Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ChannelPower(double emiRbw, ChannelSetting channelSetting, 
            LimitSetting limitSetting, WatsEmiData watsEmiData)
            foreach (WatsEmiSample sample in watsEmiData.mHSamples)
                mHPower += Math.Pow(10, sample.mRssi / 10);
            mHPower = mHPower / watsEmiData.mHSamples.Count;
            mHPower = 10 * Math.Log10(channelSetting.BandWidth * 1000 * mHPower / emiRbw);

            foreach (WatsEmiSample sample in watsEmiData.mHPairSamples)
                mHPairPower += Math.Pow(10, sample.mRssi / 10);
            mHPairPower = mHPairPower / watsEmiData.mHPairSamples.Count;
            mHPairPower = 10 * Math.Log10(channelSetting.Pair.BandWidth * 1000 * mHPairPower / emiRbw);

            foreach (WatsEmiSample sample in watsEmiData.mVSamples)
                mVPower += Math.Pow(10, sample.mRssi / 10);
            mVPower = mVPower / watsEmiData.mVSamples.Count;
            mVPower = 10 * Math.Log10(channelSetting.BandWidth * 1000 * mVPower / emiRbw);

            foreach (WatsEmiSample sample in watsEmiData.mVPairSamples)
                mVPairPower += Math.Pow(10, sample.mRssi / 10);
            mVPairPower = mVPairPower / watsEmiData.mVPairSamples.Count;
            mVPairPower = 10 * Math.Log10(channelSetting.Pair.BandWidth * 1000 * mVPairPower / emiRbw);

            if (limitSetting.UseDeltaPowerLimit
                && Utility.CalculateDeltaPower(watsEmiData.mHSamples) > Math.Abs(limitSetting.DeltaPowerLimit))
                mIsValidHPower = false;
            if (limitSetting.UseDeltaPowerLimit
                && Utility.CalculateDeltaPower(watsEmiData.mVSamples) > Math.Abs(limitSetting.DeltaPowerLimit))
                mIsValidVPower = false;
            if (limitSetting.UseDeltaPowerLimit
                && Utility.CalculateDeltaPower(watsEmiData.mHPairSamples) > Math.Abs(limitSetting.DeltaPowerLimit))
                mIsValidHPairPower = false;
            if (limitSetting.UseDeltaPowerLimit
                && Utility.CalculateDeltaPower(watsEmiData.mVPairSamples) > Math.Abs(limitSetting.DeltaPowerLimit))
                mIsValidVPairPower = false;

            if (mIsValidHPower && limitSetting.UseChannelPowerLimit && mHPower > limitSetting.ChannelPowerLimit)
                mIsValidHPower = false;
            if (mIsValidVPower && limitSetting.UseChannelPowerLimit && mVPower > limitSetting.ChannelPowerLimit)
                mIsValidVPower = false;
            if (mIsValidHPairPower && limitSetting.UseChannelPowerLimit && mHPairPower > limitSetting.ChannelPowerLimit)
                mIsValidHPairPower = false;
            if (mIsValidVPairPower && limitSetting.UseChannelPowerLimit && mVPairPower > limitSetting.ChannelPowerLimit)
                mIsValidVPairPower = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static List<ChannelSetting> ReadCsvFile(string channelSettingFile)
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?<No>[1-9]\d*),"
                + @"(?<ChName1>[^,]+),"
                + @"((?<CentFreq1>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<CentFreq1>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<BandWidth1>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<BandWidth1>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<StartFreq1>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<StartFreq1>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<EndFreq1>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<EndFreq1>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"(?<ODUSubBand1>[^,]+),"
                + @"(?<SP>[^,]*),"
                + @"(?<ChName2>[^,]+),"
                + @"((?<CentFreq2>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<CentFreq2>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<BandWidth2>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<BandWidth2>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<StartFreq2>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<StartFreq2>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"((?<EndFreq2>[1-9]\d*(\.\d*)?)" + "|\"(?<EndFreq2>[\\d,\\.]+)\"),"
                + @"(?<ODUSubBand2>[^,]+)");

            Match match;
            ChannelSetting channelSetting;
            List<ChannelSetting> settings = new List<ChannelSetting>();
            if (!File.Exists(channelSettingFile))
                return settings;

                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(channelSettingFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(channelSettingFile, Encoding.Default))
                        fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();
                        while (line != null)
                            match = regex.Match(line);
                            if (!match.Success)
                                line = sr.ReadLine();

                            channelSetting = new ChannelSetting();
                            channelSetting.ChannelName = match.Groups["ChName1"].Value;
                            channelSetting.CenterFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["CentFreq1"].Value);
                            channelSetting.BandWidth = double.Parse(match.Groups["BandWidth1"].Value);
                            channelSetting.StartFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["StartFreq1"].Value);
                            channelSetting.EndFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["EndFreq1"].Value);
                            channelSetting.ODUSubBand = match.Groups["ODUSubBand1"].Value;

                            //Check Frequency Setting
                            if (!Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting.StartFreq, channelSetting.CenterFreq - channelSetting.BandWidth / 2)
                                || !Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting.EndFreq, channelSetting.CenterFreq + channelSetting.BandWidth / 2))
                                throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                                    "Invalid Frequency Setting of channel '" + channelSetting.ChannelName);

                            channelSetting.Pair = new ChannelSetting();
                            channelSetting.Pair.ChannelName = match.Groups["ChName2"].Value;
                            channelSetting.Pair.CenterFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["CentFreq2"].Value);
                            channelSetting.Pair.BandWidth = double.Parse(match.Groups["BandWidth2"].Value);
                            channelSetting.Pair.StartFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["StartFreq2"].Value);
                            channelSetting.Pair.EndFreq = double.Parse(match.Groups["EndFreq2"].Value);
                            channelSetting.Pair.ODUSubBand = match.Groups["ODUSubBand2"].Value;

                            //Check Frequency Setting
                            if (!Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting.Pair.StartFreq, channelSetting.Pair.CenterFreq - channelSetting.Pair.BandWidth / 2)
                                || !Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting.Pair.EndFreq, channelSetting.Pair.CenterFreq + channelSetting.Pair.BandWidth / 2))
                                throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                                    "Invalid Frequency Setting of channel '" + channelSetting.Pair.ChannelName);

                            if (channelSetting.StartFreq <= channelSetting.Pair.StartFreq)

                            line = sr.ReadLine();
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw e;


            return settings;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static List<ChannelSetting> ReadXmlFile(string channelSettingFile)
            List<ChannelSetting> settings = new List<ChannelSetting>();

            System.Globalization.CultureInfo Oldci = null;
            Excel._Application app = null;
            Excel.WorkbookClass workBook = null;
            Excel.Sheets sheets = null;
            Excel.Worksheet sheet = null;
                Oldci = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-us");

                app = new Excel.Application();
                object objOpt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                workBook = (Excel.WorkbookClass)app.Workbooks.Open(
                    channelSettingFile, objOpt, false, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, true,
                    objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);

                sheets = workBook.Worksheets;
                sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)sheets[1];

                ChannelSetting channelSetting1;
                ChannelSetting channelSetting2;
                string str;

                for (int row = 2; ; row++)
                    /* Primary Channel                                                      */
                    channelSetting1 = new ChannelSetting();

                    //Channel Name
                    if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 2]).Text == null || ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 2]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                        return settings;

                    channelSetting1.ChannelName = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 2]).Text.ToString().Trim();

                    //Center Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 3]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Center Freq of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting1.CenterFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //Band Width
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 4]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Band Width of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting1.BandWidth = double.Parse(str);

                    //Start Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 5]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Start Freq of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting1.StartFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //End Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 6]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid End Freq of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting1.EndFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //Check Frequency Setting
                    if (!Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting1.StartFreq, channelSetting1.CenterFreq - channelSetting1.BandWidth / 2)
                        || !Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting1.EndFreq, channelSetting1.CenterFreq + channelSetting1.BandWidth / 2))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Frequency Setting of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "': row=" + row);

                    //ODU Sub band
                    if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 7]).Text == null)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "ODU Sub band of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "' was not set: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    else if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 7]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "ODU Sub band of channel '" + channelSetting1.ChannelName + "' is empty: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting1.ODUSubBand = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 7]).Text.ToString().Trim();

                    /* Pair Channel                                                         */
                    channelSetting2 = new ChannelSetting();

                    //Channel Name
                    if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 9]).Text == null)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Channel Name was not set: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    else if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 9]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Channel Name is empty: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.ChannelName = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 9]).Text.ToString().Trim();

                    //Center Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 10]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Center Freq of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.CenterFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //Band Width
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 11]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Band Width of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.BandWidth = double.Parse(str);

                    //Start Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 12]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Start Freq of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.StartFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //End Freq
                    str = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 13]).Text.ToString().Trim();
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$"))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid End Freq of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "': row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.EndFreq = double.Parse(str);

                    //Check Frequency Setting
                    if (!Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting2.StartFreq, channelSetting2.CenterFreq - channelSetting2.BandWidth / 2)
                        || !Utility.DoubleEquals(channelSetting2.EndFreq, channelSetting2.CenterFreq + channelSetting2.BandWidth / 2))
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "Invalid Frequency Setting of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "': row=" + row);

                    //ODU Sub band
                    if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 14]).Text == null)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "ODU Sub band of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "' was not set: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    else if (((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 14]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                        throw new InvalidChannelSettingException(
                            "ODU Sub band of channel '" + channelSetting2.ChannelName + "' is empty: row=" + row + ", col=" + 2);
                    channelSetting2.ODUSubBand = ((Range)sheet.Cells[row, 14]).Text.ToString().Trim();

                    channelSetting1.Pair = channelSetting2;
                    channelSetting2.Pair = channelSetting1;
                    if (channelSetting1.StartFreq <= channelSetting2.StartFreq)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
                if (Oldci != null)
                    System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Oldci;

                if (app != null)



Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void UpdateSummarySheet(Excel.Worksheet summarySheet, ChannelSetting curChannel, bool isFirstEmi,
            bool isValidVPower, bool isValidHPower, bool isValidVPairPower, bool isValidHPairPower)
            int row = -1;
            for(int i = 0; i < mChannelSettings.Count; i++)
                if (((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + i, 3]).Text.ToString().Equals(curChannel.ChannelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    row = i;

            if (row == -1)

            if (isFirstEmi)
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 5] = (isValidVPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 6] = (isValidHPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 9] = (isValidVPairPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 10] = (isValidHPairPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 13] = (isValidVPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 14] = (isValidHPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 17] = (isValidVPairPower ? "" : "X");
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 18] = (isValidHPairPower ? "" : "X");

            if (((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 5]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 9]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 13]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 17]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 19] = "";

            if (((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 6]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 10]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 14]).Text.ToString().Length == 0
                && ((Excel.Range)summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 18]).Text.ToString().Length == 0)
                summarySheet.Cells[3 + row, 20] = "";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static string GetBandName(ChannelSetting channelSetting)
            Match match;
            string bandName = "";
            match = channelRegex.Match(channelSetting.ChannelName);
            if (match.Success)
                bandName = match.Groups["BandName"].Value;

            return bandName;