Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void CalculateBars(Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int   groupCount = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetGroupCount(frameIndex);
            float num        = 0f;

            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
                string groupname = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetGroupName();
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo groupInfo = this.groups.Find((ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo g) => g.name == groupname);
                if (groupInfo == null)
                    groupInfo          = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo();
                    groupInfo.name     = groupname;
                    groupInfo.height   = 20f;
                    groupInfo.expanded = false;
                    groupInfo.threads  = new List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>();
                    if (groupname == string.Empty || groupname == "Unity Job System")
                        groupInfo.expanded = true;
                List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo> threads    = groupInfo.threads;
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo        threadInfo = threads.Find((ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo t) => t.threadIndex == i);
                if (threadInfo == null)
                    threadInfo             = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo();
                    threadInfo.name        = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadName();
                    threadInfo.height      = 0f;
                    threadInfo.weight      = (threadInfo.desiredWeight = (float)((!groupInfo.expanded) ? 0 : 1));
                    threadInfo.threadIndex = i;
                if (threadInfo.weight != threadInfo.desiredWeight)
                    threadInfo.weight = threadInfo.desiredWeight * time + (1f - threadInfo.desiredWeight) * (1f - time);
                num += threadInfo.weight;
            float num2 = 16f * (float)groupCount;
            float num3 = r.height - num2;
            float num4 = num3 / (num + 2f);

            foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current in this.groups)
                foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current2 in current.threads)
                    current2.height = num4 * current2.weight;
            this.groups[0].expanded          = true;
            this.groups[0].height            = 0f;
            this.groups[0].threads[0].height = 3f * num4;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, ref int threadCount, float offset)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount2 = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (ghost && threadCount2 != threadCount)
            if (!ghost)
                threadCount = threadCount2;
            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                Rect r = fullRect;
                r.y      = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i, threadCount);
                r.height = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i + 1, threadCount) - r.y;
                profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
                if (i == 0 && !ghost)
                    this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
                this.DrawProfilingData(profilerFrameDataIterator, r, i, offset, ghost);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void DoGUI(int frameIndex, float width, float ypos, float height)
     Rect position = new Rect(0f, ypos - 1f, width, height + 1f);
     float num = 169f;
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
         styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(position, false, false, false, false);
         EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0f, (ypos + height) - 15f, num, 15f), false, false, false, false);
     bool flag = false;
     if (this.m_TimeArea == null)
         flag = true;
         this.m_TimeArea = new ZoomableArea();
         this.m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked = false;
         this.m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked = true;
         this.m_TimeArea.hSlider = true;
         this.m_TimeArea.vSlider = false;
         this.m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
         this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect((position.x + num) - 1f, position.y, position.width - num, position.height);
         this.m_TimeArea.margin = 10f;
     ProfilerFrameDataIterator iterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
     iterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
     this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0f;
     this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = iterator.frameTimeMS;
     if (flag)
     this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(position.x + num, position.y, position.width - num, position.height);
     position = this.m_TimeArea.drawRect;
     this.DrawBars(position, frameIndex);
     position.x = 0f;
     position.y = 0f;
     int threadCount = 0;
     this.DoProfilerFrame(frameIndex, position, false, ref threadCount, 0f);
     bool enabled = GUI.enabled;
     GUI.enabled = false;
     int previousFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(frameIndex);
     if (previousFrameIndex != -1)
         ProfilerFrameDataIterator iterator2 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
         iterator2.SetRoot(previousFrameIndex, 0);
         this.DoProfilerFrame(previousFrameIndex, position, true, ref threadCount, -iterator2.frameTimeMS);
     int nextFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(frameIndex);
     if (nextFrameIndex != -1)
         ProfilerFrameDataIterator iterator3 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
         iterator3.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
         this.DoProfilerFrame(nextFrameIndex, position, true, ref threadCount, iterator3.frameTimeMS);
     GUI.enabled = enabled;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void CalculateBars(Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator iterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int   groupCount = iterator.GetGroupCount(frameIndex);
            float num2       = 0f;

            iterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = iterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, int threadCount, float offset)
            var iter          = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int myThreadCount = iter.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (ghost && myThreadCount != threadCount)

            iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            if (!ghost)

            float y = fullRect.y;

            foreach (var groupInfo in groups)
                Rect r        = fullRect;
                var  expanded = groupInfo.expanded;
                if (expanded)
                    y += groupInfo.height;

                var yStart           = y;
                var groupThreadCount = groupInfo.threads.Count;
                foreach (var threadInfo in groupInfo.threads)
                    iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, threadInfo.threadIndex);
                    r.y      = y;
                    r.height = expanded ? threadInfo.height : Math.Max(groupInfo.height / groupThreadCount - 1, 2);

                    DoNativeProfilerTimeline(r, frameIndex, threadInfo.threadIndex, offset, ghost);

                    // Save the y pos of the selected thread each time we draw, since it can change
                    bool containsSelected = m_SelectedEntry.IsValid() && (m_SelectedEntry.frameId == frameIndex) && (m_SelectedEntry.threadId == threadInfo.threadIndex);
                    if (containsSelected)
                        m_SelectedThreadY = y;

                    y += r.height;
                if (!expanded)
                    y = yStart + Math.Max(groupInfo.height, groupThreadCount * 2);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, int threadCount, float offset, bool detailView)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount2 = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (!ghost || threadCount2 == threadCount)
                profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
                if (!ghost)
                    this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
                float num = fullRect.y;
                foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current in this.groups)
                    Rect r        = fullRect;
                    bool expanded = current.expanded;
                    if (expanded)
                        num += current.height;
                    float num2  = num;
                    int   count = current.threads.Count;
                    foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current2 in current.threads)
                        profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, current2.threadIndex);
                        r.y      = num;
                        r.height = ((!expanded) ? Math.Max(current.height / (float)count - 1f, 2f) : current2.height);
                        if (detailView)
                            this.DoNativeProfilerTimeline(r, frameIndex, current2.threadIndex, offset, ghost);
                            this.DrawProfilingData(profilerFrameDataIterator, r, frameIndex, current2.threadIndex, offset, ghost, expanded);
                        bool flag = this.m_SelectedEntry.IsValid() && this.m_SelectedEntry.frameId == frameIndex && this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId == current2.threadIndex;
                        if (flag)
                            this.m_SelectedThreadY = num;
                        num += r.height;
                    if (!expanded)
                        num = num2 + current.height;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal void DrawToolbar(FrameDataView frameDataView)
            const float sidebarWidth = Chart.kSideWidth - 1;

            EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar, GUILayout.Width(sidebarWidth));

            var height        = EditorStyles.toolbar.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 0f);
            var timeRulerRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            var iter          = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();

            iter.SetRoot(frameDataView.frameIndex, 0);
            var frameTime = iter.frameTimeMS;

            DoTimeRulerGUI(timeRulerRect, frameTime);
		private void DrawBars(Rect r, int frameIndex)
			ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
			profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
			int threadCount = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
			if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
				for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
					profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
					float threadY = this.GetThreadY(r, i, threadCount);
					float height = this.GetThreadY(r, i + 1, threadCount) - threadY;
					Rect position = new Rect(r.x - 170f, threadY, 170f, height);
					Rect position2 = new Rect(r.x, threadY, r.width, height);
					ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.rightPane.Draw(position2, false, false, false, false);
					ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.leftPane.Draw(position, GUIContent.Temp(profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadName()), false, false, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, ref int threadCount, float offset)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount2 = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (ghost && threadCount2 != threadCount)
            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            if (!ghost)
                threadCount = threadCount2;
                this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
            float num = fullRect.y;

            foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current in this.groups)
                Rect r        = fullRect;
                bool expanded = current.expanded;
                if (expanded)
                    num += current.height;
                float num2  = num;
                int   count = current.threads.Count;
                foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current2 in current.threads)
                    profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, current2.threadIndex);
                    r.y      = num;
                    r.height = ((!expanded) ? Math.Max(current.height / (float)count - 1f, 2f) : current2.height);
                    this.DrawProfilingData(profilerFrameDataIterator, r, current2.threadIndex, offset, ghost, expanded);
                    num += r.height;
                if (!expanded)
                    num = num2 + current.height;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal void DrawToolbar(FrameDataView frameDataView)
            EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar, new GUILayoutOption[]
            float height      = EditorStyles.toolbar.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 0f);
            Rect  controlRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height, GUIStyle.none, new GUILayoutOption[]
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();

            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameDataView.frameIndex, 0);
            float frameTimeMS = profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;

            this.DoTimeRulerGUI(controlRect, frameTimeMS);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void DrawBars(Rect r, int frameIndex)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();

            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                    profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
                    float threadY   = this.GetThreadY(r, i, threadCount);
                    float height    = this.GetThreadY(r, i + 1, threadCount) - threadY;
                    Rect  position  = new Rect(r.x - 170f, threadY, 170f, height);
                    Rect  position2 = new Rect(r.x, threadY, r.width, height);
                    ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.rightPane.Draw(position2, false, false, false, false);
                    ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.leftPane.Draw(position, GUIContent.Temp(profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadName()), false, false, false, false);
 private void CalculateBars(Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
   ProfilerFrameDataIterator frameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
   int groupCount = frameDataIterator.GetGroupCount(frameIndex);
   float num1 = 0.0f;
   frameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
   int threadCount = frameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
   // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
   // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
   ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAD barsCAnonStoreyAd = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAD();
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   for (barsCAnonStoreyAd.i = 0; barsCAnonStoreyAd.i < threadCount; barsCAnonStoreyAd.i = barsCAnonStoreyAd.i + 1)
     // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
     // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
     ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAC barsCAnonStoreyAc = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAC();
     // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
     barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Ef__ref\u0024173 = barsCAnonStoreyAd;
     // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
     frameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, barsCAnonStoreyAd.i);
     // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
     barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname = frameDataIterator.GetGroupName();
     // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
     ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo groupInfo = this.groups.Find(new Predicate<ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo>(barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Em__1F5));
     if (groupInfo == null)
       groupInfo = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo();
       // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
       groupInfo.name = barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname;
       groupInfo.height = 20f;
       groupInfo.expanded = false;
       groupInfo.threads = new List<ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>();
       // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
       // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
       if (barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname == string.Empty || barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname == "Unity Job System")
         groupInfo.expanded = true;
     // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
     ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo1 = groupInfo.threads.Find(new Predicate<ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>(barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Em__1F6));
     if (threadInfo1 == null)
       threadInfo1 = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo();
       threadInfo1.name = frameDataIterator.GetThreadName();
       threadInfo1.height = 0.0f;
       ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo2 = threadInfo1;
       ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo3 = threadInfo1;
       int num2 = !groupInfo.expanded ? 0 : 1;
       double num3;
       float num4 = (float) (num3 = (double) num2);
       threadInfo3.desiredWeight = (float) num3;
       double num5 = (double) num4;
       threadInfo2.weight = (float) num5;
       // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
       threadInfo1.threadIndex = barsCAnonStoreyAd.i;
     if ((double) threadInfo1.weight != (double) threadInfo1.desiredWeight)
       threadInfo1.weight = (float) ((double) threadInfo1.desiredWeight * (double) time + (1.0 - (double) threadInfo1.desiredWeight) * (1.0 - (double) time));
     num1 += threadInfo1.weight;
   float num6 = 16f * (float) groupCount;
   float num7 = (r.height - num6) / (num1 + 2f);
   using (List<ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo>.Enumerator enumerator1 = this.groups.GetEnumerator())
     while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
       using (List<ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>.Enumerator enumerator2 = enumerator1.Current.threads.GetEnumerator())
         while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
           ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current = enumerator2.Current;
           current.height = num7 * current.weight;
   this.groups[0].expanded = true;
   this.groups[0].height = 0.0f;
   this.groups[0].threads[0].height = 3f * num7;
 public void DoGUI(int frameIndex, float width, float ypos, float height)
   Rect position = new Rect(0.0f, ypos - 1f, width, height + 1f);
   float width1 = 169f;
   if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
     ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(position, false, false, false, false);
     EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0.0f, (float) ((double) ypos + (double) height - 15.0), width1, 15f), false, false, false, false);
   bool flag = false;
   if (this.m_TimeArea == null)
     flag = true;
     this.m_TimeArea = new ZoomableArea();
     this.m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked = false;
     this.m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked = true;
     this.m_TimeArea.hSlider = true;
     this.m_TimeArea.vSlider = false;
     this.m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
     this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect((float) ((double) position.x + (double) width1 - 1.0), position.y, position.width - width1, position.height);
     this.m_TimeArea.margin = 10f;
   ProfilerFrameDataIterator frameDataIterator1 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
   frameDataIterator1.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
   this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0.0f;
   this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = frameDataIterator1.frameTimeMS;
   if (flag)
   this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(position.x + width1, position.y, position.width - width1, position.height);
   Rect drawRect = this.m_TimeArea.drawRect;
   this.CalculateBars(drawRect, frameIndex, this.animationTime);
   this.DrawBars(drawRect, frameIndex);
   drawRect.x = 0.0f;
   drawRect.y = 0.0f;
   int threadCount = 0;
   this.DoProfilerFrame(frameIndex, drawRect, false, ref threadCount, 0.0f);
   bool enabled = GUI.enabled;
   GUI.enabled = false;
   int previousFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(frameIndex);
   if (previousFrameIndex != -1)
     ProfilerFrameDataIterator frameDataIterator2 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
     frameDataIterator2.SetRoot(previousFrameIndex, 0);
     this.DoProfilerFrame(previousFrameIndex, drawRect, true, ref threadCount, -frameDataIterator2.frameTimeMS);
   int nextFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(frameIndex);
   if (nextFrameIndex != -1)
     ProfilerFrameDataIterator frameDataIterator2 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
     frameDataIterator2.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
     this.DoProfilerFrame(nextFrameIndex, drawRect, true, ref threadCount, frameDataIterator2.frameTimeMS);
   GUI.enabled = enabled;
 private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples)
   float num1 = !ghost ? 7f : 21f;
   string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
   Color color1 = GUI.color;
   Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
   Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
   bool flag1 = false;
   float x1 = -1f;
   float x2 = -1f;
   float y1 = -1f;
   int size = 0;
   float y2 = -1f;
   string str = (string) null;
   float num2 = !includeSubSamples ? r.height : 16f;
   float num3 = !includeSubSamples ? 0.0f : 1f;
   float height = num2 - 2f * num3;
   r.height -= num3;
   // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
   // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
   Rect& local = @r;
   float num4 = 0.0f;
   r.y = num4;
   double num5 = (double) num4;
   // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
   (^local).x = (float) num5;
   bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
   bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
   Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
   float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
   float x3 = r.x;
   float x4 = shownArea.x;
   bool enterChildren = true;
   while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
     enterChildren = includeSubSamples;
     float time = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
     float durationMs = iter.durationMS;
     float num6 = Mathf.Max(durationMs, 0.0003f);
     float pixelCached = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3);
     float num7 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time + num6, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3) - 1f;
     float width = num7 - pixelCached;
     if ((double) pixelCached > (double) r.x + (double) r.width || (double) num7 < (double) r.x)
       enterChildren = false;
       float num8 = (float) (iter.depth - 1);
       float y3 = r.y + num8 * num2;
       if (flag1)
         bool flag4 = false;
         if ((double) width >= (double) num1)
           flag4 = true;
         if ((double) y1 != (double) y3)
           flag4 = true;
         if ((double) pixelCached - (double) x2 > 6.0)
           flag4 = true;
         if (flag4)
           this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size);
           flag1 = false;
       if ((double) width < (double) num1)
         enterChildren = false;
         if (!flag1)
           flag1 = true;
           y1 = y3;
           x1 = pixelCached;
           size = 0;
         x2 = num7;
         int id = iter.id;
         string path = iter.path;
         bool flag4 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
         if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
           flag4 &= id == this.m_SelectedID;
         bool flag5 = flag4 & threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread;
         Color white = Color.white;
         Color color2 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
         color2.a = !flag5 ? 0.75f : 1f;
         if (ghost)
           color2.a = 0.4f;
           white.a = 0.5f;
         string text = iter.name;
         if (flag5)
           str = text;
           this.m_SelectedTime = time;
           this.m_SelectedDur = durationMs;
           y2 = y3 + num2;
         if ((double) width < 20.0 || !includeSubSamples)
           text = string.Empty;
           if ((double) width < 50.0 && !flag5)
             white.a *= (float) (((double) width - 20.0) / 30.0);
           if ((double) width > 200.0)
             text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", (object) durationMs);
         GUI.color = color2;
         GUI.contentColor = white;
         Rect position = new Rect(pixelCached, y3, width, height);
         GUI.Label(position, text, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar);
         if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
           this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
           this.m_SelectedID = id;
           UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
           if (gameObject is Component)
             gameObject = (UnityEngine.Object) ((Component) gameObject).gameObject;
           if (gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object) null)
             if (flag2)
             else if (flag3)
               Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object>()
         flag1 = false;
   if (flag1)
     this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size);
   GUI.color = color1;
   GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
   if (str != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread && includeSubSamples)
     GUIContent content = new GUIContent(string.Format((double) this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0 ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", (object) str, (object) this.m_SelectedDur));
     GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip;
     Vector2 vector2 = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
     float x5 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r);
     if ((double) x5 < (double) r.x)
       x5 = r.x + 20f;
     if ((double) x5 > (double) r.xMax)
       x5 = r.xMax - 20f;
     Rect position;
     if ((double) y2 + 6.0 + (double) vector2.y < (double) r.yMax)
       position = new Rect(x5 - 32f, y2, 50f, 7f);
       GUI.Label(position, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow);
     position = new Rect(x5, y2 + 6f, vector2.x, vector2.y);
     if ((double) position.xMax > (double) r.xMax + 20.0)
       position.x = (float) ((double) r.xMax - (double) position.width + 20.0);
     if ((double) position.yMax > (double) r.yMax)
       position.y = r.yMax - position.height;
     if ((double) position.y < (double) r.y)
       position.y = r.y;
     GUI.Label(position, content, tooltip);
   if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
     this.m_SelectedID = -1;
     this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
 private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, ref int threadCount, float offset)
   ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
   int threadCount1 = iter.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
   if (ghost && threadCount1 != threadCount)
   iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
   if (!ghost)
     threadCount = threadCount1;
     this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, iter.frameTimeMS);
   float num1 = fullRect.y;
   using (List<ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo>.Enumerator enumerator1 = this.groups.GetEnumerator())
     while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
       ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current1 = enumerator1.Current;
       Rect r = fullRect;
       bool expanded = current1.expanded;
       if (expanded)
         num1 += current1.height;
       float num2 = num1;
       int count = current1.threads.Count;
       using (List<ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>.Enumerator enumerator2 = current1.threads.GetEnumerator())
         while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
           ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current2 = enumerator2.Current;
           iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, current2.threadIndex);
           r.y = num1;
           r.height = !expanded ? Math.Max((float) ((double) current1.height / (double) count - 1.0), 2f) : current2.height;
           this.DrawProfilingData(iter, r, current2.threadIndex, offset, ghost, expanded);
           num1 += r.height;
       if (!expanded)
         num1 = num2 + current1.height;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void DoGUI(int frameIndex, float width, float ypos, float height)
            Rect  drawRect = new Rect(0f, ypos - 1f, width, height + 1f);
            float num      = 169f;

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(drawRect, false, false, false, false);
                EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0f, ypos + height - 15f, num, 15f), false, false, false, false);
            bool flag = false;

            if (this.m_TimeArea == null)
                flag            = true;
                this.m_TimeArea = new ZoomableArea();
                this.m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked    = false;
                this.m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked    = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.hSlider         = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.vSlider         = false;
                this.m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.rect            = new Rect(drawRect.x + num - 1f, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
                this.m_TimeArea.margin          = 10f;
            if (flag)
                NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs = default(NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs);
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.profilerColors        = ProfilerColors.colors;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.allocationSampleColor = ProfilerColors.allocationSample;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.internalSampleColor   = ProfilerColors.internalSample;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.ghostAlpha            = 0.3f;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.nonSelectedAlpha      = 0.75f;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.guiStyle           = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar.m_Ptr;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.lineHeight         = 16f;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.textFadeOutWidth   = 20f;
                nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.textFadeStartWidth = 50f;
                NativeProfilerTimeline.Initialize(ref nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs);
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();

            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0f;
            this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
            if (flag)
            this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(drawRect.x + num, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
            drawRect = this.m_TimeArea.drawRect;
            this.CalculateBars(drawRect, frameIndex, this.animationTime);
            this.DrawBars(drawRect, frameIndex);
            drawRect.x = 0f;
            drawRect.y = 0f;
            bool enabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator2 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount        = profilerFrameDataIterator2.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
            int previousFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(frameIndex);

            if (previousFrameIndex != -1)
                profilerFrameDataIterator2.SetRoot(previousFrameIndex, 0);
                this.DoProfilerFrame(previousFrameIndex, drawRect, true, threadCount, -profilerFrameDataIterator2.frameTimeMS);
            int nextFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(frameIndex);

            if (nextFrameIndex != -1)
                profilerFrameDataIterator2.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
                this.DoProfilerFrame(nextFrameIndex, drawRect, true, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator2.frameTimeMS);
            GUI.enabled = enabled;
            threadCount = 0;
            this.DoProfilerFrame(frameIndex, drawRect, false, threadCount, 0f);
            this.DoSelectionTooltip(frameIndex, this.m_TimeArea.drawRect);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void DoGUI(FrameDataView frameDataView, float width, float ypos, float height)
     if (frameDataView == null || !frameDataView.IsValid())
         GUILayout.Label(ProfilerFrameDataViewBase.BaseStyles.noData, ProfilerFrameDataViewBase.BaseStyles.label, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         Rect  drawRect = new Rect(0f, ypos - 1f, width, height + 1f);
         float num      = 179f;
         if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
             ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(drawRect, false, false, false, false);
             EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0f, ypos + height - 15f, num, 15f), false, false, false, false);
         bool flag = false;
         if (this.m_TimeArea == null)
             flag            = true;
             this.m_TimeArea = new ZoomableArea();
             this.m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked    = false;
             this.m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked    = true;
             this.m_TimeArea.hSlider         = true;
             this.m_TimeArea.vSlider         = false;
             this.m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
             this.m_TimeArea.rect            = new Rect(drawRect.x + num - 1f, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
             this.m_TimeArea.margin          = 10f;
         if (flag)
             NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs = default(NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs);
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.ghostAlpha         = 0.3f;
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.nonSelectedAlpha   = 0.75f;
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.guiStyle           = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar.m_Ptr;
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.lineHeight         = 16f;
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.textFadeOutWidth   = 20f;
             nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs.textFadeStartWidth = 50f;
             NativeProfilerTimeline.Initialize(ref nativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs);
         ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
         int threadCount = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameDataView.frameIndex);
         profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameDataView.frameIndex, 0);
         this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0f;
         this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
         if (flag)
         this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(drawRect.x + num, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
         drawRect = this.m_TimeArea.drawRect;
         this.DrawGrid(drawRect, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
         this.CalculateBars(ref profilerFrameDataIterator, drawRect, frameDataView.frameIndex, this.animationTime);
         this.DrawBars(drawRect, frameDataView.frameIndex);
         drawRect.x = 0f;
         drawRect.y = 0f;
         bool enabled = GUI.enabled;
         GUI.enabled = false;
         int   num2 = (!this.m_Window.IsRecording()) ? 3 : 1;
         int   num3 = num2;
         int   num4 = frameDataView.frameIndex;
         float num5 = 0f;
             int previousFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(num4);
             if (previousFrameIndex == -1)
             profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(previousFrameIndex, 0);
             num5 -= profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
             num4  = previousFrameIndex;
         }while (num5 > this.m_TimeArea.shownArea.x && num3 > 0);
         while (num4 != -1 && num4 != frameDataView.frameIndex)
             profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(num4, 0);
             this.DoProfilerFrame(num4, drawRect, true, threadCount, num5);
             num5 += profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
             num4  = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(num4);
         num3 = num2;
         num4 = frameDataView.frameIndex;
         num5 = 0f;
         while (num5 < this.m_TimeArea.shownArea.x + this.m_TimeArea.shownArea.width && num3 >= 0)
             if (frameDataView.frameIndex != num4)
                 this.DoProfilerFrame(num4, drawRect, true, threadCount, num5);
             profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(num4, 0);
             num4 = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(num4);
             if (num4 == -1)
             num5 += profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
         GUI.enabled = enabled;
         threadCount = 0;
         this.DoProfilerFrame(frameDataView.frameIndex, drawRect, false, threadCount, 0f);
         this.DoSelectionTooltip(frameDataView.frameIndex, this.m_TimeArea.drawRect);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int frameIndex, int threadIndex, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples)
            float  num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            Color  color        = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag   = false;
            float   x      = -1f;
            float   num2   = -1f;
            float   num3   = -1f;
            int     num4   = 0;
            float   num5   = (!includeSubSamples) ? r.height : 16f;
            float   num6   = (float)((!includeSubSamples) ? 0 : 1);
            float   height = num5 - 2f * num6;

            r.height -= num6;
            float num7 = 0f;

            r.y = num7;
            r.x = num7;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x2            = r.x;
            float x3            = shownArea.x;
            bool  enterChildren = true;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = includeSubSamples;
                float num8       = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
                float num9       = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
                float num10      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2);
                float num11      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8 + num9, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f;
                float num12      = num11 - num10;
                if (num10 > r.x + r.width || num11 < r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num13 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float num14 = r.y + num13 * num5;
                    if (flag)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if (num12 >= num)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num3 != num14)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num10 - num2 > 6f)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4);
                            flag = false;
                    if (num12 < num)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag)
                            flag = true;
                            num3 = num14;
                            x    = num10;
                            num4 = 0;
                        num2 = num11;
                        int    instanceId = iter.instanceId;
                        string path       = iter.path;
                        bool   flag5      = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId >= 0)
                            flag5 &= (instanceId == this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId);
                        flag5 &= (threadIndex == this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId);
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f);
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text = iter.name;
                        if (num12 < 20f || !includeSubSamples)
                            text = string.Empty;
                            if (num12 < 50f && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (num12 - 20f) / 30f;
                            if (num12 > 200f)
                                text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(num10, num14, num12, height);
                        GUI.Label(position, text, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar);
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && includeSubSamples)
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.frameId    = frameIndex;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId   = threadIndex;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId = instanceId;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.name       = iter.name;
                            if (iter.extraTooltipInfo != null)
                                this.m_SelectedEntry.metaData = iter.extraTooltipInfo;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.time         = num8;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.duration     = durationMS;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.relativeYPos = num14 + num5;
                            this.UpdateSelectedObject(flag2, flag3);
                        flag = false;
            if (flag)
                this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4);
            GUI.color        = color;
            GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void DoGUI(int frameIndex, float width, float ypos, float height)
            Rect  drawRect = new Rect(0f, ypos - 1f, width, height + 1f);
            float num      = 169f;

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(drawRect, false, false, false, false);
                EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0f, ypos + height - 15f, num, 15f), false, false, false, false);
            bool flag = false;

            if (this.m_TimeArea == null)
                flag            = true;
                this.m_TimeArea = new ZoomableArea();
                this.m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked    = false;
                this.m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked    = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.hSlider         = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.vSlider         = false;
                this.m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
                this.m_TimeArea.rect            = new Rect(drawRect.x + num - 1f, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
                this.m_TimeArea.margin          = 10f;
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();

            profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0f;
            this.m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS;
            if (flag)
            this.m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(drawRect.x + num, drawRect.y, drawRect.width - num, drawRect.height);
            drawRect = this.m_TimeArea.drawRect;
            this.DrawBars(drawRect, frameIndex);
            drawRect.x = 0f;
            drawRect.y = 0f;
            int num2 = 0;

            this.DoProfilerFrame(frameIndex, drawRect, false, ref num2, 0f);
            bool enabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            int previousFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(frameIndex);

            if (previousFrameIndex != -1)
                ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator2 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
                profilerFrameDataIterator2.SetRoot(previousFrameIndex, 0);
                this.DoProfilerFrame(previousFrameIndex, drawRect, true, ref num2, -profilerFrameDataIterator2.frameTimeMS);
            int nextFrameIndex = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(frameIndex);

            if (nextFrameIndex != -1)
                ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator3 = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
                profilerFrameDataIterator3.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
                this.DoProfilerFrame(nextFrameIndex, drawRect, true, ref num2, profilerFrameDataIterator3.frameTimeMS);
            GUI.enabled = enabled;
		private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost)
			float num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f;
			string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
			bool enterChildren = true;
			Color color = GUI.color;
			Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
			Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
			bool flag = false;
			float x = -1f;
			float num2 = -1f;
			float num3 = -1f;
			int num4 = 0;
			float num5 = -1f;
			string text = null;
			r.height -= 1f;
			float num6 = 0f;
			r.y = num6;
			r.x = num6;
			bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
			bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
			Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
			float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
			float x2 = r.x;
			float x3 = shownArea.x;
			while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
				enterChildren = true;
				float num7 = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
				float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
				float num8 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
				float num9 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2);
				float num10 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7 + num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f;
				float num11 = num10 - num9;
				if (num9 > r.x + r.width || num10 < r.x)
					enterChildren = false;
					float num12 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
					float num13 = r.y + num12 * 16f;
					if (flag)
						bool flag4 = false;
						if (num11 >= num)
							flag4 = true;
						if (num3 != num13)
							flag4 = true;
						if (num9 - num2 > 6f)
							flag4 = true;
						if (flag4)
							this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
							flag = false;
					if (num11 < num)
						enterChildren = false;
						if (!flag)
							flag = true;
							num3 = num13;
							x = num9;
							num4 = 0;
						num2 = num10;
						int id = iter.id;
						string path = iter.path;
						bool flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
						if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
							flag5 &= (id == this.m_SelectedID);
						flag5 &= (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread);
						Color white = Color.white;
						Color color2 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
						color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f);
						if (ghost)
							color2.a = 0.4f;
							white.a = 0.5f;
						string text2 = iter.name;
						if (flag5)
							text = text2;
							this.m_SelectedTime = num7;
							this.m_SelectedDur = durationMS;
							num5 = num13 + 16f;
						if (num11 < 20f)
							text2 = string.Empty;
							if (num11 < 50f && !flag5)
								white.a *= (num11 - 20f) / 30f;
							if (num11 > 200f)
								text2 += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
						GUI.color = color2;
						GUI.contentColor = white;
						Rect position = new Rect(num9, num13, num11, 14f);
						GUI.Label(position, text2, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar);
						if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
							this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
							this.m_SelectedID = id;
							UnityEngine.Object @object = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
							if (@object is Component)
								@object = ((Component)@object).gameObject;
							if (@object != null)
								if (flag2)
									if (flag3)
										Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object>
						flag = false;
			if (flag)
				this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
			GUI.color = color;
			GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
			if (text != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread)
				string text3 = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", text, this.m_SelectedDur);
				GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text3);
				GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip;
				Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
				float num14 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r);
				if (num14 < r.x)
					num14 = r.x + 20f;
				if (num14 > r.xMax)
					num14 = r.xMax - 20f;
				Rect position2;
				if (num5 + 6f + vector.y < r.yMax)
					position2 = new Rect(num14 - 32f, num5, 50f, 7f);
					GUI.Label(position2, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow);
				position2 = new Rect(num14, num5 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y);
				if (position2.xMax > r.xMax + 20f)
					position2.x = r.xMax - position2.width + 20f;
				if (position2.yMax > r.yMax)
					position2.y = r.yMax - position2.height;
				if (position2.y < r.y)
					position2.y = r.y;
				GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip);
			if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
				this.m_SelectedID = -1;
				this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, ref int threadCount, float offset)
     ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
     int num = iter.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
     if (!ghost || (num == threadCount))
         if (!ghost)
             threadCount = num;
         for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
             Rect r = fullRect;
             r.y = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i, threadCount);
             r.height = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i + 1, threadCount) - r.y;
             iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
             if ((i == 0) && !ghost)
                 this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, iter.frameTimeMS);
             this.DrawProfilingData(iter, r, i, offset, ghost);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void CalculateBars(ref ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
            float visibleThreadCount = 0;

            iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = iter.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
                iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
                string    groupname = iter.GetGroupName();
                GroupInfo group     = groups.Find(g => g.name == groupname);
                if (group == null)
                    group          = new GroupInfo();
                    group.name     = groupname;
                    group.height   = kGroupHeight;
                    group.expanded = false;
                    group.threads  = new List <ThreadInfo>();
                var threads = group.threads;

                ThreadInfo thread = threads.Find(t => t.threadIndex == i);
                if (thread == null)
                    thread             = new ThreadInfo();
                    thread.name        = iter.GetThreadName();
                    thread.height      = 0;
                    thread.weight      = thread.desiredWeight = group.expanded ? 1 : 0;
                    thread.threadIndex = i;
                thread.alive = true;

                if (thread.weight != thread.desiredWeight)
                    thread.weight = thread.desiredWeight * time + (1 - thread.desiredWeight) * (1 - time);

                visibleThreadCount += thread.weight;

            var groupheight = 0.0f;

            foreach (var group in groups)
                if (group.threads.Count > 1)
                    groupheight += !group.expanded ? group.height : Math.Max(group.height, group.threads.Count * 2.0f);
            var remaining       = r.height - groupheight;
            var heightPerThread = remaining / (visibleThreadCount + 1); // main thread gets 2 times the space

            foreach (var group in groups)
                foreach (var thread in group.threads)
                    thread.height = heightPerThread * thread.weight;

            groups[0].expanded = true;
            groups[0].height   = 0;
            if (groups[0].threads.Count > 0)
                groups[0].threads[0].height = 2 * heightPerThread;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void CalculateBars(Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator frameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int   groupCount = frameDataIterator.GetGroupCount(frameIndex);
            float num1       = 0.0f;

            frameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = frameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
            // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
            ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAD barsCAnonStoreyAd = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAD();
            // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
            // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
            // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
            // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
            for (barsCAnonStoreyAd.i = 0; barsCAnonStoreyAd.i < threadCount; barsCAnonStoreyAd.i = barsCAnonStoreyAd.i + 1)
                // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
                // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAC barsCAnonStoreyAc = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.\u003CCalculateBars\u003Ec__AnonStoreyAC();
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Ef__ref\u0024173 = barsCAnonStoreyAd;
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                frameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, barsCAnonStoreyAd.i);
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname = frameDataIterator.GetGroupName();
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo groupInfo = this.groups.Find(new Predicate <ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo>(barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Em__1F5));
                if (groupInfo == null)
                    groupInfo = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo();
                    // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                    groupInfo.name     = barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname;
                    groupInfo.height   = 20f;
                    groupInfo.expanded = false;
                    groupInfo.threads  = new List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>();
                    // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                    // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                    if (barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname == string.Empty || barsCAnonStoreyAc.groupname == "Unity Job System")
                        groupInfo.expanded = true;
                // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo1 = groupInfo.threads.Find(new Predicate <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>(barsCAnonStoreyAc.\u003C\u003Em__1F6));
                if (threadInfo1 == null)
                    threadInfo1        = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo();
                    threadInfo1.name   = frameDataIterator.GetThreadName();
                    threadInfo1.height = 0.0f;
                    ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo2 = threadInfo1;
                    ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo threadInfo3 = threadInfo1;
                    int    num2 = !groupInfo.expanded ? 0 : 1;
                    double num3;
                    float  num4 = (float)(num3 = (double)num2);
                    threadInfo3.desiredWeight = (float)num3;
                    double num5 = (double)num4;
                    threadInfo2.weight = (float)num5;
                    // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
                    threadInfo1.threadIndex = barsCAnonStoreyAd.i;
                if ((double)threadInfo1.weight != (double)threadInfo1.desiredWeight)
                    threadInfo1.weight = (float)((double)threadInfo1.desiredWeight * (double)time + (1.0 - (double)threadInfo1.desiredWeight) * (1.0 - (double)time));
                num1 += threadInfo1.weight;
            float num6 = 16f * (float)groupCount;
            float num7 = (r.height - num6) / (num1 + 2f);

            using (List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo> .Enumerator enumerator1 = this.groups.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
                    using (List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo> .Enumerator enumerator2 = enumerator1.Current.threads.GetEnumerator())
                        while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
                            ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current = enumerator2.Current;
                            current.height = num7 * current.weight;
            this.groups[0].expanded          = true;
            this.groups[0].height            = 0.0f;
            this.groups[0].threads[0].height = 3f * num7;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples)
            float  num1 = !ghost ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            Color  color1       = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag1  = false;
            float   x1     = -1f;
            float   x2     = -1f;
            float   y1     = -1f;
            int     size   = 0;
            float   y2     = -1f;
            string  str    = (string)null;
            float   num2   = !includeSubSamples ? r.height : 16f;
            float   num3   = !includeSubSamples ? 0.0f : 1f;
            float   height = num2 - 2f * num3;

            r.height -= num3;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Rect& local = @r;
            float num4  = 0.0f;

            r.y = num4;
            double num5 = (double)num4;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            (^ local).x = (float)num5;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x3            = r.x;
            float x4            = shownArea.x;
            bool  enterChildren = true;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = includeSubSamples;
                float time        = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMs  = iter.durationMS;
                float num6        = Mathf.Max(durationMs, 0.0003f);
                float pixelCached = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3);
                float num7        = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time + num6, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3) - 1f;
                float width       = num7 - pixelCached;
                if ((double)pixelCached > (double)r.x + (double)r.width || (double)num7 < (double)r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num8 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float y3   = r.y + num8 * num2;
                    if (flag1)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if ((double)width >= (double)num1)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if ((double)y1 != (double)y3)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if ((double)pixelCached - (double)x2 > 6.0)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size);
                            flag1 = false;
                    if ((double)width < (double)num1)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag1)
                            flag1 = true;
                            y1    = y3;
                            x1    = pixelCached;
                            size  = 0;
                        x2 = num7;
                        int    id    = iter.id;
                        string path  = iter.path;
                        bool   flag4 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
                            flag4 &= id == this.m_SelectedID;
                        bool  flag5  = flag4 & threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread;
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = !flag5 ? 0.75f : 1f;
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text = iter.name;
                        if (flag5)
                            str = text;
                            this.m_SelectedTime = time;
                            this.m_SelectedDur  = durationMs;
                            y2 = y3 + num2;
                        if ((double)width < 20.0 || !includeSubSamples)
                            text = string.Empty;
                            if ((double)width < 50.0 && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (float)(((double)width - 20.0) / 30.0);
                            if ((double)width > 200.0)
                                text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", (object)durationMs);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(pixelCached, y3, width, height);
                        GUI.Label(position, text, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar);
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
                            this.m_SelectedID     = id;
                            UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
                            if (gameObject is Component)
                                gameObject = (UnityEngine.Object)((Component)gameObject).gameObject;
                            if (gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                                if (flag2)
                                else if (flag3)
                                    Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>()
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost)
            float  num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            bool   enterChildren        = true;
            Color  color        = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag   = false;
            float   x      = -1f;
            float   num2   = -1f;
            float   num3   = -1f;
            int     num4   = 0;
            float   num5   = -1f;
            string  text   = null;

            r.height -= 1f;
            float num6 = 0f;

            r.y = num6;
            r.x = num6;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x2 = r.x;
            float x3 = shownArea.x;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = true;
                float num7       = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
                float num8       = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
                float num9       = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2);
                float num10      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7 + num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f;
                float num11      = num10 - num9;
                if (num9 > r.x + r.width || num10 < r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num12 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float num13 = r.y + num12 * 16f;
                    if (flag)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if (num11 >= num)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num3 != num13)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num9 - num2 > 6f)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
                            flag = false;
                    if (num11 < num)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag)
                            flag = true;
                            num3 = num13;
                            x    = num9;
                            num4 = 0;
                        num2 = num10;
                        int    id    = iter.id;
                        string path  = iter.path;
                        bool   flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
                            flag5 &= (id == this.m_SelectedID);
                        flag5 &= (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread);
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f);
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text2 = iter.name;
                        if (flag5)
                            text = text2;
                            this.m_SelectedTime = num7;
                            this.m_SelectedDur  = durationMS;
                            num5 = num13 + 16f;
                        if (num11 < 20f)
                            text2 = string.Empty;
                            if (num11 < 50f && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (num11 - 20f) / 30f;
                            if (num11 > 200f)
                                text2 += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(num9, num13, num11, 14f);
                        GUI.Label(position, text2, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.bar);
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
                            this.m_SelectedID     = id;
                            UnityEngine.Object @object = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
                            if (@object is Component)
                                @object = ((Component)@object).gameObject;
                            if (@object != null)
                                if (flag2)
                                    if (flag3)
                                        Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>
                        flag = false;
            if (flag)
                this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
            GUI.color        = color;
            GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
            if (text != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread)
                string     text3   = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", text, this.m_SelectedDur);
                GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text3);
                GUIStyle   tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip;
                Vector2    vector  = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
                float      num14   = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r);
                if (num14 < r.x)
                    num14 = r.x + 20f;
                if (num14 > r.xMax)
                    num14 = r.xMax - 20f;
                Rect position2;
                if (num5 + 6f + vector.y < r.yMax)
                    position2 = new Rect(num14 - 32f, num5, 50f, 7f);
                    GUI.Label(position2, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow);
                position2 = new Rect(num14, num5 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y);
                if (position2.xMax > r.xMax + 20f)
                    position2.x = r.xMax - position2.width + 20f;
                if (position2.yMax > r.yMax)
                    position2.y = r.yMax - position2.height;
                if (position2.y < r.y)
                    position2.y = r.y;
                GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip);
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                this.m_SelectedID     = -1;
                this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, int threadCount, float offset, bool detailView)
            ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount2 = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);

            if (!ghost || threadCount2 == threadCount)
                profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
                if (!ghost)
                    this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
                float num = fullRect.y;
                foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current in this.groups)
                    Rect r        = fullRect;
                    bool expanded = current.expanded;
                    if (expanded)
                        num += current.height;
                    float num2  = num;
                    int   count = current.threads.Count;
                    foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current2 in current.threads)
                        profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, current2.threadIndex);
                        r.y      = num;
                        r.height = ((!expanded) ? Math.Max(current.height / (float)count - 1f, 2f) : current2.height);
                        if (detailView)
                            this.DrawProfilingDataDetailNative(r, frameIndex, current2.threadIndex, offset);
                            this.DrawProfilingData(profilerFrameDataIterator, r, frameIndex, current2.threadIndex, offset, ghost, expanded);
                        num += r.height;
                    if (!expanded)
                        num = num2 + current.height;
                if (this.m_SelectedName.Length > 0 && this.m_SelectedFrameId == frameIndex && !ghost)
                    string     text    = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", this.m_SelectedName, this.m_SelectedDur);
                    GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text);
                    GUIStyle   tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip;
                    Vector2    vector  = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
                    float      num3    = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, this.m_SelectedRect);
                    if (num3 > this.m_SelectedRect.xMax)
                        num3 = this.m_SelectedRect.xMax - 20f;
                    if (num3 < this.m_SelectedRect.x)
                        num3 = this.m_SelectedRect.x + 20f;
                    Rect position  = new Rect(num3 - 32f, this.m_SelectedY, 50f, 7f);
                    Rect position2 = new Rect(num3, this.m_SelectedY + 6f, vector.x, vector.y);
                    if (position2.xMax > this.m_SelectedRect.xMax + 20f)
                        position2.x = this.m_SelectedRect.xMax - position2.width + 20f;
                    if (position2.xMin < this.m_SelectedRect.xMin + 30f)
                        position2.x = this.m_SelectedRect.xMin + 30f;
                    GUI.Label(position, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow);
                    GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void DoGUI(FrameDataView frameDataView, float width, float ypos, float height)
            if (frameDataView == null || !frameDataView.IsValid())
                GUILayout.Label(BaseStyles.noData, BaseStyles.label);

            Rect  fullRect  = new Rect(0, ypos - 1, width, height + 1);
            float sideWidth = Chart.kSideWidth - 1;

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                styles.profilerGraphBackground.Draw(fullRect, false, false, false, false);
                // The bar in the lower left side that fills the space next to the horizontal scrollbar.
                EditorStyles.toolbar.Draw(new Rect(0, ypos + height - 15, sideWidth, 15), false, false, false, false);

            bool initializing = false;

            if (m_TimeArea == null)
                initializing               = true;
                m_TimeArea                 = new ZoomableArea();
                m_TimeArea.hRangeLocked    = false;
                m_TimeArea.vRangeLocked    = true;
                m_TimeArea.hSlider         = true;
                m_TimeArea.vSlider         = false;
                m_TimeArea.scaleWithWindow = true;
                m_TimeArea.rect            = new Rect(fullRect.x + sideWidth - 1, fullRect.y, fullRect.width - sideWidth, fullRect.height);
                m_TimeArea.margin          = 10;

            if (initializing)
                NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs args = new NativeProfilerTimeline_InitializeArgs();
                args.ghostAlpha         = 0.3f;
                args.nonSelectedAlpha   = 0.75f;
                args.guiStyle           = styles.bar.m_Ptr;
                args.lineHeight         = kLineHeight;
                args.textFadeOutWidth   = kTextFadeOutWidth;
                args.textFadeStartWidth = kTextFadeStartWidth;

                NativeProfilerTimeline.Initialize(ref args);

            var iter        = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
            int threadCount = iter.GetThreadCount(frameDataView.frameIndex);

            iter.SetRoot(frameDataView.frameIndex, 0);
            m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMin = 0;
            m_TimeArea.hBaseRangeMax = iter.frameTimeMS;
            if (initializing)

            m_TimeArea.rect = new Rect(fullRect.x + sideWidth, fullRect.y, fullRect.width - sideWidth, fullRect.height);

            fullRect = m_TimeArea.drawRect;

            DrawGrid(fullRect, iter.frameTimeMS);

            CalculateBars(ref iter, fullRect, frameDataView.frameIndex, animationTime);
            DrawBars(fullRect, frameDataView.frameIndex);


            fullRect.x = 0;
            fullRect.y = 0;

            bool oldEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            // Walk backwards to find how many previous frames we need to show.
            int   maxContextFramesToShow = m_Window.IsRecording() ? 1 : 3;
            int   numContextFramesToShow = maxContextFramesToShow;
            int   currentFrame           = frameDataView.frameIndex;
            float currentTime            = 0;

                int prevFrame = ProfilerDriver.GetPreviousFrameIndex(currentFrame);
                if (prevFrame == -1)
                iter.SetRoot(prevFrame, 0);
                currentTime -= iter.frameTimeMS;
                currentFrame = prevFrame;
            }while (currentTime > m_TimeArea.shownArea.x && numContextFramesToShow > 0);

            // Draw previous frames
            while (currentFrame != -1 && currentFrame != frameDataView.frameIndex)
                iter.SetRoot(currentFrame, 0);
                DoProfilerFrame(currentFrame, fullRect, true, threadCount, currentTime);
                currentTime += iter.frameTimeMS;
                currentFrame = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(currentFrame);

            // Draw next frames
            numContextFramesToShow = maxContextFramesToShow;
            currentFrame           = frameDataView.frameIndex;
            currentTime            = 0;
            while (currentTime < m_TimeArea.shownArea.x + m_TimeArea.shownArea.width && numContextFramesToShow >= 0)
                if (frameDataView.frameIndex != currentFrame)
                    DoProfilerFrame(currentFrame, fullRect, true, threadCount, currentTime);
                iter.SetRoot(currentFrame, 0);
                currentFrame = ProfilerDriver.GetNextFrameIndex(currentFrame);
                if (currentFrame == -1)
                currentTime += iter.frameTimeMS;

            GUI.enabled = oldEnabled;

            // Draw center frame last to get on top
            threadCount = 0;
            DoProfilerFrame(frameDataView.frameIndex, fullRect, false, threadCount, 0);


            // Draw tooltips on top of clip to be able to extend outside of timeline area
            DoSelectionTooltip(frameDataView.frameIndex, m_TimeArea.drawRect);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void CalculateBars(ref ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int frameIndex, float time)
            float num = 0f;

            iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0);
            int threadCount = iter.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                iter.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
                string groupname = iter.GetGroupName();
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo groupInfo = this.groups.Find((ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo g) => g.name == groupname);
                if (groupInfo == null)
                    groupInfo          = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo();
                    groupInfo.name     = groupname;
                    groupInfo.height   = 20f;
                    groupInfo.expanded = false;
                    groupInfo.threads  = new List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo>();
                List <ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo> threads    = groupInfo.threads;
                ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo        threadInfo = threads.Find((ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo t) => t.threadIndex == i);
                if (threadInfo == null)
                    threadInfo             = new ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo();
                    threadInfo.name        = iter.GetThreadName();
                    threadInfo.height      = 0f;
                    threadInfo.weight      = (threadInfo.desiredWeight = (float)((!groupInfo.expanded) ? 0 : 1));
                    threadInfo.threadIndex = i;
                threadInfo.alive = true;
                if (threadInfo.weight != threadInfo.desiredWeight)
                    threadInfo.weight = threadInfo.desiredWeight * time + (1f - threadInfo.desiredWeight) * (1f - time);
                num += threadInfo.weight;
            float num2 = 0f;

            foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current in this.groups)
                if (current.threads.Count > 1)
                    num2 += (current.expanded ? Math.Max(current.height, (float)current.threads.Count * 2f) : current.height);
            float num3 = r.height - num2;
            float num4 = num3 / (num + 1f);

            foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.GroupInfo current2 in this.groups)
                foreach (ProfilerTimelineGUI.ThreadInfo current3 in current2.threads)
                    current3.height = num4 * current3.weight;
            this.groups[0].expanded = true;
            this.groups[0].height   = 0f;
            if (this.groups[0].threads.Count > 0)
                this.groups[0].threads[0].height = 2f * num4;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost)
     float num = !ghost ? 7f : 21f;
     string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
     bool enterChildren = true;
     Color color = GUI.color;
     Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor;
     Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
     bool flag2 = false;
     float num2 = -1f;
     float num3 = -1f;
     float y = -1f;
     int size = 0;
     float num6 = -1f;
     string str2 = null;
     float num20 = 0f;
     r.y = num20;
     r.x = num20;
     bool flag3 = (Event.current.clickCount == 1) && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown);
     bool flag4 = (Event.current.clickCount == 2) && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown);
     Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
     float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
     float x = r.x;
     float shownX = shownArea.x;
     while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
         enterChildren = true;
         float time = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
         float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
         float num12 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
         float num13 = TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, shownX, x);
         float num14 = TimeToPixelCached(time + num12, rectWidthDivShownWidth, shownX, x) - 1f;
         float width = num14 - num13;
         if ((num13 > (r.x + r.width)) || (num14 < r.x))
             enterChildren = false;
             float num16 = iter.depth - 1;
             float num17 = r.y + (num16 * 16f);
             if (flag2)
                 bool flag5 = false;
                 if (width >= num)
                     flag5 = true;
                 if (y != num17)
                     flag5 = true;
                 if ((num13 - num3) > 6f)
                     flag5 = true;
                 if (flag5)
                     this.DrawSmallGroup(num2, num3, y, size);
                     flag2 = false;
             if (width < num)
                 enterChildren = false;
                 if (!flag2)
                     flag2 = true;
                     y = num17;
                     num2 = num13;
                     size = 0;
                 num3 = num14;
             int id = iter.id;
             string path = iter.path;
             bool flag6 = (path == selectedPropertyPath) && !ghost;
             if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
                 flag6 &= id == this.m_SelectedID;
             flag6 &= threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread;
             Color white = Color.white;
             Color color4 = colors[iter.group % colors.Length];
             color4.a = !flag6 ? 0.75f : 1f;
             if (ghost)
                 color4.a = 0.4f;
                 white.a = 0.5f;
             string name = iter.name;
             if (flag6)
                 str2 = name;
                 this.m_SelectedTime = time;
                 this.m_SelectedDur = durationMS;
                 num6 = num17 + 16f;
             if (width < 20f)
                 name = string.Empty;
                 if ((width < 50f) && !flag6)
                     white.a *= (width - 20f) / 30f;
                 if (width > 200f)
                     name = name + string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
             GUI.color = color4;
             GUI.contentColor = white;
             Rect position = new Rect(num13, num17, width, 14f);
             GUI.Label(position, name, styles.bar);
             if ((flag3 || flag4) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                 this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
                 this.m_SelectedID = id;
                 UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
                 if (gameObject is Component)
                     gameObject = ((Component) gameObject).gameObject;
                 if (gameObject != null)
                     if (flag3)
                     else if (flag4)
                         Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object> { gameObject }.ToArray();
             flag2 = false;
     if (flag2)
         this.DrawSmallGroup(num2, num3, y, size);
     GUI.color = color;
     GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
     if ((str2 != null) && (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread))
         Rect rect3;
         GUIContent content = new GUIContent(string.Format((this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", str2, this.m_SelectedDur));
         GUIStyle tooltip = styles.tooltip;
         Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
         float num19 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + (this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f), r);
         if (num19 < r.x)
             num19 = r.x + 20f;
         if (num19 > r.xMax)
             num19 = r.xMax - 20f;
         if (((num6 + 6f) + vector.y) < r.yMax)
             rect3 = new Rect(num19 - 32f, num6, 50f, 7f);
             GUI.Label(rect3, GUIContent.none, styles.tooltipArrow);
         rect3 = new Rect(num19, num6 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y);
         if (rect3.xMax > (r.xMax + 20f))
             rect3.x = (r.xMax - rect3.width) + 20f;
         if (rect3.yMax > r.yMax)
             rect3.y = r.yMax - rect3.height;
         if (rect3.y < r.y)
             rect3.y = r.y;
         GUI.Label(rect3, content, tooltip);
     if ((Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
         this.m_SelectedID = -1;
         this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
		private void DoProfilerFrame(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect, bool ghost, ref int threadCount, float offset)
			ProfilerFrameDataIterator profilerFrameDataIterator = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator();
			int threadCount2 = profilerFrameDataIterator.GetThreadCount(frameIndex);
			if (ghost && threadCount2 != threadCount)
			if (!ghost)
				threadCount = threadCount2;
			for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
				Rect r = fullRect;
				r.y = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i, threadCount);
				r.height = this.GetThreadY(fullRect, i + 1, threadCount) - r.y;
				profilerFrameDataIterator.SetRoot(frameIndex, i);
				if (i == 0 && !ghost)
					this.DrawGrid(fullRect, threadCount, profilerFrameDataIterator.frameTimeMS);
				this.DrawProfilingData(profilerFrameDataIterator, r, i, offset, ghost);