public static VisualElement CreateEditorForNodeModel(this VisualElement element, IConstantNodeModel model, Action <IChangeEvent> onValueChanged)
            VisualElement editorElement;

            var ext = ModelUtility.ExtensionMethodCache <IConstantEditorBuilder> .GetExtensionMethod(model.GetType(), ConstantEditorBuilder.FilterMethods, ConstantEditorBuilder.KeySelector);

            var graphAsset = model.AssetModel;

            if (ext != null)
                Action <IChangeEvent> myValueChanged = evt =>
                    if (evt != null) // Enum editor sends null
                        var p        = evt.GetType().GetProperty("newValue");
                        var newValue = p.GetValue(evt);
                        ((ConstantNodeModel)model).ObjectValue = newValue;

                    // TODO ugly but required to actually get the graph to be saved. Note that for some reason, the
                    // first edit works because the graph is already dirty
                    EditorUtility.SetDirty(graphAsset as Object);
                var constantBuilder = new ConstantEditorBuilder(myValueChanged);
                editorElement = (VisualElement)ext.Invoke(null, new object[] { constantBuilder, model });
                Debug.Log($"Could not draw Editor GUI for node of type {model.GetType()}");
                editorElement = new Label("<Unknown>");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static VisualElement CreateEditorForNodeModel(this VisualElement element, IConstantNodeModel model, Action <IChangeEvent> onValueChanged)
            VisualElement editorElement;

            var ext = ModelUtility.ExtensionMethodCache <IConstantEditorBuilder> .GetExtensionMethod(model.GetType(), ConstantEditorBuilder.FilterMethods, ConstantEditorBuilder.KeySelector);

            if (ext != null)
                var constantBuilder = new ConstantEditorBuilder(onValueChanged);
                editorElement = (VisualElement)ext.Invoke(null, new object[] { constantBuilder, model });
            else if (model is ConstantNodeModel constantNodeModel && constantNodeModel.NodeAssetReference != null)
                var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(constantNodeModel.NodeAssetReference);

                SerializedProperty serializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_NodeModel.value");
                var propertyField = new PropertyField(serializedProperty);

                editorElement = propertyField;

                // delayed because the initial binding would cause an event otherwise, and then a compilation
                propertyField.schedule.Execute(() =>
                    var onValueChangedEventCallback = new EventCallback <IChangeEvent>(onValueChanged);

                    // HERE BE DRAGONS
                    // there's no way atm to be notified that a PropertyField's value changed so we build a ChangeEvent<T>
                    // callback registration using reflection, but actually provide an Action<IChangeEvent>
                    Type type      = constantNodeModel.Type;
                    Type eventType = typeof(ChangeEvent <>).MakeGenericType(type);
                    MethodInfo genericRegisterCallbackMethod = typeof(VisualElement).GetMethods().Single(m =>
                        var parameterInfos = m.GetParameters();
                        return(m.Name == nameof(VisualElement.RegisterCallback) && parameterInfos.Length == 2 && parameterInfos[1].ParameterType == typeof(TrickleDown));
                    MethodInfo registerCallbackMethod = genericRegisterCallbackMethod.MakeGenericMethod(eventType);
                    registerCallbackMethod.Invoke(propertyField, new object[] { onValueChangedEventCallback, TrickleDown.NoTrickleDown });
                    foreach (var floatField in propertyField.Query <FloatField>().ToList())
                        floatField.isDelayed = true;
                        floatField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(_ =>