public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQueryAsk()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            this.TestQueryAsk(manager, "ASK WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s a ?type } }", true);
            this.TestQueryAsk(manager, "ASK WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s <> ?o } }", false);
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQueryConstruct()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            this.TestQueryConstruct(manager, "CONSTRUCT { ?s a ?type } WHERE { ?s a ?type }");
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQueryUnsynced()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            Assert.Throws <RdfQueryException>(() => this.TestQueryUnsynced(manager));
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQuerySelect()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            this.TestQuerySelect(manager, "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?type }");
 public void ParsingWriteToStoreHandlerDatasetsInMemory()
     InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemRemoveThenAddGraphDiscarded()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemAddTriplesDiscarded()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemDump2()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemUpdate()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemGetGraph()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemContains()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQueryUnsynced()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

 public void ParsingWriteToStoreHandlerBNodesAcrossBatchesInMemory()
     InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemQueryDescribe()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            this.TestQueryDescribe(manager, "DESCRIBE ?type WHERE { ?s a ?type } LIMIT 5");
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemRemoveTriplesFlushed()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemUpdateUnsynced()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

            Assert.Throws <SparqlUpdateException>(() => this.TestUpdateUnsynced(manager));
        public void StoragePersistentTripleStoreMemAddThenRemoveGraphFlushed()
            InMemoryManager manager = new InMemoryManager();

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to load a Generic IO Manager based on information from the Configuration Graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Configuration Graph</param>
        /// <param name="objNode">Object Node</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">Target Type</param>
        /// <param name="obj">Output Object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryLoadObject(IGraph g, INode objNode, Type targetType, out object obj)
            IGenericIOManager manager = null;
            obj = null;

            String server, user, pwd, store;
            bool isAsync;

            Object temp;
            INode storeObj;

            //Create the URI Nodes we're going to use to search for things
            INode propServer = ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyServer),
                  propDb = ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyDatabase),
                  propStore = ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyStore),
                  propAsync = ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyAsync);

            switch (targetType.FullName)
                case AllegroGraph:
                    //Get the Server, Catalog and Store
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    String catalog = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyCatalog));
                    store = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propStore);
                    if (store == null) return false;

                    //Get User Credentials
                    ConfigurationLoader.GetUsernameAndPassword(g, objNode, true, out user, out pwd);

                    if (user != null && pwd != null)
                        manager = new AllegroGraphConnector(server, catalog, store, user, pwd);
                        manager = new AllegroGraphConnector(server, catalog, store);

                case DatasetFile:
                    //Get the Filename and whether the loading should be done asynchronously
                    String file = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyFromFile));
                    if (file == null) return false;
                    file = ConfigurationLoader.ResolvePath(file);
                    isAsync = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationBoolean(g, objNode, propAsync, false);
                    manager = new DatasetFileManager(file, isAsync);

                case Dydra:
                    //Get the Account Name and Store
                    String account = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyCatalog));
                    if (account == null) return false;
                    store = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propStore);
                    if (store == null) return false;

                    //Get User Credentials
                    ConfigurationLoader.GetUsernameAndPassword(g, objNode, true, out user, out pwd);

                    if (user != null)
                        manager = new DydraConnector(account, store, user);
                        manager = new DydraConnector(account, store);

                case FourStore:
                    //Get the Server and whether Updates are enabled
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    bool enableUpdates = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationBoolean(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyEnableUpdates), true);
                    manager = new FourStoreConnector(server, enableUpdates);

                case Fuseki:
                    //Get the Server URI
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    manager = new FusekiConnector(server);

                case InMemory:
                    //Get the Dataset/Store
                    INode datasetObj = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationNode(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyUsingDataset));
                    if (datasetObj != null)
                        temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, datasetObj);
                        if (temp is ISparqlDataset)
                            manager = new InMemoryManager((ISparqlDataset)temp);
                            throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the In-Memory Manager identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the dnr:usingDataset property points to an Object that cannot be loaded as an object which implements the ISparqlDataset interface");
                        //If no dnr:usingDataset try dnr:usingStore instead
                        storeObj = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationNode(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyUsingStore));
                        if (storeObj != null)
                            temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, storeObj);
                            if (temp is IInMemoryQueryableStore)
                                manager = new InMemoryManager((IInMemoryQueryableStore)temp);
                                throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the In-Memory Manager identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the dnr:usingStore property points to an Object that cannot be loaded as an object which implements the IInMemoryQueryableStore interface");
                            //If no dnr:usingStore either then create a new empty store
                            manager = new InMemoryManager();

                case Joseki:
                    //Get the Query and Update URIs
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    String queryService = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyQueryPath));
                    if (queryService == null) return false;
                    String updateService = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyUpdatePath));
                    if (updateService == null)
                        manager = new JosekiConnector(server, queryService);
                        manager = new JosekiConnector(server, queryService, updateService);

                case ReadOnly:
                    //Get the actual Manager we are wrapping
                    storeObj = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationNode(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyGenericManager));
                    temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, storeObj);
                    if (temp is IGenericIOManager)
                        manager = new ReadOnlyConnector((IGenericIOManager)temp);
                        throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the Read-Only Connector identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the dnr:genericManager property points to an Object which cannot be loaded as an object which implements the required IGenericIOManager interface");

                case ReadOnlyQueryable:
                    //Get the actual Manager we are wrapping
                    storeObj = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationNode(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyGenericManager));
                    temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, storeObj);
                    if (temp is IQueryableGenericIOManager)
                        manager = new QueryableReadOnlyConnector((IQueryableGenericIOManager)temp);
                        throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the Queryable Read-Only Connector identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the dnr:genericManager property points to an Object which cannot be loaded as an object which implements the required IQueryableGenericIOManager interface");

                case Sesame:
                case SesameV5:
                case SesameV6:
                    //Get the Server and Store ID
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    store = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propStore);
                    if (store == null) return false;
                    ConfigurationLoader.GetUsernameAndPassword(g, objNode, true, out user, out pwd);
                    if (user != null && pwd != null)
                        manager = (IGenericIOManager)Activator.CreateInstance(targetType, new Object[] { server, store, user, pwd });
                        manager = (IGenericIOManager)Activator.CreateInstance(targetType, new Object[] { server, store });

                case Sparql:
                    //Get the Endpoint URI or the Endpoint
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyEndpointUri));

                    //What's the load mode?
                    String loadModeRaw = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyLoadMode));
                    SparqlConnectorLoadMethod loadMode = SparqlConnectorLoadMethod.Construct;
                    if (loadModeRaw != null)
                            loadMode = (SparqlConnectorLoadMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(SparqlConnectorLoadMethod), loadModeRaw, false);
                            loadMode = (SparqlConnectorLoadMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(SparqlConnectorLoadMethod), loadModeRaw);
                            throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the SparqlConnector identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the property dnr:loadMode is not valid");

                    if (server == null)
                        INode endpointObj = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationNode(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyEndpoint));
                        if (endpointObj == null) return false;
                        temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, endpointObj);
                        if (temp is SparqlRemoteEndpoint)
                            manager = new SparqlConnector((SparqlRemoteEndpoint)temp, loadMode);
                            throw new DotNetRdfConfigurationException("Unable to load the SparqlConnector identified by the Node '" + objNode.ToString() + "' as the value given for the property dnr:endpoint points to an Object which cannot be loaded as an object which is of the type SparqlRemoteEndpoint");
                        //Are there any Named/Default Graph URIs
                        IEnumerable<Uri> defGraphs = from def in ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationData(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyDefaultGraphUri))
                                                     where def.NodeType == NodeType.Uri
                                                     select ((IUriNode)def).Uri;
                        IEnumerable<Uri> namedGraphs = from named in ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationData(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyNamedGraphUri))
                                                       where named.NodeType == NodeType.Uri
                                                       select ((IUriNode)named).Uri;
                        if (defGraphs.Any() || namedGraphs.Any())
                            manager = new SparqlConnector(new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(server), defGraphs, namedGraphs), loadMode);
                            manager = new SparqlConnector(new Uri(server), loadMode);

                case SparqlHttpProtocol:
                    //Get the Service URI
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    manager = new SparqlHttpProtocolConnector(new Uri(server));

                case Stardog:
                    //Get the Server and Store
                    server = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propServer);
                    if (server == null) return false;
                    store = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propStore);
                    if (store == null) return false;

                    //Get User Credentials
                    ConfigurationLoader.GetUsernameAndPassword(g, objNode, true, out user, out pwd);

                    //Get Reasoning Mode
                    StardogReasoningMode reasoning = StardogReasoningMode.None;
                    String mode = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.PropertyLoadMode));
                    if (mode != null)
                            reasoning = (StardogReasoningMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(StardogReasoningMode), mode);
                            reasoning = StardogReasoningMode.None;

                    if (user != null && pwd != null)
                        manager = new StardogConnector(server, store, reasoning, user, pwd);
                        manager = new StardogConnector(server, store, reasoning);

                case Talis:
                    //Get the Store Name and User credentials
                    store = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, propStore);
                    if (store == null) return false;
                    ConfigurationLoader.GetUsernameAndPassword(g, objNode, true, out user, out pwd);
                    if (user != null && pwd != null)
                        manager = new TalisPlatformConnector(store, user, pwd);
                        manager = new TalisPlatformConnector(store);

            obj = manager;
            return (manager != null);
 public void ParsingWriteToStoreHandlerInMemory()
     InMemoryManager mem = new InMemoryManager();