Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This entity is colliding into another. This entity is the one doing the colliding. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collidingEntity"></param>
        public void Collision(GameEntity collidingEntity)
            Vector collisionVector = new Vector(this.position.x - collidingEntity.GetPosition().x + this.speed.X,
                this.position.x - collidingEntity.GetPosition().x + this.speed.Y);

            string firingGuy = "";

            if(this.GetTypeName() == "Projectile")
                //the projectile should not hit the entity that fired it
                Projectile projEnt = this.As<Projectile>();
                if (collidingEntity == projEnt.GetFiringEntity())

                firingGuy = projEnt.GetFiringEntity().GetName();

            //perform custom collision events first
            if (this.collisionEvent != null)
            if (collidingEntity.collisionEvent != null)

            // Determine where the collision happens
            Point collisionPosition = new Point(0, 0);
            if (Math.Abs(this.speed.X) > Math.Abs(collidingEntity.speed.X))
                collisionPosition.x = (Math.Abs(collidingEntity.speed.X) / Math.Abs(this.speed.X))
                    * Math.Abs(this.position.x - collidingEntity.position.x);
                collisionPosition.x = (Math.Abs(this.speed.X) / Math.Abs(collidingEntity.speed.X))
                    * Math.Abs(collidingEntity.position.x - this.position.x);

            // If the colliding entity is neither above nor below, check X collision.
            if (!collidingEntity.GetArea().Above(this.GetArea()) && !collidingEntity.GetArea().Below(this.GetArea()))
                if ((this.position.x + this.speed.X > collidingEntity.position.x + collidingEntity.speed.X &&
                    this.position.x + this.speed.X < collidingEntity.position.x + collidingEntity.speed.X + collidingEntity.Width) ||
                    (this.position.x + this.speed.X < collidingEntity.position.x + collidingEntity.speed.X &&
                    this.position.x + this.speed.X + this.Width > collidingEntity.position.x + collidingEntity.speed.X))
                    //newSpeed.x = 0;
                    //colNewSpeed.x = 0;

            // If colliding entity is neither to the left nor the right, check Y collision
            if (!(collidingEntity.GetArea().Right < this.GetArea().Left)
                && !(collidingEntity.GetArea().Left > this.GetArea().Right))
                // If colliding from above...
                // "Minimum" speed is entity position minus colliding entity top.
                if (this.position.y + this.speed.Y < collidingEntity.position.y + collidingEntity.speed.Y &&
                    this.position.y + this.speed.Y + this.Height > collidingEntity.position.y + collidingEntity.speed.Y)
                    this.SetPosition(this.GetPosition().x, collidingEntity.GetArea().Top);

                // If colliding from below,
                // "Maximum" speed is colliding entity top minus entity bottom
                if (this.position.y + this.speed.Y > collidingEntity.position.y + collidingEntity.speed.Y &&
                    this.position.y + this.speed.Y < collidingEntity.position.y + collidingEntity.speed.Y + collidingEntity.Height)
                    this.SetPosition(this.GetPosition().x, collidingEntity.GetArea().Bottom - this.GetArea().height);

            // Collision means speed = 0;
            this.SetSpeed(new Vector(0, 0));
            collidingEntity.SetSpeed(new Vector(0, 0));

            // Colliding with a tile.
            if (collidingEntity.GetTypeName() == "Tile")
                // Debug.log(collisionVector.ToString());

            // Well, we don't need to deal damage from a terrain collider.
            if (this.GetTypeName() == "TerrainCollider")

            int damage = 10;

            //deal damage to the other entity
            if (collidingEntity.GetTypeName() == "LivingGameEntity")
                LivingGameEntity livingTarget = collidingEntity.As<LivingGameEntity>();
                Debug.log(this.GetName() + " " + this.GetId() + " at " + this.GetPosition().x + ", " + this.GetPosition().y +
                    " dealing " + damage + " damage to " + livingTarget.GetName() + " (" + livingTarget.GetId() + ") at " + livingTarget.GetPosition().x + ", " + livingTarget.GetPosition().y +
                    ". IsProjectile: " + isProj.ToString() + ", firingGuy is " + firingGuy + ", This type is " + this.GetType().Name.ToString());
                Debug.log("Damaging " + livingTarget.GetName() + " by " + damage);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //!Need to add better support for custom styles
        public void RenderGameEntity(GameEntity gent, View view)
            HtmlElement gentlement = null;
            if (elementsByGameObjectId.ContainsKey(gent.GetId()))
                gentlement = elementsByGameObjectId[gent.GetId()].As<HtmlElement>();

            //if it's not rendered, render it
            if (gentlement == null)
                gentlement = document.createElement("div").As<HtmlElement>();
                gentlement.id = gent.GetId();
                //later, we may want to add iterating through base types to get their type name and add it...
                this.AddClass(gentlement, "Entity");
                this.AddClass(gentlement, gent.GetType().Name);
                foreach (string style in gent.GetCustomStyles())
                    this.AddClass(gentlement, style);
                if (gent.GetSprite() != null && gent.GetSprite().ScaleToSize == true)
                    gentlement.style.backgroundSize = gent.GetSprite().Size.width + "px " + gent.GetSprite().Size.height + "px ";

                elementsByGameObjectId[gent.GetId()] = gentlement;

            if (gent.GetTypeName() == "Tile")
                Color tileCol = gent.As<Tile>().GetLightLevel();
                gentlement.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + tileCol.red + ", " + tileCol.green + ", " + tileCol.blue + ");";
                if (gent.GetSize().width != Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width || gent.GetSize().height != Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height)
                    gentlement.style.width = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width + "px";
                    gentlement.style.height = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height + "px";

                //reposition the element based on game position
                gentlement.style.left = (gent.GetPosition().x * Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width) + "px";
                gentlement.style.top = ((Stage.CurrentStage.Height - gent.GetPosition().y - gent.Height)
                    * Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height) + "px";
                gentlement.style.opacity = gent.GetOpacity().ToString();


            //if the entity doesn't have a sprite, we're done with all rendering for now
            if (gent.GetSprite() == null)
                gentlement.style.border = "1px dashed blue";

            //call the sprite's animate function
            //it will return the id of the frame that the sprite and its animation are currently on
            string frameId = gent.GetSprite().Animate();
            Debug.Watch("Animation count", gent.GetSprite().GetCurrentAnimation().animationCount.ToString(), true);

            //if that result is different from the value we have stored as this GameEntity's current display frame,
            if (frameId != gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame)
                //update this thing's CSS to the new frame
                //jQueryObject GameEntityDiv = jQuery.FromElement(GameEntityDiv);
                this.RemoveClass(gentlement, gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame);
                this.AddClass(gentlement, frameId);
                derp = gentlement.className;
                //and update our current frameid
                gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame = frameId;

                gentlement.style.width = gent.GetSprite().Size.width + "px";
                gentlement.style.height = gent.GetSprite().Size.height + "px";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Check whether an entity is physically in the stage.
        public bool Contains(GameEntity gent)
            // If it's not in the absolute bounds of the stage, it won't be within the more constricting bounds.
            if (!this.GetBounds().Contains(gent.GetPosition()))
                return false;

            // Should maybe check if it's closer to the top or bottom... ?

            // Check the more constricting bounds
            if (gent.GetPosition().y > MaxY(gent.GetPosition().x) ||
                gent.GetPosition().y < MinY(gent.GetPosition().x))
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void old_CheckEntityVisibility(GameEntity gent)
     if (gent.GetPosition().x >= this.x + (offsetX / stgAttached.GetTileSize().width)
         && gent.GetPosition().x <= this.x + ((offsetX + this.size.width) / stgAttached.GetTileSize().width)
         && gent.GetPosition().y >= this.x + (offsetY / stgAttached.GetTileSize().height)
         && gent.GetPosition().y <= this.x + ((offsetY + this.size.height) / stgAttached.GetTileSize().height))
         if (!visibleEntities.Contains(gent))
         if (visibleEntities.Contains(gent))