Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static string[] AdUnitInterstitialOrRewardedFile(AdUnitSettings unitSettings) => new string[]
     "using System.Threading.Tasks;",
     "using UnityEngine;",
     "using UnityEngine.Advertisements;",
     "namespace Local.Ads",
     "    public class " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit : MonoBehaviour, IUnityAdsLoadListener, IUnityAdsShowListener",
     "    {",
     "        #region Singleton",
     "        // This is the behaviour where all functions will be executed.",
     "        private static " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit _host;",
     "        private static " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit Host",
     "        {",
     "            get",
     "            {",
     "                if (_host == null)",
     "                {",
     "                    // Create the host",
     "                    _host = AdsInitializer.Host.AddComponent<" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit>();",
     "                    DontDestroyOnLoad(_host);",
     "                }",
     "                return _host;",
     "            }",
     "        }",
     "        private static TaskCompletionSource<bool> tks;  // The task of the ad",
     "        public static bool IsReady { get; private set; } = false;  // If add is initialized and loaded",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "        private static float lastTimeScale = 1;",
     "        //private static bool lastBannerState = false;",
     "        // Load the ad",
     "        public static void Load()",
     "        {",
     "            // Is no ready",
     "            IsReady = false;",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "            if (!Advertisement.isInitialized)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.LogError($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.Load: Ads are not initialized" + quote + ");",
     "                return;",
     "            }",
     "            if (Advertisement.isShowing)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.LogError($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.Load: An ad is showing, wait for it to finish" + quote + ");",
     "                return;",
     "            }",
     "            // Add this component and Load",
     "            Host.LoadAd();",
     "        }",
     "        // Show the ad",
     "        public static Task<bool> Show()",
     "        {",
     "            // If a task exist, finish it",
     "            if (tks != null)",
     "                if (!tks.Task.IsCompleted)",
     "                    tks.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException(" + quote + "A new add was called before this one ended" + quote + "));",
     "            // Create a new Task",
     "            tks = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();",
     "            // If is not suported",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.InNoSuportedDevicesAdsMustSucced) tks.SetResult(true);",
     "                else tks.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException(" + quote + "This device is not compatible with ads" + quote + "));",
     "                return tks.Task;",
     "            }",
     "            // If not ready , return",
     "            if (!IsReady)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit: Ad is no Ready" + quote + ");",
     "                tks.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException(" + quote + "Add is no Ready" + quote + "));",
     "                return tks.Task;",
     "            }",
     "            Host.ShowAd();",
     "            return tks.Task;",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Singleton",
     "        #region MonoBehaviour",
     "        private string adUnitId;  // This will remain null for unsupported platforms.",
     "        private void Awake()",
     "        {",
     "#if UNITY_ANDROID",
     "            adUnitId = Env.UnityAdsSettings.RewardedSettings.androidAdUnitId;",
     "#elif UNITY_IOS",
     "            adUnitId = Env.UnityAdsSettings.RewardedAd.iOSAdUnitId;",
     "        }",
     "        // Load content to the Ad Unit and add callbacks",
     "        private void LoadAd()",
     "        {",
     "            // IMPORTANT! Only load content AFTER initialization (in this example, initialization is handled in a different script).",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.LoadAd: Loading Ad: " + quote + " + adUnitId);",
     "            Advertisement.Load(adUnitId, this);",
     "        }",
     "        // Show the content and add callbacks ",
     "        private void ShowAd()",
     "        {",
     "            // Note that if the ad content wasn't previously loaded, this method will fail",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.ShowAd: Showing Ad: " + quote + " + adUnitId);",
     "            Advertisement.Show(adUnitId, this);",
     "        }",
     "        #region Load Callbacks",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsAdLoaded(string placementId)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            // When is loaded, set is ready",
     "            IsReady = true;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsAdLoaded: Ad {placementId} is Ready" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad(string placementId, UnityAdsLoadError error, string message)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            // When is loaded, set is ready",
     "            IsReady = false;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad: Error loading Ad Unit: {adUnitId} - {error.ToString()} - {message}" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Load Callbacks",
     "        #region Show Callbacks",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsShowClick(string placementId)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsShowClick: On ad {placementId}" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsShowComplete(string placementId, UnityAdsShowCompletionState showCompletionState)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            if (showCompletionState == UnityAdsShowCompletionState.COMPLETED) tks.SetResult(true);",
     "            else tks.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException($" + quote + "OnUnityAdsShowComplete: {showCompletionState}" + quote + "));",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsShowComplete: {placementId} , {showCompletionState}" + quote + ");",
     "            // Load other add",
     "            Load();",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "            // Resume in Editor, in final devices is not necesary",
     "            Time.timeScale = lastTimeScale;",
     "            //if (lastBannerState) Advertisement.Banner.();",
     "        }",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsShowFailure(string placementId, UnityAdsShowError error, string message)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            tks.SetException(new System.InvalidOperationException($" + quote + "OnUnityAdsShowFailure: {error}, {message}" + quote + "));",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsShowFailure: Error showing Ad {adUnitId}: {error.ToString()} - {message}" + quote + ");",
     "            // Load other add",
     "            Load();",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "            // Resume in Editor, in final devices is not necesary",
     "            Time.timeScale = lastTimeScale;",
     "            //if (lastBannerState) Advertisement.Banner.Show();",
     "        }",
     "        public void OnUnityAdsShowStart(string placementId)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!placementId.Equals(adUnitId)) return;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnUnityAdsShowStart: Ad {placementId} is starting" + quote + ");",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "            // Pause In editor, in final devices is not necesary",
     "            lastTimeScale = Time.timeScale;",
     "            Time.timeScale = 0;",
     "            // Hide banner in editor, in final devices is not necesary",
     "            //lastBannerState = AdsInitializer.bannerIsVisible;",
     "            //Advertisement.Banner.Hide();",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Show Callbacks",
     "        #endregion MonoBehaviour",
     "    }",
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static string[] AdUnitBannerFile(AdUnitSettings unitSettings) => new string[]
     "using UnityEngine;",
     "using UnityEngine.Advertisements;",
     "namespace Local.Ads",
     "    public class " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit : MonoBehaviour",
     "    {",
     "        #region Singleton",
     "        // This is the behaviour where all functions will be executed.",
     "        private static " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit _host;",
     "        private static " + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit Host",
     "        {",
     "            get",
     "            {",
     "                if (_host == null)",
     "                {",
     "                    // Create the host",
     "                    _host = AdsInitializer.Host.AddComponent<" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit>();",
     "                    DontDestroyOnLoad(_host);",
     "                }",
     "                return _host;",
     "            }",
     "        }",
     "        public static bool IsReady { get; private set; } = false;  // If add is initialized and loaded",
     "        // Load the banner",
     "        public static void Load()",
     "        {",
     "            // Is no ready",
     "            IsReady = false;",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "            if (!Advertisement.isInitialized)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.LogError($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.Load: Ads are not initialized" + quote + ");",
     "                return;",
     "            }",
     "            // Add this component and Load",
     "            Host.LoadAd();",
     "        }",
     "        // Show the banner",
     "        public static void Show()",
     "        {",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "            // If not ready , return",
     "            if (!IsReady)",
     "            {",
     "                if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit: Ad is no Ready" + quote + ");",
     "                return;",
     "            }",
     "            Host.ShowAd();",
     "        }",
     "        // Hide the banner",
     "        public static void Hide()",
     "        {",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "            Advertisement.Banner.Hide();",
     "        }",
     "        // Change banner position",
     "        public static void ChangePosition(BannerPosition position)",
     "        {",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "            Advertisement.Banner.SetPosition(position);",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Singleton",
     "        #region MonoBehaviour",
     "        private BannerPosition bannerPosition;  // Default banner position",
     "        private string adUnitId;  // This will remain null for unsupported platforms.",
     "        private void Awake()",
     "        {",
     "            if (!Env.UnityAdsSettings.IsSupported) return;",
     "#if UNITY_ANDROID",
     "            adUnitId = Env.UnityAdsSettings.BannerSettings.androidAdUnitId;",
     "#elif UNITY_IOS",
     "        adUnitId = Env.UnityAdsSettings." + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.iOSAdUnitId;",
     "            // Set the banner default Position",
     "            bannerPosition = Env.UnityAdsSettings.BannerSettings.possitionIfIsBanner;",
     "        }",
     "        // Load content to the Ad Unit and add callbacks",
     "        private void LoadAd()",
     "        {",
     "            // IMPORTANT! Only load content AFTER initialization (in this example, initialization is handled in a different script).",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.LoadAd: Loading Ad: " + quote + " + adUnitId);",
     "            // Load the banner with custom props",
     "            Advertisement.Banner.SetPosition(bannerPosition);",
     "            Advertisement.Banner.Load(adUnitId, new BannerLoadOptions",
     "            {",
     "                loadCallback = OnBannerLoaded,",
     "                errorCallback = OnBannerError,",
     "            });",
     "        }",
     "        // Show the content and add callbacks ",
     "        private void ShowAd()",
     "        {",
     "            // Note that if the ad content wasn't previously loaded, this method will fail",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log(" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.ShowAd: Showing Ad: " + quote + " + adUnitId);",
     "            Advertisement.Banner.Show(adUnitId, new BannerOptions",
     "            {",
     "                clickCallback = OnBannerClicked,",
     "                hideCallback = OnBannerHidden,",
     "                showCallback = OnBannerShown,",
     "            });",
     "        }",
     "        #region Load Callbacks",
     "        private void OnBannerError(string message)",
     "        {",
     "            IsReady = false;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnBannerError: Error loading banner: {adUnitId}" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        private void OnBannerLoaded()",
     "        {",
     "            IsReady = true;",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnBannerLoaded: Loaded Banner: {adUnitId}" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Load Callbacks",
     "        #region Show Callbacks",
     "        private void OnBannerShown()",
     "        {",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnBannerShown: Shown Banner: {adUnitId}" + quote + ");",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "            AdsInitializer.bannerIsVisible = true;",
     "        }",
     "        private void OnBannerHidden()",
     "        {",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnBannerHidden: Hidden Banner: {adUnitId}" + quote + ");",
     "#if UNITY_EDITOR",
     "            AdsInitializer.bannerIsVisible = false;",
     "        }",
     "        private void OnBannerClicked()",
     "        {",
     "            if (Env.UnityAdsSettings.showLogs) Debug.Log($" + quote + "" + unitSettings.className + "AdUnit.OnBannerClicked: Clicked Banner: {adUnitId}" + quote + ");",
     "        }",
     "        #endregion Show Callbacks",
     "        #endregion MonoBehaviour",
     "    }",
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static string AdUnitFileName(AdUnitSettings adUnit) => $"{adUnit.className}AdUnit.cs";