public void addAlert2User(User user, BsonArray forecastIDs)
                 Alerts can either be posted to the /alerts/ endpoint or added directly to mongo, to the "alerts" collection. In either case, each alert has the following structure:
              "user_id": "<user_id string>",
              "kind": "forecast",
              "text": "<alert text>",
              "kind_id": "<forecast_id>",
              "state": "unsent"
              // "entities" is the name of the collection
              var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("entities");

              Insert a Document

              To insert an Entity:

              var entity = new Entity { Name = "Tom" };
              var id = entity.Id; // Insert will set the Id if necessary (as it was in this example)

            { "__v" : 0, "_id" : ObjectId("543d93a5a5b48600003cd5d2"), "kind" : "forecast", "kind_id" : "08080808080808080808080a", "state" : "sent", "text" : "You have a new wellcast!", "user_id" : "54355fa2ce5784020097fb62" }
            var alertsCollection = mdb.GetCollection("alerts");
            var alertsAll = alertsCollection.FindAll();

            // Get an Oid from the ID string
            //var oid = new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId(id));
            // Create a document with the ID we want to find
            var queryDoc = new QueryDocument { { "state", "sent" } };
            // Query the db for a document with the required ID
            var alertsSent = mdb.GetCollection("alerts").Find(queryDoc);

            var queryDoc2 = new QueryDocument { { "state", "unsent" } };
            // Query the db for a document with the required ID
            var alertsUnSent = mdb.GetCollection("alerts").Find(queryDoc2);
            BsonDocument doc2Insert = new BsonDocument();
            doc2Insert.Add("kind_ids", forecastIDs);
            doc2Insert.Add("state", "unsent");
            doc2Insert.Add("text", "You have a new nice wellcast!");
            doc2Insert.Add("user_id", user.ID);
        private User mapMongoUser(BsonDocument muser, Dictionary<String, Object> profilesDic)
            User wuser = new User();
                var muserID = muser["_id"].ToString();
                wuser.ID = muser["_id"].ToString();

                    var locations = muser["locations"].AsBsonArray.ToList();
                    wuser.LocationMIDs = new List<string>();
                    wuser.Locations = new List<Location>();
                    foreach (var mlocation in locations)

                        Location wlocation = new Location();
                        try { wlocation.ID = mlocation["_id"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { = mlocation["name"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { wlocation.description = mlocation["description"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };

                        try { = Convert.ToDouble(mlocation["latitude"].ToString()); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { wlocation.lon = Convert.ToDouble(mlocation["longitude"].ToString()); }
                        catch (Exception) { };

                catch (Exception) { };

                    var profileIDs = muser["profiles"].AsBsonArray.ToList();
                    wuser.ProfileMIDs = new List<string>();
                    wuser.Profiles = new List<Profile>();

                    int max = 10;
                    foreach (var profileID in profileIDs)
                        dynamic mprofile;
                        profilesDic.TryGetValue(profileID.ToString(), out mprofile);
                        Profile wprofile = new Profile();
                        try { wprofile.ID = mprofile["_id"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { = mprofile["name"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { wprofile.Gender = mprofile["gender"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception) { };
                        try { wprofile.Age = Convert.ToInt16(mprofile["age"].ToString()); }
                        catch (Exception) { };

                            var conditions = mprofile["conditions"].AsBsonArray.ToList();
                            wprofile.ConditionIDs = new List<string>();
                            foreach (var condition in conditions) { wprofile.ConditionIDs.Add(condition.ToString()); }
                        catch (Exception) { };

                        if (max == 0) break;

                catch (Exception) { };

                return wuser;
        public string calculateNewForecastForUser(User user)
            //this process will calculate forecast for all profiles, locations and conditions
            //using corresponding the year, month, day and time slot

            //for now I will calcualte this hour
            string returnMessage = "Ok";
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime forecastingDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day).AddHours(now.Hour);

            DateTime lastforecast = new DateTime();

            var conditions = db.WellCastConditions.ToList();
            BsonArray forecastIDs = new BsonArray();
            Random rnd1 = new Random();
                if (user.Profiles == null) return "no user profiles";
                foreach (var profile in user.Profiles)
                    if (user.Locations == null) break;
                    foreach (var location in user.Locations)

                        Forecast forecast = new Forecast();

                        forecast.ProfileMID = profile.ID;
                        forecast.LocationMID = location.ID;
                        forecast.UserMID = user.ID;
                        forecast.Date = forecastingDate;
                        forecast.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

                        //now the ramdom thing
                        Random random = new Random();
                        forecast.RiskDay0 = random.Next(0, 6);
                        forecast.RiskDay1 = random.Next(0, 6);
                        forecast.RiskDay2 = random.Next(0, 6);
                        forecast.RiskDay3 = random.Next(0, 6);
                        forecast.RiskDay4 = random.Next(0, 6);
                        forecast.RiskDay5 = random.Next(0, 6);

                        forecast.ReportDay0 = "";
                        forecast.ReportDay1 = "";
                        forecast.ReportDay2 = "";
                        forecast.ReportDay3 = "";
                        forecast.ReportDay4 = "";
                        forecast.ReportDay5 = "";

                        if (profile.ConditionIDs == null) break;
                        foreach (var conditionKeyName in profile.ConditionIDs)
                            Condition condition = new Condition();
                                condition = db.WellCastConditions.Where(c => c.KeyName == conditionKeyName).First();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (e.Message == "Sequence contains no elements")
                                        condition = new Condition();
                                        condition.ID = conditionKeyName;
                                        condition.KeyName = conditionKeyName;
                               = conditionKeyName;
                                        condition.description = conditionKeyName;
                                        condition.Validated = false;
                                    catch (Exception e2)
                                        logError("failed to create condition from mongo", e2.Message);

                            if (conditionKeyName != null)
                                ConditionForecast conditionforecast = new ConditionForecast();
                                conditionforecast.ForecastID = forecast.ID;
                                conditionforecast.ProfileMID = profile.ID;
                                conditionforecast.LocationMID = location.ID;
                                conditionforecast.ConditionID = condition.ID;
                                conditionforecast.Date = forecastingDate;
                                conditionforecast.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

                                //now the ramdom thing
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay0 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay0 > 2) forecast.ReportDay0 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay1 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay1 > 2) forecast.ReportDay1 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay2 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay2 > 2) forecast.ReportDay2 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay3 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay3 > 2) forecast.ReportDay3 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay4 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay4 > 2) forecast.ReportDay4 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;
                                conditionforecast.RiskDay5 = random.Next(0, 6);
                                if (conditionforecast.RiskDay5 > 2) forecast.ReportDay5 += "risk of " + conditionKeyName;


                        if (forecast.ReportDay0 == "") forecast.ReportDay0 = "no reported risk today";
                        if (forecast.ReportDay1 == "") forecast.ReportDay1 = "no reported risk today";
                        if (forecast.ReportDay2 == "") forecast.ReportDay2 = "no reported risk today";
                        if (forecast.ReportDay3 == "") forecast.ReportDay3 = "no reported risk today";
                        if (forecast.ReportDay4 == "") forecast.ReportDay4 = "no reported risk today";
                        if (forecast.ReportDay5 == "") forecast.ReportDay5 = "no reported risk today";

                        db.Entry(forecast).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    }//end for each location
                }//end for each profile
            addAlert2User(user, forecastIDs);
            returnMessage = "Forecast where calculated for date-hour: " + forecastingDate;
            return returnMessage;
        public User getOneUser()
            var musers = mdb.GetCollection("userDatas").FindAll();
            User wuser = new User();
            var muser = musers.First();
            var muserID = muser["_id"].ToString();
            wuser.ID = muser["_id"].ToString();

                    var profileIDs = muser["profiles"].AsBsonArray.ToList();
                    wuser.ProfileMIDs = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var profileID in profileIDs)

            return wuser;
        public void addAlert2UserTest()
            WellCastServerEngine mm = new WellCastServerEngine();

            User user = new User();

            user.ID = "542c53a302d6a4910db3fdd7";
            BsonArray forecastIDs = new BsonArray();

            string id1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string id2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();


            MongoDatabase mdb;
            //Get a Reference to the Client Object
            var mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://*****:*****");
            var mongoServer = mongoClient.GetServer();
            mdb = mongoServer.GetDatabase("wellcast");

            var queryDoc2 = new QueryDocument { { "state", "unsent" } };
            // Query the db for a document with the required ID
            var alertsUnSent0 = mdb.GetCollection("alerts").Find(queryDoc2);
            long alerts0 = alertsUnSent0.Count();

            mm.addAlert2User(user, forecastIDs);

            var alertsUnSent1 = mdb.GetCollection("alerts").Find(queryDoc2);
            long alerts1 = alertsUnSent1.Count();

            Assert.AreEqual(alerts1, alerts0 + 1);