         * This method will take the players choice chosen during the Main Menu Load Game and load the appropriate PlayerState
         * */
        public PlayerState LoadSavedState(int choice)
            PlayerState ps = new PlayerState();
            XmlNodeList[] n_list = savedGameStates.ToArray();
            XmlNodeList chosen_state = n_list[choice];
            List<int> p_abilities = new List<int>();

            // Loop over each element in the XML saved state and start populating the PlayerState with it
            foreach (XmlNode n in chosen_state)
                /** Every item that is added to the PlayerState.cs file NEEDS to be accounted for here **/
                if (n.Name.CompareTo("p_name") == 0)
                if (n.Name.CompareTo("p_current_zone") == 0)
                    saved_level_index = Convert.ToInt32(n.InnerText);
                if (n.Name.CompareTo("p_health") == 0)
                if (n.Name.CompareTo("p_speed") == 0)
                if (n.Name.CompareTo("p_damage") == 0)

                if (n.Name.CompareTo("abilities") == 0)
                    string[] a_str = n.InnerText.Split(' ');
                    foreach (string s in a_str)
                        // Convert each ability to an integer and add it to the list

                    // Set the players list of available abilities to the saved abilities

            // Return the fully loaded PlayerState which can be used to fill out the rest of the GameState
            return ps;