Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test OdbcTransaction class
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test_Transaction()
            using (OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection())
                OdbcTransaction transaction = null;
                conn.ConnectionString = TestCases.connString;

                TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);

                transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();

                string sql = "create table t(idx integer)";
                using (OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn))
                    command.Transaction = transaction;

                int tablesCount = GetTablesCount("t", conn, transaction);
                Assert.IsTrue(tablesCount == 1);


                //Verify the table does not exist
                tablesCount = GetTablesCount("t", conn, transaction);
                Assert.IsTrue(tablesCount == 0);

                transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();

                sql = "create table t(idx integer)";
                using (OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn))
                    command.Transaction = transaction;

                tablesCount = GetTablesCount("t", conn, transaction);
                Assert.IsTrue(tablesCount == 1);


                tablesCount = GetTablesCount("t", conn, transaction);
                Assert.IsTrue(tablesCount == 1);

                transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();

                TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table t", conn, transaction);


                tablesCount = GetTablesCount("t", conn);
                Assert.IsTrue(tablesCount == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test OdbcTransaction class
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test_Various_DataTypes()
            TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);

            string sql = "create table t(";

            sql += "c_integer_ai integer AUTO_INCREMENT, "; //1
            sql += "c_smallint smallint, ";                 //2
            sql += "c_integer integer, ";                   //3
            sql += "c_bigint bigint, ";                     //4
            sql += "c_numeric numeric(15,1), ";             //5
            sql += "c_float float, ";                       //6
            sql += "c_decimal decimal(15,3), ";             //7
            sql += "c_double double, ";                     //8
            sql += "c_char char, ";                         //9
            sql += "c_varchar varchar(4096), ";             //10
            sql += "c_time time, ";                         //11
            sql += "c_date date, ";                         //12
            sql += "c_timestamp timestamp, ";               //13
            sql += "c_datetime datetime, ";                 //14
            sql += "c_bit bit(1), ";                        //15
            sql += "c_varbit bit varying(4096), ";          //16
            sql += "c_monetary monetary, ";                 //17
            sql += "c_string string";                       //18
            sql += ")";
            TestCases.ExecuteSQL(sql, conn);

            sql  = "insert into t values(";
            sql += "1, ";                               //0
            sql += "11, ";                              //1
            sql += "111, ";                             //2
            sql += "1111, ";                            //3
            sql += "1.1, ";                             //4
            sql += "1.11, ";                            //5
            sql += "1.111, ";                           //6
            sql += "1.1111, ";                          //7
            sql += "'a', ";                             //8
            sql += "'abcdfghijk', ";                    //9
            sql += "TIME '13:15:45 pm', ";              //10
            sql += "DATE '00-10-31', ";                 //11
            sql += "TIMESTAMP '13:15:45 10/31/2008', "; //12
            sql += "DATETIME '13:15:45 10/31/2008', ";  //13
            sql += "B'1', ";                            //14
            sql += "B'111', ";                          //15
            sql += "123456789, ";                       //16
            sql += "'qwerty'";                          //17
            sql += ")";
            TestCases.ExecuteSQL(sql, conn);

            sql = "select * from t";
            using (OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn))
                OdbcDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read()) //only one row will be available
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt32(0) == 1);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt16(1) == 11);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt32(2) == 111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt64(3) == 1111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDecimal(4) == (decimal)1.1);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetFloat(5) == (float)1.11); //"Single"
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDecimal(6) == (decimal)1.111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDouble(7) == (double)1.1111);

                    //We use GetString() because GetChar() is not supported or System.Data.OleDb.
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(8) == "a");          //"String" ("Char" in CUBRID)

                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(9) == "abcdfghijk"); //"String" ("String in CUBRID)

                    //GetGateTime cannot cast just the time value in a DateTime object, so we use TimeSpan
                    //Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetTimeSpan(10) == new TimeSpan(13, 15, 45));//"TimeSpan"

                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDateTime(11) == new DateTime(2000, 10, 31));             //"DateTime"
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDateTime(12) == new DateTime(2008, 10, 31, 13, 15, 45)); //"DateTime"
                    //     Console.WriteLine(reader.GetValue(13));
                    //     Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDateTime(13) == new DateTime(2008, 10, 31, 13, 15, 45)); //"DateTime"

                    //The GetByte() method does not perform any conversions and the driver does not give tha data as Byte
                    //Use GetValue() or GetBytes() methods to retrieve BIT coulumn value
                    //     Assert.IsTrue((reader.GetValue(14) as byte[])[0] == (byte)0); //"Byte[]" ("bit(1)" in CUBRID)

                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(14) == "80");
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(15) == "E0");
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(16) == "123456789.0000000000000000");
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(17) == "qwerty"); //"String"

            TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Test_Various_DataTypes2()
            TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);

            string sql = "create table t(";

            sql += "c_integer_ai integer AUTO_INCREMENT, "; //1
            sql += "c_smallint smallint, ";                 //2
            sql += "c_integer integer, ";                   //3
            sql += "c_bigint bigint, ";                     //4
            sql += "c_numeric numeric(15,1), ";             //5
            sql += "c_float float, ";                       //6
            sql += "c_decimal decimal(15,3), ";             //7
            sql += "c_double double, ";                     //8
            sql += "c_char char, ";                         //9
            sql += "c_varchar varchar(4096), ";             //10
            sql += "c_time time, ";                         //11
            sql += "c_date date, ";                         //12
            sql += "c_timestamp timestamp, ";               //13
            sql += "c_datetime datetime, ";                 //14
            sql += "c_bit bit(1), ";                        //15
            sql += "c_varbit bit varying(4096), ";          //16
            sql += "c_monetary monetary, ";                 //17
            sql += "c_string string";                       //18
            sql += ")";
            TestCases.ExecuteSQL(sql, conn);

            using (OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(null, conn))
                sql  = "insert into t values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,";
                sql += "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,";
                sql += "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?";
                sql += ")";

                OdbcParameter p1 = new OdbcParameter("?p1", OdbcType.Int);
                p1.Value = 1;

                OdbcParameter p2 = new OdbcParameter("?p2", OdbcType.SmallInt);
                p2.Value = 11;

                OdbcParameter p3 = new OdbcParameter("?p3", OdbcType.Int);
                p3.Value = 111;

                OdbcParameter p4 = new OdbcParameter("?p4", OdbcType.BigInt);
                p4.Value = 1111;

                OdbcParameter p5 = new OdbcParameter("?p5", OdbcType.Numeric);
                p5.Value = 1.1;

                OdbcParameter p6 = new OdbcParameter("?p6", OdbcType.Double);
                p6.Value = 1.11;

                OdbcParameter p7 = new OdbcParameter("?p7", OdbcType.Decimal);
                p7.Value = 1.111;

                OdbcParameter p8 = new OdbcParameter("?p8", OdbcType.Double);
                p8.Value = 1.1111;

                OdbcParameter p9 = new OdbcParameter("?p9", OdbcType.Char);
                p9.Value = 'a';

                OdbcParameter p10 = new OdbcParameter("?p10", OdbcType.VarChar);
                p10.Value = "abcdfghijk";

                cmd.CommandText = sql;


            sql = "select * from t";
            using (OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn))
                OdbcDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read()) //only one row will be available
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt32(0) == 1);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt16(1) == 11);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt32(2) == 111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetInt64(3) == 1111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDecimal(4) == (decimal)1.1);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetFloat(5) == (float)1.11); //"Single"
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDecimal(6) == (decimal)1.111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetDouble(7) == (double)1.1111);
                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(8) == "a");          //"String" ("Char" in CUBRID)

                    Assert.IsTrue(reader.GetString(9) == "abcdfghijk"); //"String" ("String in CUBRID)

            TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static void CreateTestTable(OdbcConnection conn)
     TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);
     TestCases.ExecuteSQL("create table t(a int, b char(10), c string, d float, e double, f date)", conn);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Test CUBRIDCom
 private static void CleanupTestTable(OdbcConnection conn)
     TestCases.ExecuteSQL("drop table if exists t", conn);