public DataTable getEligibleCourse(string student_id)
     Student student = new Student(student_id);
     DataTable courses_offered_this_semester_table = Registration.getCoursesFromSemester(student.current_semester_id, student.program_id);
     return courses_offered_this_semester_table;
        public static bool dropRegistration(Student student, Course course)
            string query = "delete from REGISTRATION where "+
                "course_id= "+course.course_id +
                " and student_id =" + student.student_id +
                " and year_semester='"+ GLOBALS.current_semester + "'";

            return GLOBALS.db_command(query);
        public static bool checkCourseTaken(Student student, Course course)
            DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query(
                "select * from REGISTRATION " +
                "where course_id = "+course.course_id+
                " and student_id = "+student.student_id+
                " and (passed_course = 1 or passed_course is null)");

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                return false;
            return true;
        public static bool checkCoursePrereqNotTaken(Student student, Course course)
            // if there is no pre-req course
            if (course.prereq_course == null || course.prereq_course == "") return false;

            DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query(
                "select * from REGISTRATION " +
                "where course_id = " + course.prereq_course +
                " and student_id = " + student.student_id +
                " and passed_course = 1");

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                return false;
            return true;
        private void btnReportRegistrationStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check for blank
            if (txtStudentID.Text != "" && txtStudentID.Text.All(char.IsDigit))
                // check for valid student id
                Student student = new Student(txtStudentID.Text);
                if (student.getStudentInformation())
                    GenerateReportRegistrationInterface generate_report_registration_interface
                        = new GenerateReportRegistrationInterface(txtStudentID.Text);

                    MessageBox.Show("Fail to generate report! No student with that ID found!");
        public string addCourse(string student_id, string course_designation)
            Student student = new Student(student_id);
            Course course = new Course(course_designation);
            if (!course.GetCourseInformation(GLOBALS.current_semester))
                return "This course is not offered this semester. Sorry!";

            if (Registration.checkCoursePrereqNotTaken(student, course))
                return "Pre requisite is not taken";

            if (Registration.checkCourseTaken(student, course))
                return "You already took this course!";

            // check limit credit hours
            int new_credit_hour = student.current_credit_hour + course.credit_hours;
            if (new_credit_hour > student.max_credit_hour_allowed) { return "Maximum credit hours reached!"; }

            // check course capacity
            if (course.enrolled_student >= course.capacity ) { return "This course is full!"; }

            // Update Registration Table
            if (Registration.addRegistration(student, course))
                course.updateEnrolledStudent(course.enrolled_student + 1);
                return "ok";

            return "This course conflicts with your Registration. Please contact the admin for more information";
        public static List<Student> getStudentsFromCourseCurrentSemester(string course_id)
            List<Student> student_list = new List<Student>();
            string query = "select * from registration where course_id=" + course_id +" and year_semester='" + GLOBALS.current_semester +"'";
            DataTable registration_table = GLOBALS.db_query(query);

            foreach (DataRow row in registration_table.Rows)
                Student student = new Student(row["student_id"].ToString());

            return student_list;
 public static bool addRegistration(Student student, Course course)
     string query = "insert into REGISTRATION (course_id, student_id, year_semester)" +
         "values (" + course.course_id + ", " + student.student_id + ", '" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "')";
     return GLOBALS.db_command(query);
        public static bool reportStudentRegistration(string student_id, string year_semester)
            // check if student_id is valid
            Student student = new Student(student_id);

            if (student.getStudentInformation())
                List<Course> course_list = Registration.getCoursesFromStudent(student_id, year_semester);
                // print out the list of course here
                List<string> lines = new List<string>();
                lines.Add(String.Format("Report for student ID: {0}", student_id));
                lines.Add(String.Format("Student's name: {0} {1}", student.first_name, student.last_name));
                lines.Add("Semester: " + year_semester);
                lines.Add("===============================" + Environment.NewLine);

                foreach (var course in course_list)
                    lines.Add("------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine);

                //string file_name = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + String.Format("Report: Student ID {0}.txt", student_id);
                string file_path = @".\..\..\Reports\Report_Student.txt";
                System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(file_path, lines);
                System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", @".\..\..\Reports\Report_Student.txt");
                return true;
            return false;