Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ReadVuMarkShape(XmlReader configReader, ref Vector4 boundingBox2D, ref Vector2 origin)
            string attribute = configReader.GetAttribute("bbox2D");

            if (attribute == null || !VuforiaUtilities.RectangleFromStringArray(out boundingBox2D, attribute.Split(new char[]
                ' '
                Debug.LogWarning("Info parser: can't read bounding box of VuMark");
            string attribute2 = configReader.GetAttribute("origin");

            if (attribute2 == null || !VuforiaUtilities.SizeFromStringArray(out origin, attribute2.Split(new char[]
                ' '
                Debug.LogWarning("Info parser: can't read origin of VuMark");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool fileToStruct(string configXMLPath, string authoringInfoXMLPath, ConfigData configData)
            if (!File.Exists(configXMLPath))
            AuthoringInfo authoringInfo;

            if (File.Exists(authoringInfoXMLPath))
                authoringInfo = new AuthoringInfo(authoringInfoXMLPath);
                authoringInfo = new AuthoringInfo();
            List <ConfigData.CylinderTargetData> list  = new List <ConfigData.CylinderTargetData>();
            List <ConfigData.ObjectTargetData>   list2 = new List <ConfigData.ObjectTargetData>();

            using (XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(configXMLPath))
                while (xmlTextReader.Read())
                    if (xmlTextReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        string name = xmlTextReader.Name;
                        uint   num  = ComputeStringHash(name);

                        if (num <= 2826972859u)
                            if (num != 1357157938u)
                                if (num != 1777789069u)
                                    if (num == 2826972859u)
                                        if (name == "ObjectTarget")
                                            string attribute = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                            list2.Add(new ConfigData.ObjectTargetData
                                                name = attribute
                                else if (name == "VuMark")
                                    string  attribute2 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                    Vector2 zero       = Vector2.zero;
                                    string  attribute3 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("size");
                                    if (attribute3 != null)
                                        if (!VuforiaUtilities.SizeFromStringArray(out zero, attribute3.Split(new char[]
                                            ' '
                                            Debug.LogWarning("Found illegal size attribute for VuMark Target " + attribute2 + " in config.xml. VuMark Target will be ignored.");
                                            ConfigData.VuMarkData item;
                                            if (!authoringInfo.TryGetInfo(attribute2, out item))
                                                Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't find VuMark " + attribute2 + " in authoring info");
                                                Debug.LogWarning("Use device database unitypackage as downloaded from Target Manager!\nTarget is not rendered correctly in editor.");
                                            item.name = attribute2;
                                            item.size = zero;
                                            configData.SetVuMarkTarget(item, attribute2);
                                        Debug.LogWarning("VuMark Target " + attribute2 + " is missing a size attribut in config.xml. VuMark Target will be ignored.");
                            else if (name == "CylinderTarget")
                                string attribute4 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                if (attribute4 == null)
                                    Debug.LogWarning("Found Cylinder Target without name attribute in config.xml. Cylinder Target will be ignored.");
                                    string attribute5 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("sideLength");
                                    float  sideLength = -1f;
                                    if (attribute5 != null)
                                        sideLength = float.Parse(attribute5, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    list.Add(new ConfigData.CylinderTargetData
                                        name       = attribute4,
                                        sideLength = sideLength
                        else if (num <= 3803554136u)
                            if (num != 3027079795u)
                                if (num == 3803554136u)
                                    if (name == "VirtualButton")
                                        string attribute6 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                        if (attribute6 == null)
                                            Debug.LogWarning("Found VirtualButton without name attribute in config.xml. Virtual Button will be ignored.");
                                            Vector4  zero2 = Vector4.zero;
                                            string[] array = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("rectangle").Split(new char[]
                                                ' '
                                            if (array != null)
                                                if (!VuforiaUtilities.RectangleFromStringArray(out zero2, array))
                                                    Debug.LogWarning("Found invalid rectangle attribute for Virtual Button " + attribute6 + " in config.xml. Virtual Button will be ignored.");
                                                    bool   enabled    = true;
                                                    string attribute7 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("enabled");
                                                    if (attribute7 != null)
                                                        if (string.Compare(attribute7, "true", true) == 0)
                                                            enabled = true;
                                                        else if (string.Compare(attribute7, "false", true) == 0)
                                                            enabled = false;
                                                            Debug.LogWarning("Found invalid enabled attribute for Virtual Button " + attribute6 + " in config.xml. Default setting will be used.");
                                                    VirtualButton.Sensitivity sensitivity = VirtualButton.Sensitivity.LOW;
                                                    string attribute8 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("sensitivity");
                                                    if (attribute8 != null)
                                                        if (string.Compare(attribute8, "low", true) == 0)
                                                            sensitivity = VirtualButton.Sensitivity.LOW;
                                                        else if (string.Compare(attribute8, "medium", true) == 0)
                                                            sensitivity = VirtualButton.Sensitivity.MEDIUM;
                                                        else if (string.Compare(attribute8, "high", true) == 0)
                                                            sensitivity = VirtualButton.Sensitivity.HIGH;
                                                            Debug.LogWarning("Found illegal sensitivity attribute for Virtual Button " + attribute6 + " in config.xml. Default setting will be used.");
                                                    ConfigData.VirtualButtonData item2 = default(ConfigData.VirtualButtonData);
                                                    string latestITName = ConfigParser.GetLatestITName(configData);
                                                    item2.name        = attribute6;
                                                    item2.rectangle   = zero2;
                                                    item2.enabled     = enabled;
                                                    item2.sensitivity = sensitivity;
                                                    if (configData.ImageTargetExists(latestITName))
                                                        configData.AddVirtualButton(item2, latestITName);
                                                        Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(new string[]
                                                            "Image Target with name ",
                                                            " could not be found. Virtual Button ",
                                                            "will not be added."
                                                Debug.LogWarning("Virtual Button " + attribute6 + " has no rectangle attribute in config.xml. Virtual Button will be ignored.");
                            else if (name == "MultiTarget")
                                string attribute9 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                if (attribute9 == null)
                                    Debug.LogWarning("Found Multi Target without name attribute in config.xml. Multi Target will be ignored.");
                                    configData.SetMultiTarget(new ConfigData.MultiTargetData
                                        parts = new List <ConfigData.MultiTargetPartData>()
                                    }, attribute9);
                        else if (num != 3814285364u)
                            if (num == 4124202875u)
                                if (name == "ImageTarget")
                                    string attribute10 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                                    if (attribute10 == null)
                                        Debug.LogWarning("Found ImageTarget without name attribute in config.xml. Image Target will be ignored.");
                                        Vector2  zero3  = Vector2.zero;
                                        string[] array2 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("size").Split(new char[]
                                            ' '
                                        if (array2 != null)
                                            if (!VuforiaUtilities.SizeFromStringArray(out zero3, array2))
                                                Debug.LogWarning("Found illegal itSize attribute for Image Target " + attribute10 + " in config.xml. Image Target will be ignored.");
                                                configData.SetImageTarget(new ConfigData.ImageTargetData
                                                    size           = zero3,
                                                    virtualButtons = new List <ConfigData.VirtualButtonData>()
                                                }, attribute10);
                                            Debug.LogWarning("Image Target " + attribute10 + " is missing a itSize attribut in config.xml. Image Target will be ignored.");
                        else if (name == "Part")
                            string attribute11 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("name");
                            if (attribute11 == null)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Found Multi Target Part without name attribute in config.xml. Part will be ignored.");
                                Vector3  zero4  = Vector3.zero;
                                string[] array3 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("translation").Split(new char[]
                                    ' '
                                if (array3 != null)
                                    if (!VuforiaUtilities.TransformFromStringArray(out zero4, array3))
                                        Debug.LogWarning("Found illegal transform attribute for Part " + attribute11 + " in config.xml. Part will be ignored.");
                                        Quaternion quaternion  = Quaternion.identity;
                                        string     attribute12 = xmlTextReader.GetAttribute("rotation");
                                        if (attribute12 == null)
                                            Debug.LogWarning("Multi Target Part " + attribute11 + " has no rotation attribute in config.xml. Part will be ignored.");
                                            string[] array4 = attribute12.Split(new char[]
                                            string str = "";
                                            if (array4.Length != 0)
                                                str = array4[0].Split(new char[]
                                                    ' '
                                            for (int i = 0; i < array4.Length; i++)
                                                string text = array4[i];
                                                if (i != 0)
                                                    text = str + " " + text.Trim();
                                                Quaternion quaternion2 = this.parseQuaternionFromAttrString(text);
                                                quaternion *= quaternion2;
                                            ConfigData.MultiTargetPartData item3 = default(ConfigData.MultiTargetPartData);
                                            string latestMTName = ConfigParser.GetLatestMTName(configData);
                                            item3.name        = attribute11;
                                            item3.rotation    = quaternion;
                                            item3.translation = zero4;
                                            if (configData.MultiTargetExists(latestMTName))
                                                configData.AddMultiTargetPart(item3, latestMTName);
                                                Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(new string[]
                                                    "Multi Target with name ",
                                                    " could not be found. Multi Target Part ",
                                                    "will not be added."
                                    Debug.LogWarning("Multi Target Part " + attribute11 + " has no translation attribute in config.xml. Part will be ignored.");
            if (list.Count > 0)
                string arg_796_0 = configXMLPath.Substring(0, configXMLPath.Length - 3) + "dat";
                ConfigData.CylinderTargetData[] array5 = list.ToArray();
                CylinderDatasetReader.Read(arg_796_0, array5);
                ConfigData.CylinderTargetData[] array6 = array5;
                for (int j = 0; j < array6.Length; j++)
                    ConfigData.CylinderTargetData cylinderTargetData = array6[j];
                    configData.SetCylinderTarget(cylinderTargetData, cylinderTargetData.name);
            if (list2.Count > 0)
                ConfigData.ObjectTargetData[] array7 = list2.ToArray();
                string[] array8 = configXMLPath.Split(new char[]
                string text2 = array8[(array8.Length - 1 > 0) ? (array8.Length - 1) : 0];
                int    num2  = 4;
                if (text2.Contains("_OT"))
                    num2 += 3;
                string text3 = "Assets/Editor/Vuforia/TargetsetData/" + text2.Substring(0, text2.Length - num2) + "_info.xml";
                string text4 = "Assets/Editor/QCAR/TargetsetData/" + text2.Substring(0, text2.Length - num2) + "_info.xml";
                if (File.Exists(text3))
                    ObjectEditorConfigurationReader.Read(text3, array7);
                else if (File.Exists(text4))
                    ObjectEditorConfigurationReader.Read(text4, array7);
                    Debug.LogError("No editor configuration file available for " + text2 + " (Only use unity dataset package generated from the Vuforia developer portal)");
                    for (int k = 0; k < array7.Length; k++)
                        array7[k].targetID = "";
                        array7[k].bboxMin  = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                        array7[k].bboxMax  = new Vector3(200f, 200f, 200f);
                        array7[k].size     = new Vector3(200f, 200f, 200f);
                for (int l = 0; l < array7.Length; l++)
                    configData.SetObjectTarget(array7[l], array7[l].name);