public string SOA_Misc_Credit(string source_chanel, string contract_number, string amount, string desc, string in_SS)
         string result = "";
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe soa = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         result = soa.SOA_Misc_Credit ( source_chanel, contract_number, amount, desc, in_SS );
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.ToString ( );
 public string SOA_UPDATE_CONTRACT_STATUS( string source_channel, string contract_number, string type, string desc, string in_SS )
         string result = "";
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe soa = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         result = soa.SOA_Contract_Status ( source_channel, contract_number, type, desc, in_SS );
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.ToString ( );
 public string SOA_Migr_Autho(  )
         string result = "";
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe soa = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         result = soa.SOA_Migra_Autho_Activity ( );
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.ToString ( );
 public string SOA_ISSUING_CARD(string source_channel, string in_param, string in_type)
         string result = "";
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe soa = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         result = soa.SOA_Issuing_Card ( source_channel, in_param, in_type );
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.ToString ( );
 public string SOA_Change_Contr_Status( string source_chanel, string contract_number, string status_code, string status_name, string in_SS )
         string result = "";
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe soa = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         result = soa.SOA_Change_Contr_Status ( source_chanel, contract_number, status_code, status_name, in_SS );
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.ToString ( );
 private void btn_active_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e )
         this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         TTTWebService.TrungTamThe SOA = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         for (int i = 0; i < dgv_data.Rows.Count; i++)
             sothe = dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( );
             result = "";
             result = SOA.SOA_Delivery_Card ( "WEB", sothe, "82" );
             int s_rs = 8, e_rs = result.IndexOf ( "</result>" ), s_msg = result.IndexOf ( "<msg>" ), e_msg = result.IndexOf ( "</msg>" );
             if (result.Substring ( s_rs, e_rs - 8 ) == "0")
                 dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = result.Substring ( s_msg + 5, e_msg - s_msg - 6 ).Trim ( );
                 dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = "Card OK";
                 dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = result.Substring ( s_msg + 5, e_msg - s_msg - 6 ).Trim ( );
                 if (!dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString ( ).Contains ( "OK" ))
                     dgv_data.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = "Card Active Fail";
         lbS.Visible = true;        
         lbF.Visible = true;       
         lbSuccess.Text = success.ToString ( );
         lbFail.Text = fail.ToString ( );
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show ( "SOA Error /n ------------------------- /n " + ex.Message );
 private void Authorize_MiscCredit_Prepaid ( string batch_id )
     #region new
     string xml = "";
     string sql = "", err = "";
     TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ttt = new TTTWebService.TrungTamThe ( );
         for (int i = 0; i < dgv_authorize_data.Rows.Count; i++)
             xml = ttt.SOA_Misc_Credit ( "FORM", dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["account_number"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ), dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["amount"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ), "IBPS", "83" );
             ArrayList result = getxmlvalue ( xml );
             if (result[0].ToString ( ) != "0")
                 sql = "        update NAB_BATCH_MICS t ";
                 sql += "           set t.processing_flag = 'Z', t.msg_error = '" + result[1].ToString ( ) + "'";
                 sql += "              ,t.user_modify=  '" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "'";
                 sql += "              ,t.date_modify = sysdate";
                 sql += "        where t.batch_number = '" + batch_id + "'";
                 sql += "        and t.date_create = to_date('" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["date_create"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "','dd/mm/yyyy')";
                 sql += "        and t.card_number = '" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["card_number"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "'";
                 sql += "        and t.trn_ref_no  = '" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["trn_ref_no"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "'";
                 if (!Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err ))
                     MessageBox.Show ( " Update Mics To Z Fail" + err );
             if (result[0].ToString ( ) == "0")
                 sql = "        update NAB_BATCH_MICS t ";
                 sql += "           set t.processing_flag = 'Y', t.msg_error = '" + result[1].ToString ( ) + "'";
                 sql += "              ,t.user_modify=  '" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "'";
                 sql += "              ,t.date_modify = sysdate";
                 sql += "        where t.batch_number = '" + cb_src_batch_id.Text.Trim ( ) + "'";
                 sql += "        and trunc(t.date_create) = to_date('" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["date_create"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "','dd/mm/yyyy')";
                 sql += "        and t.card_number = '" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["card_number"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "'";
                 sql += "        and t.trn_ref_no  = '" + dgv_authorize_data.Rows[i].Cells["trn_ref_no"].Value.ToString ( ).Trim ( ) + "'";
                 if (!Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err ))
                     MessageBox.Show ( " Update Mics To Y Fail " + err );
         sql = "update nab_balance_batch u ";
         sql += "    set u.status='Y' ";
         sql += "    where u.batch_id= '" + cb_src_batch_id.Text.Trim ( ) + "'";
         sql += "          and u.type_code= '3' ";
         sql += "          and u.type = 'PREPAID' ";
         if (!Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err ))
             MessageBox.Show ( " Cannot Close Batch " + err );
         MessageBox.Show ( "Authorize Successful" );
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show ( ex.ToString ( ) );