Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute parsing of a request 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestSocket">Socket bind to request for parsing</param>
        internal static HttpRequest Parse(Socket requestSocket)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_REQUEST_SIZE];
            // TODO : evaluate use Poll for receiving alla bytes

            int bytesRead = 0;
                //int bytesRead = requestSocket.Receive(buffer);
                bytesRead += requestSocket.Receive(buffer, bytesRead, BUFFER_REQUEST_SIZE - bytesRead, SocketFlags.None);
            } while (requestSocket.Available > 0);

            // TODO : evaluate elaboration on bytes and not get all string result
            string request = new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer));

            HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest();

            // split request lines on line feed
            string[] lines = request.Split(LF);

            int i = 0;
            // trim request line on carriage return
            lines[i] = lines[i].TrimEnd(CR);

            // process request line (method, url, protocol version)
            string[] requestLineTokens = lines[i].Split(REQUEST_LINE_SEPARATOR);
            // method
            httpRequest.HttpMethod = requestLineTokens[0];
            // url, find start of query string (if exists)
            int idxQueryString = requestLineTokens[1].IndexOf(QUERY_STRING_SEPARATOR);
            httpRequest.URL = (idxQueryString != -1) ?
                requestLineTokens[1].Substring(0, idxQueryString).Trim('/') : requestLineTokens[1].Trim('/');

            // protocol
            httpRequest.HttpProtocol = requestLineTokens[2];

            // parsing query string
            if (idxQueryString != -1)
                string queryString = requestLineTokens[1].Substring(idxQueryString + 1);
                if (queryString != String.Empty)
                    string[] queryStringParams = queryString.Split(QUERY_STRING_PARAMS_SEPARATOR);
                    foreach (string queryStringParam in queryStringParams)
                        string[] queryStringParamTokens = queryStringParam.Split(QUERY_STRING_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
                        string queryStringParamValue = null;
                        // if there is key-value pair
                        if (queryStringParamTokens.Length == 2)
                            queryStringParamValue = queryStringParamTokens[1];

                        httpRequest.QueryString.Add(queryStringParamTokens[0], HttpServerUtility.HtmlDecode(queryStringParamValue));

            // next line (header start)
            // trim end carriage return of each line
            lines[i] = lines[i].TrimEnd(CR);

            // headers end with empty string
            while (lines[i] != String.Empty)
                int separatorIndex = lines[i].IndexOf(HEADER_VALUE_SEPARATOR);

                if (separatorIndex != -1)
                    httpRequest.Headers.Add(lines[i].Substring(0, separatorIndex), lines[i].Substring(separatorIndex + 1).Trim());

                // trim end carriage return of each line
                lines[i] = lines[i].TrimEnd(CR);

            // next line (body start)

            // content length specified
            if (httpRequest.Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Length"))
                httpRequest.Body = lines[i].TrimEnd(CR).Substring(0, Convert.ToInt32(httpRequest.Headers["Content-Length"].ToString()));

            // fill form parameters collection
            if ((httpRequest.Headers["Content-Type"] != null) &&
                string[] formParams = httpRequest.Body.Split(FORM_PARAMS_SEPARATOR);
                foreach (string formParam in formParams)
                    string[] formParamTokens = formParam.Split(FORM_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
                    string formParamValue = null;
                    // if there is key-value pair
                    if (formParamTokens.Length == 2)
                        formParamValue = formParamTokens[1];

                    httpRequest.Form.Add(formParamTokens[0], HttpServerUtility.HtmlDecode(formParamValue));

            return httpRequest;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 internal HttpContext(HttpRequest request, HttpServerUtility server)
     this.Request = request;
     this.Response = new HttpResponse();
     this.Server = server;