private static void PopulateClass(TypeSafeDataUnit dataUnit, CodeTypeDeclaration container)
            foreach (var nestedUnit in dataUnit.NestedUnits)
                string className;

                if (!CompilerUtil.GetSafeNameAndVerifyNotDuplicate(nestedUnit.ClassName, container, out className))

                if (className == container.Name)
                    TSLog.LogWarning(LogCategory.Compile, Strings.Warning_NameCannotBeSameAsParent);
                    className = "_" + className;

                    // Check for duplicates again after having added the '_'
                    if (!CompilerUtil.GetSafeNameAndVerifyNotDuplicate(className, container, out className))

                var nestedContainer = CompilerUtil.CreateStaticType(className);
                PopulateClass(nestedUnit, nestedContainer);


            PopulateClassMembers(dataUnit, container);
        private static void WriteResourceProperty(CodeTypeDeclaration type, ResourceDefinition rd, int index)
            string name;

            if (!CompilerUtil.GetSafeNameAndVerifyNotDuplicate(rd.Name, type, out name))

            var resourceType = GetResourceType(rd.Type);

            var attributes = MemberAttributes.Static;

            if (rd.Type.IsNotPublic)
                attributes |= MemberAttributes.Assembly;
                attributes |= MemberAttributes.Public;

            // Create a property to access the array
            var propertyExpression = new CodeMemberProperty
                Name          = name,
                Type          = resourceType,
                HasSet        = false,
                HasGet        = true,
                Attributes    = attributes,
                GetStatements =
                    new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeCastExpression(resourceType,
                                                                         new CodeArrayIndexerExpression(
                                                                             new CodeVariableReferenceExpression(CollectionMemberName),
                                                                             new CodePrimitiveExpression(index))))

        private static void PopulateClassMembers(TypeSafeDataUnit unit, CodeTypeDeclaration container)
            // Create the list type that is used to store the internal array (not used when All list is disabled)
            var valueListType = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(IList <>))
                TypeArguments = { unit.DataType }

            // Set up the default type for members
            var dataType = new CodeTypeReference(unit.DataType);

            // Use global references

            // Expression to make the internal list (not used when All list is disabled)
            var arrayExpression = new CodeArrayCreateExpression(dataType);

            //TSLog.Log(LogCategory.Trace, $"[DataUnitCompiler] Populating {container.Name}");

            foreach (var c in unit.Data)
                // Can't override type if using the All property method (since can't store non-compatible types in the list)
                if (unit.EnableAllProperty && c.OverrideType != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot override type when using All list.");

                var    name = c.PropertyName;
                string memberName;

                if (
                    !CompilerUtil.GetSafeNameAndVerifyNotDuplicate(name, container, out memberName,

                // Create the expression to initialize this member
                var entryExpression = GetCreateExpression(c, c.OverrideType != null ? c.OverrideType : unit.DataType);
                var isObsolete      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ObsoleteWarning);

                //TSLog.Log(LogCategory.Trace, $"[DataUnitCompiler] Member (name={memberName}, isObsolete={isObsolete})");

                // Exclude obsolete members from the _all array
                if (unit.EnableAllProperty && !isObsolete)
                    // Add the initializer expression to the internal _all array

                CodeTypeMember member;

                // Create a field if one of the following criteria matches:
                // - Entry is a primitive or string. We duplicate the data (include in _all array and const field) so that const uses are faster
                // - All property is disabled, so we don't have an internal _all array to access
                // - Entry has an obsolete warning and so isn't included in the internal _all array.
                if (!unit.EnableAllProperty || unit.DataType.IsPrimitive || unit.DataType == typeof(string) ||
                    //TSLog.Log(LogCategory.Trace, $"[DataUnitCompiler] Member handled as field");

                    var entryTypeReference = dataType;
                    var attributes         = MemberAttributes.Public;

                    if (c.OverrideType != null)
                        entryTypeReference = new CodeTypeReference(c.OverrideType);

                    if (CompilerUtil.IsPrimitiveType(unit.DataType))
                        attributes |= MemberAttributes.Const;
                        attributes        |= MemberAttributes.Static;
                        entryTypeReference = new CodeTypeReference("readonly global::" + entryTypeReference.BaseType);

                    // Duplicate data and create a field for data entry
                    member = new CodeMemberField
                        Name           = memberName,
                        Type           = entryTypeReference,
                        Attributes     = attributes,
                        InitExpression = entryExpression

                    if (isObsolete)
                        //TSLog.Log(LogCategory.Trace, $"[DataUnitCompiler] Adding obsolete warning: {c.ObsoleteWarning}");
                        member.CustomAttributes.Add(CompilerUtil.GetObsoleteAttribute(c.ObsoleteWarning, false));
                    //TSLog.Log(LogCategory.Trace, $"[DataUnitCompiler] Member handled as property");

                    // Otherwise create a property getter to access the internal _all array element
                    member = new CodeMemberProperty
                        Name          = memberName,
                        Type          = dataType,
                        HasSet        = false,
                        HasGet        = true,
                        Attributes    = MemberAttributes.Static | MemberAttributes.Public,
                        GetStatements =
                            new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeArrayIndexerExpression(
                                                              new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("__all"),
                                                              new CodePrimitiveExpression(arrayExpression.Initializers.Count - 1)))


            if (unit.EnableAllProperty)
                var all = new CodeMemberField(valueListType, "__all")
                    InitExpression =
                        new CodeObjectCreateExpression(
                            new CodeTypeReference(typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <>),
                        TypeArguments = { dataType }
                    }, arrayExpression),
                    Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Static


                var allPublic = new CodeMemberProperty
                    Name          = "All",
                    Type          = valueListType,
                    GetStatements =
                        new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeFieldReferenceExpression {
                            FieldName = "__all"
                    HasGet     = true,
                    Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Static
