Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void UpdateContainedPairs()
            RigidTransform       rtMesh   = mesh.WorldTransform;
            RigidTransform       rtMobile = mobile.WorldTransform;
            QuickList <Vector3i> overlaps = new QuickList <Vector3i>(BufferPools <Vector3i> .Thread);

            mesh.ChunkShape.GetOverlaps(ref rtMesh, mobile.BoundingBox, ref overlaps);
            for (int i = 0; i < overlaps.Count; i++)
                Vector3i pos = overlaps.Elements[i];
                Vector3  offs;
                ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape> colBox = new ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape>(mesh.ChunkShape.ShapeAt(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, out offs));
                Vector3        input   = new Vector3(pos.X + offs.X, pos.Y + offs.Y, pos.Z + offs.Z);
                Vector3        transfd = Quaternion.Transform(input, rtMesh.Orientation);
                RigidTransform outp    = new RigidTransform(transfd + rtMesh.Position, rtMesh.Orientation);
                colBox.WorldTransform = outp;
                colBox.UpdateBoundingBoxForTransform(ref outp);
                QuickList <Vector3i> overlaps2 = new QuickList <Vector3i>(BufferPools <Vector3i> .Thread);
                mobile.ChunkShape.GetOverlaps(ref rtMobile, colBox.BoundingBox, ref overlaps2);
                for (int x = 0; x < overlaps2.Count; x++)
                    Vector3i pos2 = overlaps2.Elements[x];
                    Vector3  offs2;
                    ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape> colBox2 = new ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape>(mobile.ChunkShape.ShapeAt(pos2.X, pos2.Y, pos2.Z, out offs2));
                    Vector3        input2   = new Vector3(pos2.X + offs2.X, pos2.Y + offs2.Y, pos2.Z + offs2.Z);
                    Vector3        transfd2 = Quaternion.Transform(input2, rtMobile.Orientation);
                    RigidTransform outp2    = new RigidTransform(transfd2 + rtMobile.Position, rtMobile.Orientation);
                    colBox2.WorldTransform = outp2;
                    TryToAdd(colBox, colBox2, mesh.Entity != null ? mesh.Entity.Material : null, mobile.Entity != null ? mobile.Entity.Material : null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void UpdateTimeOfImpact(Collidable requester, double dt)
     //Notice that we don't test for convex entity null explicitly.  The convex.IsActive property does that for us.
     if (convex.IsActive && convex.Entity.PositionUpdateMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous)
         //Only perform the test if the minimum radii are small enough relative to the size of the velocity.
         Vector3 velocity        = convex.Entity.LinearVelocity * dt;
         double  velocitySquared = velocity.LengthSquared();
         double  minimumRadius   = convex.Shape.MinimumRadius * MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
         timeOfImpact = 1;
         if (minimumRadius * minimumRadius < velocitySquared)
             for (int i = 0; i < contactManifold.ActivePairs.Count; i++)
                 GeneralConvexPairTester pair = contactManifold.ActivePairs.Values[i];
                 ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape> boxCollidable = (ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape>)pair.CollidableB;
                 RayHit         rayHit;
                 RigidTransform worldTransform = boxCollidable.WorldTransform;
                 if (GJKToolbox.CCDSphereCast(new Ray(convex.WorldTransform.Position, velocity), minimumRadius, boxCollidable.Shape, ref worldTransform, timeOfImpact, out rayHit) &&
                     rayHit.T > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                     timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private GeneralConvexPairTester GetPair(ref Vector3i position)
            // TODO: Efficiency!
            GeneralConvexPairTester pair = testerPool.Take();
            Vector3 offs;
            ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape> boxCollidable = new ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape>((ConvexShape)mesh.ChunkShape.ShapeAt(position.X, position.Y, position.Z, out offs));

            pair.Initialize(convex, boxCollidable);
            boxCollidable.WorldTransform = new RigidTransform(new Vector3(
                                                                  mesh.Position.X + position.X + offs.X,
                                                                  mesh.Position.Y + position.Y + offs.Y,
                                                                  mesh.Position.Z + position.Z + offs.Z));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void UpdateContainedPairs()
            RigidTransform       rt       = mesh.WorldTransform;
            QuickList <Vector3i> overlaps = new QuickList <Vector3i>(BufferPools <Vector3i> .Thread);

            mesh.ChunkShape.GetOverlaps(ref rt, convex.BoundingBox, ref overlaps);
            for (int i = 0; i < overlaps.Count; i++)
                Vector3i pos = overlaps.Elements[i];
                Vector3  offs;
                ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape> colBox = new ReusableGenericCollidable <ConvexShape>(mesh.ChunkShape.ShapeAt(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, out offs));
                Vector3        input   = new Vector3(pos.X + offs.X, pos.Y + offs.Y, pos.Z + offs.Z);
                Vector3        transfd = Quaternion.Transform(input, rt.Orientation);
                RigidTransform outp    = new RigidTransform(transfd + rt.Position, rt.Orientation);
                colBox.WorldTransform = outp;
                TryToAdd(colBox, convex, mesh.Entity != null ? mesh.Entity.Material : null, convex.Entity != null ? convex.Entity.Material : null);