Ejemplo n.º 1
            /** Gradient and value of the cost function of this VO.
             * The VO has a cost function which is 0 outside the VO
             * and increases inside it as the point moves further into
             * the VO.
             * This is the negative gradient of that function as well as its
             * value (the weight). The negative gradient points in the direction
             * where the function decreases the fastest.
             * The value of the function is the distance to the closest edge
             * of the VO and the gradient is normalized.
            public Vector2 Gradient(Vector2 p, out float weight)
                if (colliding)
                    // Calculate double signed area of the triangle consisting of the points
                    // {line1, line1+dir1, p}
                    float l1 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line1, dir1, p);

                    // Serves as a check for which side of the line the point p is
                    if (l1 >= 0)
                        weight = l1;
                        return(new Vector2(-dir1.y, dir1.x));
                        weight = 0;
                        return(new Vector2(0, 0));

                float det3 = SignedDistanceFromLine(cutoffLine, cutoffDir, p);

                if (det3 <= 0)
                    weight = 0;
                    // Signed distances to the two edges along the sides of the VO
                    float det1 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line1, dir1, p);
                    float det2 = SignedDistanceFromLine(line2, dir2, p);
                    if (det1 >= 0 && det2 >= 0)
                        // We are inside both of the half planes
                        // (all three if we count the cutoff line)
                        // and thus inside the forbidden region in velocity space

                        // Actually the negative gradient because we want the
                        // direction where it slopes the most downwards, not upwards
                        Vector2 gradient;

                        // Check if we are in the semicircle region near the cap of the VO
                        if (Vector2.Dot(p - line1, dir1) > 0 && Vector2.Dot(p - line2, dir2) < 0)
                            if (segment)
                                // This part will only be reached for line obstacles (i.e not other agents)
                                if (det3 < radius)
                                    PF.Vector3 closestPointOnLine = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart.ToPFV2(), segmentEnd.ToPFV2(), p.ToPFV2());
                                    var        dirFromCenter      = p.ToPFV2() - closestPointOnLine.ToV2();
                                    float      distToCenter;
                                    gradient = VectorMath.Normalize(dirFromCenter, out distToCenter);
                                    // The weight is the distance to the edge
                                    weight = radius - distToCenter;
                                var   dirFromCenter = p - circleCenter;
                                float distToCenter;
                                gradient = VectorMath.Normalize(dirFromCenter, out distToCenter);
                                // The weight is the distance to the edge
                                weight = radius - distToCenter;

                        if (segment && det3 < det1 && det3 < det2)
                            weight   = det3;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-cutoffDir.y, cutoffDir.x);

                        // Just move towards the closest edge
                        // The weight is the distance to the edge
                        if (det1 < det2)
                            weight   = det1;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-dir1.y, dir1.x);
                            weight   = det2;
                            gradient = new Vector2(-dir2.y, dir2.x);


                    weight = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /** Simulates rotating the agent towards the specified direction and returns the new rotation.
  * \param direction Direction in the movement plane to rotate towards.
  * \param maxDegrees Maximum number of degrees to rotate this frame.
  * Note that this only calculates a new rotation, it does not change the actual rotation of the agent.
  * \see #rotationIn2D
  * \see #movementPlane
 protected Quaternion SimulateRotationTowards(Vector2 direction, float maxDegrees)
     if (direction != Vector2.zero)
         Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(movementPlane.ToWorld(direction.ToPFV2(), 0).ToUnityV3(), movementPlane.ToWorld(Vector2.zero.ToPFV2(), 1).ToUnityV3());
         // This causes the character to only rotate around the Z axis
         if (rotationIn2D)
             targetRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);
         return(Quaternion.RotateTowards(simulatedRotation, targetRotation, maxDegrees));
Ejemplo n.º 3
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * Note that the segment is directed, the agent will want to be on the left side of the segment.
            public static VO SegmentObstacle(Vector2 segmentStart, Vector2 segmentEnd, Vector2 offset, float radius, float inverseDt, float inverseDeltaTime)
                var vo = new VO();

                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                vo.weightFactor = 1;
                // Just higher than anything else
                vo.weightBonus = Mathf.Max(radius, 1) * 40;

                var closestOnSegment = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnSegment(segmentStart.ToPFV2(), segmentEnd.ToPFV2(), Vector2.zero.ToPFV2());

                // Collision?
                if (closestOnSegment.magnitude <= radius)
                    vo.colliding = true;

                    vo.line1  = closestOnSegment.normalized.ToUnityV3() * (closestOnSegment.magnitude - radius) * 0.3f * inverseDeltaTime;
                    vo.dir1   = new Vector2(vo.line1.y, -vo.line1.x).normalized;
                    vo.line1 += offset;

                    vo.cutoffDir  = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.cutoffLine = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.dir2       = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.line2      = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.radius     = 0;

                    vo.segmentStart = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = Vector2.zero;
                    vo.segment      = false;
                    vo.colliding = false;

                    segmentStart *= inverseDt;
                    segmentEnd   *= inverseDt;
                    radius       *= inverseDt;

                    var cutoffTangent = (segmentEnd - segmentStart).normalized;
                    vo.cutoffDir   = cutoffTangent;
                    vo.cutoffLine  = segmentStart + new Vector2(-cutoffTangent.y, cutoffTangent.x) * radius;
                    vo.cutoffLine += offset;

                    // See documentation for details
                    // The call to Max is just to prevent floating point errors causing NaNs to appear
                    var startSqrMagnitude = segmentStart.sqrMagnitude;
                    var normal1           = -VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(segmentStart, new Vector2(radius, Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, startSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / startSqrMagnitude;
                    var endSqrMagnitude   = segmentEnd.sqrMagnitude;
                    var normal2           = -VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(segmentEnd, new Vector2(radius, -Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0, endSqrMagnitude - radius * radius)))) / endSqrMagnitude;

                    vo.line1 = segmentStart + normal1.ToUnityV2() * radius + offset;
                    vo.line2 = segmentEnd + normal2.ToUnityV2() * radius + offset;

                    // Note that the normals are already normalized
                    vo.dir1 = new Vector2(normal1.y, -normal1.x);
                    vo.dir2 = new Vector2(normal2.y, -normal2.x);

                    vo.segmentStart = segmentStart;
                    vo.segmentEnd   = segmentEnd;
                    vo.radius       = radius;
                    vo.segment      = true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** Calculates how far to move during a single frame */
 protected Vector2 CalculateDeltaToMoveThisFrame(Vector2 position, float distanceToEndOfPath, float deltaTime)
     if (rvoController != null && rvoController.enabled)
         // Use RVOController to get a processed delta position
         // such that collisions will be avoided if possible
         return(movementPlane.ToPlane(rvoController.CalculateMovementDelta(movementPlane.ToWorld(position.ToPFV2(), 0).ToUnityV3(), deltaTime).ToPFV3()).ToUnityV2());
     // Direction and distance to move during this frame
     return(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D * deltaTime, distanceToEndOfPath));