug
     && e.CustomerId != customer.CustomerId); // With Different ID