public override void Serialize(BitStream stream, MyClientStateBase forClient, byte packetId, int maxBitPosition)
            // Client does not care about slave grids, he always synced group through controlled object
            Debug.Assert(stream.Reading || !Sync.IsServer || Entity == GetMasterGrid(Entity), "Writing data from SlaveGrid!");

            bool apply = !IsControlledLocally;

            bool moving = false;
            if (stream.Writing)
                moving = IsMoving(Entity);
                moving = stream.ReadBool();

            // Serialize this grid
            apply = SerializeTransform(stream, Entity, null, m_lowPrecisionOrientation, apply,moving, m_positionValidation, MoveHandler);
            SerializeVelocities(stream, Entity, EffectiveSimulationRatio, apply, moving,VelocityHandler);

            // Serialize other grids in group
            Vector3D basePos = Entity.WorldMatrix.Translation;
            if (stream.Writing)
                UpdateGridMaxSpeed(Entity, Sync.IsServer);
                var g = MyCubeGridGroups.Static.PhysicalDynamic.GetGroup(Entity);
                if (g == null)
                    int i= -1;
                    foreach (var node in g.Nodes)
                        if(i < m_currentSentPosition)
                        if (i == m_currentSentPosition + NUM_NODES_TO_SEND_ALL)
                        var target = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetProxyTarget((IMyEventProxy)node.NodeData);
                        if (node.NodeData != Entity && !node.NodeData.IsStatic && target != null)

                    m_currentSentPosition = i;
                    if (m_currentSentPosition >= g.Nodes.Count-1)
                        m_currentSentPosition = 0;
                    stream.WriteByte((byte)m_groups.Count); // Ignoring self
                    foreach (var node in m_groups)
                        var target = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetProxyTarget((IMyEventProxy)node);

                        // ~26.5 bytes per grid, not bad
                        NetworkId networkId = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetNetworkIdByObject(target);
                        stream.WriteNetworkId(networkId); // ~2 bytes

                        moving = IsMoving(node);
                        SerializeTransform(stream, node, basePos, true, apply, moving,null, null); // 12.5 bytes
                        SerializeVelocities(stream, node, EffectiveSimulationRatio, apply, moving); // 12 byte
                        UpdateGridMaxSpeed(node, Sync.IsServer);

                SerializeRopeData(stream, apply, gridsGroup: m_groups);
                UpdateGridMaxSpeed(Entity, !Sync.IsServer);

                byte numRecords = stream.ReadByte();
                for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
                    NetworkId networkId = stream.ReadNetworkId(); // ~2 bytes
                    MyCubeGridReplicable replicable = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetObjectByNetworkId(networkId) as MyCubeGridReplicable;
                    MyCubeGrid grid = replicable != null ? replicable.Grid : null;

                    moving = stream.ReadBool();
                    SerializeTransform(stream, grid, basePos, true, apply && grid != null,moving, null, null); // 12.5 bytes
                    SerializeVelocities(stream, grid, EffectiveSimulationRatio, apply && grid != null, moving); // 12 bytes

                SerializeRopeData(stream, apply);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void SerializePhysics(BitStream stream, MyNetworkClient sender, bool highOrientationCompression = false)
            // Serialize base
            base.SerializePhysics(stream, sender);

            Vector3D pos = Entity.WorldMatrix.Translation;

            if (stream.Writing)
                var g = MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(Entity);
                stream.WriteByte((byte)(g.Nodes.Count - 1)); // Ignoring self
                foreach (var node in g.Nodes)
                    // Ignore self, already serialized
                    if (node.NodeData != Entity)
                        var target = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetProxyTarget((IMyEventProxy)node.NodeData);

                        // ~26.5 bytes per grid, not bad
                        NetworkId networkId = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetNetworkIdByObject(target);
                        PositionUpdateMsg msg = CreatePositionMsg(node.NodeData);
                        stream.WriteNetworkId(networkId); // ~2 bytes

                        HalfVector3 posDelta = (HalfVector3)(Vector3)(msg.Position - pos);
                        stream.Serialize(ref posDelta); // 6 bytes
                        stream.SerializeNorm(ref msg.Orientation); // 6.5 bytes
                        stream.Serialize(ref msg.LinearVelocity); // 6 bytes
                        stream.Serialize(ref msg.AngularVelocity); // 6 bytes
                byte numRecords = stream.ReadByte();
                for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
                    PositionUpdateMsg msg = default(PositionUpdateMsg);
                    NetworkId networkId = stream.ReadNetworkId();

                    HalfVector3 posDelta = default(HalfVector3);
                    stream.Serialize(ref posDelta);
                    msg.Position = posDelta + pos;

                    stream.SerializeNorm(ref msg.Orientation);
                    stream.Serialize(ref msg.LinearVelocity);
                    stream.Serialize(ref msg.AngularVelocity);

                    MyCubeGrid grid = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetObjectByNetworkId(networkId) as MyCubeGrid;
                    if (grid != null)
                        grid.SyncObject.OnPositionUpdate(ref msg, sender);
        private void ProcessEvent( MyPacket packet )
            if ( _networkHandlers.Count == 0 )

            //magic: DO NOT TOUCH
            BitStream stream = new BitStream();
            stream.ResetRead( packet );

            NetworkId networkId = stream.ReadNetworkId();
            //this value is unused, but removing this line corrupts the rest of the stream
            NetworkId blockedNetworkId = stream.ReadNetworkId();
            uint eventId = (uint)stream.ReadByte();

            CallSite site;
            IMyNetObject sendAs;
            object obj;
            if ( networkId.IsInvalid ) // Static event
                site = m_typeTable.StaticEventTable.Get( eventId );
                sendAs = null;
                obj = null;
            else // Instance event
                sendAs = ( (MyReplicationLayer)MyMultiplayer.ReplicationLayer ).GetObjectByNetworkId( networkId );
                if ( sendAs == null )
                var typeInfo = m_typeTable.Get( sendAs.GetType() );
                int eventCount = typeInfo.EventTable.Count;
                if ( eventId < eventCount ) // Directly
                    obj = sendAs;
                    site = typeInfo.EventTable.Get( eventId );
                else // Through proxy
                    obj = ( (IMyProxyTarget)sendAs ).Target;
                    typeInfo = m_typeTable.Get( obj.GetType() );
                    site = typeInfo.EventTable.Get( eventId - (uint)eventCount ); // Subtract max id of Proxy

            #if DEBUG
            if ( ExtenderOptions.IsDebugging )
                if ( !site.MethodInfo.Name.Contains( "SyncPropertyChanged" ) && !site.MethodInfo.Name.Contains( "OnSimulationInfo" ) )
                    ApplicationLog.Error( $"Caught event {site.MethodInfo.Name} from user {PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerNameFromSteamId( packet.Sender.Value )}:{packet.Sender.Value}" );
            //we're handling the network live in the game thread, this needs to go as fast as possible
            bool handled = false;
            Parallel.ForEach( _networkHandlers, handler =>
                                                    if ( handler.CanHandle( site ) )
                                                        handled |= handler.Handle( packet.Sender.Value, site, stream, obj );
                                                } );

            if ( !handled )
                ( (MyReplicationLayer)MyMultiplayer.ReplicationLayer ).ProcessEvent( packet );