Ejemplo n.º 1
        private double[] FFTFir(double[] inPcm, double[] coef, int fftLength)
            var inTime = new WWComplex[fftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < mNumSamples; ++i)
                inTime[i].real = inPcm[i];

            var inFreq = new WWComplex[fftLength];

                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftLength);
                fft.ForwardFft(inTime, inFreq);
            inTime = null;

            var coefTime = new WWComplex[fftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < mCoeffs[mChannelId * 2].Length; ++i)
                coefTime[i].real = coef[i];

            var coefFreq = new WWComplex[fftLength];

                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftLength);
                fft.ForwardFft(coefTime, coefFreq);
            coefTime = null;

            var mulFreq = Mul(inFreq, coefFreq);

            inFreq   = null;
            coefFreq = null;

            var mulTime = new WWComplex[fftLength];

                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftLength);
                fft.InverseFft(mulFreq, mulTime);
            mulFreq = null;

            var result = new double[inPcm.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < inPcm.Length; ++i)
                result[i] = mulTime[i].real;
            mulTime = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public WWComplex[] ConvolutionContinuousFft(WWComplex[] h, WWComplex[] x)
            int fftSize      = WWRadix2Fft.NextPowerOf2(h.Length * 4);
            int fragmentSize = fftSize - h.Length + 1;

            if (x.Length <= fragmentSize)
                // 1回のFFTで計算する。
                return(ConvolutionFft(h, x));

            var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftSize);

            var r = new WWComplex[h.Length + x.Length - 1];

            var h2 = new WWComplex[fftSize];

            Array.Copy(h, 0, h2, 0, h.Length);
            var Hf = fft.ForwardFft(h2);

            // x(n)をfragmentSize要素ごとのデータ列に分解し、
            // それぞれ長さfftSizeになるように末尾に0を追加してx0(n)、x1(n)を得る。
            //Parallel.For(0, x.Length / fragmentSize, i => {
            for (int i = 0; i < (x.Length + fragmentSize - 1) / fragmentSize; ++i)
                var xf    = new WWComplex[fftSize];
                int count = fragmentSize;
                if (x.Length < (i + 1) * fragmentSize)
                    count = x.Length - i * fragmentSize;
                Array.Copy(x, i * fragmentSize, xf, 0, count);
                var Xf = fft.ForwardFft(xf);
                var Yf = WWComplex.Mul(Hf, Xf);
                var yf = fft.InverseFft(Yf);

                for (int j = 0; j < fftSize; ++j)
                    if (r.Length <= i * fragmentSize + j)
                    r[i * fragmentSize + j].Add(yf[j]);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public double[] InverseFft(WWComplex[] freqDomain)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(freqDomain.Length == mFftLength);

            var timeComplex = mFft.InverseFft(freqDomain);

#if false
            for (int i = 0; i < mFftLength; ++i)
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", i + mOffset, timeComplex[i].real);
            mOffset += mFftLength / 2;

            // 逆FFT結果の時間ドメインの真ん中データを戻す。
            var result = new double[mFftLength / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < mFftLength / 2; ++i)
                result[i] = timeComplex[i + mFftLength / 4].real;

            if (!mFirstTime)
                // 出力結果の最初の部分を、最後の出力結果の対応部分とミックスする。
                // ブチっという音を抑制するため。
                for (int i = 0; i < mFftLength / mSpliceDenominator; ++i)
                    double secondGain = (double)i / (mFftLength / mSpliceDenominator);
                    double firstGain  = 1.0 - secondGain;
                    result[i] = firstGain * mLastOutputSamplesTail[i] + secondGain * result[i];

            // 出力結果最後の先の部分を次回処理で使用するため保存する。
            for (int i = 0; i < mFftLength / mSpliceDenominator; ++i)
                mLastOutputSamplesTail[i] = timeComplex[i + mFftLength * 3 / 4].real;

            mFirstTime = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public WWComplex[] ConvolutionFft(WWComplex[] h, WWComplex[] x)
            var r       = new WWComplex[h.Length + x.Length - 1];
            int fftSize = WWRadix2Fft.NextPowerOf2(r.Length);
            var h2      = new WWComplex[fftSize];

            Array.Copy(h, 0, h2, 0, h.Length);
            var x2 = new WWComplex[fftSize];

            Array.Copy(x, 0, x2, 0, x.Length);

            var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftSize);
            var H   = fft.ForwardFft(h2);
            var X   = fft.ForwardFft(x2);

            var Y = WWComplex.Mul(H, X);

            var y = fft.InverseFft(Y);

            Array.Copy(y, 0, r, 0, r.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.LongLength <= NumOfSamplesNeeded());
            var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FFT_LEN);

            // Overlap and add continuous FFT

            var inTime = new WWComplex[FFT_LEN];

            for (int i = 0; i < inPcm.Length; ++i)
                inTime[i].real = inPcm[i];

            // FFTでinTimeをinFreqに変換
            var inFreq = fft.ForwardFft(inTime);

            inTime = null;

            // FFT後、フィルターHの周波数ドメインデータを掛ける
            var mulFreq = WWComplex.Mul(inFreq, mFilterFreq);

            inFreq = null;

            // inFreqをIFFTしてoutTimeに変換
            var outTime = fft.InverseFft(mulFreq);

            mulFreq = null;

            double [] outReal;
            if (mFirstFilterDo)
                // 最初のFilterDo()のとき、フィルタの遅延サンプル数だけ先頭サンプルを削除する。
                outReal = new double[NumOfSamplesNeeded() - FILTER_DELAY];
                for (int i = 0; i < outReal.Length; ++i)
                    outReal[i] = outTime[i + FILTER_DELAY].real;
                mFirstFilterDo = false;
                outReal = new double[NumOfSamplesNeeded()];
                for (int i = 0; i < outReal.Length; ++i)
                    outReal[i] = outTime[i].real;

            // 前回のIFFT結果の最後のFILTER_LENGTH-1サンプルを先頭に加算する
            if (null != mIfftAddBuffer)
                for (int i = 0; i < mIfftAddBuffer.Length; ++i)
                    outReal[i] += mIfftAddBuffer[i];

            // 今回のIFFT結果の最後のFILTER_LENGTH-1サンプルをmIfftAddBufferとして保存する
            mIfftAddBuffer = new double[FILTER_LENP1];
            for (int i = 0; i < mIfftAddBuffer.Length; ++i)
                mIfftAddBuffer[i] = outTime[outTime.Length - mIfftAddBuffer.Length + i].real;
            outTime = null;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.Length == NumOfSamplesNeeded());

            var inPcmR = new double[FftLength];
            if (mFirst) {
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, HalfOverlapLength, inPcm.Length);
            } else {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples != null);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples.Length == HalfOverlapLength * 2);
                Array.Copy(mOverlapSamples, 0, inPcmR, 0, HalfOverlapLength * 2);
                mOverlapSamples = null;
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, HalfOverlapLength * 2, inPcm.Length);

            var inPcmT = new WWComplex[FftLength];
            for (int i=0; i < inPcmT.Length; ++i) {
                inPcmT[i] = new WWComplex(inPcmR[i], 0);

                // inPcmTの出力されず捨てられる領域に窓関数を掛ける。
                // Kaiser窓(α==9)をかける
                var w = WWWindowFunc.KaiserWindow(HalfOverlapLength * 2, 9.0);
                for (int i = 0; i < HalfOverlapLength; ++i) {
                    inPcmT[FftLength - i - 1].Mul(w[i]);

            // inPcmTをFFTしてinPcmFを得る。
            WWComplex[] inPcmF;
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FftLength);
                inPcmF = fft.ForwardFft(inPcmT);
            inPcmT = null;

            // inPcmFを0で水増ししたデータoutPcmFを作ってローパスフィルターを通し逆FFTしoutPcmTを得る。

            var outPcmF = new WWComplex[UpsampleFftLength];
            for (int i=0; i < outPcmF.Length; ++i) {
                if (i <= FftLength / 2) {
                } else if (UpsampleFftLength - FftLength / 2 <= i) {
                    int pos = i + FftLength - UpsampleFftLength;
                } else {
                    // do nothing
            inPcmF = null;

            WWComplex[] outPcmT;
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(UpsampleFftLength);
                outPcmT = fft.InverseFft(outPcmF, 1.0 / FftLength);
            outPcmF = null;

            // outPcmTの実数成分を戻り値とする。
            var outPcm = new double[Factor * (FftLength - HalfOverlapLength * 2)];
            for (int i=0; i < outPcm.Length; ++i) {
                outPcm[i] = outPcmT[i + Factor * HalfOverlapLength].real;
            outPcmT = null;

            // 次回計算に使用するオーバーラップ部分のデータをmOverlapSamplesに保存。
            // オーバラップ部分==inPcmRの最後の方
            mOverlapSamples = new double[HalfOverlapLength * 2];
            Array.Copy(inPcmR, inPcmR.Length - HalfOverlapLength * 2, mOverlapSamples, 0, HalfOverlapLength * 2);

            if (mFirst) {
                mFirst = false;

            return outPcm;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.Length == NumOfSamplesNeeded());

            var inPcmR = new double[FftLength];

            if (mFirst)
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, HalfOverlapLength, inPcm.Length);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples != null);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples.Length == HalfOverlapLength * 2);
                Array.Copy(mOverlapSamples, 0, inPcmR, 0, HalfOverlapLength * 2);
                mOverlapSamples = null;
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, HalfOverlapLength * 2, inPcm.Length);

            var inPcmT = new WWComplex[FftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < inPcmT.Length; ++i)
                inPcmT[i] = new WWComplex(inPcmR[i], 0);

                // inPcmTの出力されず捨てられる領域に窓関数を掛ける。
                // Kaiser窓(α==9)をかける
                var w = WWWindowFunc.KaiserWindow(HalfOverlapLength * 2, 9.0);
                for (int i = 0; i < HalfOverlapLength; ++i)
                    inPcmT[FftLength - i - 1].Mul(w[i]);

            // inPcmTをFFTしてinPcmFを得る。
            WWComplex[] inPcmF;
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FftLength);
                inPcmF = fft.ForwardFft(inPcmT);
            inPcmT = null;

            // inPcmFを0で水増ししたデータoutPcmFを作ってローパスフィルターを通し逆FFTしoutPcmTを得る。

            var outPcmF = new WWComplex[UpsampleFftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < outPcmF.Length; ++i)
                if (i <= FftLength / 2)
                else if (UpsampleFftLength - FftLength / 2 <= i)
                    int pos = i + FftLength - UpsampleFftLength;
                    // do nothing
            inPcmF = null;

            WWComplex[] outPcmT;
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(UpsampleFftLength);
                outPcmT = fft.InverseFft(outPcmF, 1.0 / FftLength);
            outPcmF = null;

            // outPcmTの実数成分を戻り値とする。
            var outPcm = new double[Factor * (FftLength - HalfOverlapLength * 2)];

            for (int i = 0; i < outPcm.Length; ++i)
                outPcm[i] = outPcmT[i + Factor * HalfOverlapLength].real;
            outPcmT = null;

            // 次回計算に使用するオーバーラップ部分のデータをmOverlapSamplesに保存。
            // オーバラップ部分==inPcmRの最後の方
            mOverlapSamples = new double[HalfOverlapLength * 2];
            Array.Copy(inPcmR, inPcmR.Length - HalfOverlapLength * 2, mOverlapSamples, 0, HalfOverlapLength * 2);

            if (mFirst)
                mFirst = false;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private double[] FFTFir(double[] inPcm, double[] coef, int fftLength)
            var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(fftLength);
            var inTime = new WWComplex[fftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < mNumSamples; ++i) {
                inTime[i].real = inPcm[i];

            var inFreq = fft.ForwardFft(inTime);
            inTime = null;

            var coefTime = new WWComplex[fftLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < mCoeffs[mChannelId * 2].Length; ++i) {
                coefTime[i].real = coef[i];

            var coefFreq = fft.ForwardFft(coefTime);
            coefTime = null;

            var mulFreq = Mul(inFreq, coefFreq);
            inFreq = null;
            coefFreq = null;

            var mulTime = fft.InverseFft(mulFreq);
            mulFreq = null;

            var result = new double[inPcm.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < inPcm.Length; ++i) {
                result[i] = mulTime[i].real;
            mulTime = null;

            return result;
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.LongLength <= NumOfSamplesNeeded());

            // Overlap and add continuous FFT

            var inTime = new WWComplex[FFT_LEN];
            for (int i=0; i < inPcm.LongLength; ++i) {
                inTime[i] = new WWComplex(inPcm[i], 0.0);

            // FFTでinTimeをinFreqに変換
            var inFreq = new WWComplex[FFT_LEN];
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FFT_LEN);
                fft.ForwardFft(inTime, inFreq);
            inTime = null;

            // FFT後、フィルターHの周波数ドメインデータを掛ける
            for (int i=0; i < FFT_LEN; ++i) {

            // inFreqをIFFTしてoutTimeに変換
            var outTime = new WWComplex[FFT_LEN];
                var outTimeS = new WWComplex[FFT_LEN];
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FFT_LEN);
                fft.InverseFft(inFreq, outTime);
            inFreq = null;

            double [] outReal;
            if (mFirstFilterDo) {
                // 最初のFilterDo()のとき、フィルタの遅延サンプル数だけ先頭サンプルを削除する。
                outReal = new double[NumOfSamplesNeeded() - FILTER_DELAY];
                for (int i=0; i < outReal.Length; ++i) {
                    outReal[i] = outTime[i+FILTER_DELAY].real;
                mFirstFilterDo = false;
            } else {
                outReal = new double[NumOfSamplesNeeded()];
                for (int i=0; i < outReal.Length; ++i) {
                    outReal[i] = outTime[i].real;

            // 前回のIFFT結果の最後のFILTER_LENGTH-1サンプルを先頭に加算する
            if (null != mIfftAddBuffer) {
                for (int i=0; i < mIfftAddBuffer.Length; ++i) {
                    outReal[i] += mIfftAddBuffer[i];

            // 今回のIFFT結果の最後のFILTER_LENGTH-1サンプルをmIfftAddBufferとして保存する
            mIfftAddBuffer = new double[FILTER_LENP1];
            for (int i=0; i < mIfftAddBuffer.Length; ++i) {
                mIfftAddBuffer[i] = outTime[outTime.Length - mIfftAddBuffer.Length + i].real;
            outTime = null;

            return outReal;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.LongLength == NumOfSamplesNeeded());

            var inPcmR = new double[FftLength];

            if (mFirst)
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, OverlapLength, inPcm.LongLength);

                mFirst = false;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples != null &&
                                                mOverlapSamples.LongLength == OverlapLength * 2);

                Array.Copy(mOverlapSamples, 0, inPcmR, 0, OverlapLength * 2);
                mOverlapSamples = null;
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, OverlapLength * 2, inPcm.LongLength);

            // inPcmTをFFTしてinPcmFを得る。
            var inPcmT = new WWComplex[FftLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < inPcmT.Length; ++i)
                inPcmT[i] = new WWComplex(inPcmR[i], 0);

            var inPcmF = new WWComplex[FftLength];

                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FftLength);
                fft.ForwardFft(inPcmT, inPcmF);
            inPcmT = null;

            // inPcmFを0で水増ししたデータoutPcmFを作って逆FFTしoutPcmTを得る。

            var UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH = Factor * FftLength;

            var outPcmF = new WWComplex[UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH];

            for (int i = 0; i < outPcmF.Length; ++i)
                if (i <= FftLength / 2)
                    if (i == FftLength / 2)
                else if (UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH - FftLength / 2 <= i)
                    int pos = i + FftLength - UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH;
                    if (outPcmF.Length - FftLength / 2 == i)
                    // do nothing
            inPcmF = null;
            var outPcmT = new WWComplex[UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH];

                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH);
                fft.InverseFft(outPcmF, outPcmT, 1.0 / FftLength);
            outPcmF = null;

            // outPcmTの実数成分を戻り値とする。
            var outPcm = new double[Factor * (FftLength - OverlapLength * 2)];

            for (int i = 0; i < outPcm.Length; ++i)
                outPcm[i] = outPcmT[i + Factor * OverlapLength].real;
            outPcmT = null;

            // 次回計算に使用するオーバーラップ部分のデータをmOverlapSamplesに保存。
            mOverlapSamples = new double[OverlapLength * 2];
            Array.Copy(inPcm, inPcm.LongLength - OverlapLength * 2, mOverlapSamples, 0, OverlapLength * 2);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override double[] FilterDo(double[] inPcm)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(inPcm.LongLength == NumOfSamplesNeeded());

            var inPcmR = new double[FftLength];
            if (mFirst) {
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, OverlapLength, inPcm.LongLength);

                mFirst = false;
            } else {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mOverlapSamples != null
                        && mOverlapSamples.LongLength == OverlapLength*2);

                Array.Copy(mOverlapSamples, 0, inPcmR, 0, OverlapLength * 2);
                mOverlapSamples = null;
                Array.Copy(inPcm, 0, inPcmR, OverlapLength * 2, inPcm.LongLength);

            // inPcmTをFFTしてinPcmFを得る。
            var inPcmT = new WWComplex[FftLength];
            for (int i=0; i < inPcmT.Length; ++i) {
                inPcmT[i] = new WWComplex(inPcmR[i], 0);

            var inPcmF = new WWComplex[FftLength];
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(FftLength);
                fft.ForwardFft(inPcmT, inPcmF);
            inPcmT = null;

            // inPcmFを0で水増ししたデータoutPcmFを作って逆FFTしoutPcmTを得る。

            var UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH = Factor * FftLength;

            var outPcmF = new WWComplex[UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH];
            for (int i=0; i < outPcmF.Length; ++i) {
                if (i <= FftLength / 2) {
                    if (i == FftLength / 2) {
                } else if (UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH - FftLength / 2 <= i) {
                    int pos = i + FftLength - UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH;
                    if (outPcmF.Length - FftLength / 2 == i) {
                } else {
                    // do nothing
            inPcmF = null;
            var outPcmT = new WWComplex[UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH];
                var fft = new WWRadix2Fft(UPSAMPLE_FFT_LENGTH);
                fft.InverseFft(outPcmF, outPcmT, 1.0 / FftLength);
            outPcmF = null;

            // outPcmTの実数成分を戻り値とする。
            var outPcm = new double[Factor * (FftLength - OverlapLength*2)];
            for (int i=0; i < outPcm.Length; ++i) {
                outPcm[i] = outPcmT[i + Factor * OverlapLength].real;
            outPcmT = null;

            // 次回計算に使用するオーバーラップ部分のデータをmOverlapSamplesに保存。
            mOverlapSamples = new double[OverlapLength * 2];
            Array.Copy(inPcm, inPcm.LongLength - OverlapLength * 2, mOverlapSamples, 0, OverlapLength * 2);

            return outPcm;