Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AssertTile(string expected, TileContent tile)
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expected, tile.GetContent());

            // For WinRT, we'll test the XmlDocument method too, make sure it works.
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expected, tile.GetXml().GetXml());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void AssertPayload(string expectedXml, INotificationContent notificationContent)
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expectedXml, notificationContent.GetContent());

            // For WinRT, we'll test the XmlDocument method too, make sure it works.
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expectedXml, notificationContent.GetXml().GetXml());
        //public static void AssertXml(string expected, string actual)
        //    XmlDocument expectedDoc = new XmlDocument();
        //    expectedDoc.LoadXml(expected);

        //    XmlDocument actualDoc = new XmlDocument();
        //    actualDoc.LoadXml(actual);

        //    AssertXmlElement(expectedDoc.DocumentElement, actualDoc.DocumentElement);

        //private static void AssertXmlElement(XmlElement expected, XmlElement actual)
        //    // If both null, good, done
        //    if (expected == null && actual == null)
        //        return;

        //    // If one is null and other isn't, bad
        //    if (expected == null)
        //        Assert.Fail("Expected XML element was null, while actual was initialized");

        //    if (actual == null)
        //        Assert.Fail("Actual XML element was null, while expected was initialized");

        //    // If name doesn't match
        //    Assert.AreEqual(expected.Name, actual.Name, "Element names did not match.");

        //    // If attribute count doesn't match
        //    Assert.AreEqual(expected.Attributes.Count, actual.Attributes.Count, "Element attributes counts didn't match");

        //    // Make sure attributes match (order does NOT matter)
        //    foreach (XmlAttribute expectedAttr in expected.Attributes)
        //    {
        //        var actualAttr = actual.Attributes.GetNamedItem(expectedAttr.Name);

        //        // If didn't find the attribute
        //        if (actualAttr == null)
        //            Assert.Fail("Expected element to have attribute " + expectedAttr.Name + " but it didn't.");

        //        // Make sure value matches
        //        Assert.AreEqual(expectedAttr.Value, actualAttr.Value, $@"Attribute values for ""{expectedAttr.Name}"" didn't match.");
        //    }

        //    // Make sure children elements match (order DOES matter)

        //    // Obtain the child elements (ignore any comments, w
        //    XmlElement[] expectedChildren = expected.ChildNodes.OfType<XmlElement>().ToArray();
        //    XmlElement[] actualChildren = actual.ChildNodes.OfType<XmlElement>().ToArray();

        //    Assert.AreEqual(expectedChildren.Length, actualChildren.Length, "Number of child elements did not match.");

        //    // If no elements, compare inner text
        //    if (expectedChildren.Length == 0)
        //    {
        //        Assert.AreEqual(expected.InnerText, actual.InnerText, "Inner text did not match.");
        //    }

        //    // Otherwise compare elements
        //    else
        //    {
        //        for (int i = 0; i < expectedChildren.Length; i++)
        //        {
        //            AssertXmlElement(expectedChildren[i], actualChildren[i]);
        //        }
        //    }

        public static void AssertToast(string expected, ToastContent toast)
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expected.ToLower(), toast.GetContent().ToLower());

            // For WinRT, we'll test the XmlDocument method too, make sure it works.
            AssertHelper.AssertXml(expected, toast.GetXml().GetXml());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_006_1()
                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile id='2' version='3'/>", "<tile version='45' id='2'/>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("Version number was incorrect, should have thrown exception.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_005()
                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile>  <visual version='2'><text>Hello world</text></visual></tile>", "<Tile><visual version=\"2\" > <text>Hello world!</text></visual> </tile>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("text content was different, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_004()
                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile>  <visual version='2'><text>Hello world</text></visual></tile>", "<tile><visual version=\"3\" > <text>Hello world</text></visual> </tile>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("visual version number was incorrect, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_011()
                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile id='2' version='3'/>", "<tile version='3'/>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("id attribute was missing, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_010()
                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile version='3' id='2'/>", "<tile version='3' id='5'/>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("id attribute value wasn't the same, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_009()
            AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile><image/><text/></tile>", "<tile><image/><text/></tile>");

                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile><image/><text/></tile>", "<tile><text/><image/></tile>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("Child elements were different order, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestAssertXmlElement_008()
            AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile><visual/></tile>", "<tile><visual/></tile>");

                AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile><visual/></tile>", "<tile/>");
            catch { return; }

            Assert.Fail("Visual element was missing, should have thrown exception");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void TestAssertXmlElement_006()
     AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile id='2' version='3'/>", "<tile version='3' id='2'/>");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void TestAssertXmlElement()
     AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile>  <visual version='2'><text>Hello world</text></visual></tile>", "<tile><visual version=\"2\" > <text>Hello world</text></visual> </tile>");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void TestAssertXmlElement_007()
     AssertHelper.AssertXml("<tile></tile>", "<tile />");