Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static ProcessedResult ProcessRuntimeLayer(RuntimeLayer layer)
            // Create our own processed result; a copy of our own state plus
            // somewhere to accumulate code.
            var result = new ProcessedResult();

            result.ProcessedCode = "";

            // Get a reference to the algorithm that the runtime layer is using.
            var algorithm = layer.Algorithm;

            if (algorithm == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to compile null runtime layer!");

            // Use RangedLayer to work out the metrics.
            var        ranged = new RangedLayer(layer);
            Expression ix, iy, iz, iwidth, iheight, idepth, iouterx, ioutery, iouterz;

            RangedLayer.FindMaximumBounds(ranged, out ix, out iy, out iz, out iwidth, out iheight, out idepth, out iouterx, out ioutery, out iouterz);

            // Add __cwidth, __cheight and __cdepth declarations.
            result.Declarations += "int __cx = (int)((x - (" + ix.GetText(null) + ")));\n";
            result.Declarations += "int __cy = (int)((y - (" + iy.GetText(null) + ")));\n";
            result.Declarations += "int __cz = (int)((z - (" + iz.GetText(null) + ")));\n";
            result.Declarations += "int __cwidth = " + iwidth.GetText(null) + ";\n";
            result.Declarations += "int __cheight = " + iheight.GetText(null) + ";\n";
            result.Declarations += "int __cdepth = " + idepth.GetText(null) + ";\n";

            // Create the for loop that our calculations are done within.
            result.ProcessedCode += @"for (var k = (int)((" + iz.GetText(null) + ") - z); k < " + iouterz.GetText(null) + @"; k++)
for (var i = (int)((" + ix.GetText(null) + ") - x); i < " + iouterx.GetText(null) + @"; i++)
for (var j = (int)((" + iy.GetText(null) + ") - y); j < " + ioutery.GetText(null) + @"; j++)

            // Now add the code for the layer.
            var inputResult = CompileRuntimeLayer(layer, ranged, null);

            result.ProcessedCode     += inputResult.ProcessedCode;
            result.OutputVariableName = inputResult.OutputVariableName;
            result.OutputVariableType = inputResult.OutputVariableType;
            result.Declarations      += inputResult.Declarations;

            // Terminate the for loop and return the result.
            result.ProcessedCode += "}";