Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adding attachment to DB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Attachment type</param>
        /// <param name="applicationId">Main application id</param>
        /// <param name="attachments">List of new attachment that will be saved to db</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentBlock">Block that contains all attachment list</param>
        public void AddAttachments(AttachmentTypeEnum type, int applicationId, List<Attachment> attachments, AttachmentBlock attachmentBlock)
            var dbModel = this.databaseHelper.Get<ApplicationForm>(o => o.ApplicationFormId == applicationId);

            dbModel.Attachments.AddRange(attachments.Select(s => s.ToDbModel(applicationId)));

            if (attachmentBlock != null && attachmentBlock.Attachments != null)
                foreach (var attachment in attachmentBlock.Attachments)
                    var att = dbModel.Attachments.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ServerFileName == attachment.ServerFileName);

                    if (att != null)
                        att.Description = attachment.Description;
                        att.DocumentName = attachment.DocumentName;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public virtual ActionResult UploadFile(AttachmentTypeEnum attachmentType, int applicationId, AttachmentBlock model)
     return FileSaver.UploadFile(
        public static MvcHtmlString UmaAjaxFileUpload(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, long maxFileSizeInBytes, string uploadUrl, string sharedView, AttachmentBlock model, string deleteUrl, string downloadUrl, string dataUploadTemplateId = null, string dataDownloadTemplateId = null, int? maxNumberOfFiles = null, int? minNumberOfFiles = null, List<string> enablingIds = null, List<string> fileTypes = null)
            if (htmlHelper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("htmlHelper");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadUrl))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uploadUrl");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharedView))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sharedView");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataUploadTemplateId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataDownloadTemplateId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataDownloadTemplateId", "Defining dataUploadTemplateId need to define dataDownloadTemplateId");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataUploadTemplateId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataDownloadTemplateId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataUploadTemplateId", "Defining dataDownloadTemplateId need to define dataUploadTemplateId");

            //var html = htmlHelper.Partial(sharedView, model).ToHtmlString();

            var html = UmaHtmlHelpers.GenerateHtmlFromPartialWithPrefix(htmlHelper, sharedView, model, "Attachments[{0}]", false);

            var fileTypeStr = (fileTypes == null || fileTypes.Count == 0)
                                  ? string.Empty
                                  : string.Format(@"acceptfiletypes='/(\.|\/)({0})$/i'", string.Join("|", fileTypes));

            var existingFilesVariable = "existingFilesVariable" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");

            var attribHtml =
                    @"<div class='umaAjaxFileUpload' {0} maxfilesize='{1}' maxnumberoffiles='{2}' mimes='{3}' uploadurl='{4}' minnumberoffiles='{5}' enablingids='{6}' existingFilesVariable = '{7}'></div>",
                    enablingIds != null ? string.Join(",", enablingIds) : string.Empty,

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataUploadTemplateId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataDownloadTemplateId))
                var doc = new HtmlDocument();
                var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//script[@id]");
                foreach (HtmlNode input in nodes)
                    HtmlAttribute att = input.Attributes["id"];
                    if (att.Value == "template-upload")
                        att.Value = dataUploadTemplateId;

                    if (att.Value == "template-download")
                        att.Value = dataDownloadTemplateId;

                html = doc.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;

            html = attribHtml + html;

            html += GenerateExistingVariableScript(htmlHelper, model, existingFilesVariable, deleteUrl);

            return MvcHtmlString.Create(html);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// File saving logic to save files to DB and file system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller">Controller that contains data about uploaded files</param>
        /// <param name="deleteActionUrl">Url that will be used in file deletion</param>
        /// <param name="downloadActionUrl">Url that will be used in file downloading</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentType">Type of attachment block</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLogic">Logic to have posibility save file information to DB</param>
        /// <param name="applicationId">Main application Id</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentBlock">Attachment block that contains data about all block files</param>
        public static ActionResult UploadFile(BaseController controller, string deleteActionUrl, string downloadActionUrl, AttachmentTypeEnum attachmentType, IAttachmentLogic attachmentLogic, int applicationId, AttachmentBlock attachmentBlock)
            // here we can send in some extra info to be included with the delete url
            var statuses = new List<ViewDataUploadFileResult>();
            for (var i = 0; i < controller.Request.Files.Count; i++)
                var st = StoreFile(new FileSaveModel()
                    File = controller.Request.Files[i],
                    // note how we are adding an additional value to be posted with delete request

                    // and giving it the same value posted with upload
                    DeleteUrl = controller.Url.Action(deleteActionUrl, new { attachmentType }),
                    StorageDirectory = controller.Server.MapPath("~/Content/uploads"),
                    UrlPrefix = ResolveServerUrl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Content/uploads"), false), // this is used to generate the relative url of the file

                    // overriding defaults
                    FileName = controller.Request.Files[i].FileName, // default is filename suffixed with filetimestamp
                    ThrowExceptions = true // default is false, if false exception message is set in error property


            // statuses contains all the uploaded files details (if error occurs then check error property is not null or empty)
            // todo: add additional code to generate thumbnail for videos, associate files with entities etc

            // adding thumbnail url for jquery file upload javascript plugin
            statuses.ForEach(x => x.ThumbnailUrl = x.Url + string.Empty); // uses ImageResizer httpmodule to resize images from this url

            // setting custom download url instead of direct url to file which is default
            statuses.ForEach(x => x.Url = controller.Url.Action(downloadActionUrl, new { fileUrl = x.Url, mimetype = x.FileType }));

            var viewresult = controller.JsonPublic(new { files = statuses });
            // for IE8 which does not accept application/json
            if (controller.Request.Headers["Accept"] != null && !controller.Request.Headers["Accept"].Contains("application/json"))
                viewresult.ContentType = "text/plain";

            var attachments = new List<Attachment>();
            List<Attachment> newAttachments = null;

            if (attachmentBlock != null && attachmentBlock.Attachments != null)
                newAttachments =
                    attachmentBlock.Attachments.Where(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ServerFileName)).ToList();

            foreach (var viewDataUploadFileResult in statuses)
                var idx = statuses.IndexOf(viewDataUploadFileResult);

                if (newAttachments != null && newAttachments.Count != 0)
                    viewDataUploadFileResult.Description = newAttachments[idx].Description;
                    viewDataUploadFileResult.DocumentName = newAttachments[idx].DocumentName;
                    newAttachments[idx].ServerFileName = viewDataUploadFileResult.SavedFileName;

                attachments.Add(new Attachment()
                    FileName = viewDataUploadFileResult.Name,
                    ServerFileName = viewDataUploadFileResult.SavedFileName,
                    AttachmentType = attachmentType

            attachmentLogic.AddAttachments(attachmentType, applicationId, attachments, attachmentBlock);

            return viewresult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate script for existing attachments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper">The html helper.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model with attachments</param>
        /// <param name="existingFilesVariable">Unique variable name</param>
        /// <param name="deleteUrl">Url for file deletion</param>
        private static string GenerateExistingVariableScript(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, AttachmentBlock model, string existingFilesVariable, string deleteUrl)
            var res = "";

            if (model.Attachments != null && model.Attachments.Count != 0)
                res = string.Format(@"<script>
            var {0} = [",

                foreach (var attachment in model.Attachments)
                    var fileUrl = FileSaver.ResolveServerUrl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Content/uploads/"), false)
                                  + attachment.ServerFileName;

                    res += string.Format(@"{{
            'Name': '{0}',
            'DeleteUrl': '{1}',
            'DeleteType': '{2}',
            'Url': '{3}',
            'Description' : '{4}',
            'DocumentName' : '{5}',
            'SavedFileName' : '{6}'}},
             new UrlHelper(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext, htmlHelper.RouteCollection).Action(deleteUrl, new { attachmentType = attachment.AttachmentType, fileUrl }),

                res += @"];


            return res;