Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SaveUrl(string url)

            // First save the current settings -> We need them if the connection to the new server fails -> then we have to reset to these settings
            string CurrentUrl = DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP;
            DataAccessLayer.NetworkState CurrentNetworkState = UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus;

            // First we set the user online to check if we have any connection to the server
            UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = UI.MainActivity._networkstate;
            DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP = url;

            // The user has to authenticate itself to the new server
            var dialog = new AuthenticationDialog(this);
            dialog.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "dialog");

            // Event handler after the dialog has been dismissed
            dialog.Dismissed += (s, e) => {
                if (e.Result == true)
                    // Everything has been OK and the user is connected to the server and DB
                    Toast.MakeText (_mainActivity, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.LoggedSuccessfully),ToastLength.Short);
                    _OfflineSwitch.Checked = true;
                    UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = UI.MainActivity._networkstate;

                    // We have to show the two notifications
                    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) _mainActivity.GetSystemService (

                    Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder (_mainActivity)
                        .SetSmallIcon (UI.Resource.Drawable.ic_network_connected)
                        .SetAutoCancel (false)
                        .SetSound (Android.Media.RingtoneManager.GetDefaultUri ( Android.Media.RingtoneType.Notification))
                        .SetLights (54,3000,5)
                        .SetContentText ( Resources.GetString(Resource.String.NetworkConnected))
                        .SetContentTitle (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.AppName)  + " - "  + Resources.GetString(Resource.String.Connected))
                        .SetContentIntent ( PendingIntent.GetActivity ( _mainActivity, (int)PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent, new Intent (this, typeof(SettingsActivity)), 0))
                        .SetTicker (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.Connected));

                    //Notification notification = builder.Notification;
                    Notification notification = builder.Build();
                    notificationManager.Notify (1, notification);

                    builder = new Notification.Builder (_mainActivity)
                        .SetSmallIcon (UI.Resource.Drawable.ic_action_online)
                        .SetAutoCancel (false)
                        .SetLights (54,3000,5)
                        .SetContentText ( Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline))
                        .SetContentTitle (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.AppName)  + " - "  + "Online")
                        .SetTicker (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline));

                    //notification = builder.Notification;
                    notification = builder.Build();

                    notificationManager.Notify (2, notification);

                    // Set the new URL in the Offline Database
                    Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText(_mainActivity,_mainActivity.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.LoggedSuccessfully), Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short).Show();

                    // There is an Error and the user is disconnected
                    _OfflineSwitch.Checked = false;

                    // There has been a connection failure
                    // The app has to stay offline
                    new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                        .SetPositiveButton("OK", (senders, _args) =>
                                // User pressed yes

                    // Reset the global URL
                    DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP = CurrentUrl;
                    UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus =  CurrentNetworkState;
                    _edUrl.Text = DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void OfflineSwitchChanged()
            if (_OfflineSwitch.Checked == false) 

                UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = DataAccessLayer.NetworkState.Disconnected;
                Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder (this)
                    .SetSmallIcon (UI.Resource.Drawable.ic_action_offline)
                    .SetAutoCancel (false)
                    .SetSound (Android.Media.RingtoneManager.GetDefaultUri ( Android.Media.RingtoneType.Notification))
                    .SetLights (54,3000,5)
                    .SetContentText ( Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOffline))
                    .SetContentTitle (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.AppName)  + " - "  + "Offline")
                    .SetTicker (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOffline));
                Notification notification = builder.Build();
                NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) _mainActivity.GetSystemService (
                notificationManager.Notify (2, notification);

                // If the user wants to go online for the first time
                // he or she must be authenticated
                // Run the Authentication Dialog

                // First save the current settings -> We need them if the connection to the new server fails -> then we have to reset to these settings
                string CurrentUrl = DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP;
                DataAccessLayer.NetworkState CurrentNetworkState = UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus;

                // Just run the Authentication Dialog, if the user has never logged online before
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty ( UI.MainActivity.User.IdSession ))
                    // First we set the user online to check if we have any connection to the server
                    UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = UI.MainActivity._networkstate;
                    DataAccessLayer.Utilities.ServerIP = _edUrl.Text;

                    var dialog = new AuthenticationDialog(this);
                    dialog.Dismissed += (s, e) => {
                        if (e.Result == true)
                            // Everything has been OK and the user is connected to the server and DB
                            Toast.MakeText (_mainActivity, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.LoggedSuccessfully),ToastLength.Short);
                            _OfflineSwitch.Checked = true;
                            UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = UI.MainActivity._networkstate;

                            NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) _mainActivity.GetSystemService (

                            Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder (_mainActivity)
                                .SetSmallIcon (UI.Resource.Drawable.ic_action_online)
                                .SetAutoCancel (false)
                                .SetSound (Android.Media.RingtoneManager.GetDefaultUri ( Android.Media.RingtoneType.Notification))
                                .SetLights (54,3000,5)
                                .SetContentText ( Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline))
                                .SetContentTitle (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.AppName)  + " - "  + "Online")
                                .SetTicker (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline));

                            //Notification notification = builder.Notification;
                            Notification notification = builder.Build();
                            notificationManager.Notify (2, notification);

                            // There is an Error and the user is disconnected
                            _OfflineSwitch.Checked = false;

                            // There has been a connection failure
                            // The app has to stay offline
                            new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                                .SetPositiveButton("OK", (senders, _args) =>
                                        // User pressed yes

                            // Reset the global status
                            UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus =  CurrentNetworkState;


                    dialog.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "dialog");


                    if (UI.MainActivity.User.TestConnection() == true)
                        // There is connection 
                        _OfflineSwitch.Checked = true;
                        UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = UI.MainActivity._networkstate;

                        // Sent a notification
                        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) _mainActivity.GetSystemService (

                        Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder (_mainActivity)
                            .SetSmallIcon (UI.Resource.Drawable.ic_action_online)
                            .SetAutoCancel (false)
                            .SetSound (Android.Media.RingtoneManager.GetDefaultUri ( Android.Media.RingtoneType.Notification))
                            .SetLights (54,3000,5)
                            .SetContentText (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline))
                            .SetContentTitle (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.AppName)  + " - "  + "Online")
                            .SetTicker (Resources.GetString(Resource.String.UserOnline));

                        Notification notification = builder.Build();
                        notificationManager.Notify (2, notification);

                        // There is no connection 
                        _OfflineSwitch.Checked = false;
                        UI.MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus = DataAccessLayer.NetworkState.Disconnected;

                        // There has been a connection failure
                        // The app has to stay offline
                        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                            .SetPositiveButton("OK", (senders, _args) =>
                                    // User pressed yes


                // Ask to upload any unsync data if the user is online
                if (offlineTasks != 0 &&MainActivity.User.NetworkStatus  != DataAccessLayer.NetworkState.Disconnected)

