Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a <see c_ref="TextObj" /> for each bar in the <see c_ref="GraphPane" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This method will go through the bars, create a label that corresponds to the bar value,
		/// and place it on the graph depending on user preferences.  This works for horizontal or
		/// vertical bars in clusters or stacks, but only for <see c_ref="BarItem" /> types.  This method
		/// does not apply to <see c_ref="ErrorBarItem" /> or <see c_ref="HiLowBarItem" /> objects.
		/// Call this method only after calling <see c_ref="GraphPane.AxisChange()" />.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="pane">The GraphPane in which to place the text labels.</param>
		/// <param name="isBarCenter">true to center the labels inside the bars, false to
		/// place the labels just above the top of the bar.</param>
		/// <param name="valueFormat">The double.ToString string format to use for creating
		/// the labels.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="fontColor">The color in which to draw the labels</param>
		/// <param name="fontFamily">The string name of the font family to use for the labels</param>
		/// <param name="fontSize">The floating point size of the font, in scaled points</param>
		/// <param name="isBold">true for a bold font type, false otherwise</param>
		/// <param name="isItalic">true for an italic font type, false otherwise</param>
		/// <param name="isUnderline">true for an underline font type, false otherwise</param>
		public static void CreateBarLabels( GraphPane pane, bool isBarCenter, string valueFormat,
			string fontFamily, float fontSize, Color fontColor, bool isBold, bool isItalic,
			bool isUnderline )
			bool isVertical = pane.BarSettings.Base == BarBase.X;

			// keep a count of the number of BarItems
			int curveIndex = 0;

			// Get a valuehandler to do some calculations for us
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, true );

			// Loop through each curve in the list
			foreach ( CurveItem curve in pane.CurveList )
				// work with BarItems only
				BarItem bar = curve as BarItem;
				if ( bar != null )
					IPointList points = curve.Points;

					// ADD JKB 9/21/07
					// The labelOffset should depend on whether the curve is YAxis or Y2Axis.
					// JHC - Generalize to any value axis
					// Make the gap between the bars and the labels = 1.5% of the axis range
					float labelOffset;

					Scale scale = curve.ValueAxis( pane ).Scale;
					labelOffset = (float)( scale._max - scale._min ) * 0.015f;

					// Loop through each point in the BarItem
					for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
						// Get the high, low and base values for the current bar
						// note that this method will automatically calculate the "effective"
						// values if the bar is stacked
						double baseVal, lowVal, hiVal;
						valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out baseVal, out lowVal, out hiVal );

						// Get the value that corresponds to the center of the bar base
						// This method figures out how the bars are positioned within a cluster
						float centerVal = (float)valueHandler.BarCenterValue( bar,
							bar.GetBarWidth( pane ), i, baseVal, curveIndex );

						// Create a text label -- note that we have to go back to the original point
						// data for this, since hiVal and lowVal could be "effective" values from a bar stack
						string barLabelText = ( isVertical ? points[i].Y : points[i].X ).ToString( valueFormat );

						// Calculate the position of the label -- this is either the X or the Y coordinate
						// depending on whether they are horizontal or vertical bars, respectively
						float position;
						if ( isBarCenter )
							position = (float)( hiVal + lowVal ) / 2.0f;
						else if ( hiVal >= 0 )
							position = (float)hiVal + labelOffset;
							position = (float)hiVal - labelOffset;

						// Create the new TextObj
						TextObj label;
						if ( isVertical )
							label = new TextObj( barLabelText, centerVal, position );
							label = new TextObj( barLabelText, position, centerVal );

						label.FontSpec.Family = fontFamily;

						// Configure the TextObj

                  // CHANGE JKB 9/21/07
                  // CoordinateFrame should depend on whether curve is YAxis or Y2Axis.
						label.Location.CoordinateFrame =
							(isVertical && curve.IsY2Axis) ? CoordType.AxisXY2Scale : CoordType.AxisXYScale;

						label.FontSpec.Size = fontSize;
						label.FontSpec.FontColor = fontColor;
						label.FontSpec.IsItalic = isItalic;
						label.FontSpec.IsBold = isBold;
						label.FontSpec.IsUnderline = isUnderline;

						label.FontSpec.Angle = isVertical ? 90 : 0;
						label.Location.AlignH = isBarCenter ? AlignH.Center :
									( hiVal >= 0 ? AlignH.Left : AlignH.Right );
						label.Location.AlignV = AlignV.Center;
						label.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
						label.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false;

						// Add the TextObj to the GraphPane
						pane.GraphObjList.Add( label );
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine the coords for the rectangle associated with a specified point for 
		/// this <see c_ref="CurveItem" />
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pane">The <see c_ref="GraphPane" /> to which this curve belongs</param>
		/// <param name="i">The index of the point of interest</param>
		/// <param name="coords">A list of coordinates that represents the "rect" for
		/// this point (used in an html AREA tag)</param>
		/// <returns>true if it's a valid point, false otherwise</returns>
		override public bool GetCoords( GraphPane pane, int i, out string coords )
			coords = string.Empty;

			if ( i < 0 || i >= _points.Count )
				return false;

			Axis valueAxis = ValueAxis( pane );
			Axis baseAxis = BaseAxis( pane );

			// pixBase = pixel value for the bar center on the base axis
			// pixHiVal = pixel value for the bar top on the value axis
			// pixLowVal = pixel value for the bar bottom on the value axis
			float pixBase, pixHiVal, pixLowVal;

			float clusterWidth = pane.BarSettings.GetClusterWidth();
			float barWidth = GetBarWidth( pane );
			float clusterGap = pane._barSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
			float barGap = barWidth * pane._barSettings.MinBarGap;

			// curBase = the scale value on the base axis of the current bar
			// curHiVal = the scale value on the value axis of the current bar
			// curLowVal = the scale value of the bottom of the bar
			double curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
			valueHandler.GetValues( this, i, out curBase, out curLowVal, out curHiVal );

			// Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
			// This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
			//   by zero, etc.
			// Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

			if ( !_points[i].IsInvalid3D )
				// calculate a pixel value for the top of the bar on value axis
				pixLowVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( _isOverrideOrdinal, i, curLowVal );
				pixHiVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( _isOverrideOrdinal, i, curHiVal );
				// calculate a pixel value for the center of the bar on the base axis
				pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform( _isOverrideOrdinal, i, curBase );

				// Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
				float pixSide = pixBase - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
								pane.CurveList.GetBarItemPos( pane, this ) * ( barWidth + barGap );

				// Draw the bar
				if ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis )
					coords = String.Format( "{0:f0},{1:f0},{2:f0},{3:f0}",
								pixSide, pixLowVal,
								pixSide + barWidth, pixHiVal );
					coords = String.Format( "{0:f0},{1:f0},{2:f0},{3:f0}",
								pixLowVal, pixSide,
								pixHiVal, pixSide + barWidth );

				return true;

			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: Line.cs Proyecto: CareyGit/jx
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw the this <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> to the specified <see c_ref="Graphics"/>
		/// device.  The format (stair-step or line) of the curve is
		/// defined by the <see c_ref="StepType"/> property.  The routine
		/// only draws the line segments; the symbols are drawn by the
		/// <see c_ref="Symbol.Draw"/> method.  This method
		/// is normally only called by the Draw method of the
		/// <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">
		/// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
		/// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="scaleFactor">
		/// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
		/// passed down by the parent <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object using the
		/// <see c_ref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
		/// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pane">
		/// A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="LineItem"/> representing this
		/// curve.</param>
		public void DrawCurveOriginal( Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
										  CurveItem curve, float scaleFactor )
			Line source = this;
			if ( curve.IsSelected )
				source = Selection.Line;

			float tmpX, tmpY,
					lastX = float.MaxValue,
					lastY = float.MaxValue;
			double curX, curY, lowVal;
			PointPair curPt, lastPt = new PointPair();

			bool lastBad = true;
			IPointList points = curve.Points;
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
			Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis( pane );
			Axis xAxis = curve.GetXAxis( pane );

			bool xIsLog = xAxis._scale.IsLog;
			bool yIsLog = yAxis._scale.IsLog;

			float minX = pane.Chart.Rect.Left;
			float maxX = pane.Chart.Rect.Right;
			float minY = pane.Chart.Rect.Top;
			float maxY = pane.Chart.Rect.Bottom;

			using ( Pen pen = source.GetPen( pane, scaleFactor ) )
				if ( points != null && !_color.IsEmpty && IsVisible )
					//bool lastOut = false;
					bool isOut;

					// Loop over each point in the curve
					for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
						curPt = points[i];
						if ( pane.LineType == LineType.Stack )
							if ( !valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out curX, out lowVal, out curY ) )
								curX = PointPair.Missing;
								curY = PointPair.Missing;
							curX = curPt.X;
							curY = curPt.Y;

						// Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
						// This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
						//   by zero, etc.
						// Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid
						if ( curX == PointPair.Missing ||
								curY == PointPair.Missing ||
								Double.IsNaN( curX ) ||
								Double.IsNaN( curY ) ||
								Double.IsInfinity( curX ) ||
								Double.IsInfinity( curY ) ||
								( xIsLog && curX <= 0.0 ) ||
								( yIsLog && curY <= 0.0 ) )
							// If the point is invalid, then make a linebreak only if IsIgnoreMissing is false
							// LastX and LastY are always the last valid point, so this works out
							lastBad = lastBad || !pane.IsIgnoreMissing;
							isOut = true;
							// Transform the current point from user scale units to
							// screen coordinates
							tmpX = xAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, curX );
							tmpY = yAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, curY );
							isOut = ( tmpX < minX && lastX < minX ) || ( tmpX > maxX && lastX > maxX ) ||
								( tmpY < minY && lastY < minY ) || ( tmpY > maxY && lastY > maxY );

							if ( !lastBad )
									// GDI+ plots the data wrong and/or throws an exception for
									// outrageous coordinates, so we do a sanity check here
									if ( lastX > 5000000 || lastX < -5000000 ||
											lastY > 5000000 || lastY < -5000000 ||
											tmpX > 5000000 || tmpX < -5000000 ||
											tmpY > 5000000 || tmpY < -5000000 )
										InterpolatePoint( g, pane, curve, lastPt, scaleFactor, pen,
														lastX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );
									else if ( !isOut )
										if ( !curve.IsSelected && _gradientFill.IsGradientValueType )
											using ( Pen tPen = GetPen( pane, scaleFactor, lastPt ) )
												if ( StepType == StepType.NonStep )
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );
												else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardStep )
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, lastY );
													g.DrawLine( tPen, tmpX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );
												else if ( StepType == StepType.RearwardStep )
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, lastY, lastX, tmpY );
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, tmpY, tmpX, tmpY );
												else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardSegment )
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, lastY );
													g.DrawLine( tPen, lastX, tmpY, tmpX, tmpY );
											if ( StepType == StepType.NonStep )
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );
											else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardStep )
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, lastY );
												g.DrawLine( pen, tmpX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );
											else if ( StepType == StepType.RearwardStep )
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, lastY, lastX, tmpY );
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, tmpY, tmpX, tmpY );
											else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardSegment )
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, lastY, tmpX, lastY );
											else if ( StepType == StepType.RearwardSegment )
												g.DrawLine( pen, lastX, tmpY, tmpX, tmpY );

									InterpolatePoint( g, pane, curve, lastPt, scaleFactor, pen,
												lastX, lastY, tmpX, tmpY );


							lastPt = curPt;
							lastX = tmpX;
							lastY = tmpY;
							lastBad = false;
							//lastOut = isOut;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: Bar.cs Proyecto: CareyGit/jx
		/// <summary>
		/// Protected internal routine that draws the specified single bar (an individual "point")
		/// of this series to the specified <see c_ref="Graphics"/> device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">
		/// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
		/// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pane">
		/// A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
		/// <see c_ref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="index">
		/// The zero-based index number for the single bar to be drawn.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pos">
		/// The ordinal position of the this bar series (0=first bar, 1=second bar, etc.)
		/// in the cluster of bars.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="baseAxis">The <see c_ref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
		/// axis for the <see c_ref="Bar"/></param>
		/// <param name="valueAxis">The <see c_ref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
		/// axis for the <see c_ref="Bar"/></param>
		/// <param name="barWidth">
		/// The width of each bar, in pixels.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="scaleFactor">
		/// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
		/// passed down by the parent <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object using the
		/// <see c_ref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
		/// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
		/// </param>
		virtual protected void DrawSingleBar( Graphics g, GraphPane pane,
										CurveItem curve,
										int index, int pos, Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis,
										float barWidth, float scaleFactor )
			// pixBase = pixel value for the bar center on the base axis
			// pixHiVal = pixel value for the bar top on the value axis
			// pixLowVal = pixel value for the bar bottom on the value axis
			float pixBase, pixHiVal, pixLowVal;

			float clusterWidth = pane.BarSettings.GetClusterWidth();
			//float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( pane );
			float clusterGap = pane._barSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
			float barGap = barWidth * pane._barSettings.MinBarGap;

			// curBase = the scale value on the base axis of the current bar
			// curHiVal = the scale value on the value axis of the current bar
			// curLowVal = the scale value of the bottom of the bar
			double curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
			valueHandler.GetValues( curve, index, out curBase, out curLowVal, out curHiVal );

			// Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
			// This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
			//   by zero, etc.
			// Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

			if ( !curve.Points[index].IsInvalid )
				// calculate a pixel value for the top of the bar on value axis
				pixLowVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curLowVal );
				pixHiVal = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curHiVal );
				// calculate a pixel value for the center of the bar on the base axis
				pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curBase );

				// Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
				float pixSide = pixBase - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
								pos * ( barWidth + barGap );

				// Draw the bar
				if ( pane._barSettings.Base == BarBase.X )
					Draw( g, pane, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth, pixLowVal,
							pixHiVal, scaleFactor, true, curve.IsSelected,
							curve.Points[index] );
					Draw( g, pane, pixLowVal, pixHiVal, pixSide, pixSide + barWidth,
							scaleFactor, true, curve.IsSelected,
							curve.Points[index] );
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: Line.cs Proyecto: CareyGit/jx
		/// <summary>
		/// Build an array of <see c_ref="PointF"/> values (pixel coordinates) that represents
		/// the current curve.  Note that this drawing routine ignores <see c_ref="PointPairBase.Missing"/>
		/// values, but it does not "break" the line to indicate values are missing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pane">A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.</param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="LineItem"/> representing this
		/// curve.</param>
		/// <param name="arrPoints">An array of <see c_ref="PointF"/> values in pixel
		/// coordinates representing the current curve.</param>
		/// <param name="count">The number of points contained in the "arrPoints"
		/// parameter.</param>
		/// <returns>true for a successful points array build, false for data problems</returns>
		public bool BuildPointsArray( GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
			out PointF[] arrPoints, out int count )
			arrPoints = null;
			count = 0;
			IPointList points = curve.Points;

			if ( IsVisible && !Color.IsEmpty && points != null )
				int index = 0;
				float curX, curY,
							lastX = 0,
							lastY = 0;
				double x, y, lowVal;
				ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );

				// Step type plots get twice as many points.  Always add three points so there is
				// room to close out the curve for area fills.
                arrPoints = new PointF[(_stepType == StepType.NonStep ? 1 : 2) *
											points.Count + 1];

				// Loop over all points in the curve
				for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
					// make sure that the current point is valid
					if ( !points[i].IsInvalid )
						// Get the user scale values for the current point
						// use the valueHandler only for stacked types
						if ( pane.LineType == LineType.Stack )
							valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out x, out lowVal, out y );
						// otherwise, just access the values directly.  Avoiding the valueHandler for
						// non-stacked types is an optimization to minimize overhead in case there are
						// a large number of points.
							x = points[i].X;
							y = points[i].Y;

						if ( x == PointPair.Missing || y == PointPair.Missing )

						// Transform the user scale values to pixel locations
						Axis xAxis = curve.GetXAxis( pane );
						curX = xAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, x );
						Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis( pane );
						curY = yAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, y );

						if ( curX < -1000000 || curY < -1000000 || curX > 1000000 || curY > 1000000 )

						// Add the pixel value pair into the points array
						// Two points are added for step type curves
						// ignore step-type setting for smooth curves
						if ( _isSmooth || index == 0 || StepType == StepType.NonStep )
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
						else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardStep ||
										StepType == StepType.ForwardSegment )
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = lastY;
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
						else if ( StepType == StepType.RearwardStep ||
										StepType == StepType.RearwardSegment )
							arrPoints[index].X = lastX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;

						lastX = curX;
						lastY = curY;



				// Make sure there is at least one valid point
				if ( index == 0 )
					return false;

				// Add an extra point at the end, since the smoothing algorithm requires it
				arrPoints[index] = arrPoints[index - 1];

				count = index;
				return true;
		    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: Line.cs Proyecto: CareyGit/jx
		/// <summary>
		/// Build an array of <see c_ref="PointF"/> values (pixel coordinates) that represents
		/// the low values for the current curve.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>Note that this drawing routine ignores <see c_ref="PointPairBase.Missing"/>
		/// values, but it does not "break" the line to indicate values are missing.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="pane">A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.</param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="LineItem"/> representing this
		/// curve.</param>
		/// <param name="arrPoints">An array of <see c_ref="PointF"/> values in pixel
		/// coordinates representing the current curve.</param>
		/// <param name="count">The number of points contained in the "arrPoints"
		/// parameter.</param>
		/// <returns>true for a successful points array build, false for data problems</returns>
		public bool BuildLowPointsArray( GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
						out PointF[] arrPoints, out int count )
			arrPoints = null;
			count = 0;
			IPointList points = curve.Points;

			if ( IsVisible && !Color.IsEmpty && points != null )
				int index = 0;
				float curX, curY,
						lastX = 0,
						lastY = 0;
				double x, y, hiVal;
				ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );

				// Step type plots get twice as many points.  Always add three points so there is
				// room to close out the curve for area fills.
                arrPoints = new PointF[(_stepType == StepType.NonStep ? 1 : 2) *
					( pane.LineType == LineType.Stack ? 2 : 1 ) *
					points.Count + 1];

				// Loop backwards over all points in the curve
				// In this case an array of points was already built forward by BuildPointsArray().
				// This time we build backwards to complete a loop around the area between two curves.
				for ( int i = points.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					// Make sure the current point is valid
					if ( !points[i].IsInvalid )
						// Get the user scale values for the current point
						valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out x, out y, out hiVal );

						if ( x == PointPair.Missing || y == PointPair.Missing )

						// Transform the user scale values to pixel locations
						Axis xAxis = curve.GetXAxis( pane );
						curX = xAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, x );
						Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis( pane );
						curY = yAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, y );

						// Add the pixel value pair into the points array
						// Two points are added for step type curves
						// ignore step-type setting for smooth curves
						if ( _isSmooth || index == 0 || StepType == StepType.NonStep )
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
						else if ( StepType == StepType.ForwardStep )
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = lastY;
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
						else if ( StepType == StepType.RearwardStep )
							arrPoints[index].X = lastX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;
							arrPoints[index].X = curX;
							arrPoints[index].Y = curY;

						lastX = curX;
						lastY = curY;



				// Make sure there is at least one valid point
				if ( index == 0 )
					return false;

				// Add an extra point at the end, since the smoothing algorithm requires it
				arrPoints[index] = arrPoints[index - 1];

				count = index;
				return true;
		    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		private Point HandlePointValues( Point mousePt )
			int iPt;
			GraphPane pane;
			object nearestObj;

			using ( Graphics g = CreateGraphics() )

				if ( _masterPane.FindNearestPaneObject( mousePt,
					g, out pane, out nearestObj, out iPt ) )
					if ( nearestObj is CurveItem && iPt >= 0 )
						CurveItem curve = (CurveItem)nearestObj;
						// Provide Callback for User to customize the tooltips
						if ( PointValueEvent != null )
							string label = PointValueEvent( this, pane, curve, iPt );
							if ( label != null && label.Length > 0 )
								pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this, label );
								pointToolTip.Active = true;
								pointToolTip.Active = false;

							if ( curve is PieItem )
								pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this,
									( (PieItem)curve ).Value.ToString( _pointValueFormat ) );
							//							else if ( curve is OHLCBarItem || curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem )
							//							{
							//								StockPt spt = (StockPt)curve.Points[iPt];
							//								this.pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this, ( (XDate) spt.Date ).ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ) + "\nOpen: $" +
							//								spt.Open.ToString( "N2" ) +
							//								"\nHigh: $" +
							//								spt.High.ToString( "N2" ) + "\nLow: $" +
							//								spt.Low.ToString( "N2" ) + "\nClose: $" +
							//								spt.Close.ToString
							//								( "N2" ) );
							//							}
								PointPair pt = curve.Points[iPt];

								if ( pt.Tag is string )
									pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this, (string)pt.Tag );
									double xVal, yVal, lowVal;
									ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
									if ( ( curve is BarItem || curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem )
											&& pane.BarSettings.Base != BarBase.X )
										valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out yVal, out lowVal, out xVal );
										valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out xVal, out lowVal, out yVal );

									string xStr = MakeValueLabel( curve.GetXAxis( pane ), xVal, iPt,
										curve.IsOverrideOrdinal );
									string yStr = MakeValueLabel( curve.GetYAxis( pane ), yVal, iPt,
										curve.IsOverrideOrdinal );

									pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this, "( " + xStr + ", " + yStr + " )" );

									//this.pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this,
									//	curve.Points[iPt].ToString( this.pointValueFormat ) );

							pointToolTip.Active = true;
						pointToolTip.Active = false;
					pointToolTip.Active = false;

			return mousePt;
Ejemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Find the data point that lies closest to the specified mouse (screen)
		/// point.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This method will search through the specified list of curves to find which point is
		/// nearest.  It will only consider points that are within
		/// <see c_ref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels of the screen point, and it will
		/// only consider <see c_ref="CurveItem"/>'s that are in 
		/// <paramref name="targetCurveList"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="mousePt">The screen point, in pixel coordinates.</param>
		/// <param name="targetCurveList">A <see c_ref="CurveList"/> object containing
		/// a subset of <see c_ref="CurveItem"/>'s to be searched.</param>
		/// <param name="nearestCurve">A reference to the <see c_ref="CurveItem"/>
		/// instance that contains the closest point.  nearestCurve will be null if
		/// no data points are available.</param>
		/// <param name="iNearest">The index number of the closest point.  The
		/// actual data vpoint will then be <see c_ref="CurveItem.Points">CurveItem.Points[iNearest]</see>
		/// .  iNearest will
		/// be -1 if no data points are available.</param>
		/// <returns>true if a point was found and that point lies within
		/// <see c_ref="Default.NearestTol"/> pixels
		/// of the screen point, false otherwise.</returns>
		public bool FindNearestPoint( PointF mousePt, CurveList targetCurveList,
			out CurveItem nearestCurve, out int iNearest )
			CurveItem nearestBar = null;
			int iNearestBar = -1;
			nearestCurve = null;
			iNearest = -1;

			// If the point is outside the ChartRect, always return false
			if ( !_chart._rect.Contains( mousePt ) )
				return false;

			double x, x2;
			double[] y;
			double[] y2;

			//ReverseTransform( mousePt, out x, out y, out y2 );
			ReverseTransform( mousePt, out x, out x2, out y, out y2 );

			if ( !AxisRangesValid() )
				return false;

			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( this, false );

			//double	yPixPerUnit = chartRect.Height / ( yAxis.Max - yAxis.Min );
			//double	y2PixPerUnit; // = chartRect.Height / ( y2Axis.Max - y2Axis.Min );

			double yPixPerUnitAct, yAct, yMinAct, yMaxAct, xAct;
			double minDist = 1e20;
			double xVal, yVal, dist = 99999, distX, distY;
			double tolSquared = Default.NearestTol * Default.NearestTol;

			int iBar = 0;

			foreach ( CurveItem curve in targetCurveList )
				//test for pie first...if it's a pie rest of method superfluous
				if ( curve is PieItem && curve.IsVisible )
					if ( ( (PieItem)curve ).SlicePath != null &&
							( (PieItem)curve ).SlicePath.IsVisible( mousePt ) )
						nearestBar = curve;
						iNearestBar = 0;
				else if ( curve.IsVisible )
					int yIndex = curve.GetYAxisIndex( this );
					Axis yAxis = curve.GetYAxis( this );
					Axis xAxis = curve.GetXAxis( this );

					if ( curve.IsY2Axis )
						yAct = y2[yIndex];
						yMinAct = _y2AxisList[yIndex]._scale._min;
						yMaxAct = _y2AxisList[yIndex]._scale._max;
						yAct = y[yIndex];
						yMinAct = _yAxisList[yIndex]._scale._min;
						yMaxAct = _yAxisList[yIndex]._scale._max;

					yPixPerUnitAct = _chart._rect.Height / ( yMaxAct - yMinAct );

					double xPixPerUnit = _chart._rect.Width / ( xAxis._scale._max - xAxis._scale._min );
					xAct = xAxis is XAxis ? x : x2;

					IPointList points = curve.Points;
					float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( this );
					double barWidthUserHalf;
					Axis baseAxis = curve.BaseAxis( this );
					bool isXBaseAxis = ( baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis );
					if ( isXBaseAxis )
						barWidthUserHalf = barWidth / xPixPerUnit / 2.0;
						barWidthUserHalf = barWidth / yPixPerUnitAct / 2.0;

					if ( points != null )
						for ( int iPt = 0; iPt < curve.NPts; iPt++ )
							// xVal is the user scale X value of the current point
							if ( xAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal )
								xVal = iPt + 1.0;
								xVal = points[iPt].X;

							// yVal is the user scale Y value of the current point
							if ( yAxis._scale.IsAnyOrdinal && !curve.IsOverrideOrdinal )
								yVal = iPt + 1.0;
								yVal = points[iPt].Y;

							if ( xVal != PointPair.Missing &&
									yVal != PointPair.Missing )

								if ( curve.IsBar || curve is ErrorBarItem ||
									curve is HiLowBarItem || curve is OHLCBarItem ||
									curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem )
									double baseVal, lowVal, hiVal;
									valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out baseVal,
											out lowVal, out hiVal );

									if ( lowVal > hiVal )
										double tmpVal = lowVal;
										lowVal = hiVal;
										hiVal = tmpVal;

									if ( isXBaseAxis )

										double centerVal = valueHandler.BarCenterValue( curve, barWidth, iPt, xVal, iBar );

										if ( xAct < centerVal - barWidthUserHalf ||
												xAct > centerVal + barWidthUserHalf ||
												yAct < lowVal || yAct > hiVal )
										double centerVal = valueHandler.BarCenterValue( curve, barWidth, iPt, yVal, iBar );

										if ( yAct < centerVal - barWidthUserHalf ||
												yAct > centerVal + barWidthUserHalf ||
												xAct < lowVal || xAct > hiVal )

									if ( nearestBar == null )
										iNearestBar = iPt;
										nearestBar = curve;
								else if ( xVal >= xAxis._scale._min && xVal <= xAxis._scale._max &&
											yVal >= yMinAct && yVal <= yMaxAct )
									if ( curve is LineItem && _lineType == LineType.Stack )
										double zVal;
										valueHandler.GetValues( curve, iPt, out xVal, out zVal, out yVal );

									distX = ( xVal - xAct ) * xPixPerUnit;
									distY = ( yVal - yAct ) * yPixPerUnitAct;
									dist = distX * distX + distY * distY;

									if ( dist >= minDist )

									minDist = dist;
									iNearest = iPt;
									nearestCurve = curve;


						if ( curve.IsBar )

			if ( nearestCurve is LineItem )
				float halfSymbol = ( (LineItem)nearestCurve ).Symbol.Size *
				                   CalcScaleFactor() / 2;
				minDist -= halfSymbol * halfSymbol;
				if ( minDist < 0 )
					minDist = 0;

			if ( minDist >= tolSquared && nearestBar != null )
				// if no point met the tolerance, but a bar was found, use it
				nearestCurve = nearestBar;
				iNearest = iNearestBar;
				return true;
		    if ( minDist < tolSquared )
		        // Did we find a close point, and is it within the tolerance?
		        // (minDist is the square of the distance in pixel units)
		        return true;
		    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine the coords for the rectangle associated with a specified point for 
		/// this <see c_ref="CurveItem" />
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pane">The <see c_ref="GraphPane" /> to which this curve belongs</param>
		/// <param name="i">The index of the point of interest</param>
		/// <param name="coords">A list of coordinates that represents the "rect" for
		/// this point (used in an html AREA tag)</param>
		/// <returns>true if it's a valid point, false otherwise</returns>
		override public bool GetCoords( GraphPane pane, int i, out string coords )
			coords = string.Empty;

			if ( i < 0 || i >= _points.Count )
				return false;

			PointPair pt = _points[i];
			if ( pt.IsInvalid )
				return false;

			double x, y, z;
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
			valueHandler.GetValues( this, i, out x, out z, out y );

			Axis yAxis = GetYAxis( pane );
			Axis xAxis = GetXAxis( pane );

			PointF pixPt = new PointF( xAxis.Scale.Transform( _isOverrideOrdinal, i, x ),
							yAxis.Scale.Transform( _isOverrideOrdinal, i, y ) );
			if ( !pane.Chart.Rect.Contains( pixPt ) )
				return false;

			float halfSize = _symbol.Size * pane.CalcScaleFactor();

			coords = String.Format( "{0:f0},{1:f0},{2:f0},{3:f0}",
					pixPt.X - halfSize, pixPt.Y - halfSize,
					pixPt.X + halfSize, pixPt.Y + halfSize );

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw this <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> to the specified <see c_ref="Graphics"/>
		/// device as a symbol at each defined point.  The routine
		/// only draws the symbols; the lines are draw by the
		/// <see c_ref="Line.DrawCurve"/> method.  This method
		/// is normally only called by the Draw method of the
		/// <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">
		/// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
		/// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pane">
		/// A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="LineItem"/> representing this
		/// curve.</param>
		/// <param name="scaleFactor">
		/// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
		/// passed down by the parent <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object using the
		/// <see c_ref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
		/// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isSelected">Indicates that the <see c_ref="Symbol" /> should be drawn
		/// with attributes from the <see c_ref="Selection" /> class.
		/// </param>
		public void Draw( Graphics g, GraphPane pane, LineItem curve, float scaleFactor,
			bool isSelected )
			Symbol source = this;
			if ( isSelected )
				source = Selection.Symbol;

			int tmpX, tmpY;

			int minX = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Left;
			int maxX = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Right;
			int minY = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Top;
			int maxY = (int)pane.Chart.Rect.Bottom;

			// (Dale-a-b) we'll set an element to true when it has been drawn	
			bool[,] isPixelDrawn = new bool[maxX + 1, maxY + 1];

			double curX, curY, lowVal;
			IPointList points = curve.Points;

			if ( points != null && ( _border.IsVisible || _fill.IsVisible ) )
				SmoothingMode sModeSave = g.SmoothingMode;
				if ( _isAntiAlias )
					g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

				// For the sake of speed, go ahead and create a solid brush and a pen
				// If it's a gradient fill, it will be created on the fly for each symbol
				//SolidBrush	brush = new SolidBrush( this.fill.Color );

				using ( Pen pen = source._border.GetPen( pane, scaleFactor ) )
				using ( GraphicsPath path = MakePath( g, scaleFactor ) )
					RectangleF rect = path.GetBounds();

					using ( Brush brush = source.Fill.MakeBrush( rect ) )
						ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );
						Scale xScale = curve.GetXAxis( pane ).Scale;
						Scale yScale = curve.GetYAxis( pane ).Scale;

						bool xIsLog = xScale.IsLog;
						bool yIsLog = yScale.IsLog;
						bool xIsOrdinal = xScale.IsAnyOrdinal;

						double xMin = xScale.Min;
						double xMax = xScale.Max;

						// Loop over each defined point							
						for ( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
							// Get the user scale values for the current point
							// use the valueHandler only for stacked types
							if ( pane.LineType == LineType.Stack )
								valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out curX, out lowVal, out curY );
							// otherwise, just access the values directly.  Avoiding the valueHandler for
							// non-stacked types is an optimization to minimize overhead in case there are
							// a large number of points.
								curX = points[i].X;
								if ( curve is StickItem )
									curY = points[i].Z;
									curY = points[i].Y;

							// Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
							// This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
							//   by zero, etc.
							// Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

							if ( curX != PointPair.Missing &&
									curY != PointPair.Missing &&
									!Double.IsNaN( curX ) &&
									!Double.IsNaN( curY ) &&
									!Double.IsInfinity( curX ) &&
									!Double.IsInfinity( curY ) &&
									( curX > 0 || !xIsLog ) &&
									( !yIsLog || curY > 0.0 ) &&
									( xIsOrdinal || ( curX >= xMin && curX <= xMax ) ) )
								// Transform the user scale values to pixel locations
								tmpX = (int) xScale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, curX );
								tmpY = (int) yScale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, curY );

								// Maintain an array of "used" pixel locations to avoid duplicate drawing operations
								if ( tmpX >= minX && tmpX <= maxX && tmpY >= minY && tmpY <= maxY ) // guard against the zoom-in case
									if ( isPixelDrawn[tmpX, tmpY] )
									isPixelDrawn[tmpX, tmpY] = true;

								// If the fill type for this symbol is a Gradient by value type,
								// the make a brush corresponding to the appropriate current value
								if ( _fill.IsGradientValueType || _border._gradientFill.IsGradientValueType )
									using ( Brush tBrush = _fill.MakeBrush( rect, points[i] ) )
									using ( Pen tPen = _border.GetPen( pane, scaleFactor, points[i] ) )
										DrawSymbol( g, tmpX, tmpY, path, tPen, tBrush );
									// Otherwise, the brush is already defined
									// Draw the symbol at the specified pixel location
									DrawSymbol( g, tmpX, tmpY, path, pen, brush );

				g.SmoothingMode = sModeSave;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw all the <see c_ref="ErrorBar"/>'s to the specified <see c_ref="Graphics"/>
		/// device as a an error bar at each defined point.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">
		/// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
		/// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pane">
		/// A reference to the <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
		/// owner of this object.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="curve">A <see c_ref="CurveItem"/> object representing the
		/// <see c_ref="Bar"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="baseAxis">The <see c_ref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
		/// axis for the <see c_ref="Bar"/></param>
		/// <param name="valueAxis">The <see c_ref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
		/// axis for the <see c_ref="Bar"/></param>
		/// <param name="scaleFactor">
		/// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
		/// passed down by the parent <see c_ref="GraphPane"/> object using the
		/// <see c_ref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
		/// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
		/// </param>
		public void Draw( Graphics g, GraphPane pane, ErrorBarItem curve,
							Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis, float scaleFactor )
			ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );

			float	pixBase, pixValue, pixLowValue;
			double	scaleBase, scaleValue, scaleLowValue;
			if ( curve.Points != null && IsVisible )
				using ( Pen pen = !curve.IsSelected ? new Pen( _color, _penWidth ) :
						new Pen( Selection.Border.Color, Selection.Border.Width ) )
					// Loop over each defined point							
					for ( int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++ )
						valueHandler.GetValues( curve, i, out scaleBase,
									out scaleLowValue, out scaleValue );

						// Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
						// This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
						//   by zero, etc.
						// Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

						if ( !curve.Points[i].IsInvalid3D &&
								( scaleBase > 0 || !baseAxis._scale.IsLog ) &&
								( ( scaleValue > 0 && scaleLowValue > 0 ) || !valueAxis._scale.IsLog ) )
							pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, scaleBase );
							pixValue = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, scaleValue );
							pixLowValue = valueAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, scaleLowValue );

							//if ( this.fill.IsGradientValueType )
							//	brush = fill.MakeBrush( _rect, _points[i] );

							Draw( g, pane, baseAxis is XAxis || baseAxis is X2Axis, pixBase, pixValue,
											pixLowValue, scaleFactor, pen, curve.IsSelected,
											curve.Points[i] );