Ejemplo n.º 1
		private void UnregisterWalletChanged(Wallet wal)
			wal.Documents.CollectionChanged -= OnFolWalDoc_CollectionChanged;
			foreach (Document doc in wal.Documents)
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public async Task RecordAudioAsync(Wallet wallet)
			if (!_isAudioRecorderOverlayOpen && RuntimeData.Instance?.IsMicrophoneAvailable == true)
				await RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncT(async delegate
					if (!_isAudioRecorderOverlayOpen && RuntimeData.Instance?.IsMicrophoneAvailable == true)
						var folder = _folder;
						var file = await CreateAudioPhotoFileAsync(ConstantData.DEFAULT_AUDIO_FILE_NAME);
						if (folder != null && file != null)
								IsAudioRecorderOverlayOpen = true;
								await _audioRecorderView.OpenAsync();
								bool hasRecorded = await _audioRecorderView.RecordAsync(file, CancToken); // this locks until explicitly unlocked
								await _audioRecorderView.CloseAsync();
								IsAudioRecorderOverlayOpen = false;

								if (hasRecorded)
									if (wallet == null)
										bool mediaImportedOk = await folder.ImportMediaFileIntoNewWalletAsync(file).ConfigureAwait(false);
										Debug.WriteLine("RecordAudioAsync(): mediaImportedOk = " + mediaImportedOk);
										bool mediaImportedOk = await wallet.ImportFileAsync(file).ConfigureAwait(false);
										Debug.WriteLine("RecordAudioAsync(): mediaImportedOk = " + mediaImportedOk);
									await file.DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption.PermanentDelete).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
									Debug.WriteLine("RecordAudioAsync(): recording interrupted");
							catch (Exception ex)
								Logger.Add_TPL(ex.ToString(), Logger.ForegroundLogFilename);
Ejemplo n.º 3
			public DocumentClickedArgs(Wallet wallet, Document document)
				_wallet = wallet;
				_document = document;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public async void StartShoot(Wallet parentWallet)
			if (!IsOpen) return;
			var folder = _folder;
			var directory = folder?.DBManager?.Directory;
			if (folder != null && directory != null && RuntimeData.Instance?.IsCameraAvailable == true && TrySetIsImportingMedia(true))
					RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_FOLDERID, folder.Id);
					RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_PARENTWALLETID, parentWallet == null ? string.Empty : parentWallet.Id);
					RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_IS_SHOOTING, true.ToString());

					var captureUI = new CameraCaptureUI();
					captureUI.PhotoSettings.Format = CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat.Jpeg;
					captureUI.PhotoSettings.MaxResolution = Briefcase.GetCurrentInstance().CameraCaptureResolution;
					captureUI.PhotoSettings.AllowCropping = false;

					var file = await captureUI.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo).AsTask();
					Pickers.SetLastPickedOpenFile(file); // little race here, hard to avoid and apparently harmless

					// LOLLO NOTE at this point, OnResuming() has just started, if the app was suspended. We cannot even know if we are open.
					// To avoid surprises, we try the following here under _isOpenSemaphore. If it does not run through, IsImportingMedia will stay true.
					// In OpenMayOverrideAsync, we check IsImportingMedia and, if true, we try again.
					// ContinueAfterFilePickAsync sets IsImportingMedia to false, so there won't be redundant attempts.
					await RunFunctionIfOpenThreeStateAsyncT(() => ContinueAfterFilePickAsync(file, directory, folder, parentWallet)).ConfigureAwait(false);
				catch (Exception ex)
					Logger.Add_TPL(ex.ToString(), Logger.AppEventsLogFilename);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		private async Task ContinueAfterFilePickAsync(IStorageFile file, IStorageFolder directory, Folder folder, Wallet parentWallet, bool deleteFile = false)
			bool isImported = false;

				if (directory != null && file != null && await file.GetFileSizeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) <= ConstantData.MAX_IMPORTABLE_MEDIA_FILE_SIZE)

					StorageFile newFile = await file.CopyAsync(directory, file.Name, NameCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);

					if (parentWallet == null)
						isImported = await folder.ImportMediaFileIntoNewWalletAsync(newFile).ConfigureAwait(false);

						isImported = await parentWallet.ImportFileAsync(newFile).ConfigureAwait(false);

					if (!isImported)
						// delete the copied file if something went wrong
						if (newFile != null) await newFile.DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption.PermanentDelete).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
						Logger.Add_TPL("isImported = false", Logger.AppEventsLogFilename, Logger.Severity.Info);
					// delete the original file if it was a photo taken with CameraCaptureUI
					if (deleteFile) await file.DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption.PermanentDelete).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await Logger.AddAsync(ex.ToString(), Logger.AppEventsLogFilename).ConfigureAwait(false);

				? AnimationStarter.Animations.Success
				: AnimationStarter.Animations.Failure);

			IsImportingMedia = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public Task<bool> RemoveDocumentFromWalletAsync(Wallet wallet, Document doc)
			return RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncTB(async delegate
				bool isOk = false;
				if (wallet != null)
					await wallet.OpenAsync();
					isOk = await wallet.RemoveDocumentAsync(doc);

					if (wallet.Documents.Count < 1) // if there are no more documents in the wallet, delete the wallet, too
						var folder = _folder;
						if (folder != null)
							isOk = isOk & await folder.RemoveWalletAsync(wallet).ConfigureAwait(false);
							isOk = false;
				return isOk;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public async void StartLoadMediaFile(Wallet parentWallet)
			if (!IsOpen) return;
			var folder = _folder;
			var directory = folder?.DBManager?.Directory;
			if (folder != null && directory != null && TrySetIsImportingMedia(true))
				RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_FOLDERID, folder.Id);
				RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_PARENTWALLETID, parentWallet == null ? string.Empty : parentWallet.Id);
				RegistryAccess.TrySetValue(ConstantData.REG_IMPORT_MEDIA_IS_SHOOTING, false.ToString());

				var file = await DocumentExtensions.PickMediaFileAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

				// LOLLO NOTE at this point, OnResuming() has just started, if the app was suspended. We cannot even know if we are open.
				// To avoid surprises, we try the following here under _isOpenSemaphore. If it does not run through, IsImportingMedia will stay true.
				// In OpenMayOverrideAsync, we check IsImportingMedia and, if true, we try again.
				// ContinueAfterFilePickAsync sets IsImportingMedia to false, so there won't be redundant attempts.
				await RunFunctionIfOpenThreeStateAsyncT(() => ContinueAfterFilePickAsync(file, directory, folder, parentWallet)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public Task<bool> RemoveWalletFromFolderAsync(Wallet wallet)
			return RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncTB(() => _folder?.RemoveWalletAsync(wallet));
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public async Task<bool> OcrDocumentAsync(Wallet wallet, Document doc)
			if (wallet == null || doc == null) return false;

			var textLines = await doc.GetTextFromPictureAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
			if (textLines == null || !textLines.Any()) return false;

			var directory = wallet.DBManager?.Directory;
			if (directory == null) return false;

			var newFile = await directory.CreateFileAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + DocumentExtensions.TXT_EXTENSION).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
			if (newFile == null) return false;

			var sb = new StringBuilder();
			foreach (var textLine in textLines) { sb.AppendLine(textLine); }
			await DocumentExtensions.WriteTextIntoFileAsync(sb.ToString(), newFile).ConfigureAwait(false);

			return await wallet.ImportFileAsync(newFile).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public Task<bool> ImportMediaFileIntoNewWalletAsync(StorageFile file)
			return RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncTB(async delegate
				if (DBManager != null && file != null)
					var newWallet = new Wallet(DBManager, Id);
					await newWallet.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // open the wallet or the following won't run
					bool isOk = await newWallet.ImportFileAsync(file).ConfigureAwait(false)
						&& await AddWallet2Async(newWallet).ConfigureAwait(false);

					if (isOk)
						return true;
						await RemoveWallet2Async(newWallet).ConfigureAwait(false);
				return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		private async Task<bool> RemoveWallet2Async(Wallet wallet)
			if (wallet != null && wallet.ParentId == Id)
				await DBManager.DeleteFromWalletsAsync(wallet);

				await RunInUiThreadAsync(delegate { _wallets.Remove(wallet); }).ConfigureAwait(false);

				await wallet.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
				await wallet.RemoveDocumentsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
				await wallet.CloseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

				return true;
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public Task<bool> RemoveWalletAsync(Wallet wallet)
			return RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncTB(async () => await RemoveWallet2Async(wallet).ConfigureAwait(false));
Ejemplo n.º 13
		private async Task<bool> AddWallet2Async(Wallet wallet)
			if (wallet != null)
				if (Wallet.Check(wallet))
					var dbM = DBManager;
					if (dbM != null && await dbM.InsertIntoWalletsAsync(wallet))
						await RunInUiThreadAsync(delegate { _wallets.Add(wallet); }).ConfigureAwait(false);

						await wallet.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
						return true;
					Logger.Add_TPL("ERROR in Folder.AddWalletAsync(): new wallet did not stand Wallet.CheckAllowedValues()", Logger.ForegroundLogFilename);
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public Task<bool> AddWalletAsync()
			return RunFunctionIfOpenAsyncTB(async delegate
				var wallet = new Wallet(DBManager, Id);
				return await AddWallet2Async(wallet).ConfigureAwait(false);