Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected string WBXMBH   = ""; //外包项目编号

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        WebServices.Services Resource = new WebServices.Services();
        UserID = CurrentUser.ID;
        if (Request["RecID"] != null && Request["RecID"].ToString() != "")
            RecID = Request["RecID"].ToString();
            DataTable dt = Resource.GetDataListByResID(ResID, "", " and ID=" + RecID, UserID).Tables[0];
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                LCBH    = dt.Rows[0]["流程编号"].ToString();    //流程编号
                SQRQ    = dt.Rows[0]["申请日期"].ToString();    //申请日期
                SQR     = dt.Rows[0]["申请人"].ToString();     //申请人
                CGJEHJ  = dt.Rows[0]["采购金额合计"].ToString();  //采购金额合计
                QKSY    = dt.Rows[0]["请款事由"].ToString();    //请款事由
                QKJE    = dt.Rows[0]["请款金额"].ToString();    //请款金额
                TD      = dt.Rows[0]["退单"].ToString();      //退单
                SFYHK   = dt.Rows[0]["是否已汇款"].ToString();   //是否已汇款
                SFYZWBX = dt.Rows[0]["是否已转为报销"].ToString(); //是否已转为报销
                GLBXDBH = dt.Rows[0]["关联报销单编号"].ToString(); //关联报销单编号
                BXKMDM  = dt.Rows[0]["报销科目代码"].ToString();  //报销科目代码
                BXKMMC  = dt.Rows[0]["报销科目名称"].ToString();  //报销科目名称
                WBXMBH  = dt.Rows[0]["外包项目编号"].ToString();  //外包项目编号
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UserID   = CurrentUser.ID;
        UserName = CurrentUser.Name;

        if (Request["RecID"] != null)
            RecID = Request["RecID"].ToString();
        if (Request["keyWordValue"] != null)
            keyWordValue = Request["keyWordValue"].ToString();
        if (Request["SearchType"] != null)
            SearchType = Request["SearchType"].ToString();
        if (Request["转移联单编号"] != null)
            FormNumber = Request["转移联单编号"].ToString();
        WebServices.Services Resource = new WebServices.Services();
        DataTable            dt       = Resource.GetDataListByResID("564794299148", "", "AND 联单编号='" + FormNumber + "'", UserID).Tables[0];

        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            ProduceUnit = dt.Rows[0]["废物产生单位"].ToString();
            WasteName   = dt.Rows[0]["废物名称"].ToString();
            WasteCode   = dt.Rows[0]["废物代码"].ToString();
            Position    = dt.Rows[0]["存放位置"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// 根据资源ID,获取资源配置信息
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ResID"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SysSettings GetSysSettingsByResID(string ResID)
        SysSettings Sys = null;

        WebServices.Services Resource = new WebServices.Services();
        // string sql = "select top(1) * from SysSettings where [Value]='" + ResID + "' ";
        // DataSet ds = Resource.SelectData(sql);
        UserInfo user = CommonGetInfo.GetUser();
        DataSet  ds   = Resource.GetDataListByResID("437496952875", "", CommonMethod.FilterSql(" and 值='" + ResID + "'"), user.ID);

        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Sys              = new SysSettings();
                Sys.ShowTitle    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["显示Title"].ToString();
                Sys.ENTableName  = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["参数关键字"].ToString();
                Sys.KeyWordValue = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["参数关键字"].ToString();
                Sys.ResID        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["值"].ToString();

                Sys.AlignColStr    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["左对齐显示字段"].ToString();
                Sys.AddUrl         = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["添加地址"].ToString();
                Sys.EidtUrl        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["编辑地址"].ToString();
                Sys.AccessoryCol   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["附件字段"].ToString();
                Sys.FJGLJD         = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["附件主子表关联字段"].ToString();
                Sys.AccessoryResID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["附件ResID"].ToString();
                Sys.SettingsNum    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["列表配置号"].ToString();
                Sys.LBLX           = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["列表类型"].ToString();
                Sys.DialogWidth    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["弹出层宽度"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["弹出层宽度"]);
                Sys.DialogHeight   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["弹出层高度"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["弹出层高度"]);

                Sys.DefaultOrder   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["默认排序"].ToString();
                Sys.SortBy         = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["排序类型"].ToString();
                Sys.TableName      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["数据表名称"].ToString();
                Sys.FilterCondtion = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["数据筛选条件"].ToString();

                DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                Sys.IsCheckBox   = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "是否显示复选框");
                Sys.IsAdd        = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "启用添加");
                Sys.IsUpdate     = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "启用修改");
                Sys.IsDelete     = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "启用删除");
                Sys.IsExp        = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "启用导出");
                Sys.IsStartWidth = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "启用字段宽度设置");
                Sys.IsOrder      = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "是否支持排序");
                Sys.IsRowRight   = NetReusables.DbField.GetBool(ref dr, "是否启用行过滤");
                Sys.URLTarget    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["页面打开方式"].ToString();
                Sys.FootStr      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["统计字段"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// 获取资源ID
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="KeyWord"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string GetResIDByENKekWord(string KeyWord)
        WebServices.Services Resource = new WebServices.Services();
        //string sql = "select [Value] from SysSettings where ENKeyWord='" + KeyWord + "'";
        //DataSet ds = Resource.SelectData(sql);
        UserInfo user = CommonGetInfo.GetUser();
        DataSet  ds   = Resource.GetDataListByResID("437496952875", "", CommonMethod.FilterSql(" and 参数关键字='" + KeyWord + "'"), user.ID);

        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected string QKJE     = ""; //请款金额
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UserID = CurrentUser.ID;
     WebServices.Services Resource = new WebServices.Services();
         if (Request["RecID"] != null && Request["RecID"].ToString() != "")
             RecID = Request["RecID"].ToString();
             DataTable dt = Resource.GetDataListByResID(ResID, "", " and ID=" + RecID, UserID).Tables[0];
             if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                 BXDBH    = dt.Rows[0]["报销单编号"].ToString();    //报销单编号
                 RQ       = dt.Rows[0]["日期"].ToString();       //日期
                 BXR      = dt.Rows[0]["报销人"].ToString();      //报销人
                 BXNR     = dt.Rows[0]["报销内容"].ToString();     //报销内容
                 BXSM     = dt.Rows[0]["报销说明"].ToString();     //报销说明
                 BXJE     = dt.Rows[0]["报销金额"].ToString();     //报销金额
                 PZZS     = dt.Rows[0]["凭证张数"].ToString();     //凭证张数
                 BXKMDM   = dt.Rows[0]["报销科目代码"].ToString();   //报销科目代码
                 BXKMMC   = dt.Rows[0]["报销科目名称"].ToString();   //报销科目名称
                 WBXMBH   = dt.Rows[0]["外包项目编号"].ToString();   //外包项目编号
                 BZ       = dt.Rows[0]["备注"].ToString();       //备注
                 SFYHK    = dt.Rows[0]["是否已汇款"].ToString();    //是否已汇款
                 PZSFYDCW = dt.Rows[0]["凭证是否已到财务"].ToString(); //凭证是否已到财务
                 SFYYQK   = dt.Rows[0]["是否已有请款"].ToString();   //是否已有请款
                 QKBH     = dt.Rows[0]["请款编号"].ToString();     //请款编号
                 QKJE     = dt.Rows[0]["请款金额"].ToString();     //请款金额
     catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        oEmployee = CurrentUser;
        UserID    = oEmployee.ID;
        UserName  = oEmployee.Name;
        string json      = "";
        string typeValue = Request["typeValue"];

        if (typeValue == "GetField")
            string keywordParameters = Request.QueryString["keyWordValue"];
            string MenuResID         = Request.QueryString["MenuResID"];
            bool   IsChildResource   = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["IsChildResource"]));
            json = CommonMethod.GetFieldJson(keywordParameters, MenuResID, oEmployee);//获取grid的Field里面的值
        if (typeValue == "GetfieldInfo")
            string ColTitle         = Request["ColName"];
            string ColField         = Request["ColField"];
            string ColWidth         = Request["ColWidth"];
            string OperatePageUrl   = Request["OperatePageUrl"];
            string OperateText      = Request["OperateText"];
            string OperateFunction  = Request["OperateFunction"];
            Int32  OperatePageWidth = 1000;
            if (Request["OperatePageWidth"] != null)
                OperatePageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Request["OperatePageWidth"]);
            Int32 OperatePageHeight = 800;
            if (Request["OperatePageHeight"] != null)
                OperatePageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Request["OperatePageHeight"]);

            bool IsOperateButton = true;
            if (Request["IsOperateButton"] != null)
                IsOperateButton = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(Request["IsOperateButton"]));
            json = CommonMethod.Getfield(ColTitle, ColField, ColWidth, OperatePageWidth, OperatePageHeight, IsOperateButton, OperatePageUrl, OperateFunction, OperateText);

        if (typeValue == "GetChildField")
            string keywordParameters = Request.QueryString["keyWordValue"];
            string ParentKeyWord     = Request.QueryString["ParentKeyWord"];
            string MenuResID         = Request.QueryString["MenuResID"];
            json = CommonMethod.GetFieldJson_ChildResource(keywordParameters, ParentKeyWord, MenuResID, oEmployee);//获取grid的Field里面的值
        if (typeValue == "GetSysSettings")
            string keyWordValue = Request.QueryString["keyWordValue"];
            json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Common.GetSysSettingsByENKey(keyWordValue));
            json = "[" + json + "]";
        if (typeValue == "GetData")
            string ResID     = Request["ResID"].ToString();
            string Condition = Request["Condition"].ToString();
            json = CommonMethod.GetDataJson(ResID, "ID", Condition, UserID);

        if (typeValue == "GetChildDataByParent")
            string ParentResID = Request["ParentResID"].ToString();
            string ParentRecID = Request["ParentRecID"].ToString();
            string ResID       = Request["ResID"].ToString();
            json = CommonMethod.GetDataJson(ParentResID, ResID, ParentRecID, "ID", UserID);

        if (typeValue == "GetDataOfPageByTableName")
            string      KeyWord = Request["keyWordValue"];
            SysSettings sys     = Common.GetSysSettingsByENKey(KeyWord);
            string      ResID   = Request["ResID"].ToString();

            int PageSize   = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : Convert.ToInt32(Request["rows"]);
            int PageNumber = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);

            string SortField = "";
            string SortBy    = "";
            if (Request["sort"] != null)
                SortField = Request["sort"].ToString();
            if (Request["order"] != null)
                SortBy = Request["order"].ToString();

            string Condition = Request["Condition"];
            string TableName = Request["TableName"];

            json = CommonMethod.GetDataJsonOfPageByTableName(KeyWord, ResID, PageNumber, PageSize, Condition, UserID);
        if (typeValue == "GetDataByTableName")
            string      KeyWord = Request["keyWordValue"];
            SysSettings sys     = Common.GetSysSettingsByENKey(KeyWord);
            string      ResID   = Request["ResID"].ToString();

            string SortField = "";
            string SortBy    = "";
            if (Request["sort"] != null)
                SortField = Request["sort"].ToString();
            if (Request["order"] != null)
                SortBy = Request["order"].ToString();
            string Condition = Request["Condition"];
            string TableName = Request["TableName"];
            json = CommonMethod.GetDataJsonByTableName(KeyWord, ResID, Condition, UserID);
        if (typeValue == "GetDataOfPage")
            string ResID = Request["ResID"].ToString();
            if (ResID == "")
                json = "{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[]}";
                string KeyWord    = Request["keyWordValue"];
                int    PageSize   = Request["rows"] == null?10: Convert.ToInt32(Request["rows"]);
                int    PageNumber = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
                string SortField  = "";
                string SortBy     = "";
                string Condition  = "";//条件
                if (Request["sort"] != null)
                    SortField = Request["sort"];
                if (Request["order"] != null)
                    SortBy = Request["order"];

                string where = Request["Condition"] == null ? "" : Request["Condition"];
                if (where.Trim() != "")
                    Condition += CommonMethod.GetResouceCondtion(KeyWord, where.Trim());
                if (Request["Authority"] != null && Request["Authority"] != "")
                    Condition += CommonMethod.GetFilterCondition(Server.UrlDecode(Request["Authority"]), oEmployee);
                if (ResID == "1300")
                    Condition += " and 登录帐号 not in ('admin','sysuser','security')";
                if (Request["FilterRules"] != null && Request["FilterRules"] != "")
                    Condition += " and " + Request["FilterRules"];

                if (Request["RelationCondtion"] != null && Request["RelationCondtion"] != "")
                    string str  = Request["RelationCondtion"];
                    string str1 = Request["RelationCondtion"].Substring(0, Request["RelationCondtion"].IndexOf("=") + 1);
                    string str2 = Request["RelationCondtion"].Substring(Request["RelationCondtion"].IndexOf("=") + 1);
                    if (str2.Trim().Length > 0)
                        //if (!CommonMethod.IsNum(str2.Trim()))//判断类型
                        //    Condition += " and " + Request["RelationCondtion"];
                        Condition += " and " + str1 + "'" + str2 + "'";
                string footName = Request["FootStr"];
                if (footName != null && footName != "")
                    json = CommonMethod.GetDataOfPageForFooter(KeyWord, ResID, PageNumber, PageSize, SortField, SortBy, Condition, UserID, footName);
                    json = CommonMethod.GetDataJsonOfPage(KeyWord, ResID, PageNumber, PageSize, SortField, SortBy, Condition, UserID);
        if (typeValue == "GetDataBySql")
            string Condition = Request["Condition"].ToString();
            int    PageSize  = 0;
            if (Request["rows"] != null)
                PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Request["rows"]);
            int PageNumber = 0;
            if (Request["rows"] != null)
                PageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
            string sqlData   = Request["sqlData"].ToString();
            string SortField = "";
            string SortBy    = "";
            if (Request["SortField"] != null)
                SortField = Request["SortField"].ToString();
            if (Request["SortBy"] != null)
                SortBy = Request["SortBy"].ToString();
            string sql     = "select * from (" + sqlData + ") as c  where 1=1 " + Condition;
            string OrderBy = "";//order  by
            if (SortField != "" && SortBy != "")
                OrderBy = " " + SortField + " " + SortBy;
            WebServices.Services services = new WebServices.Services();
            DataTable            dt       = null;
            string   dtCount        = "0";
            string[] changePassWord = Common.getChangePassWord();
            if (PageSize == 0 && PageNumber == 0)
                dt = services.Query(sql, changePassWord[0], changePassWord[1], changePassWord[2]).Tables[0];
                dt      = GetDataListPage(sql, PageNumber, PageSize, OrderBy).Tables[0];
                dtCount = services.Query(sql, changePassWord[0], changePassWord[1], changePassWord[2]).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();
            Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter();
            // //这里使用自定义日期格式,如果不使用的话,默认是ISO8601格式
            timeConverter.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd";
            string str = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, timeConverter);
            json = "{\"total\":" + dtCount + ",\"rows\":" + str + "}";

        if (typeValue == "GetOneRowByRecID")
            string RecID = Request["RecID"];
            string ResID = Request["ResID"];
            json = CommonMethod.GetOneRowByRecID(ResID, RecID);
        if (typeValue == "GetOneRowBySql")
            Services oServices = new Services();
            string   strSql    = Request["sql"];
            string   RecID     = Request["RecID"];
            if (strSql.ToLower().Contains("where"))
                strSql += " and ID=" + RecID;
                strSql += " where ID=" + RecID;
            string[] changePassWord = Common.getChangePassWord();
            json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oServices.SelectData(strSql, changePassWord[0], changePassWord[1], changePassWord[2]).Tables[0]);
        if (typeValue == "DeleteRow")
            json = DeleteRow();

        if (typeValue.Equals("saveExcelData"))
            string s1 = Request["conditionStr"] == null ? "" : Request["conditionStr"];
            string where = Request["Condition"] == null ? "" : Request["Condition"];
            string KeyWord = Request["KeyWord"] == null ? "" : Request["KeyWord"];
            if (where.Trim() != "")
                where = CommonMethod.GetResouceCondtion(KeyWord, where.Trim());
                s1   += where.Substring(4, where.Length - 4);
            //string s2 = Request["columnStr"];
            //if (Request["columnStr"] == null || Request["columnStr"] == "")
            //    json = "{\"success\": false,\"key\": \"0\"}";
            string     CookieKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            HttpCookie CookieCdn = new HttpCookie("cdn" + CookieKey);
            CookieCdn.Value   = s1;
            CookieCdn.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

            HttpCookie CookiecdnCol = new HttpCookie("col" + CookieKey);
            CookiecdnCol.Value   = "";
            CookiecdnCol.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

            json = "{\"success\": true,\"key\": \"" + CookieKey + "\"}";
        if (typeValue.Equals("Excel"))
            if (Request.QueryString["cookeId"] == null)

            string cookeId = Request.QueryString["cookeId"];
            //从Cookies中取出存储的参数 筛选条件、导出字段,然后在销毁Cookies
            string Condition = Request.Cookies["cdn" + cookeId].Value;
            string Column    = Request.Cookies["col" + cookeId].Value;

            Request.Cookies["col" + cookeId].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            Request.Cookies["cdn" + cookeId].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            Condition = Condition.Equals("") ? "" : " and " + Condition; //导出筛选条件
            Column    = Column.Equals("") ? "*" : Column;                //导出的列

            string fileName = Request.QueryString["ExcelfileName"] == null ? "数据" : Request.QueryString["ExcelfileName"];

            string resid   = Request.QueryString["resId"];
            string keyWord = Request.QueryString["KeyWord"];

            WebServices.Services services = new WebServices.Services();

            if (Request["Authority"] != null && Request["Authority"] != "")
                Condition += CommonMethod.GetFilterCondition(Server.UrlDecode(Request["Authority"]), oEmployee);
            DataTable dt    = services.GetDataListByResID(resid, "", Condition, UserID).Tables[0];
            DataTable newDt = new DataTable();
            DataTable colDt = services.GetDataListByResID("502816446274", " 排序号 asc", " and 参数关键字='" + keyWord + "'", UserID).Tables[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < colDt.Rows.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)

            // DataTable dt = services.GetDataColumnListByResID(resid, Column, "ID", Condition, UserID).Tables[0];

            Byte[] fileByte = new DoExcel().ExportExcel(newDt, fileName);
            Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileByte.Length.ToString());
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8));