Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool FileExists(string path)
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Check remote file exists: " + path);

            if (path.StartsWith(@"\\")) // network share
                return File.Exists(path);
                Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, Constants.WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
                ManagementObject objFile = cimv2.GetWmiObject("CIM_Datafile", "Name='{0}'", path.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
                return (objFile != null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public int GetProcessorCoresNumber()
     Wmi w = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, @"root\cimv2");
     ManagementObject objCpu = w.GetWmiObject("win32_Processor");
     return Convert.ToInt32(objCpu["NumberOfCores"]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DeleteFolder(string path)
            if (path.StartsWith(@"\\"))
                // network share
                catch { /* just skip */ }
                // local folder
                // delete sub folders first
                ManagementObjectCollection objSubFolders = GetSubFolders(path);
                foreach (ManagementObject objSubFolder in objSubFolders)

                // delete this folder itself
                Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, "root\\cimv2");
                ManagementObject objFolder = cimv2.GetWmiObject("Win32_Directory", "Name='{0}'", path.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
                objFolder.InvokeMethod("Delete", null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public bool DirectoryExists(string path)
     if (path.StartsWith(@"\\")) // network share
         return Directory.Exists(path);
         Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, Constants.WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
         ManagementObject objDir = cimv2.GetWmiObject("Win32_Directory", "Name='{0}'", path.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
         return (objDir != null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool CopyFile(string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName)
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Copy file - source: " + sourceFileName);
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Copy file - destination: " + destinationFileName);

            if (sourceFileName.StartsWith(@"\\")) // network share
                if (!File.Exists(sourceFileName))
                    return false;

                File.Copy(sourceFileName, destinationFileName);
                if (!FileExists(sourceFileName))
                    return false;

                // copy using WMI
                Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, Constants.WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
                ManagementObject objFile = cimv2.GetWmiObject("CIM_Datafile", "Name='{0}'", sourceFileName.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
                if (objFile == null)
                    throw new Exception("Source file does not exists: " + sourceFileName);

                objFile.InvokeMethod("Copy", new object[] { destinationFileName });
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void DeleteFile(string path)
     if (path.StartsWith(@"\\"))
         // network share
         // delete file using WMI
         Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, "root\\cimv2");
         ManagementObject objFile = cimv2.GetWmiObject("CIM_Datafile", "Name='{0}'", path.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
         objFile.InvokeMethod("Delete", null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string GetTempRemoteFolder()
            Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, "root\\cimv2");
            ManagementObject objOS = cimv2.GetWmiObject("win32_OperatingSystem");
            string sysPath = (string)objOS["SystemDirectory"];

            // remove trailing slash
            if (sysPath.EndsWith("\\"))
                sysPath = sysPath.Substring(0, sysPath.Length - 1);

            sysPath = sysPath.Substring(0, sysPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "Temp";

            return sysPath;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private ManagementObjectCollection GetSubFolders(string path)
            if (path.EndsWith("\\"))
                path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);

            Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, "root\\cimv2");

            return cimv2.ExecuteWmiQuery("Associators of {Win32_Directory.Name='"
                + path + "'} "
                + "Where AssocClass = Win32_Subdirectory "
                + "ResultRole = PartComponent");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ExecuteRemoteProcess(string command)
            Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, "root\\cimv2");
            ManagementClass objProcess = cimv2.GetWmiClass("Win32_Process");

            // run process
            object[] methodArgs = { command, null, null, 0 };
            objProcess.InvokeMethod("Create", methodArgs);

            // process ID
            int processId = Convert.ToInt32(methodArgs[3]);

            // wait until finished
            // Create event query to be notified within 1 second of 
            // a change in a service
            WqlEventQuery query =
                new WqlEventQuery("__InstanceDeletionEvent",
                new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1),
                "TargetInstance isa \"Win32_Process\"");

            // Initialize an event watcher and subscribe to events 
            // that match this query
            ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(cimv2.GetScope(), query);
            // times out watcher.WaitForNextEvent in 20 seconds
            watcher.Options.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20);

            // Block until the next event occurs 
            // Note: this can be done in a loop if waiting for 
            //        more than one occurrence
            while (true)
                ManagementBaseObject e = null;

                    // wait untill next process finish
                    e = watcher.WaitForNextEvent();
                    // nothing has been finished in timeout period
                    return; // exit

                // check process id
                int pid = Convert.ToInt32(((ManagementBaseObject)e["TargetInstance"])["ProcessID"]);
                if (pid == processId)
                    //Cancel the subscription

                    // exit
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MountedDiskInfo MountVirtualHardDisk(string vhdPath)
            ManagementObject objImgSvc = GetImageManagementService();

            // get method params
            ManagementBaseObject inParams = objImgSvc.GetMethodParameters("Mount");
            inParams["Path"] = FileUtils.EvaluateSystemVariables(vhdPath);

            ManagementBaseObject outParams = (ManagementBaseObject)objImgSvc.InvokeMethod("Mount", inParams, null);
            JobResult result = CreateJobResultFromWmiMethodResults(outParams);

            // load storage job
            if (result.ReturnValue != ReturnCode.JobStarted)
                throw new Exception("Failed to start Mount job with the following error: " + result.ReturnValue); ;

            ManagementObject objJob = wmi.GetWmiObject("msvm_StorageJob", "InstanceID = '{0}'", result.Job.Id);

            if (!JobCompleted(result.Job))
                throw new Exception("Failed to complete Mount job with the following error: " + result.Job.ErrorDescription);

                List<string> volumes = new List<string>();

                // load output data
                ManagementObject objImage = wmi.GetRelatedWmiObject(objJob, "Msvm_MountedStorageImage");

                int pathId = Convert.ToInt32(objImage["PathId"]);
                int portNumber = Convert.ToInt32(objImage["PortNumber"]);
                int targetId = Convert.ToInt32(objImage["TargetId"]);
                int lun = Convert.ToInt32(objImage["Lun"]);

                string diskAddress = String.Format("Port{0}Path{1}Target{2}Lun{3}", portNumber, pathId, targetId, lun);

                Log.WriteInfo("Disk address: " + diskAddress);

                // find mounted disk using VDS
                Vds.Advanced.AdvancedDisk advancedDisk = null;
                Vds.Pack diskPack = null;

                // first attempt
                Log.WriteInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - first attempt");
                FindVdsDisk(diskAddress, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

                // second attempt
                if (advancedDisk == null)
                    Log.WriteInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - second attempt");
                    FindVdsDisk(diskAddress, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

                if (advancedDisk == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find mounted disk");

                // check if DiskPart must be used to bring disk online and clear read-only flag
                bool useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = false;
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG] != null)
                    useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG]);

                // determine disk index for DiskPart
                Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(ServerNameSettings, WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
                ManagementObject objDisk = cimv2.GetWmiObject("win32_diskdrive",
                    "Model='Msft Virtual Disk SCSI Disk Device' and ScsiTargetID={0} and ScsiLogicalUnit={1} and scsiPort={2}",
                    targetId, lun, portNumber);

                if (useDiskPartToClearReadOnly)
                    // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with DiskPart ***
                    Log.WriteInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag and bringing disk online");

                    if (objDisk != null)
                        // disk found
                        // run DiskPart
                        string diskPartResult = RunDiskPart(String.Format(@"select disk {0}
attributes disk clear readonly
online disk
exit", Convert.ToInt32(objDisk["Index"])));

                        Log.WriteInfo("DiskPart Result: " + diskPartResult);
                    // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with VDS ***
                    // clear Read-Only
                    if ((advancedDisk.Flags & Vds.DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == Vds.DiskFlags.ReadOnly)
                        Log.WriteInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag");
                        while ((advancedDisk.Flags & Vds.DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == Vds.DiskFlags.ReadOnly)

                    // bring disk ONLINE
                    if (advancedDisk.Status == Vds.DiskStatus.Offline)
                        Log.WriteInfo("Bringing disk online");
                        while (advancedDisk.Status == Vds.DiskStatus.Offline)

                // small pause after getting disk online

                // get disk again
                FindVdsDisk(diskAddress, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

                // find volumes using VDS
                Log.WriteInfo("Querying disk volumes with VDS");
                foreach (Vds.Volume volume in diskPack.Volumes)
                    string letter = volume.DriveLetter.ToString();
                    if(letter != "")

                // find volumes using WMI
                if (volumes.Count == 0 && objDisk != null)
                    Log.WriteInfo("Querying disk volumes with WMI");
                    foreach (ManagementObject objPartition in objDisk.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition"))
                        foreach (ManagementObject objVolume in objPartition.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk"))

                Log.WriteInfo("Volumes found: " + volumes.Count);

                // info object
                MountedDiskInfo info = new MountedDiskInfo();
                info.DiskAddress = diskAddress;
                info.DiskVolumes = volumes.ToArray();
                return info;
            catch(Exception ex)
                // unmount disk

                // throw error
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public List<VirtualSwitch> GetExternalSwitches(string computerName)
            Wmi cwmi = new Wmi(computerName, WMI_VIRTUALIZATION_NAMESPACE);

            Dictionary<string, string> switches = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            List<VirtualSwitch> list = new List<VirtualSwitch>();

            // load external adapters
            Dictionary<string, string> adapters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            ManagementObjectCollection objAdapters = cwmi.GetWmiObjects("Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort");
            foreach (ManagementObject objAdapter in objAdapters)
                adapters.Add((string)objAdapter["DeviceID"], "1");

            // get active connections
            ManagementObjectCollection objConnections = cwmi.GetWmiObjects("Msvm_ActiveConnection");
            foreach (ManagementObject objConnection in objConnections)
                // check LAN andpoint
                ManagementObject objLanEndpoint = new ManagementObject(new ManagementPath((string)objConnection["Dependent"]));
                string endpointName = (string)objLanEndpoint["Name"];

                if (!endpointName.StartsWith("/DEVICE/"))

                endpointName = endpointName.Substring(8);

                if (adapters.ContainsKey(endpointName))
                    // get switch port
                    ManagementObject objPort = new ManagementObject(new ManagementPath((string)objConnection["Antecedent"]));
                    string switchId = (string)objPort["SystemName"];
                    if (switches.ContainsKey(switchId))

                    // add info about switch
                    ManagementObject objSwitch = cwmi.GetRelatedWmiObject(objPort, "Msvm_VirtualSwitch");
                    switches.Add(switchId, (string)objSwitch["ElementName"]);

            foreach (string switchId in switches.Keys)
                VirtualSwitch sw = new VirtualSwitch();
                sw.SwitchId = switchId;
                sw.Name = switches[switchId];

            return list;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static MountedDiskInfo GetMountedDiskInfo(string serverName, int driveNumber)
            MountedDiskInfo diskInfo = new MountedDiskInfo { DiskNumber = driveNumber };

            // find mounted disk using VDS
            AdvancedDisk advancedDisk = null;
            Pack diskPack = null;

            // first attempt
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - first attempt");
            FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            // second attempt
            if (advancedDisk == null)
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - second attempt");
                FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            if (advancedDisk == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find mounted disk");

            // Set disk address
            diskInfo.DiskAddress = advancedDisk.DiskAddress;
            var addressParts = diskInfo.DiskAddress.ParseExact("Port{0}Path{1}Target{2}Lun{3}");
            var portNumber = addressParts[0];
            var targetId = addressParts[2];
            var lun = addressParts[3];

            // check if DiskPart must be used to bring disk online and clear read-only flag
            bool useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = false;
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG] != null)
                useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG]);

            // determine disk index for DiskPart
            Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(serverName, Constants.WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
            ManagementObject objDisk = cimv2.GetWmiObject("win32_diskdrive",
                "Model='Msft Virtual Disk SCSI Disk Device' and ScsiTargetID={0} and ScsiLogicalUnit={1} and scsiPort={2}",
                targetId, lun, portNumber);

            if (useDiskPartToClearReadOnly)
                // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with DiskPart ***
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag and bringing disk online");

                if (objDisk != null)
                    // disk found
                    // run DiskPart
                    string diskPartResult = RunDiskPart(serverName, String.Format(@"select disk {0}
attributes disk clear readonly
online disk
exit", Convert.ToInt32(objDisk["Index"])));

                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("DiskPart Result: " + diskPartResult);
                // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with VDS ***
                // clear Read-Only
                if ((advancedDisk.Flags & DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == DiskFlags.ReadOnly)
                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag");
                    while ((advancedDisk.Flags & DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == DiskFlags.ReadOnly)

                // bring disk ONLINE
                if (advancedDisk.Status == DiskStatus.Offline)
                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Bringing disk online");
                    while (advancedDisk.Status == DiskStatus.Offline)

            // small pause after getting disk online

            // get disk again
            FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            // find volumes using VDS
            List<string> volumes = new List<string>();
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Querying disk volumes with VDS");
            foreach (Volume volume in diskPack.Volumes)
                string letter = volume.DriveLetter.ToString();
                if (letter != "")

            // find volumes using WMI
            if (volumes.Count == 0 && objDisk != null)
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Querying disk volumes with WMI");
                foreach (ManagementObject objPartition in objDisk.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition"))
                    foreach (ManagementObject objVolume in objPartition.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk"))

            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Volumes found: " + volumes.Count);

            // Set volumes
            diskInfo.DiskVolumes = volumes.ToArray();

            return diskInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static MountedDiskInfo GetMountedDiskInfo(string serverName, int driveNumber)
            MountedDiskInfo diskInfo = new MountedDiskInfo {
                DiskNumber = driveNumber

            // find mounted disk using VDS
            AdvancedDisk advancedDisk = null;
            Pack         diskPack     = null;

            // first attempt
            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - first attempt");
            FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            // second attempt
            if (advancedDisk == null)
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Trying to find mounted disk - second attempt");
                FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            if (advancedDisk == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find mounted disk");

            // Set disk address
            diskInfo.DiskAddress = advancedDisk.DiskAddress;
            var addressParts = diskInfo.DiskAddress.ParseExact("Port{0}Path{1}Target{2}Lun{3}");
            var portNumber   = addressParts[0];
            var targetId     = addressParts[2];
            var lun          = addressParts[3];

            // check if DiskPart must be used to bring disk online and clear read-only flag
            bool useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = false;

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG] != null)
                useDiskPartToClearReadOnly = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.CONFIG_USE_DISKPART_TO_CLEAR_READONLY_FLAG]);

            // determine disk index for DiskPart
            Wmi cimv2 = new Wmi(serverName, Constants.WMI_CIMV2_NAMESPACE);
            ManagementObject objDisk = cimv2.GetWmiObject("win32_diskdrive",
                                                          "Model='Msft Virtual Disk SCSI Disk Device' and ScsiTargetID={0} and ScsiLogicalUnit={1} and scsiPort={2}",
                                                          targetId, lun, portNumber);

            if (useDiskPartToClearReadOnly)
                // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with DiskPart ***
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag and bringing disk online");

                if (objDisk != null)
                    // disk found
                    // run DiskPart
                    string diskPartResult = RunDiskPart(serverName, String.Format(@"select disk {0}
attributes disk clear readonly
online disk
exit", Convert.ToInt32(objDisk["Index"])));

                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("DiskPart Result: " + diskPartResult);
                // *** Clear Read-Only and bring disk online with VDS ***
                // clear Read-Only
                if ((advancedDisk.Flags & DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == DiskFlags.ReadOnly)
                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Clearing disk Read-only flag");
                    while ((advancedDisk.Flags & DiskFlags.ReadOnly) == DiskFlags.ReadOnly)

                // bring disk ONLINE
                if (advancedDisk.Status == DiskStatus.Offline)
                    HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Bringing disk online");
                    while (advancedDisk.Status == DiskStatus.Offline)

            // small pause after getting disk online

            // get disk again
            FindVdsDisk(serverName, diskInfo.DiskNumber, out advancedDisk, out diskPack);

            // find volumes using VDS
            List <string> volumes = new List <string>();

            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Querying disk volumes with VDS");
            foreach (Volume volume in diskPack.Volumes)
                string letter = volume.DriveLetter.ToString();
                if (letter != "")

            // find volumes using WMI
            if (volumes.Count == 0 && objDisk != null)
                HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Querying disk volumes with WMI");
                foreach (ManagementObject objPartition in objDisk.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition"))
                    foreach (ManagementObject objVolume in objPartition.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk"))

            HostedSolutionLog.LogInfo("Volumes found: " + volumes.Count);

            // Set volumes
            diskInfo.DiskVolumes = volumes.ToArray();
