Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JsonResult CustomServerSideSearchAction2()
            JsonResult _ret = Json(new { String.Empty });

            IFormCollection formData = HttpContext.Request.Form;

            string action = formData["action"];

            switch (action)
            case "create":
                string firstname = formData["data[0][firstname]"];
                string lastname  = formData["data[0][lastname]"];
                string email     = formData["data[0][email]"];
                //todo check if  already exit ?
                YourCustomSearchClass newObj = new YourCustomSearchClass();
                newObj.firstname = firstname;
                newObj.lastname  = lastname;
                newObj.email     = email;
                //save to DB
                int NbSaveElement = context.Insert <YourCustomSearchClass>(newObj);
                //newObj.Id = id;

                _ret = Json(new
                        data = newObj


            case "edit":
                //Read ID
                List <string> Keys          = formData.Keys.ToList();
                string        id_data       = Keys[1];
                string        id_data_clean = id_data.Substring(5, id_data.Length - 5);
                string        RealId        = id_data_clean.Split(']')[0];

                //Read new Value
                string firstname = formData["data[" + RealId + "][firstname]"];
                string lastname  = formData["data[" + RealId + "][lastname]"];
                string email     = formData["data[" + RealId + "][email]"];

                YourCustomSearchClass _updateObj = new YourCustomSearchClass();
                _updateObj.Id        = Convert.ToInt32(RealId);
                _updateObj.firstname = firstname;
                _updateObj.lastname  = lastname;
                _updateObj.email     = email;

                context.Update <YourCustomSearchClass>(_updateObj);

                _ret = Json(new
                        data = _updateObj


            case "remove":
                List <string> Keys = formData.Keys.ToList();

                List <string> IDKeys = new List <string>();
                foreach (string s in Keys)
                    if (s.Contains("id"))

                foreach (string id_data in IDKeys)
                    string id_data_clean = id_data.Substring(5, id_data.Length - 5);
                    string RealId        = id_data_clean.Split(']')[0];

                    //delete dans la base de données
                    int idToDelete = Convert.ToInt32(RealId);
                    context.Delete <YourCustomSearchClass>(idToDelete);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //private Expression<Func<DatabaseTableMappedClass, bool>> BuildDynamicWhereClause(string searchValue)
        //    // simple method to dynamically plugin a where clause
        //    var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<DatabaseTableMappedClass>(true); // true -where(true) return all
        //    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchValue) == false)
        //    {
        //        // as we only have 2 cols allow the user type in name 'firstname lastname' then use the list to search the first and last name of dbase
        //        var searchTerms = searchValue.Split(' ').ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.ToLower());

        //        predicate = predicate.Or(s => searchTerms.Any(srch => s.Firstname.ToLower().Contains(srch)));
        //        predicate = predicate.Or(s => searchTerms.Any(srch => s.Lastname.ToLower().Contains(srch)));
        //    }
        //    return predicate;

        private List <YourCustomSearchClass> GetDataFromDbase(string searchBy, int take, int skip, string sortBy, bool sortDir, out int filteredResultsCount, out int totalResultsCount)
            var result = new List <YourCustomSearchClass>();

            List <YourCustomSearchClass> ListOfCitations = context.GetData <YourCustomSearchClass>();

            if (ListOfCitations.Count() == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
                    YourCustomSearchClass ycc = new YourCustomSearchClass();

                    string cursor = i.ToString();

                    ycc.Address1  = "addres1";
                    ycc.Address2  = "adress2";
                    ycc.Address3  = "adress3";
                    ycc.Address4  = "adress4";
                    ycc.firstname = "Guillaume_" + cursor;
                    ycc.lastname  = "BOUCHER_" + cursor;
                    ycc.email     = "*****@*****.**";
                    ycc.Phone     = "0102030405060";
                    ycc.Postcode  = "1234";

                context.Upsert <YourCustomSearchClass>(ListOfCitations);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchBy))
                if (take == -1)
                    result = ListOfCitations.ToList();
                    result = ListOfCitations.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
                if (take == -1)
                    result = ListOfCitations.Where(x => x.email.ToLower().Contains(searchBy) || x.firstname.ToLower().Contains(searchBy) || x.lastname.ToLower().Contains(searchBy)).ToList();
                    result = ListOfCitations.Where(x => x.email.ToLower().Contains(searchBy) || x.firstname.ToLower().Contains(searchBy) || x.lastname.ToLower().Contains(searchBy)).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy))
                // if we have an empty search then just order the results by Id ascending
                sortBy  = "Id";
                sortDir = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy) && result != null && result.Count > 0)
                Type t = result[0].GetType();

                if (sortDir) // Ascending
                    result = result.OrderBy(
                        a => t.InvokeMember(
                            , System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty
                            , null
                            , a
                            , null
                    result = result.OrderByDescending(
                        a => t.InvokeMember(
                            , System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty
                            , null
                            , a
                            , null

            filteredResultsCount = ListOfCitations.Count();
            totalResultsCount    = ListOfCitations.Count();

            //var result = Db.DatabaseTableEntity
            //               .AsExpandable()
            //               .Where(whereClause)
            //               .Select(m => new YourCustomSearchClass
            //               {
            //                   Id = m.Id,
            //                   Firstname = m.Firstname,
            //                   Lastname = m.Lastname,
            //                   Address1 = m.Address1,
            //                   Address2 = m.Address2,
            //                   Address3 = m.Address3,
            //                   Address4 = m.Address4,
            //                   Phone = m.Phone,
            //                   Postcode = m.Postcode,
            //               })
            //               .OrderBy(sortBy, sortDir) // have to give a default order when skipping .. so use the PK
            //               .Skip(skip)
            //               .Take(take)
            //               .ToList();

            // now just get the count of items (without the skip and take) - eg how many could be returned with filtering
            //filteredResultsCount = Db.DatabaseTableEntity.AsExpandable().Where(whereClause).Count();
            //totalResultsCount = Db.DatabaseTableEntity.Count();
