public IHttpActionResult GetDashboardStatistics([FromUri] DateTime?start = null, [FromUri] DateTime?end = null)
            webModel.DashboardStatisticsResult retVal = null;
            start = start ?? DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1);
            end   = end ?? DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Hack: to compinsate for incorrect Local dates to UTC
            end = end.Value.AddDays(2);
            var cacheKey = CacheKey.Create("Statistic", start.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), end.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            lock (_lockObject)
                retVal = _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey, () =>
                    var collectStaticJob = new CollectOrderStatisticJob(_repositoryFactory, _cacheManager);
                    return(collectStaticJob.CollectStatistics(start.Value, end.Value));
		public DashboardStatisticsResult CollectStatistics(DateTime start, DateTime end)
			var retVal = new DashboardStatisticsResult();
			using (var repository = _repositoryFactory())
				var currencies = repository.InPayments.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
										.Where(x => !x.IsCancelled)
										.GroupBy(x => x.Currency).Select(x => x.Key);

				retVal.OrderCount = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
																.Where(x => !x.IsCancelled).Count();
				//avg order value
				var avgValues = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
														 .GroupBy(x => x.Currency)
														 .Select(x => new { Currency = x.Key, AvgValue = x.Select(y=>y.Sum).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Average() })
				retVal.AvgOrderValue = avgValues.Select(x=> new Money(x.Currency, x.AvgValue) ).ToList();

				var revenues = repository.InPayments.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
													.Where(x => !x.IsCancelled)
													.GroupBy(x => x.Currency).Select(x => new { Currency = x.Key, Value = x.Select(y=>y.Sum).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() })
				retVal.Revenue = revenues.Select(x => new Money(x.Currency, x.Value)).ToList();

				retVal.RevenuePeriodDetails = new List<QuarterPeriodMoney>();
				retVal.AvgOrderValuePeriodDetails = new List<QuarterPeriodMoney>();
				var endDate = end;
				foreach (var currency in currencies)
					for (var startDate = start; startDate < end; startDate = endDate)
						endDate = startDate.AddMonths(3 - ((startDate.Month - 1)% 3));
						endDate = new DateTime(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, 1);
						endDate = new DateTime(Math.Min(end.Ticks, endDate.Ticks));
						var quarter = (int)((startDate.Month - 1) / 3) + 1;
						var amount = repository.InPayments.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= startDate && x.CreatedDate <= endDate)
														  .Where(x => !x.IsCancelled & x.Currency == currency).Select(x=>x.Sum).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum();
						var avgOrderValue = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= startDate && x.CreatedDate <= endDate)
														 .Where(x => x.Currency == currency)

						var periodStat = new QuarterPeriodMoney(currency, amount)
							Quarter = quarter,
							Year = startDate.Year

						periodStat = new QuarterPeriodMoney(currency, avgOrderValue)
							Quarter = quarter,
							Year = startDate.Year


				var revenuesPerCustomer = repository.InPayments.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
															   .Where(x => !x.IsCancelled).GroupBy(x => x.Currency)
															   .Select(x => new { Currency = x.Key, AvgValue = x.GroupBy(y => y.CustomerId).Average(y => y.Sum(z => z.Sum)) })
				retVal.RevenuePerCustomer = revenuesPerCustomer.Select(x => new Money(x.Currency, x.AvgValue)).ToList();

				//Items purchased
				retVal.ItemsPurchased = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
																	.Where(x => !x.IsCancelled).SelectMany(x => x.Items).Count();

				//Line items per order
				retVal.LineitemsPerOrder = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
																 .Where(x => !x.IsCancelled).Select(x=>x.Items.Count()).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Average();

				//Customer count
				retVal.CustomersCount = repository.CustomerOrders.Where(x => x.CreatedDate >= start && x.CreatedDate <= end)
																	.Select(x => x.CustomerId).Distinct().Count();

			retVal.StartDate = start;
			retVal.EndDate = end;
			return retVal;