public void OneTimeSetUp()

            Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways <TestPersistenceContext>());
            context          = new TestPersistenceContext();
            testEntityEqComp = new TestEntityEqualityComparer();
        public void Update_UpdatesEntities()
            TestEntity testEntityOne = new TestEntity {
                Name = "Test Entity One", Field1 = "not updated"
            TestEntity testEntityTwo = new TestEntity {
                Name = "Test Entity Two", Field1 = "not updated"


            testEntityOne.Field1 = "updated";
            testEntityTwo.Field1 = "updated";

            var repo = new DataRepositoryUsingTestPersistenceContext <TestEntity>();

            repo.Update(testEntityOne, testEntityTwo);

            // Get new test entities from new context to check values have been changed in database.
            // A given context will only ever have a single object reference for a given entity.
            using (var tempContext = new TestPersistenceContext())
                testEntityOne = tempContext.Entities.Single(e => e.Name == "Test Entity One");
                testEntityTwo = tempContext.Entities.Single(e => e.Name == "Test Entity Two");

            Assert.AreEqual("updated", testEntityOne.Field1);
            Assert.AreEqual("updated", testEntityTwo.Field1);