Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <Impm1_Enquiry> Get_Impm1_Enquiry_List(Impm request)
            List <Impm1_Enquiry> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS"))
                    string strSql = "Select IsNull(Impm1.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Impm1.ProductName,'') AS ProductName," +
                                    "IsNull(Impm1.GoodsReceiveorIssueNo,'') AS GoodsReceiveorIssueNo, IsNull(Impm1.RefNo,'') AS RefNo," +
                                    "IsNull(Impm1.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo, " +
                                    "(CASE Impm1.DimensionFlag When '1' THEN Impm1.BalancePackingQty When '2' THEN Impm1.BalanceWholeQty ELSE Impm1.BalanceLooseQty END) AS BalanceQty " +
                                    "From Impm1 Where ";
                    string strFilter = " (CASE Impm1.DimensionFlag When '1' THEN Impm1.BalancePackingQty When '2' THEN Impm1.BalanceWholeQty ELSE Impm1.BalanceLooseQty END) >0 ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ProductCode))
                        strFilter = strFilter + " AND ProductCode='" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.ProductCode) + "'";
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.WarehouseCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StoreNo))
                        strFilter = strFilter + " AND WarehouseCode='" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.WarehouseCode) + "' And StoreNo='" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.StoreNo) + "'";
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ProductTrxNo))
                        strFilter = strFilter + " AND ProductTrxNo = " + int.Parse(request.ProductTrxNo);
                    Result = db.Select <Impm1_Enquiry>(strSql + strFilter);
            catch { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public object Get_Impm1_Transfer_List(Impm request)
            List <Impm1_Transfer_Tree> ResultTrees = new List <Impm1_Transfer_Tree>();
            List <Impm1_Transfer>      Results     = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS"))
                    if ((request.WarehouseCode != null && request.WarehouseCode != "") && (request.StoreNo != null && request.StoreNo != ""))
                        string strSql = "Select Impm1.TrxNo, Impm1.BatchLineItemNo, IsNull(ProductCode,'') AS name, IsNull(ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode," +
                                        "IsNull(ProductName,'') AS ProductName, IsNull(GoodsReceiveorIssueNo,'') AS GoodsReceiveorIssueNo, IsNull(UserDefine1,'') AS UserDefine1," +
                                        "b.QtyBal, '' AS FromToStoreNo, 0 AS ScanQty , '' as TreeLineItemNo ,''objectTrxNo  " +
                                        "From Impm1 Join (Select (Select top 1 Imit1.StatusCode from imit1 Where imit1.GoodsTransferNoteNo = a.GoodsReceiveorIssueNo) AS ImitStatus, a.TrxNo, " +
                                        "(CASE a.DimensionFlag When '1' THEN a.BalancePackingQty When '2' THEN a.BalanceWholeQty ELSE a.BalanceLooseQty END) AS QtyBal From Impm1 a ) b on b.TrxNo = impm1.TrxNo " +
                                        "Where WarehouseCode='" + request.WarehouseCode + "' And ( impm1.TrxType =1 or impm1.TrxType =3) And StoreNo='" + request.StoreNo + "' And (b.ImitStatus = 'EXE' or ImitStatus is null) And b.QtyBal>0  ";
                        if (request.CustomerCode != null && request.CustomerCode != "")
                            strSql = strSql + " AND CustomerCode = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.CustomerCode);
                        strSql  = strSql + " order by impm1.ProductCode ";
                        Results = db.Select <Impm1_Transfer>(strSql);
                        for (int i = 0; i < Results.Count; i++)
                            string         BatchNo         = Results[i].name;
                            Impm1_Transfer impm1           = Results[i];
                            bool           blnExistBatchNo = false;
                            foreach (Impm1_Transfer_Tree ResultTree in ResultTrees)
                                if (ResultTree.name.Equals(BatchNo))
                                    blnExistBatchNo      = true;
                                    impm1.TreeLineItemNo = ResultTree.tree.Count;
                                    impm1.objectTrxNo    = ResultTree.tree[0].objectTrxNo;
                            if (!blnExistBatchNo)
                                Impm1_Transfer_Tree impm1_tree = new Impm1_Transfer_Tree();
                                impm1_tree.name      = BatchNo;
                                impm1_tree.tree      = new List <Impm1_Transfer>();
                                impm1.TreeLineItemNo = 0;
                                impm1.objectTrxNo    = ResultTrees.Count;
            catch { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <Impm1_UserDefine> Get_Impm1_List(Impm request)
            List <Impm1_UserDefine> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS"))
                    string strSql = "Select Top 10 Impm1.TrxNo, Impm1.UserDefine1 " +
                                    "From Impm1 " +
                                    "Where Impm1.UserDefine1 LIKE '" + request.UserDefine1 + "%' " +
                                    "Order By Impm1.TrxNo ASC";
                    Result = db.Select <Impm1_UserDefine>(strSql);
            catch { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <Impm1_UserDefine> Get_Impm1_List(Impm request)
            List <Impm1_UserDefine> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS"))
                    List <Impa1> impa1           = db.Select <Impa1>("Select * from Impa1");
                    string       strBarCodeFiled = impa1[0].BarCodeField;
                    string[]     strBarCodeList  = strBarCodeFiled.Split(',');
                    string       strSql          = "";
                    string       strSqlDetail    = "";
                    if (strBarCodeList.Length <= 1)
                        strSqlDetail = "Select Cast(" + strBarCodeFiled + " AS nvarchar(2000)) AS UserDefine1,TrxNo from Impr1 Where " + strBarCodeFiled + " = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.UserDefine1) + "'";
                        for (int i = 0; i < strBarCodeList.Length; i++)
                            string strSqlNew = "Select Cast(" + strBarCodeList[i] + " AS nvarchar(2000)) AS UserDefine1,TrxNo from Impr1 Where " + strBarCodeList[i] + " = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.UserDefine1) + "'";
                            if (strSqlDetail == "")
                                strSqlDetail = strSqlNew;
                                strSqlDetail = strSqlDetail + " union all " + strSqlNew;
                    if (strSqlDetail != "")
                        strSql = "Select Top 10 * From (" + strSqlDetail + ") a " +
                                 "Order By a.UserDefine1 ASC";
                        Result = db.Select <Impm1_UserDefine>(strSql);
            catch { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public List <Impm1_Putaway> Get_Impm1_Putaway_List(Impm request)
            List <Impm1_Putaway> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    string strSql = "Select Top 1 " +
                                    "Impm1.TrxNo, Impm1.TrxType, IsNull(Impm1.BatchNo,'') AS BatchNo, Impm1.BatchLineItemNo, Impm1.ProductTrxNo," +
                                    "IsNull(Impm1.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Impm1.ProductName,'') AS ProductDescription," +
                                    "IsNull(Impm1.SerialNo,'') AS SerialNo, IsNull(Impm1.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo," +
                                    "IsNull((Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Impm1.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Impm1.StoreNo),'') AS StagingAreaFlag," +
                                    "0 AS ScanQty " +
                                    "From Impm1 " +
                                    "Where (Impm1.TrxType='1' Or Impm1.TrxType='3') And Impm1.SerialNo='" + request.SerialNo + "'";
                    Result = db.Select <Impm1_Putaway>(strSql);
            catch { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public int Update_Impm1_StoreNo(Impm request)
            int Result    = -1;
            int ResultTwo = -1;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    string strSql = "Select Impm1.TrxNo, IsNUll(Impm1.BatchNo,'') AS BatchNo, IsNUll(Impm1.TrxType,'') AS TrxType, " +
                                    "(Select Top 1 TrxNo From Imgr1 Where GoodsReceiptNoteNo=Impm1.BatchNo) AS ImgrTrxNo, Impm1.BatchLineItemNo, " +
                                    "(Select Top 1 TrxNo From Imgi2 WHere Imgi2.ReceiptmovementTrxNo = Impm1.TrxNo) AS ImgiTrxNo," +
                                    "(Select Top 1 LineItemNo From Imgi2 Where Imgi2.ReceiptmovementTrxNo = Impm1.TrxNo) AS ImgiLineItemNo," +
                                    "(Select Top 1 GoodsIssueNoteNo From Imgi1 Left Join Imgi2 on Imgi1.TrxNo=Imgi2.TrxNo Where Imgi2.ReceiptmovementTrxNo = Impm1.TrxNo) AS ImgiGoodsIssueNoteNo " +
                                    "From Impm1 " +
                                    "Where Impm1.TrxNo=" + int.Parse(request.TrxNo);
                    List <Putaway_Update_ORM> impm1 = db.Select <Putaway_Update_ORM>(strSql);
                    if (impm1.Count > 0)
                        Result = db.Update <Impm1>(
                            StoreNo = request.StoreNo
                            p => p.TrxNo == int.Parse(request.TrxNo)
                        if (impm1[0].ImgrTrxNo > 0 && impm1[0].BatchLineItemNo > 0)
                            Result = db.Update <Imgr2>(
                                StoreNo = request.StoreNo
                                p => p.TrxNo == impm1[0].ImgrTrxNo && p.LineItemNo == impm1[0].BatchLineItemNo
                        if (impm1[0].ImgiTrxNo > 0 && impm1[0].ImgiLineItemNo > 0)
                            ResultTwo = db.Update <Imgi2>(
                                StoreNo = request.StoreNo
                                p => p.TrxNo == impm1[0].ImgiTrxNo && p.LineItemNo == impm1[0].ImgiLineItemNo
                            if (ResultTwo > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(impm1[0].ImgiGoodsIssueNoteNo))
                                Result = db.Update <Impm1>(
                                    StoreNo = request.StoreNo
                                    p => p.GoodsReceiveorIssueNo == impm1[0].ImgiGoodsIssueNoteNo && p.BatchLineItemNo == impm1[0].BatchLineItemNo && p.TrxType == "2"
            catch { throw; }