}       //	setC_ValidCombination_ID

        /// <summary>
        ///	Set C_ValidCombination_ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acct">account</param>
        public void SetC_ValidCombination_ID(MAccount acct)
            if (acct == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Account is null");
            m_account        = acct;
            m_accountElement = null;
        }       //	setC_ValidCombination_ID
        }       //	getAccountElement

        /// <summary>
        /// Is it posting to a Control Acct
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> true if control acct</returns>
        public Boolean IsDocControlled()
            MElementValue acct = GetAccountElementValue();

            if (acct == null)
                log.Warning("Account not found for C_ValidCombination_ID=" + GetC_ValidCombination_ID());
        }       //	isDocControlled
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Set Account_ID
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>element value</returns>
 public MElementValue GetAccount()
     if (_accountEV == null)
         if (GetAccount_ID() != 0)
             _accountEV = new MElementValue(GetCtx(), GetAccount_ID(), Get_TrxName());
        }       //	getValidCombination

        /// <summary>
        ///	Get Natural Account Element Value
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> account</returns>
        public MElementValue GetAccountElementValue()
            if (m_accountElement == null)
                MAccount vc = GetAccount();
                if (vc != null && vc.GetAccount_ID() != 0)
                    m_accountElement = new MElementValue(GetCtx(), vc.GetAccount_ID(), Get_TrxName());
        }       //	getAccountElement
Ejemplo n.º 5
        }   //  saveAccounts

        public int GetC_ElementValue_ID(String key)
            MElementValue na = null;

            if (s_base.ContainsKey(key))
                na = (MElementValue)s_base[key];
            if (na == null)
        }   //  getC_ElementValue_ID
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool SaveAccounts(int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int C_Element_ID)

            foreach (string key in s_base.Keys)
                MElementValue na = (MElementValue)s_base[key];

                if (!na.Save())
        }   //  saveAccounts
Ejemplo n.º 7
        }   //  parse

        public String ParseAndSaveLine(String line, int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int C_Element_ID, MTree tree)

            //  Fields with ',' are enclosed in "
            StringBuilder   newLine = new StringBuilder();
            StringTokenizer st      = new StringTokenizer(line, "\"", false);

            newLine.Append(st.NextToken());         //  first part
            while (st.HasMoreElements())
                String s = st.NextToken();           //  enclosed part
                newLine.Append(s.Replace(',', ' ')); //  remove ',' with space
                if (st.HasMoreTokens())
                    newLine.Append(st.NextToken()); //  unenclosed
            //  add space at the end        - tokenizer does not count empty fields
            newLine.Append(" ");

            //  Parse Line - replace ",," with ", ,"    - tokenizer does not count empty fields
            String pLine = Utility.Util.Replace(newLine.ToString(), ",,", ", ,");

            pLine = Utility.Util.Replace(pLine, ",,", ", ,");
            st    = new StringTokenizer(pLine, ",", false);
            //  All fields there ?
            if (st.CountTokens() == 1)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Ignored: Require ',' as separator - " + pLine);
            if (st.CountTokens() < 9)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Ignored: FieldNumber wrong: " + st.CountTokens() + " - " + pLine);

            //  Fill variables
            String Value = null, Name = null, Description = null,
                   AccountType = null, AccountSign = null, IsDocControlled = null,
                   IsSummary = null, Default_Account = null;
            int accountParent = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 9 && st.HasMoreTokens(); i++)
                String s = st.NextToken().Trim();
                //  Ignore, if is it header line
                if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.EndsWith("]"))
                if (s == null)
                    s = "";
                if (i == 0)                     //	A - Value
                    Value = s;
                else if (i == 1)        //	B - Name
                    Name = s;
                else if (i == 2)        //	C - Description
                    Description = s;
                else if (i == 3)        //	D - Type
                    AccountType = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "E";
                else if (i == 4)        //	E - Sign
                    AccountSign = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 5)        //	F - DocControlled
                    IsDocControlled = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 6)        //	G - IsSummary
                    IsSummary = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 7)        //	H - Default_Account
                    Default_Account = s;
                else if (i == 8)
                    accountParent = Util.GetValueOfInt(s);

            //	Ignore if Value & Name are empty (no error message)
            if ((Value == null || Value.Length == 0) && (Name == null || Name.Length == 0))
            //Commented By Lakhwinder
            ////  Default Account may be blank
            //if (Default_Account == null || Default_Account.Length == 0)
            //    //	Default_Account = String.valueOf(s_keyNo++);
            //    return "";

            ////	No Summary Account
            //if (IsSummary == null || IsSummary.Length == 0)
            //    IsSummary = "N";
            //if (!IsSummary.Equals("N"))
            //    return "";

            ////  Validation
            //if (AccountType == null || AccountType.Length == 0)
            //    AccountType = "E";

            //if (AccountSign == null || AccountSign.Length == 0)
            //    AccountSign = "N";
            //if (IsDocControlled == null || IsDocControlled.Length == 0)
            //    IsDocControlled = "N";

            //	log.config( "Value=" + Value + ", AcctType=" + AccountType
            //		+ ", Sign=" + AccountSign + ", Doc=" + docControlled
            //		+ ", Summary=" + summary + " - " + Name + " - " + Description);

                //	Try to find - allows to use same natutal account for multiple default accounts
                MElementValue na = null;
                if (m_valueMap.ContainsKey(Value))
                    na = (MElementValue)m_valueMap[Value];
                if (na == null)
                    //  Create Account - save later
                    na = new MElementValue(m_ctx, Value, Name, Description, AccountType, AccountSign, IsDocControlled.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y"), IsSummary.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y"), m_trx);
                    int refElementID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT C_ElementValue_ID FROM C_ElementValue
                                                                                    WHERE IsActive='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=" + na.GetAD_Client_ID() + " AND Value='" + accountParent + @"'
                                                                                    AND C_Element_ID=" + C_Element_ID, null, m_trx));
                    m_valueMap[Value] = na;
                    if (!na.Save(m_trx))
                        return("Acct Element Values NOT inserted");
                        //m_info.Append(Msg.Translate(m_lang, "C_ElementValue_ID")).Append(" # ").Append(m_nap.Count).Append("\n");
                    VAdvantage.Model.MTreeNode mNode = VAdvantage.Model.MTreeNode.Get(tree, na.Get_ID());
                    if (mNode == null)
                        mNode = new VAdvantage.Model.MTreeNode(tree, na.Get_ID());
                    ((VAdvantage.Model.PO)mNode).Set_Value("Parent_ID", refElementID);
                    if (!mNode.Save(m_trx))
                        return("Acct Element Values NOT inserted");

                if (!(Default_Account == null || Default_Account.Length == 0))
                    //  Add to Cache
                    s_base.Add(Default_Account.ToUpper(), na);
            catch (Exception e)

        }   //
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Account Entry for Default Accounts only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">line with info
        /// <para>
        /// Line format (9 fields)
        /// 1	A   [Account Value]
        /// 2	B   [Account Name]
        /// 3	C   [Description]
        /// 4	D   [Account Type]
        /// 5	E   [Account Sign]
        /// 6	F   [Document Controlled]
        /// 7	G   [Summary Account]
        /// 8	H   [Default_Account]
        /// 9	I   [Parent Value] - ignored
        /// </para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>error message or "" if OK</returns>
        public String ParseLine(String line)

            //  Fields with ',' are enclosed in "
            StringBuilder   newLine = new StringBuilder();
            StringTokenizer st      = new StringTokenizer(line, "\"", false);

            newLine.Append(st.NextToken());         //  first part
            while (st.HasMoreElements())
                String s = st.NextToken();           //  enclosed part
                newLine.Append(s.Replace(',', ' ')); //  remove ',' with space
                if (st.HasMoreTokens())
                    newLine.Append(st.NextToken()); //  unenclosed
            //  add space at the end        - tokenizer does not count empty fields
            newLine.Append(" ");

            //  Parse Line - replace ",," with ", ,"    - tokenizer does not count empty fields
            String pLine = Utility.Util.Replace(newLine.ToString(), ",,", ", ,");

            pLine = Utility.Util.Replace(pLine, ",,", ", ,");
            st    = new StringTokenizer(pLine, ",", false);
            //  All fields there ?
            if (st.CountTokens() == 1)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Ignored: Require ',' as separator - " + pLine);
            if (st.CountTokens() < 9)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Ignored: FieldNumber wrong: " + st.CountTokens() + " - " + pLine);

            //  Fill variables
            String Value = null, Name = null, Description = null,
                   AccountType = null, AccountSign = null, IsDocControlled = null,
                   IsSummary = null, Default_Account = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8 && st.HasMoreTokens(); i++)
                String s = st.NextToken().Trim();
                //  Ignore, if is it header line
                if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.EndsWith("]"))
                if (s == null)
                    s = "";
                if (i == 0)                     //	A - Value
                    Value = s;
                else if (i == 1)        //	B - Name
                    Name = s;
                else if (i == 2)        //	C - Description
                    Description = s;
                else if (i == 3)        //	D - Type
                    AccountType = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "E";
                else if (i == 4)        //	E - Sign
                    AccountSign = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 5)        //	F - DocControlled
                    IsDocControlled = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 6)        //	G - IsSummary
                    IsSummary = s.Length > 0 ? s[0].ToString() : "N";
                else if (i == 7)        //	H - Default_Account
                    Default_Account = s;

            //	Ignore if Value & Name are empty (no error message)
            if ((Value == null || Value.Length == 0) && (Name == null || Name.Length == 0))

            //  Default Account may be blank
            if (Default_Account == null || Default_Account.Length == 0)
                //	Default_Account = String.valueOf(s_keyNo++);

            //	No Summary Account
            if (IsSummary == null || IsSummary.Length == 0)
                IsSummary = "N";
            if (!IsSummary.Equals("N"))

            //  Validation
            if (AccountType == null || AccountType.Length == 0)
                AccountType = "E";

            if (AccountSign == null || AccountSign.Length == 0)
                AccountSign = "N";
            if (IsDocControlled == null || IsDocControlled.Length == 0)
                IsDocControlled = "N";

            //	log.config( "Value=" + Value + ", AcctType=" + AccountType
            //		+ ", Sign=" + AccountSign + ", Doc=" + docControlled
            //		+ ", Summary=" + summary + " - " + Name + " - " + Description);

                //	Try to find - allows to use same natutal account for multiple default accounts
                MElementValue na = null;
                if (m_valueMap.ContainsKey(Value))
                    na = (MElementValue)m_valueMap[Value];
                if (na == null)
                    //  Create Account - save later
                    na = new MElementValue(m_ctx, Value, Name, Description, AccountType, AccountSign, IsDocControlled.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y"), IsSummary.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y"), m_trx);
                    m_valueMap[Value] = na;

                //  Add to Cache
                s_base.Add(Default_Account.ToUpper(), na);
            catch (Exception e)

        }   //  parseLine
        }       //	setAmt

        /// <summary>
        /// Set C_ValidCombination_ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="C_ValidCombination_ID">id</param>
        public new void SetC_ValidCombination_ID(int C_ValidCombination_ID)
            m_account        = null;
            m_accountElement = null;
        }       //	setC_ValidCombination_ID
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Value and Description and Fully Qualified Flag for Combination
        /// </summary>
        public void SetValueDescription()
            StringBuilder combi          = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder descr          = new StringBuilder();
            bool          fullyQualified = true;
            MAcctSchema as1 = new MAcctSchema(GetCtx(), GetC_AcctSchema_ID(), Get_TrxName());   //	In Trx!

            MAcctSchemaElement[] elements = MAcctSchemaElement.GetAcctSchemaElements(as1);
            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                MAcctSchemaElement element  = elements[i];
                String             combiStr = "_"; //	not defined
                String             descrStr = "_";

                if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Organization.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetAD_Org_ID() != 0)
                        MOrg org = new MOrg(GetCtx(), GetAD_Org_ID(), Get_TrxName());   //	in Trx!
                        combiStr = org.GetValue();
                        descrStr = org.GetName();
                        combiStr       = "*";
                        descrStr       = "*";
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Account.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetAccount_ID() != 0)
                        if (_accountEV == null)
                            _accountEV = new MElementValue(GetCtx(), GetAccount_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = _accountEV.GetValue();
                        descrStr = _accountEV.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Account");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_SubAccount.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_SubAcct_ID() != 0)
                        X_C_SubAcct sa = new X_C_SubAcct(GetCtx(), GetC_SubAcct_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = sa.GetValue();
                        descrStr = sa.GetName();
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Product.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetM_Product_ID() != 0)
                        X_M_Product product = new X_M_Product(GetCtx(), GetM_Product_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = product.GetValue();
                        descrStr = product.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Product");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_BPartner.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_BPartner_ID() != 0)
                        X_C_BPartner partner = new X_C_BPartner(GetCtx(), GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = partner.GetValue();
                        descrStr = partner.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Business Partner");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_OrgTrx.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetAD_OrgTrx_ID() != 0)
                        MOrg org = new MOrg(GetCtx(), GetAD_OrgTrx_ID(), Get_TrxName());        // in Trx!
                        combiStr = org.GetValue();
                        descrStr = org.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Trx Org");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_LocationFrom.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_LocFrom_ID() != 0)
                        MLocation loc = new MLocation(GetCtx(), GetC_LocFrom_ID(), Get_TrxName());      //	in Trx!
                        combiStr = loc.GetPostal();
                        descrStr = loc.GetCity();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Location From");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_LocationTo.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_LocTo_ID() != 0)
                        MLocation loc = new MLocation(GetCtx(), GetC_LocFrom_ID(), Get_TrxName());      //	in Trx!
                        combiStr = loc.GetPostal();
                        descrStr = loc.GetCity();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Location To");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_SalesRegion.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_SalesRegion_ID() != 0)
                        MSalesRegion loc = new MSalesRegion(GetCtx(), GetC_SalesRegion_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = loc.GetValue();
                        descrStr = loc.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: SalesRegion");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Project.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_Project_ID() != 0)
                        X_C_Project project = new X_C_Project(GetCtx(), GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = project.GetValue();
                        descrStr = project.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Project");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Campaign.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0)
                        X_C_Campaign campaign = new X_C_Campaign(GetCtx(), GetC_Campaign_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = campaign.GetValue();
                        descrStr = campaign.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Campaign");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_Activity.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetC_Activity_ID() != 0)
                        X_C_Activity act = new X_C_Activity(GetCtx(), GetC_Activity_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = act.GetValue();
                        descrStr = act.GetName();
                    else if (element.IsMandatory())
                        //log.warning("Mandatory Element missing: Campaign");
                        fullyQualified = false;
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_UserList1.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetUser1_ID() != 0)
                        MElementValue ev = new MElementValue(GetCtx(), GetUser1_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = ev.GetValue();
                        descrStr = ev.GetName();
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_UserList2.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetUser2_ID() != 0)
                        MElementValue ev = new MElementValue(GetCtx(), GetUser2_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                        combiStr = ev.GetValue();
                        descrStr = ev.GetName();
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_UserElement1.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetUserElement1_ID() != 0)
                else if (MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_UserElement2.Equals(element.GetElementType()))
                    if (GetUserElement2_ID() != 0)
            //	Set Values
            if (fullyQualified != IsFullyQualified())
                _log.Fine("Combination=" + GetCombination() + " - " + GetDescription() + " - FullyQualified=" + fullyQualified);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Set Account_ID
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Account_ID">id</param>
 public new void SetAccount_ID(int Account_ID)
     _accountEV = null;  //	reset