Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Packages_Products_Suppliers details for each item in a list of Product_Supplier
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstPS"></param>
        /// <returns>List of Package_Product_Supplier</returns>
        public List <Packages_Products_Supplier> GetPackages_Products_Suppliers(List <Products_Supplier> lstPS)
            //setup DataAccess
            TravelExpertsDataContext          dbContext = new TravelExpertsDataContext();
            Packages_Products_Supplier        ppsd;                                               // temp object
            List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsdList = new List <Packages_Products_Supplier>(); // temp list

            //iterate through the list and the the details for each item
            foreach (Products_Supplier prodsup in lstPS)
                ppsd = new Packages_Products_Supplier();            // new object for each iteration
                ppsd.ProductSupplierId = prodsup.ProductSupplierId; // set the ProductSupplierId
                if (txtPackageID.Text != "")
                    ppsd.PackageId = Convert.ToInt32(txtPackageID.Text); // set the PackageID
                ppsdList.Add(ppsd);                                      // add item to the list
            return(ppsdList);                                            // return the list
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when Save is clicked
        /// </summary>
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // set booleans for various checks later on
            bool allGoodAdd = false; // True when adding Packages_Products_Suppliers records succesfully
            bool allGoodRmv = false; // True when deleting Packages_Products_Suppliers records succesfully
            bool noItems    = false; // set to true if we have no items (no changes in Products of package)
            // temporary lists and objects
            List <Products_Supplier>          prodsToAdd = new List <Products_Supplier>();
            Packages_Products_Supplier        ppsd       = new Packages_Products_Supplier();
            List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsdList   = new List <Packages_Products_Supplier>();
            Products_Supplier ps = new Products_Supplier();
            // setup DataAccess
            TravelExpertsDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsDataContext();

            // if we are not adding a new record
            if (!isAdd)
                    // Add new products to existing record

                    if (addProd.Count > 0)
                        // create lists for Products_Suppliers, Packages_Products_Suppliers
                        prodsToAdd = GetProducts_Suppliers(addProd);
                        ppsdList   = GetPackages_Products_Suppliers(prodsToAdd);
                        // call the Save method, indicating true for save
                        allGoodAdd = Save_Packages_Products_Suppliers(ppsdList, true);
                        noItems = true; // no items to save
                    //Remove products from existing package

                    if (rmvProd.Count > 0)
                        // create lists for Products_Suppliers, Packages_Products_Suppliers
                        prodsToAdd = GetProducts_Suppliers(rmvProd);
                        ppsdList   = GetPackages_Products_Suppliers(prodsToAdd);
                        // call the Save method, indicating false for delete
                        allGoodRmv = Save_Packages_Products_Suppliers(ppsdList, false);
                        noItems = true; // no items to remove
                    // Save main record detail
                    // if there are noItems or Add/Remove methods were successful
                    if (noItems || allGoodAdd || allGoodRmv)
                        // setup variables for later use
                        decimal basePrice, agcyComm;
                        // create a Package object with detail from DB based on PackageID
                        Package pkg = dbContext.Packages.Single(p => p.PackageId == Convert.ToInt32(txtPackageID.Text));
                        // set the various attributes of the object from form controls
                        pkg.PkgName      = txtPkgName.Text;
                        pkg.PkgDesc      = txtPkgDesc.Text;
                        pkg.PkgStartDate = dtpPkgStart.Value.Date;
                        pkg.PkgEndDate   = dtpPkgEnd.Value.Date;
                        //if (pkg.PkgStartDate < pkg.PkgEndDate)
                        if (txtPkgBase.Text.StartsWith("$"))     // remove the leading $ if it exists
                            basePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBase.Text.Remove(0, 1));
                            basePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBase.Text);
                        if (txtPakComm.Text.StartsWith("$"))     // remove the leading $ if it exists
                            agcyComm = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPakComm.Text.Remove(0, 1));
                            agcyComm = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPakComm.Text);
                        //set the object attributes
                        pkg.PkgBasePrice        = basePrice;
                        pkg.PkgAgencyCommission = agcyComm;

                        if (basePrice > agcyComm)      // check the Commision is not more than the base price
                            dbContext.SubmitChanges(); // save the changes
                            MessageBox.Show("Agency Commision is too high");
                        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred saving the data, tasks cancelled");
                catch (ChangeConflictException)
                    // if we have concurency exceptions, resolve them and contine the save
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " - " + ex.ToString());
            else // this is a new Package
                // create lists, objects and variables needed later
                prodsToAdd = GetProducts_Suppliers(addProd);
                ppsdList   = GetPackages_Products_Suppliers(prodsToAdd);
                allGoodAdd = Save_Packages_Products_Suppliers(ppsdList, true);
                decimal basePrice, agcyComm;
                Package pkg = new Package(); // create a new Package object
                // set object attributes based on form controls
                pkg.PkgName      = txtPkgName.Text;
                pkg.PkgDesc      = txtPkgDesc.Text;
                pkg.PkgStartDate = dtpPkgStart.Value.Date;
                pkg.PkgEndDate   = dtpPkgEnd.Value.Date;
                if (txtPkgBase.Text.StartsWith("$")) // remove the leading $ if it exists
                    basePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBase.Text.Remove(0, 1));
                    basePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBase.Text);
                if (txtPakComm.Text.StartsWith("$")) // remove the leading $ if it exists
                    agcyComm = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPakComm.Text.Remove(0, 1));
                    agcyComm = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPakComm.Text);
                // set object attributes
                pkg.PkgBasePrice        = basePrice;
                pkg.PkgAgencyCommission = agcyComm;
                if (basePrice > agcyComm) // ensure commision is less than base price
                    dbContext.SubmitChanges(); // submit the changes to the DB

                    currPkg = (from pk in dbContext.Packages
                               where pk.PkgName == pkg.PkgName
                               select pk).Single();
                    MessageBox.Show("Agency Commision is too high");
                // need to retrieve the newly created package ID
                prodsToAdd = GetProducts_Suppliers(addProd);
                ppsdList   = GetPackages_Products_Suppliers(prodsToAdd);
                allGoodAdd = Save_Packages_Products_Suppliers(ppsdList, true);
            gbDetails.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for saving the Package_Product_Supplier information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstPPS"></param> list of Package_Product_Supplier
        /// <param name="adding"></param> iadding items or removing items
        /// <returns>true if save was successful</returns>
        public bool Save_Packages_Products_Suppliers(List <Packages_Products_Supplier> lstPPS, bool adding)
            //setup DataAccess
            TravelExpertsDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsDataContext();
            bool status = false;                                  // initalize the return value

            if (adding)                                           // if this is a new item
                foreach (Packages_Products_Supplier pw in lstPPS) // iterate through the list add a record for each
                    {   // search for any existing items, if not then save
                        if ((from ppst in dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers
                             where ppst.PackageId == pw.PackageId && ppst.ProductSupplierId == pw.ProductSupplierId
                             select ppst.ProductSupplierId).Count() < 1)
                            Packages_Products_Supplier insItem = new Packages_Products_Supplier();
                            if (isAdd)
                                insItem.PackageId = currPkg.PackageId;
                                insItem.PackageId = Convert.ToInt32(txtPackageID.Text);
                            insItem.ProductSupplierId = pw.ProductSupplierId;
                            status = true;
                    catch (Exception)
                        status = false;
                        //MessageBox.Show("Error encounctered saving data: \n" + ex.Message);
            else // removing items form the table
                foreach (Packages_Products_Supplier pw in lstPPS)
                    //List<Packages_Products_Supplier> c = new List<Packages_Products_Supplier>();
                    Packages_Products_Supplier delItem = new Packages_Products_Supplier();// temp object to hold search results
                    // get record details based on PackageID & ProductSupplierID
                    delItem = (from ppst in dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers
                               where ppst.PackageId == pw.PackageId && ppst.ProductSupplierId == pw.ProductSupplierId
                               select ppst).Single();
                    // delete the record
                        //Execute the delete
                        status = true; // set the return value
                        status = false; // error in saving
 private void detach_Packages_Products_Suppliers(Packages_Products_Supplier entity)
     entity.Products_Supplier = null;
 partial void DeletePackages_Products_Supplier(Packages_Products_Supplier instance);
 partial void InsertPackages_Products_Supplier(Packages_Products_Supplier instance);
 private void attach_Packages_Products_Suppliers(Packages_Products_Supplier entity)
     entity.Package = this;