Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void UpdateWithExtensionDistance(float extensionDistance, NativeSlice <PointSampleGlobal> polygon)
            var pose = polygon[0].pose;

            polygon[0] = new PointSampleGlobal(new RigidTransform
                pos = pose.pos + math.rotate(pose.rot, new float3(0, 0, -extensionDistance)),
                rot = pose.rot

            pose = polygon[polygon.Length - 1].pose;
            polygon[polygon.Length - 1] = new PointSampleGlobal(new RigidTransform
                pos = pose.pos + math.rotate(pose.rot, new float3(0, 0, -extensionDistance)),
                rot = pose.rot

            var middleIndex = polygon.Length / 2;

            pose = polygon[middleIndex - 1].pose;
            polygon[middleIndex - 1] = new PointSampleGlobal(new RigidTransform
                pos = pose.pos + math.rotate(pose.rot, new float3(0, 0, extensionDistance)),
                rot = pose.rot

            pose = polygon[middleIndex].pose;
            polygon[middleIndex] = new PointSampleGlobal(new RigidTransform
                pos = pose.pos + math.rotate(pose.rot, new float3(0, 0, extensionDistance)),
                rot = pose.rot
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public SamplingStateEcsRoad(EcsRoadData road, float samplesPerMeter)
            canMoveToNextLaneSection = true;
            geometryIdx     = 0;
            geometryEndS    = road.ecsGeometries[0].length;
            laneSectionIdx  = 0;
            laneSectionEndS = road.ecsLaneSections.Length > 1 ? road.ecsLaneSections[1].sRoad : road.ecsRoad.length;
            if (road.laneOffsets.Length > 0)
                laneOffsetIdx  = 0;
                laneOffsetEndS = road.laneOffsets.Length > 1 ? road.laneOffsets[1].sRoad : road.ecsRoad.length;
                laneOffsetIdx  = -1;
                laneOffsetEndS = float.MaxValue;

            sRoadCurrent      = 0.0f;
            sRoadStep         = 1.0f / samplesPerMeter;
            sRoadLastComputed = -1f;
            geometrySample    = default;
            laneOffset        = 0f;
            geometryState     = new SamplingStateGeometry(road.ecsGeometries[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal static PointSampleLocal FromGlobalToLocal(RigidTransform poseLocalInGlobal,
                                                           PointSampleGlobal pointGlobal)
            var tfFromGlobalToLocal = math.inverse(poseLocalInGlobal);
            var poseLocal3D         = math.mul(tfFromGlobalToLocal, pointGlobal.pose);
            // In 3D coordinates, z is forward and x is right; in 2D coordinates, x is forward and y is left
            var positionLocal2D     = new float2(poseLocal3D.pos.z, -poseLocal3D.pos.x);
            var headingLocalRadians = GlobalOrientationToLocalHeadingRadians(poseLocal3D.rot);

            return(new PointSampleLocal(positionLocal2D, headingLocalRadians));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ComputeSamples(EcsRoadData road)
            if (Mathf.Approximately(sRoadCurrent, sRoadLastComputed))
                Debug.LogWarning("Compute samples called for the same s-value twice.");

            sRoadLastComputed = sRoadCurrent;

            var geometry = road.ecsGeometries[geometryIdx];

            //var sGeometry = sRoadCurrent - geometry.sRoad;
            geometrySample = geometry.Sample(sRoadCurrent);
            if (road.laneOffsets.Length > 0)
                var laneOffsetRecord = road.laneOffsets[laneOffsetIdx];
                var sLaneOffset      = sRoadCurrent - laneOffsetRecord.sRoad;
                laneOffset = GeometrySampling.Poly3ComputeV(laneOffsetRecord.poly3, sLaneOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static void BuildSamplesInsideLaneSection(
            EcsRoadData road, int laneId, int numSamplesSection, int outputIdx, TraversalDirection samplingDirection,
            ref SamplingStateEcsRoad samplingState, ref NativeArray <PointSampleGlobal> samplesOut)
            var numSamplesOut    = samplesOut.Length;
            var numEdgesToSample = math.abs(laneId);
            var numSamplesEdge   = numEdgesToSample == 0 ? numSamplesOut : numSamplesOut * numEdgesToSample;
            // We will need to sample the center line as well, if we are not between two lane edges
            var shouldSampleCenter = numEdgesToSample <= 1;
            var samplesEdges       = new NativeArray <PointSampleGlobal>(numSamplesEdge, Allocator.Temp);
            var side         = ToSide(laneId);
            var sectionStart = samplingDirection == TraversalDirection.Forward ? outputIdx : numSamplesSection + outputIdx - 1;

            for (var sampleNum = 0; sampleNum < numSamplesSection; sampleNum++)
                var sampleIdx = sectionStart + sampleNum * (int)samplingDirection;
                var sRoad     = samplingState.sRoadLastComputed;
                SampleLanesOneSide(road, samplingState, side, sRoad, sampleIdx, ref samplesEdges,
                // Lane index is lane ID - 1 because ID's start at 1, not 0
                var            laneSampleIdx = ComputeLaneSampleIdx(numEdgesToSample - 1, numSamplesOut, sampleIdx);
                var            poseOuterEdge = samplesEdges[laneSampleIdx].pose;
                RigidTransform poseInnerEdge;
                if (shouldSampleCenter)
                    poseInnerEdge = SampleCenter(road, samplingState, sRoad).pose;
                    var innerEdgeIdx = ComputeLaneSampleIdx(numEdgesToSample - 2, numSamplesOut, sampleIdx);
                    poseInnerEdge = samplesEdges[innerEdgeIdx].pose;
                var positionMean = math.lerp(poseInnerEdge.pos, poseOuterEdge.pos, 0.5f);
                var rotationMean = math.nlerp(poseInnerEdge.rot, poseOuterEdge.rot, 0.5f);
                samplesOut[sampleIdx] = new PointSampleGlobal(rotationMean, positionMean);


Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool Equals(PointSampleGlobal other)