Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified typed WebSocket service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="servicePath">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that contains an absolute path to the WebSocket service.
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        /// The type of the WebSocket service. The T must inherit the <see cref="WebSocketService"/> class.
        /// </typeparam>
        public void AddWebSocketService <T> (string servicePath)
            where T : WebSocketService, new ()
            string msg;

            if (!servicePath.IsValidAbsolutePath(out msg))


            var host = new WebSocketServiceHost <T> (Log);

            host.Uri = BaseUri.IsAbsoluteUri
               ? new Uri(BaseUri, servicePath)
               : servicePath.ToUri();

            if (!KeepClean)
                host.KeepClean = false;

            _serviceHosts.Add(servicePath, host);
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            path = path.TrimSlashFromEnd();

            lock (_sync)
                return(_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host));
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            bool ret = false;

            host = null;
            lock (_sync)
                path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
                if (_hosts.Any(s => path.StartsWith(s.Key)))
                    host = _hosts.First(s => path.StartsWith(s.Key)).Value;
                if (host != null)
                    ret = true;
                //ret = _hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host);

            if (!ret)
                    "A WebSocket service with the specified path isn't found:\n  path: " + path);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal void Add <TBehavior>(string path, Func <TBehavior> initializer)
            where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();

            WebSocketServiceHost host;

            if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host))

            host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior>(path, _fragmentSize, initializer);
            if (!_clean)
                host.KeepClean = false;

            host.WaitTime = _waitTime;

            if (_state == ServerState.Start)

            if (!_hosts.TryAdd(path, host))
                throw new Exception("Failed to add host");
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified typed WebSocket service with the specified
        /// <paramref name="servicePath"/> and <paramref name="serviceConstructor"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <para>
        ///   This method converts <paramref name="servicePath"/> to URL-decoded
        ///   string and removes <c>'/'</c> from tail end of
        ///   <paramref name="servicePath"/>.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="serviceConstructor"/> returns a initialized specified
        ///   typed WebSocket service instance.
        ///   </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="servicePath">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the WebSocket
        /// service.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceConstructor">
        /// A Func&lt;T&gt; delegate that references the method used to initialize
        /// a new WebSocket service instance (a new WebSocket session).
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        /// The type of the WebSocket service. The T must inherit the
        /// <see cref="WebSocketService"/> class.
        /// </typeparam>
        public void AddWebSocketService <T> (
            string servicePath, Func <T> serviceConstructor)
            where T : WebSocketService
            var msg = servicePath.CheckIfValidServicePath() ??
                      (serviceConstructor == null
                 ? "'serviceConstructor' must not be null."
                 : null);

            if (msg != null)
                    String.Format("{0}\nservice path: {1}", msg, servicePath ?? ""));


            var host = new WebSocketServiceHost <T> (
                servicePath, serviceConstructor, _logger);

            if (!KeepClean)
                host.KeepClean = false;

            _serviceHosts.Add(host.ServicePath, host);
        internal void Add <TBehavior> (string path, Func <TBehavior> initializer, object callerContext)
            where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
            lock (_sync) {
                path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();

                WebSocketServiceHost host;
                if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host))
                        "A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists:\n  path: " + path);


                host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior> (path, initializer, _logger);
                host.CallerContext = callerContext;
                if (!_clean)
                    host.KeepClean = false;

                if (_waitTime != host.WaitTime)
                    host.WaitTime = _waitTime;

                if (_state == ServerState.Start)

                _hosts.Add(path, host);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the host instance for a WebSocket service with
        /// the specified <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <paramref name="path"/> is converted to a URL-decoded string and
        /// / is trimmed from the end of the converted string if any.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the service is successfully found;
        /// otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents an absolute path to
        /// the service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        ///   <para>
        ///   When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/>
        ///   instance or <see langword="null"/> if not found.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   That host instance provides the function to access
        ///   the information in the service.
        ///   </para>
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="path"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> is empty.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   -or-
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> is not an absolute path.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   -or-
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> includes either or both
        ///   query and fragment components.
        ///   </para>
        /// </exception>
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

            if (path.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("An empty string.", "path");

            if (path[0] != '/')
                throw new ArgumentException("Not an absolute path.", "path");

            if (path.IndexOfAny(new[] { '?', '#' }) > -1)
                var msg = "It includes either or both query and fragment components.";
                throw new ArgumentException(msg, "path");

            return(InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host));
        internal void Add <TBehavior> (string path, Func <TBehavior> creator)
            where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimSlashFromEnd();

            lock (_sync) {
                WebSocketServiceHost host;
                if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Already in use.", "path");

                host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior> (
                    path, creator, null, _log

                if (!_clean)
                    host.KeepClean = false;

                if (_waitTime != host.WaitTime)
                    host.WaitTime = _waitTime;

                if (_state == ServerState.Start)

                _hosts.Add(path, host);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal void Add <TBehavior>(string path, Func <TBehavior> initializer) where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
     lock (this._sync)
         WebSocketServiceHost host;
         path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
         if (this._hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host))
             this._logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists:\n  path: " + path);
             host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior>(path, initializer, this._logger);
             if (!this._clean)
                 host.KeepClean = false;
             if (this._waitTime != host.WaitTime)
                 host.WaitTime = this._waitTime;
             if (this._state == 1)
             this._hosts.Add(path, host);
 internal void Add <TBehavior>(string path, Func <TBehavior> initializer) where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
     lock (_sync)
         path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
         if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out var value))
             _logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + path);
         value = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior>(path, initializer, _logger);
         if (!_clean)
             value.KeepClean = false;
         if (_waitTime != value.WaitTime)
             value.WaitTime = _waitTime;
         if (_state == ServerState.Start)
         _hosts.Add(path, value);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LogDebug.debug = true;
            _SQL.Init("localhost", "root", "13456", "dbbase", 3306);
            var wssv = new WebSocketServiceHost<Serverb>("ws://");

            wssv.OnError += (sender, e) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("[WS] error", "WS: Error: " + e.Message, "notification-message-im");


            Console.WriteLine("WebSocket Server listening on port: {0}", wssv.Port);
            while (true)

                string _comm = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (_comm)
                    case "count":
                        Console.WriteLine("Users Online: {0}",Users.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a WebSocket service with the specified behavior, path,
        /// and delegate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">
        ///   <para>
        ///   A <see cref="string"/> that represents an absolute path to
        ///   the service to add.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   / is trimmed from the end of the string if present.
        ///   </para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="initializer">
        ///   <para>
        ///   An <c>Action&lt;TBehavior&gt;</c> delegate or
        ///   <see langword="null"/> if not needed.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   The delegate invokes the method called when initializing
        ///   a new session instance for the service.
        ///   </para>
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="TBehavior">
        ///   <para>
        ///   The type of the behavior for the service.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   It must inherit the <see cref="WebSocketBehavior"/> class.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   And also, it must have a public parameterless constructor.
        ///   </para>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="path"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> is empty.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   -or-
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> is not an absolute path.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   -or-
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> includes either or both
        ///   query and fragment components.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   -or-
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="path"/> is already in use.
        ///   </para>
        /// </exception>
        public void AddService <TBehavior>(
            string path, Action <TBehavior> initializer
            where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior, new()
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

            if (path.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("An empty string.", "path");

            if (path[0] != '/')
                throw new ArgumentException("Not an absolute path.", "path");

            if (path.IndexOfAny(new[] { '?', '#' }) > -1)
                var msg = "It includes either or both query and fragment components.";
                throw new ArgumentException(msg, "path");

            path = path.TrimSlashFromEnd();

            lock (_sync)
                WebSocketServiceHost host;
                if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Already in use.", "path");

                host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior>(
                    path, () => new TBehavior(), initializer, _log

                if (!_clean)
                    host.KeepClean = false;

                if (_waitTime != host.WaitTime)
                    host.WaitTime = _waitTime;

                if (_state == ServerState.Start)

                _hosts.Add(path, host);
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host, bool logError)
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();

            lock (_sync)
                return(_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host));
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(
            string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimSlashFromEnd();

            lock (_sync)
                return(_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host));
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            string text = _state.CheckIfStart() ?? path.CheckIfValidServicePath();

            if (text != null)
                host = null;
            return(InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the WebSocket service host with the specified <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the service is successfully found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        /// When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/> instance that provides
        /// the access to the information in the service, or <see langword="null"/> if it's not found.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized.
        /// </param>
        private bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            var msg = _state.CheckIfStart() ?? path.CheckIfValidServicePath();

            if (msg != null)
                host = null;


            return(InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a WebSocket service host with the specified <paramref name="servicePath"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the service is successfully found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="servicePath">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that contains an absolute path to the service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceHost">
        /// When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/> instance that represents
        /// the service host if the service is successfully found; otherwise, <see langword="null"/>.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized.
        /// </param>
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string servicePath, out WebSocketServiceHost serviceHost)
            var msg = _state.CheckIfStarted() ?? servicePath.CheckIfValidServicePath();

            if (msg != null)
                serviceHost = null;


            return(TryGetServiceHostInternally(servicePath, out serviceHost));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the WebSocket service host with the specified <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the service is successfully found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        /// When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/> instance that
        /// provides the access to the information in the service, or <see langword="null"/>
        /// if it's not found. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
        /// </param>
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            var msg = _state.CheckIfAvailable(false, true, false) ?? path.CheckIfValidServicePath();

            if (msg != null)
                host = null;


            return(InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host));
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            bool flag;

            lock (_sync)
                path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
                flag = _hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host);
            if (!flag)
                _logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path isn't found.\npath: " + path);
        internal bool TryGetServiceHostInternally(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
            object sync = this._sync;
            bool   flag;

            lock (sync)
                flag = this._hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host);
            if (!flag)
                this._logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path not found.\npath: " + path);
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            bool   flag;
            string str = ((ServerState)this._state).CheckIfAvailable(false, true, false) ?? path.CheckIfValidServicePath();

            if (str == null)
                flag = this.InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host);
                host = null;
                flag = false;
        internal bool TryGetServiceHostInternally(string servicePath, out WebSocketServiceHost serviceHost)
            servicePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(servicePath).TrimEndSlash();
            bool result;

            lock (_sync)
                result = _serviceHosts.TryGetValue(servicePath, out serviceHost);

            if (!result)
                _logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path not found.\npath: " + servicePath);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void AddWebSocketService <T>(string path, Func <T> constructor) where T : WebSocketService
            string text = path.CheckIfValidServicePath() ?? ((constructor != null) ? null : "'constructor' must not be null.");

            if (text != null)
                this._logger.Error(string.Format("{0}\nservice path: {1}", text, path));
            WebSocketServiceHost <T> webSocketServiceHost = new WebSocketServiceHost <T>(path, constructor, this._logger);

            if (!this.KeepClean)
                webSocketServiceHost.KeepClean = false;
            this._services.Add(webSocketServiceHost.Path, webSocketServiceHost);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        internal void Add(string servicePath, WebSocketServiceHost serviceHost)
            lock (_sync) {
                WebSocketServiceHost host;
                if (_serviceHosts.TryGetValue(servicePath, out host))
                        "A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + servicePath);

                if (_state == ServerState.START)

                _serviceHosts.Add(servicePath, serviceHost);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        internal void Add(string path, WebSocketServiceHost host)
            lock (_sync) {
                WebSocketServiceHost find;
                if (_hosts.TryGetValue(path, out find))
                        "A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + path);


                if (_state == ServerState.Start)

                _hosts.Add(path, host);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void AddService <T>(string absPath)
            where T : WebSocketService, new()
            string msg;

            if (!Ext.IsValidAbsolutePath(absPath, out msg))

            var svcHost = new WebSocketServiceHost <T>();

            svcHost.Uri = Ext.ToUri(absPath);
            if (!Sweeped)
                svcHost.Sweeped = Sweeped;

            _services.Add(absPath, svcHost);
        internal void Add(string path, WebSocketServiceHost host)
            object sync = this._sync;

            lock (sync)
                WebSocketServiceHost webSocketServiceHost;
                if (this._hosts.TryGetValue(path, out webSocketServiceHost))
                    this._logger.Error("A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + path);
                    if (this._state == ServerState.Start)
                    this._hosts.Add(path, host);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified type WebSocket service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="absPath">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that contains an absolute path associated with the WebSocket service.
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        /// The type of the WebSocket service. The T must inherit the <see cref="WebSocketService"/> class.
        /// </typeparam>
        public void AddWebSocketService <T>(string absPath)
            where T : WebSocketService, new()
            string msg;

            if (!absPath.IsValidAbsolutePath(out msg))

            var svcHost = new WebSocketServiceHost <T>();

            svcHost.Uri = absPath.ToUri();
            if (!Sweeping)
                svcHost.Sweeping = false;

            _svcHosts.Add(absPath, svcHost);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the WebSocket service host with the specified <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the service is successfully found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        /// When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/>
        /// instance that provides the access to the information in
        /// the service or <see langword="null"/> if it is not found.
        /// </param>
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            host = null;

            if (path == null || path.Length == 0)

            if (path[0] != '/')

            if (path.IndexOfAny(new[] { '?', '#' }) > -1)

            return(InternalTryGetServiceHost(path, out host, true));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a WebSocket service with the specified behavior, <paramref name="path"/>,
        /// and <paramref name="initializer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <para>
        ///   This method converts <paramref name="path"/> to URL-decoded string,
        ///   and removes <c>'/'</c> from tail end of <paramref name="path"/>.
        ///   </para>
        ///   <para>
        ///   <paramref name="initializer"/> returns an initialized specified typed
        ///   <see cref="WebSocketBehavior"/> instance.
        ///   </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the service to add.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="initializer">
        /// A Func&lt;T&gt; delegate that references the method used to initialize a new specified
        /// typed <see cref="WebSocketBehavior"/> instance (a new <see cref="IWebSocketSession"/>
        /// instance).
        /// </param>
        /// <typeparam name="TBehavior">
        /// The type of the behavior of the service to add. The TBehavior must inherit
        /// the <see cref="WebSocketBehavior"/> class.
        /// </typeparam>
        public void AddWebSocketService <TBehavior> (string path, Func <TBehavior> initializer)
            where TBehavior : WebSocketBehavior
            var msg = path.CheckIfValidServicePath() ??
                      (initializer == null ? "'initializer' is null." : null);

            if (msg != null)
                _logger.Error(String.Format("{0}\nservice path: {1}", msg, path));

            var host = new WebSocketServiceHost <TBehavior> (path, initializer, _logger);

            if (!KeepClean)
                host.KeepClean = false;

            _services.Add(host.Path, host);
        internal bool InternalTryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            bool   flag;
            object obj = this._sync;

                path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path).TrimEndSlash();
                flag = this._hosts.TryGetValue(path, out host);
            if (!flag)
                this._logger.Error(string.Concat("A WebSocket service with the specified path isn't found:\n  path: ", path));
        internal bool TryGetServiceHostInternally(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (path).TrimEndSlash ();

              bool result;
              lock (_sync) {
            result = _hosts.TryGetValue (path, out host);

              if (!result)
            _logger.Error ("A WebSocket service with the specified path not found.\npath: " + path);

              return result;
        internal void Add(string servicePath, WebSocketServiceHost serviceHost)
            lock (_sync) {
            WebSocketServiceHost host;
            if (_serviceHosts.TryGetValue (servicePath, out host)) {
              _logger.Error (
            "A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + servicePath);

            if (_state == ServerState.START)
              serviceHost.Sessions.Start ();

            _serviceHosts.Add (servicePath, serviceHost);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PATH = Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString();
            Inix ini = null;

            #region Load Settings
                if (File.Exists(PATH + @"\Settings\Settings.ini"))
                    ini = new Inix(PATH + @"\Settings\Settings.ini");
                    LSPort = ini.GetValue("Server", "port", 9002).ToString();
                    LSIP   = ini.GetValue("Server", "ip", "localhost").ToString();

                    MIp   = ini.GetValue("MySql", "ip", "localhost").ToString();
                    MUser = ini.GetValue("MySql", "user", "root").ToString();
                    MPass = ini.GetValue("MySql", "pass", "").ToString();
                    MDb   = ini.GetValue("MySql", "db", "db_clone").ToString();
                    MPort = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("MySql", "port", 3306));

                    debug = Convert.ToBoolean(ini.GetValue("Console", "debug", false));

                    ini = null;
                    LogConsole.Show(LogType.INFO, "Has loaded your ip settings successfully");
                    LogConsole.Show(LogType.ALERT, "Settings.ini could not be found, using default setting");
            catch (Exception excc)
                LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, " {0}", excc.ToString());

            _SQL.Init(MIp, MUser, MPass, MDb, MPort);


            WSurl = WSurl + LSIP + ":" + LSPort;

            var wssv = new WebSocketServiceHost<Serverb>(WSurl);
            wssv.OnError += (sender, e) =>
                    LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, "[WS]: Error {0} ", e.Message);

            LogConsole.Show(LogType.ALERT, "Server Listening on port: {0}", wssv.Port);

            _LoopThrreading = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.LoopConsole));
            _LoopThrreading.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;

            while (true)

                string _comm = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (_comm)
                    case "online":
                        LogConsole.Show(LogType.INFO, "Users Online: {0}", Users.Count());
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the information in a WebSocket service with the specified
        /// <paramref name="path"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the WebSocket service is successfully found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// A <see cref="string"/> that represents the absolute path to the WebSocket service to find.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        /// When this method returns, a <see cref="WebSocketServiceHost"/> instance that
        /// provides the access to the WebSocket service if it's successfully found;
        /// otherwise, <see langword="null"/>. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
        /// </param>
        public bool TryGetServiceHost(string path, out WebSocketServiceHost host)
            var msg = _state.CheckIfStart () ?? path.CheckIfValidServicePath ();
              if (msg != null) {
            _logger.Error (msg);
            host = null;

            return false;

              return TryGetServiceHostInternally (path, out host);
        internal void Add(string path, WebSocketServiceHost host)
            lock (_sync) {
            WebSocketServiceHost find;
            if (_hosts.TryGetValue (path, out find)) {
              _logger.Error (
            "A WebSocket service with the specified path already exists.\npath: " + path);


            if (_state == ServerState.Start)
              host.Sessions.Start ();

            _hosts.Add (path, host);