Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected new void OnMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e)
            if (!m_Active)

            if (m_GraphView == null)

            var     ve         = (VisualElement)e.target;
            Vector2 gvMousePos = ve.ChangeCoordinatesTo(m_GraphView.contentContainer, e.localMousePosition);

            m_PanDiff = GetEffectivePanSpeed(gvMousePos);

            if (m_PanDiff != Vector3.zero)

            // We need to monitor the mouse diff "by hand" because we stop positioning the graph elements once the
            // mouse has gone out.
            m_MouseDiff = m_originalMouse - e.mousePosition;

            var groupElementsDraggedOut = e.shiftKey ? new Dictionary <Group, List <GraphElement> >() : null;

            // Handle the selected element
            Rect selectedElementGeom = GetSelectedElementGeom();

            m_ShiftClicked = e.shiftKey;

            if (snapEnabled && !m_ShiftClicked)
                ComputeSnappedRect(ref selectedElementGeom, m_XScale);

            if (snapEnabled && m_ShiftClicked)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <GraphElement, OriginalPos> v in m_OriginalPos)
                GraphElement ce = v.Key;

                // Protect against stale visual elements that have been deparented since the start of the manipulation
                if (ce.hierarchy.parent == null)

                if (!v.Value.dragStarted)
                    // TODO Would probably be a good idea to batch stack items as we do for group ones.
                    var stackParent = ce.GetFirstAncestorOfType <StackNode>();
                    if (stackParent != null)

                    if (groupElementsDraggedOut != null)
                        var groupParent = ce.GetContainingScope() as Group;
                        if (groupParent != null)
                            if (!groupElementsDraggedOut.ContainsKey(groupParent))
                                groupElementsDraggedOut[groupParent] = new List <GraphElement>();
                    v.Value.dragStarted = true;

                SnapOrMoveElement(v, selectedElementGeom);

            // Needed to ensure nodes can be dragged out of multiple groups all at once.
            if (groupElementsDraggedOut != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Group, List <GraphElement> > kvp in groupElementsDraggedOut)
                    kvp.Key.OnStartDragging(e, kvp.Value);

            List <ISelectable> selection = m_GraphView.selection;

            // TODO: Replace with a temp drawing or something...maybe manipulator could fake position
            // all this to let operation know which element sits under cursor...or is there another way to draw stuff that is being dragged?

            IDropTarget dropTarget = GetDropTargetAt(e.mousePosition, selection.OfType <VisualElement>());

            if (m_PrevDropTarget != dropTarget)
                if (m_PrevDropTarget != null)
                    using (DragLeaveEvent eexit = DragLeaveEvent.GetPooled(e))
                        SendDragAndDropEvent(eexit, selection, m_PrevDropTarget, m_GraphView);

                using (DragEnterEvent eenter = DragEnterEvent.GetPooled(e))
                    SendDragAndDropEvent(eenter, selection, dropTarget, m_GraphView);

            using (DragUpdatedEvent eupdated = DragUpdatedEvent.GetPooled(e))
                SendDragAndDropEvent(eupdated, selection, dropTarget, m_GraphView);

            m_PrevDropTarget = dropTarget;

            m_Dragging = true;