Ejemplo n.º 1
 ///<summary>Spawns a render component for the specified XR device.</summary>
 ///NOTE: The associated XR system backend has to provide a model for this to
 ///      work - if one is not available for the specific device, then this
 ///      will fail and return an invalid (null) object.
 ///@param  Target                               The intended owner for the component to attach to.
 ///@param  XRDeviceId                   Specifies the device you're wanting a model for.
 ///@param  bManualAttachment    If set, will leave the component unattached (mirror's the same option on the generic AddComponent node). When unset the component will attach to the actor's root.
 ///@param  RelativeTransform    Specifies the component initial transform (relative to its attach parent).
 ///@return A new component representing the specified device (invalid/null if a model for the device doesn't exist).
 public static PrimitiveComponent AddDeviceVisualizationComponentBlocking(Actor Target, XRDeviceId XRDeviceId, bool bManualAttachment, Transform RelativeTransform) =>
 XRAssetFunctionLibrary_methods.AddDeviceVisualizationComponentBlocking_method.Invoke(Target, XRDeviceId, bManualAttachment, RelativeTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 ///<summary>Cross XR-System query that returns a specific device's tracked position and orientation (in tracking space).</summary>
 ///@param  XRDeviceId                           Specifies the device you're querying for.
 ///@param  bIsTracked                           [out] Details if the specified device is tracked (i.e. should the rest of the outputs be used)
 ///@param  Orientation                          [out] Represents the device's current rotation - NOTE: this value is not late updated and will be behind the render thread
 ///@param  bHasPositionalTracking       [out] Details if the specified device has positional tracking (i.e. if the position output should be used)
 ///@param  Position                                     [out] Represents the device's current position - NOTE: this value is not late updated and will be behind the render thread
 public static (bool, Rotator, bool, Vector) GetDevicePose(XRDeviceId XRDeviceId) =>
 ///<summary>Add Device Visualization Component Async</summary>
 public static (PrimitiveComponent, AsyncTask_LoadXRDeviceVisComponent) AddDeviceVisualizationComponentAsync(Actor Target, XRDeviceId XRDeviceId, bool bManualAttachment, Transform RelativeTransform) =>