Ejemplo n.º 1
        // subscribes a client to a channel(s)
        public void subscribe_channel(string[] message)
            // extract subscription(s) requested
            subscribe s = new subscribe(message);

            // pubsub enabled
            if (protocol.pubsub != null)
                // itterate over the channels requested by the client
                for (int i = 0; i < s.channel_name_or_uri.Length; i++)
                    // call the dynamic subscription builder

                    // attempt to pull the channel from pubsub
                    PubSub_Channel c = protocol.pubsub.GetChannel(s.channel_name_or_uri[i]);

                    // we need to see if the channel exists
                    if (c != null)
                        // subscribe the client to this channel
                        if (subscriptions == null)
                            subscriptions = new List<PubSub_Channel>();


                        // subscribe the client and pass true to allow publishing
                        protocol.SocketSend(new acknowledge(c, true).ToString());
                        // channel does not exist, send deny not found
                        protocol.SocketSend(new deny(s.channel_name_or_uri[i], new PubSub_Exception(404, "Not Found", "http://example.com/api/error#404")).ToString());
                // pubsub not enabled or not wired up correctly, send deny messages
                for (int i = 0; i < s.channel_name_or_uri.Length; i++)

                    // we need to send a deny down each channel, we gurantee a response
                    protocol.SocketSend(new deny(s.channel_name_or_uri[i], new PubSub_Exception(403, "Forbidden", "http://example.com/api/error#403")).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void subscribe()
            // example 1
            string input = "[10,[\"\\/rss\\/news\\/latest\"]]";
            string[] message = JSONDecoders.DecodeJSONArray(input);
            Assert.AreEqual(message[0], "10");

            subscribe s = new subscribe(message);
            Assert.AreEqual(s.channel_name_or_uri[0], "/rss/news/latest");

            // example 2
            input = "[10,[\"\\/rss\\/news\\/latest\",\"\\/user\\/28\\/comments\",\"\\/user\\/29\\/comments\"],[{\"category\": \"technology\"},{\"public\": true,\"private\": false},{\"public\": false,\"private\": true}]]";
            message = JSONDecoders.DecodeJSONArray(input);
            Assert.AreEqual(message[0], "10");

            s = new subscribe(message);
            Assert.AreEqual(s.channel_name_or_uri[0], "/rss/news/latest");
            Assert.AreEqual(s.channel_name_or_uri[1], "/user/28/comments");
            Assert.AreEqual(s.channel_name_or_uri[2], "/user/29/comments");