/// <summary>
        /// Submit Decision Click - When the user clicks the Submit button,
        /// this submits the descision of the user, approve or reject,
        /// to the application data store.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SubmitDecision_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //	Check if the user has access to the administer
            //	operation and then save application settings

            //	Get the client context from the session variables
            IAzClientContext3 AzClient = ExpenseCommon.GetAzClientContext();

            // Set BizRule Parameters
            IAzBizRuleParameters BizRuleParams = AzClient.BizRuleParameters;

            BizRuleParams.AddParameter("Amount", ExpenseData["Amount"]);
            BizRuleParams.AddParameter("Date", ExpenseData["Date"]);
            BizRuleParams.AddParameter("SubmitterName", (object)ExpenseData["User"]);
            BizRuleParams.AddParameter("UserName", ExpenseCommon.GetClientSamName());

            //	Run the access check on the submit operation
            //	Passing the audit text, scope, operations and business rule parameters
            uint result = AzClient.AccessCheck2("Approve Expense Report", "", ExpenseCommon.AzopApprove);

            //	Check for success of the access check
            bool bAuthorized = false;

            if (result == ExpenseCommon.NoError)
                bAuthorized = true;

            else if (result == ExpenseCommon.AccessDenied)
                string errorMessage = AzClient.GetBusinessRuleString();
                if (errorMessage != "")
                    Message.Text = "<font color=\"FF0000\">Access Denied." + errorMessage + "</font>";
                    Message.Text = "<font color=\"FF0000\">Access Denied.  You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.</font>";
                bAuthorized = false;
                //	Check for other error
                if (result != ExpenseCommon.NoError)
                    Win32Exception ex = new Win32Exception();
                    Message.Text = "<font color=\"FF0000\">There was an error performing the AccessCheck: " + ex.Message + "</font>";

            if (bAuthorized)
                //	Check for the user has added comments
                if (Comment.Text.Length > 0)
                    //	Attach the comment to the transaction
                    ExpenseData["Comment"] = string.Concat(ExpenseData["Comment"],
                                                           "<p><b>Approver Comment: </b></p>", Comment.Text);
                    ExpenseCommon.SaveTransaction(transID, ExpenseData);

                //	Check for the user approved or rejected the expense
                if (Decision.SelectedValue == "approve")
                    //	Approve the expense
                    //	Reject the expense

                //	Redirect the user to pending expenses list
                Response.Redirect("List.aspx", true);
                //	If the access check failed, display an error message to the user
                Message.Text = "Error Access Denied: " + AzClient.GetBusinessRuleString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit Decision Click - When the user clicks the Submit button,
        /// this submits the descision of the user, approve or reject,
        /// to the application data store.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SubmitDecision_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //	Get the client context from the session variables
            IAzClientContext AzClient = ExpenseCommon.GetAzClientContext();

            //	Check if the user has access to the administer
            //	operation and then save application settings

            //	Contains the scope of the access check request
            //	which is set to the application level (null)
            object[] scope = new Object[1];
            scope[0] = (object)"";

            //	Contains all the operations associated with
            //	changing the application settings
            //	In this case the approve operation
            object[] operations = new Object[1];
            operations[0] = ExpenseCommon.AzopApprove;

            //	Contains all the parameter names associated with
            //	approving an expense.  These are organized as
            //	name-value pairs and passed to the business rule
            //	if one is defined
            Object[] BRNames = new Object[3];
            BRNames[0] = (object)ExpenseCommon.ParamAmount;
            BRNames[1] = (object)ExpenseCommon.ParamDate;
            BRNames[2] = (object)ExpenseCommon.ParamUserName;

            //	Contains all the paramenter values associted with
            //	approving an expense.
            Object[] BRValues = new Object[3];
            BRValues[0] = (object)ExpenseData["Amount"];
            BRValues[1] = (object)ExpenseData["Date"];
            BRValues[2] = (object)ExpenseCommon.GetClientSamName();

            //	Run the access check on the administer operation
            //	Passing the audit text, scope, operations and business rule parameters
            object[] results = (object[])AzClient.AccessCheck("Approve Expense Report", (object)scope, (object)operations, BRNames, BRValues, null, null, null);

            //	Check for success of the access check
            bool bAuthorized = true;

            foreach (int iResCode in results)
                if (iResCode != ExpenseCommon.NoError)
                    bAuthorized = false;

            if (bAuthorized)
                //	Check for the user has added comments
                if (Comment.Text.Length > 0)
                    //	Attach the comment to the transaction
                    ExpenseData["Comment"] = string.Concat(ExpenseData["Comment"],
                                                           "<p><b>Approver Comment: </b></p>", Comment.Text);
                    ExpenseCommon.SaveTransaction(transID, ExpenseData);

                //	Check for the user approved or rejected the expense
                if (Decision.SelectedValue == "approve")
                    //	Approve the expense
                    //	Reject the expense

                //	Redirect the user to pending expenses list
                Response.Redirect("List.aspx", true);
                //	If the access check failed, display an error message to the user
                Message.Text = "Error Access Denied: " + AzClient.GetBusinessRuleString();