Ejemplo n.º 1
        private double FitCurve()
            if (m_Group == null || m_Group.Count < 5)
                return 0;

            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), xprev = new Vect3();

            List<IFitPoint> fit = new List<IFitPoint>(m_Group.Count);
            //get target point on starting yarn
            //yar0.xVal(m_sPos, ref uv, ref xyz);
            double s1 = m_sPos, d = 0;
            //fit.Add(new FixedPoint(uv));
            double length = 0, h=0;
            Vect2 v;
            List<Vect2> combs = new List<Vect2>(m_Group.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Group.Count; i++)
                m_Group[i].xVal(s1, ref uv, ref xprev);
                fit.Add(new FixedPoint(uv[0], uv[1]));
                //find closest point on yar1 to the target point on yar0;
                if (i < m_Group.Count - 1)
                    //find the spacing to the next yarn
                    if (!CurveTools.xClosest(m_Group[i + 1], ref s1, ref uv, ref xyz, ref d, 1e-6, true))
                        Logger.logger.Instance.Log("xClosest failed in DensityComb");
                        //throw new Exception("xClosest failed in DensityComb");
                    h = xyz.Distance(xprev);
                    //store the spacing and x-distance
                    v = new Vect2();
                    v[0] = length;
                    v[1] = m_Group.InverseSpacing(h);

                    length += h;//accumulate length

            Length = length;
            //convert x-distance to s-spacing
            for (int i = 0; i < combs.Count; i++)
                fit[i][0] = combs[i][0] /= length;
            combs.Add(new Vect2(1, m_Group.InverseSpacing(h)));//add endpoint with spacing to previous curve
            //fit to the intersection points
            SurfaceCurve.SimpleFit(this, fit.ToArray());
            return DPI = m_Group.YarnDenier * .0254 * (m_Group.Count - 1) / length;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool xClosest(ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyzTarget, ref double dist, double tol)
            Vect3 x = new Vect3(xyzTarget);
            Vect3 dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3();
            Vect3 ddxu = new Vect3(), ddxv = new Vect3(), dduv = new Vect3();

            Vect3 h = new Vect3();
            Vect2 c = new Vect2();
            Vect2 res = new Vect2();
            Vect2 a = new Vect2(), b = new Vect2();
            double det, r;
            Vect2 d = new Vect2();

            int loop = 0, max_loops = 150;
            while (loop++ < max_loops)
                xCvt(uv, ref x, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);

                h = x - xyzTarget;
                //h = BLAS.subtract(x, xyzTarget);
                dist = h.Magnitude;

                //e[0] = s;
                c[0] = h.Dot(dxu);// BLAS.dot(h, dxu); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2
                c[1] = h.Dot(dxv);// BLAS.dot(h, dxv); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2

                if (Math.Abs(c[0]) < tol && Math.Abs(c[1]) < tol) // error is less than the tolerance
                    xyzTarget.Set(x);// return point to caller
                    return true;

                a[0] = dxu.Norm + h.Dot(ddxu);
                a[1] = b[0] = dxu.Dot(dxv) + h.Dot(dduv);
                b[1] = dxv.Norm + h.Dot(ddxv);

                //a[0] = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxu) + BLAS.dot(h, ddxu);
                //a[1] = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxv) + BLAS.dot(h, dduv);
                //b[0] = a[1];
                //b[1] = BLAS.dot(dxv, dxv) + BLAS.dot(h, ddxv);

                det = a.Cross(b);
                //det = BLAS.cross2d(a, b);

                d[0] = c.Cross(b) / det;
                d[1] = a.Cross(c) / det;
                //d[0] = BLAS.cross2d(c, b) / det;
                //d[1] = BLAS.cross2d(a, c) / det;

                c[0] = 0.01 > Math.Abs(d[0]) ? 1 : 0.01 / Math.Abs(d[0]);
                c[1] = 0.01 > Math.Abs(d[1]) ? 1 : 0.01 / Math.Abs(d[1]);
                //enforce maximum increment
                r = Math.Min(c[0], c[1]);

                //increment uv by scaled residuals
                //uv = BLAS.subtract(uv, BLAS.scale(d, r));
                uv = uv - d * r;
                //logger.write_format_line("%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t", x[ox], x[oy], e[ox], e[oy], dist);
            //s = s0;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual List<Entity> CreateEntities(bool bFitPoints, double TolAngle, out double[] sPos)
            if (!AllFitPointsValid())
                sPos = null;
                return new List<Entity>();

            List<double> spos = new List<double>();
            const int TEST = 8;
            int FitLength = FitPoints.Length;
            double[] stest = new double[(FitLength - 1) * TEST];
            Vect3[] xtest = new Vect3[(FitLength - 1) * TEST];
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3();
            Vect3 dxp = new Vect3(), dxm = new Vect3();
            //initial 8 subdivisions per segment
            int nFit, nTest = 0;
            for (nFit = 1; nFit < FitLength; nFit++)
                for (int i = 0; i < TEST; i++, nTest++)
                    stest[nTest] = BLAS.interpolate(i, TEST, FitPoints[nFit].S, FitPoints[nFit - 1].S);
                    xtest[nTest] = new Vect3();
                    xVal(stest[nTest], ref uv, ref xtest[nTest]);

            //test the midpoint of each subsegment to determine required # of points
            int[] nAdd = new int[stest.Length];
            double cosA;
            double smid;
            int nTotal = FitLength;
            for (nTest = 1; nTest < stest.Length; nTest++)
                //midpoint position
                smid = (stest[nTest] + stest[nTest - 1]) / 2.0;
                xVal(smid, ref uv, ref xyz);
                //forward and backward tangents
                dxp = xtest[nTest] - xyz;
                dxm = xtest[nTest - 1] - xyz;
                //change in angle between for and aft tans
                cosA = -(dxp.Dot(dxm)) / (dxp.Magnitude * dxm.Magnitude);
                Utilities.LimitRange(-1, ref cosA, 1);
                cosA = Math.Acos(cosA);
                //determine additional points and sum total
                nTotal += nAdd[nTest] = (int)(cosA / TolAngle + 1);

            m_Length = 0;
            Vect3 xprev = new Vect3();
            Vect3 dx = new Vect3();
            List<Point3D> pnts = new List<Point3D>();
            List<Vect3> tans = new List<Vect3>();
            xVal(stest[0], ref uv, ref xprev);
            pnts.Add(new Point3D(xprev.ToArray()));
            for (nTest = 1; nTest < stest.Length; nTest++)
                for (int i = 1; i <= nAdd[nTest]; i++)
                    smid = ((nAdd[nTest] - i) * stest[nTest - 1] + i * stest[nTest]) / nAdd[nTest];
                    xVec(smid, ref uv, ref xyz, ref dx);
                    pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
                    tans.Add(new Vect3(dx));
                    m_Length += xyz.Distance(xprev);

            if (EXTENDENTITY)
                //add for-cast/back-cast points
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    for (nTest = 0; nTest < 10; nTest++)
                        smid = BLAS.interpolant(nTest, 10) * 0.05;//scale down to .1 cast
                        if (i == 0)
                            smid = -smid;
                            smid += 1.0;

                        xVal(smid, ref uv, ref xyz);
                        if (i == 0)
                            pnts.Insert(0, new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
                            pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));

            LinearPath lp = new LinearPath(pnts);
            lp.EntityData = this;
            //lp.LineWeight = 3.0f;
            //lp.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            List<Entity> tanpaths = new List<Entity>();
            if (bFitPoints)
                //LinearPath path;
                //int npnt = 0;
                //foreach (Vect3 pnt in tans)
                //	pnt.Magnitude = 2;
                //	xyz = new Vect3(pnts[npnt].ToArray());
                //	xyz += pnt;
                //	path = new LinearPath(pnts[npnt], new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
                //	path.EntityData = this;
                //	tanpaths.Add(path);
                //	npnt++;
                //	//xVal(pnt.UV, ref xyz);
                //	//pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
                pnts = new List<Point3D>();
                foreach (IFitPoint pnt in FitPoints)
                    xVal(pnt.UV, ref xyz);
                    pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
                PointCloud pc = new PointCloud(pnts, 8f);
                pc.EntityData = this;
            sPos = spos.ToArray();
            return tanpaths;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolates intermediate points in uv and fits a curve
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">the curve to fit</param>
        /// <param name="points">points to fit to, minimum 2</param>
        internal static void InterpoFit(MouldCurve c, IFitPoint[] points)
            if (points.Length <= 1 || points.Length >= 5)//need at least 2 points to fit a curve, can't interpolate more than 4
            //recalculate s-positions based on xyz-values
            //if (RePos)
            //	Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            //	Vect3 x0 = new Vect3();
            //	Vect3 x1 = new Vect3();
            //	fits[0][0] = 0;//initialize s paramter
            //	Surface.xVal(fits[0].UV, ref x0);//initialize starting x point
            //	for (int nFit = 1; nFit < fits.Length; nFit++)
            //	{
            //		Surface.xVal(fits[nFit].UV, ref x1);
            //		fits[nFit][0] = fits[nFit - 1][0] + x1.Distance(x0);
            //		x1.Set(x0);//store previous x point
            //	}
            //	for (int nFit = 0; nFit < fits.Length; nFit++)
            //		fits[nFit][0] /= fits.Last()[0];//convert length to position
            //	fits.Last()[0] = 1;//enforce unit length

            //linear uv interpolation to match minimum 5 points required

                double[][] uFits = new double[2][];
                double[] sFits = new double[5];
                uFits[0] = new double[5];
                uFits[1] = new double[5];
                double p;
                int i, nint = 0;
                Vect3 x2 = new Vect3(), x1 = new Vect3();
                Vect2 umid = new Vect2();
                Dictionary<int, int> FitstoSFits = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                if (points.Length == 4)
                    //store fitpoints
                    sFits[nint] = points[nint][0] = 0;
                    uFits[0][nint] = points[nint][1];
                    uFits[1][nint] = points[nint][2];
                    c.xVal(points[nint].UV, ref x1);
                    FitstoSFits[nint] = nint;
                    //store fitpoints
                    //sFits[nint] = fits[nint][0];
                    uFits[0][nint] = points[nint][1];
                    uFits[1][nint] = points[nint][2];
                    c.xVal(points[nint].UV, ref x2);
                    sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                    FitstoSFits[nint] = nint;
                    //insert midpoint
                    //sFits[nint] = (fits[nint][0] + fits[nint - 1][0]) / 2.0;
                    umid = points[nint].UV + points[nint - 1].UV;
                    umid /= 2;
                    uFits[0][nint] = umid[0];
                    uFits[1][nint] = umid[1];
                    c.xVal(umid, ref x1);
                    sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                    //store fitpoints
                    //sFits[nint] = fits[nint-1][0];
                    uFits[0][nint] = points[nint - 1][1];
                    uFits[1][nint] = points[nint - 1][2];
                    c.xVal(points[nint - 1].UV, ref x2);
                    sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                    FitstoSFits[nint - 1] = nint;
                    //store fitpoints
                    //sFits[nint] = fits[nint-1][0];
                    uFits[0][nint] = points[nint - 1][1];
                    uFits[1][nint] = points[nint - 1][2];
                    c.xVal(points[nint - 1].UV, ref x1);
                    sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                    FitstoSFits[nint - 1] = nint;
                    int num = (5 - points.Length) / (points.Length - 1);//insertion points
                    num = num < 1 ? 1 : num;
                    for (i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
                        //store fitpoints
                        //sFits[nint] = fits[i][0];
                        uFits[0][nint] = points[i][1];
                        uFits[1][nint] = points[i][2];
                        FitstoSFits[i] = nint;
                        c.xVal(points[i].UV, ref x1);
                        if (i == 0)
                            sFits[nint] = 0;
                            sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                        x2.Set(x1);//store xprev
                        for (int j = 1; j <= num; j++)
                            //interpolate insertion points and store
                            p = BLAS.interpolant(j, num + 2);
                            //sFits[nint] = BLAS.interpolate(p, fits[i + 1][0], fits[i][0]);
                            umid[0] = uFits[0][nint] = BLAS.interpolate(p, points[i + 1][1], points[i][1]);
                            umid[1] = uFits[1][nint] = BLAS.interpolate(p, points[i + 1][2], points[i][2]);
                            c.xVal(umid, ref x1);
                            sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                            x2.Set(x1);//store xprev
                    //sFits[nint] = 1;
                    uFits[0][nint] = points[i][1];
                    uFits[1][nint] = points[i][2];
                    c.xVal(points[i].UV, ref x1);
                    sFits[nint] = x2.Distance(x1) + sFits[nint - 1];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nint == 4);
                    FitstoSFits[i] = nint;


                for (i = 0; i < sFits.Length; i++)
                    sFits[i] /= sFits.Last();
                //sFits[sFits.Length - 1] = 1;

                foreach (int key in FitstoSFits.Keys)
                    points[key][0] = sFits[FitstoSFits[key]];

                c.FitPoints = points;
                c.ReSpline(sFits, uFits);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// fit a curve to the specified points
        /// requires S parameter specified for each point
        /// requires at least 5 points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">points to fit to, minimum 5</param>
        internal static void SimpleFit(MouldCurve c, IFitPoint[] points)
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 x0 = new Vect3();
            Vect3 x1 = new Vect3();

            double[][] uFits = new double[2][];
            double[] sFits = new double[points.Length];
            uFits[0] = new double[points.Length];
            uFits[1] = new double[points.Length];
            //complile fitpoints to fitting arrays
            sFits[0] = 0;
            points[0][0] = 0;
            c.xVal(points[0].UV, ref x0);//initialize starting x point
            for (int nFit = 0; nFit < points.Length; nFit++)
                //sFits[nFit] = fits[nFit][0];
                uFits[0][nFit] = points[nFit][1];
                uFits[1][nFit] = points[nFit][2];

                if (nFit > 0)
                    c.xVal(points[nFit].UV, ref x1);
                    points[nFit][0] = points[nFit - 1][0] + x1.Distance(x0);
                    x0.Set(x1);//store previous x point

            for (int nFit = 0; nFit < points.Length; nFit++)
                sFits[nFit] = points[nFit][0] /= points.Last()[0];//convert length to position
            //sFits[sFits.Length-1] = fits.Last()[0] = 1;//enforce unit length

            c.FitPoints = points;
            c.ReSpline(sFits, uFits);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// using the start, end and passed geo fit points will slide the points along their normals to achieve a geodesic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the curve object to spline</param>
        /// <param name="start">the starting point of this segment</param>
        /// <param name="end">the ending point of this segment</param>
        /// <param name="sFits">the s-positons of each geo-point</param>
        /// <param name="uFits">the u-positons of each geo-point</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful, false otherwise</returns>
        static bool FitGeo(MouldCurve g, IFitPoint start, IFitPoint end, double[] sFits, Vect2[] uFits)
            int NumFits = sFits.Length;
            int INC = NumFits - 1;
            int i;

            Vect2[] uNor = new Vect2[NumFits];
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3();
            Vect2 ut = new Vect2(), un = new Vect2();
            double a11, a12, a22, det;
            //calculate insurface normals at each fitpoint
            uNor[0] = new Vect2();//fixed endpoint doesnt need normal
            for (i = 1; i < INC; i++)
                g.Surface.xVec(uFits[i], ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv);
                //covariant metric tensor components
                a11 = dxu.Norm;
                a12 = dxu.Dot(dxv);
                a22 = dxv.Norm;

                det = Math.Sqrt(a11 * a22 - a12 * a12);

                //tangent(secant) vector u components
                ut = uFits[i + 1] - uFits[i - 1];

                //contravariant normal vector components in the surface plane
                un[0] = (a12 * ut[0] + a22 * ut[1]) / det;
                un[1] = -(a11 * ut[0] + a12 * ut[1]) / det;

                //store unit normal u components
                un.Magnitude = 1;
                uNor[i] = new Vect2(un);
            uNor[INC] = new Vect2();//fixed endpoint doesnt need normal

            Vect3 xPrev = new Vect3();
            Vect3 ddxu = new Vect3(), ddxv = new Vect3(), dduv = new Vect3();
            Vect3[] xNor = new Vect3[NumFits];
            Vect3[] dxNor = new Vect3[NumFits];
            Vect3[] xTan = new Vect3[NumFits];
            double[] xLen = new double[NumFits];
            bool Conver = false;
            int nNwt; Vector x; DenseVector sNor;
            for (nNwt = 0; nNwt < 50; nNwt++)
                xNor[0] = new Vect3();
                //update startpoint slide position
                if (start is SlidePoint)
                    dxNor[0] = new Vect3();
                    (start as SlidePoint).Curve.xCvt((start as SlidePoint).SCurve, ref uFits[0], ref xPrev, ref xNor[0], ref dxNor[0]);
                    //uFits[0][0] = FitPoints[0][1];
                    //uFits[0][1] = FitPoints[0][2];
                    g.xVal(uFits[0], ref xPrev);

                //update endpoint slide position
                if (end is SlidePoint)
                    uFits[INC][0] = end[1];
                    uFits[INC][1] = end[2];

                xLen[0] = 0;
                //calc internal point vectors
                for (i = 1; i < NumFits; i++)
                    g.Surface.xCvt(uFits[i], ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);

                    a11 = uNor[i][0] * uNor[i][0];
                    a12 = uNor[i][0] * uNor[i][1] * 2;
                    a22 = uNor[i][1] * uNor[i][1];

                    // insurface normal x components
                    xNor[i] = dxu + dxv;

                    //insurface normal x derivatives
                    dxNor[i] = ddxu + dduv + ddxv;

                    //forward facing tangent vector
                    xTan[i] = xyz - xPrev;

                    xLen[i] = xTan[i].Magnitude;//segment length
                    xLen[0] += xLen[i];//accumulate total length

                    xTan[i].Magnitude = 1;//unit tangent vector
                //update endpoint slide position
                if (end is SlidePoint)
                    (end as SlidePoint).Curve.xCvt((end as SlidePoint).SCurve, ref uFits[INC], ref xyz, ref xNor[INC], ref dxNor[INC]);

                DenseMatrix A = new DenseMatrix(NumFits);
                sNor = new DenseVector(NumFits);
                double p0, pp, d, d0, dp, gm, g0, gp; int ix;

                //slide startpoint
                if (start is SlidePoint)
                    //mid point normal vector dotted with end point tangent vectors
                    pp = xNor[0].Dot(xTan[1]);

                    for (g0 = gp = 0, ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                        //midpoint tangent and curavture variantion
                        dp = (xNor[0][ix] - pp * xTan[1][ix]) / xLen[1];

                        //mid and top point gradients
                        g0 += -dp * xNor[0][ix] + xTan[1][ix] * dxNor[0][ix];
                        gp += dp * xNor[1][ix];
                    //geodesic residual and gradients
                    A[0, 0] = g0;
                    A[0, 1] = gp;
                    sNor[0] = pp;
                else//fixed start point
                    A[0, 0] = 1;
                    sNor[0] = 0;

                for (i = 1; i < INC; i++)//internal points
                    //midpoint normal dotted with tangents
                    p0 = xNor[i].Dot(xTan[i]);// BLAS.dot(xNor[i], xTan[i]);
                    pp = xNor[i].Dot(xTan[i + 1]);//BLAS.dot(xNor[i], xTan[i + 1]);

                    for (gm = g0 = gp = 0, ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                        //midpoint curvature vector
                        d = xTan[i + 1][ix] - xTan[i][ix];

                        //midpoint tangent and curavture variantion
                        d0 = (xNor[i][ix] - p0 * xTan[i][ix]) / xLen[i];
                        dp = (xNor[i][ix] - pp * xTan[i + 1][ix]) / xLen[i + 1];

                        //bottom, mid and top point gradients
                        gm += d0 * xNor[i - 1][ix];
                        g0 += (-d0 - dp) * xNor[i][ix] + d * dxNor[i][ix];
                        gp += dp * xNor[i + 1][ix];
                    A[i, i - 1] = gm;
                    A[i, i] = g0;
                    A[i, i + 1] = gp;
                    sNor[i] = -p0 + pp;

                if (end is SlidePoint)//slide endpoint
                    p0 = xNor[i].Dot(xTan[i]);

                    for (gm = g0 = 0, ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                        //midpoint tangent and curavture variantion
                        d0 = (xNor[i][ix] - p0 * xTan[i][ix]) / xLen[i];

                        //bottom, mid and top point gradients
                        gm += d0 * xNor[i - 1][ix];
                        g0 += -d0 * xNor[i][ix] - xTan[i][ix] * dxNor[i][ix];
                    A[i, i - 1] = gm;
                    A[i, i] = g0;
                    sNor[i] = -p0;
                else//fixed endpoint
                    A[i, i] = 1;
                    sNor[i] = 0;

                LU decomp = A.LU();
                x = (Vector)decomp.Solve(sNor);

                double Reduce = Math.Min(1, .05 / x.AbsoluteMaximum());

                if( start is SlidePoint)
                        (start as SlidePoint).SCurve -= x[0] * Reduce;

                if( end is SlidePoint)
                        (end as SlidePoint).SCurve -= x[INC] * Reduce;

                for (i = 1; i < NumFits; i++)//increment uv points
                    uFits[i][0] -= x[i] * uNor[i][0] * Reduce;
                    uFits[i][1] -= x[i] * uNor[i][1] * Reduce;

                if (nNwt < 5)
                    //keep initial (s)-increments within bounds
                    if (start is SlidePoint)
                        (start as SlidePoint).SCurve = Utilities.LimitRange(0, (start as SlidePoint).SCurve, 1);

                    if (end is SlidePoint)
                        (end as SlidePoint).SCurve = Utilities.LimitRange(0, (end as SlidePoint).SCurve, 1);

                    //	keep initial (u)-increments within bounds
                    for (i = 1; i < NumFits - 1; i++)
                        uFits[i][0] = Utilities.LimitRange(0, uFits[i][0], 1);
                        uFits[i][1] = Utilities.LimitRange(-.125, uFits[i][1], 1.125);
                double xmax = x.AbsoluteMaximum();
                double smax = sNor.AbsoluteMaximum();
                if (Conver = (x.AbsoluteMaximum() < 1e-8 && sNor.AbsoluteMaximum() < 1e-7))

            if (!Conver)
                return false;

            g.Length = xLen[0];//store length

            //calculate unit length (s)-parameter values
            sFits[0] = 0;
            for (i = 1; i < NumFits; i++)
                sFits[i] = sFits[i - 1] + xLen[i] / xLen[0];
            //g.m_uvs = uFits;
            g.ReSpline(sFits, uFits);
            return true;