/*\define Execute the walk engine using all above methods*/
        public void execute()
            Timer startTime = new Timer();


            double timeCurrent = this.worldModel.getTime() - this.initTime;

            this.isStepFinished = false;

            if (timeCurrent > (this.stepTime - 0.00005))
                this.transitionLeftFoot  = this.inicialLeftLeg;
                this.transitionRightFoot = this.inicialRightLeg;
                this.transitionError     = new Point(this.dp, this.dpY);
                this.isStepFinished      = true;

            // Initial the walk for beginning of each walk step or walk
            if (timeCurrent > (this.stepTime - 0.00005) || this.initWalk)
                this.initWalk = false;
                this.initTime = this.worldModel.getTime();
                timeCurrent   = this.worldModel.getTime() - this.initTime;

                // This is used when the foot is swing to know the previous position of the the foot
                this.previousLeftFoot  = this.planedLeftFoot[0];
                this.previousRightFoot = this.planedRightFoot[0];

                // plan the next 6 foot with considering the next foot as the initial of the plan
                this.inicialLeftLeg  = this.planedLeftFoot[1];
                this.inicialRightLeg = this.planedRightFoot[1];

                double previewTime = 2.5;
                int    previewStep = (int)(previewTime / stepTime);
                this.footGenerator(this.stepSizeX, this.stepSizeY, 0, previewStep, this.stepTime, this.inicialLeftLeg, this.inicialRightLeg);

                int   sizeZMP = 0;
                ZMP[] zmp     = this.zmpGenerator(previewStep, deltaT, 0, sizeZMP);

                this.lastTheta   = this.thetaStep;
                this.oneStepSize = (int)(this.stepTime / deltaT);

                this.createHeightTrajectory(Math.Max(sizeZMP, this.oneStepSize));

                CoM[] com = this.fastDynamicSolverWithSlideWindow(
                    new Point(this.initCom.positionX.GetX(), this.initCom.positionY.GetX()), zmp, sizeZMP, this.deltaT, this.comZTrajecotry);

                for (int i = 0; i < oneStepSize; i++)
                    this.planedCoM[i].positionY = com[i].positionY;
                    this.planedCoM[i].positionX = com[i].positionX;
                    this.planedCoM[i].positionY = com[i].positionY;
                this.initCom = this.planedCoM[this.oneStepSize - 1];

                zmp = null;
                com = null;

            // After calculating the horizontal CoM from here is the execution of the walk
            Point comPos = this.getCoM(timeCurrent);

            Point leftFootPos, rightFootPos;

            // if you want to have double support phase, dsp_min and dsp_max should be changes
            float dsp_min = 0;
            float dsp_max = (float)this.stepTime;

            Point targLeftFPos;
            Point targRightFPos;

            // The active balance, here it is the constant not adaptive, in paper the paper it
            // it is adaptive using the current state of the robot.
            double degRotationTunk  = -constantInclination;
            double degRotationTunkY = 0;

            if (this.planedLeftFoot[0].isSupport && this.planedRightFoot[0].isSupport)
                leftFootPos   = new Point(this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);
                rightFootPos  = new Point(this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);
                targLeftFPos  = leftFootPos - comPos;
                targRightFPos = rightFootPos - comPos;
                this.computePose(targLeftFPos, targRightFPos, new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0));
            else if (this.planedLeftFoot[0].isSupport)
                leftFootPos = new Point(this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);

                Point p0 = new Point(this.previousRightFoot.position.GetX(), this.previousRightFoot.position.GetY(), 0);
                Point p2 = new Point(this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);
                Point p1 = Geometry.determineMidPoint(p0, p2);

                if (this.thetaStep < 0)
                    this.bzqdRotateSupport.setLinear(new Point(-this.thetaStep, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSwing.setLinear(new Point(this.thetaStep, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSupport.setLinear(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(this.thetaStep, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSwing.setLinear(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(-this.thetaStep, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                this.bzqdSwing.setQuadric(p0, p1, p2, dsp_max - dsp_min);

                targLeftFPos  = leftFootPos - comPos;
                targRightFPos = this.bzqdSwing.getQuadricPosition((float)timeCurrent) - comPos;

                Point rotateSwing   = this.bzqdRotateSwing.getLinearPosition((float)timeCurrent);
                Point rotateSupport = this.bzqdRotateSupport.getLinearPosition((float)timeCurrent);

                // rotation around X axis of CoM can be used in Active Balance
                targLeftFPos.SetX(targLeftFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk));
                targLeftFPos.SetZ(-targLeftFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk));
                targRightFPos.SetX(targRightFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk));
                targRightFPos.SetZ(-targRightFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk));

                // rotation around Y axis of CoM can be used in Active Balance
                targLeftFPos.SetY(targLeftFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY) - targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY));
                targLeftFPos.SetZ(targLeftFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY));
                targRightFPos.SetY(targRightFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY) - targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY));
                targRightFPos.SetZ(targRightFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY));

                this.computePose(targLeftFPos, targRightFPos,
                                 new Point(degRotationTunk, degRotationTunkY, rotateSwing.GetX()),
                                 new Point(degRotationTunk, degRotationTunkY, rotateSupport.GetX()));

            else if (this.planedRightFoot[0].isSupport)
                rightFootPos = new Point(this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedRightFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);
                Point p0 = new Point(this.previousLeftFoot.position.GetX(), this.previousLeftFoot.position.GetY(), 0);
                Point p2 = new Point(this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetX(), this.planedLeftFoot[0].position.GetY(), 0);
                Point p1 = Geometry.determineMidPoint(p0, p2);

                this.bzqdSwing.setQuadric(p0, p1, p2, dsp_max - dsp_min);
                if (this.thetaStep < 0)
                    this.bzqdRotateSupport.setLinear(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(this.thetaStep, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSwing.setLinear(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(-this.thetaStep, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSupport.setLinear(new Point(-this.thetaStep, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);
                    this.bzqdRotateSwing.setLinear(new Point(this.thetaStep, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0), dsp_max - dsp_min);

                targLeftFPos  = this.bzqdSwing.getQuadricPosition((float)timeCurrent) - comPos;
                targRightFPos = rightFootPos - comPos;
                Point rotateSwing   = this.bzqdRotateSwing.getLinearPosition((float)timeCurrent);
                Point rotateSupport = bzqdRotateSupport.getLinearPosition((float)timeCurrent);

                // The active balance rotation in sagittal plane
                targLeftFPos.SetX(targLeftFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk));
                targLeftFPos.SetZ(-targLeftFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk));

                targRightFPos.SetX(targRightFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk));
                targRightFPos.SetZ(-targRightFPos.GetX() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunk) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunk));

                // The active balance rotation in coronal plane
                targLeftFPos.SetY(targLeftFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY) - targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY));
                targLeftFPos.SetZ(targLeftFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY) + targLeftFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY));
                targRightFPos.SetY(targRightFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY) - targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY));
                targRightFPos.SetZ(targRightFPos.GetY() * Geometry.Sin(degRotationTunkY) + targRightFPos.GetZ() * Geometry.Cos(degRotationTunkY));

                // Call the inverse kinematics
                this.computePose(targLeftFPos, targRightFPos,
                                 new Point(degRotationTunk, degRotationTunkY, rotateSupport.GetX()),
                                 new Point(degRotationTunk, degRotationTunkY, rotateSwing.GetX()));


            // Update the time
         * \define modeling an stable omnidirectional walking based on the dynamics of an inverted pendulum model. (see the paper)
         * \param[in] zmpInit the initial ZMP position in walking
         * \param[in] zmpInit the input ZMP trajectory
         * \param[in] length the size of the ZMP and CoM trajectories
         * \param[in] dt The resolution of the time in the trajecotry
         * \param[in] comZ The input vertical trajecotry of the CoM
        public CoM[] fastDynamicSolverWithSlideWindow(Point zmpInit, ZMP[] zmpTrajector, int length, double dt, List <HeightTrajectory> comZ)
            CoM[]    com = new CoM[length + 1000];
            double[] a   = new double[length + 1000];
            double[] b   = new double[length + 1000];
            double[] c   = new double[length + 1000];
            double[] d   = new double[length + 1000];
            double[] dy  = new double[length + 1000];
            double[] x   = new double[length];
            double[] y   = new double[length];

            // Discretize the inverted pendulum differential equation
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                double g     = 9.8;
                double aTemp = (-1 * comZ[i].positionZ) / ((dt * dt) * (comZ[i].time + g));
                double bTemp = 1 - (2 * aTemp);

                // Handle the boundary condition for the end of trajectory
                if (i == length - 1)
                    bTemp = bTemp + aTemp;

                a[i] = aTemp;
                b[i] = bTemp;
                c[i] = aTemp;

            // Handle the boundary condition for the beginning of trajectory.
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                double ZMP_X = zmpTrajector[i].position.GetX();
                double ZMP_Y = zmpTrajector[i].position.GetY();

                if (i == 0)
                    ZMP_X = ZMP_X - (a[0] * zmpInit.GetX());
                    ZMP_Y = ZMP_Y - (a[0] * zmpInit.GetY());

                d[i]  = ZMP_X;
                dy[i] = ZMP_Y;

            // TDMA solver explanation can be found in wikipedia
            // Here Thomas Algorithm is used to solve Inverted pendulum dynamics
            c[0]  = c[0] / b[0];
            d[0]  = d[0] / b[0];
            dy[0] = dy[0] / b[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++)
                double temp = b[i] - a[i] * c[i - 1];
                c[i]  = c[i] / temp;
                d[i]  = (d[i] - a[i] * d[i - 1]) / temp;
                dy[i] = (dy[i] - a[i] * dy[i - 1]) / temp;

            d[length - 1] = (d[length - 1] - a[length - 1] * d[length - 2])
                            / (b[length - 1] - a[length - 1] * c[length - 2]);
            dy[length - 1] = (dy[length - 1] - a[length - 1] * dy[length - 2])
                             / (b[length - 1] - a[length - 1] * c[length - 2]);

            x[length - 1] = d[length - 1];
            y[length - 1] = dy[length - 1];
            for (int i = length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                x[i] = d[i] - c[i] * x[i + 1];
                y[i] = dy[i] - c[i] * y[i + 1];

            // After generation of CoM on horizontal plane fill the CoM Container.
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)

