Ejemplo n.º 1
 public TwitterMonitor(string monitoringObjectJson, string queryJson, string jsonFilePrefix, string accessToken, string accessTokenSecret, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, int savingInterval = 50000, int sleepTimeInSeconds = 6)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessToken) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessTokenSecret) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(consumerKey) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(consumerSecret))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Twitter access details not provided! AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret, ConsumerKey, or ConsumerSecret is/are not given!");
     tweetSaveInterval = savingInterval;
     sleepInterval     = sleepTimeInSeconds;
     tr = new TwitterRetriever(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(monitoringObjectJson) && File.Exists(monitoringObjectJson))
         monitoringObjects = MonitoringObject.Load(monitoringObjectJson);
         log.Info("Found " + monitoringObjects.Count.ToString() + " objects to monitor.");
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson) && File.Exists(queryJson))
         queries = Query.Load(queryJson);
         log.Info("Found " + queries.Count.ToString() + " queries for monitoring.");
     jsonOutFilePrefix = jsonFilePrefix;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Run()
            log.Info("Starting Twitter Monitor.");
            Dictionary <int, int> queryDefaultSleepTimes   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> queryCurrentSleepTimes   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            List <KeyValuePair <int, DateTime> > queryList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, DateTime> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < queries.Count; i++)
                queryDefaultSleepTimes.Add(i, queries[i].sleepTime);
                queryCurrentSleepTimes.Add(i, queries[i].sleepTime);
                queryList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, DateTime>(i, DateTime.Now));

            Dictionary <int, int> objectCurrentSleepTimes   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            List <KeyValuePair <int, DateTime> > objectList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, DateTime> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < monitoringObjects.Count; i++)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(monitoringObjects[i].twitterAccount))
                    objectCurrentSleepTimes.Add(i, 60);
                    objectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, DateTime>(i, DateTime.Now));

            string   stopFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            TimeSpan sleep    = new TimeSpan(0, 0, sleepInterval);

            if (!stopFile.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
                stopFile += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
            stopFile += "stop";
            List <Tweet> currTweetList = new List <Tweet>();
            int          counter       = 0;
            bool         firstSave     = true;

            while (!File.Exists(stopFile))//A whacky way to stop a programm, but a very useful one!
                queryList.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));
                objectList.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));
                if (DateTime.Now > queryList[0].Value)
                    bool checkMessageBody = !queries[queryList[0].Key].query.StartsWith("@");

                    List <Tweet> tweets = tr.GetTweetsForQuery(queries[queryList[0].Key].query, queries[queryList[0].Key].lastId, checkMessageBody);

                    if (tweets.Count > 0)
                        log.Info("Found " + tweets.Count.ToString() + " tweets for query " + queries[queryList[0].Key].id.ToString() + ".");
                        decimal lastId = 0;
                        foreach (Tweet t in tweets)
                            t.monitoringObjectId1 = queries[queryList[0].Key].monitoringObjectId1;
                            t.monitoringObjectId2 = queries[queryList[0].Key].monitoringObjectId2;
                            t.queryId             = queries[queryList[0].Key].id;
                            if (t.tweetId > lastId)
                                lastId = t.tweetId;
                        if (lastId > 0)
                            queries[queryList[0].Key].lastId = lastId;
                        queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key] = queryDefaultSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key];
                        log.Info("Resetting sleep time for query " + queries[queryList[0].Key].id.ToString() + " to " + queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key] + ".");
                        if (queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key] < 2880) //48 hours are the maximum to wait!B
                            queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key] *= 2;
                        log.Info("Increasing sleep time for query " + queries[queryList[0].Key].id.ToString() + " to " + queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key] + ".");
                    queryList[0] = new KeyValuePair <int, DateTime>(queryList[0].Key, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(queryCurrentSleepTimes[queryList[0].Key]));
                if (DateTime.Now > objectList[0].Value)
                    List <Tweet> tweets = new List <Tweet>();
                    if (monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount.Contains(";"))
                        char[]   sep      = new char[] { ';' };
                        string[] accounts = monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string account in accounts)
                            tweets.AddRange(tr.GetTweetsForUser(account, monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].lastId));
                        tweets = tr.GetTweetsForUser(monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount, monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].lastId);
                    if (tweets.Count > 0)
                        log.Info("Found " + tweets.Count.ToString() + " tweets for user " + monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount + ".");
                        decimal lastId = 0;
                        foreach (Tweet t in tweets)
                            t.monitoringObjectId1 = monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].id;
                            t.monitoringObjectId2 = monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].parentId;
                            t.queryId             = null;
                            if (t.tweetId > lastId)
                                lastId = t.tweetId;
                        if (lastId > 0)
                            monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].lastId = lastId;
                        objectCurrentSleepTimes[objectList[0].Key] = 60;
                        log.Info("Resetting sleep time for user " + monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount + " to " + 60 + ".");
                        if (objectCurrentSleepTimes[objectList[0].Key] < 2880) //48 hours are the maximum to wait!
                            objectCurrentSleepTimes[objectList[0].Key] *= 2;
                        log.Info("Increasing sleep time for user " + monitoringObjects[objectList[0].Key].twitterAccount + " to " + objectCurrentSleepTimes[objectList[0].Key].ToString() + ".");
                    objectList[0] = new KeyValuePair <int, DateTime>(objectList[0].Key, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(objectCurrentSleepTimes[objectList[0].Key]));
                if (counter >= 1000 && firstSave && tweetSaveInterval > 1000)
                    firstSave = false;
                    DateTime time        = DateTime.Now;
                    string   date_suffix = time.Day.ToString() + "-" + time.Month.ToString() + "-" + time.Year.ToString() + "-" + time.Hour.ToString() + "-" + time.Minute.ToString() + "-" + time.Second.ToString();
                    Tweet.SaveTweets(currTweetList, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-" + date_suffix + ".json");
                    Query.SaveQueries(queries, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-queries-" + date_suffix + ".json");
                    MonitoringObject.SaveMonitoringObjects(monitoringObjects, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-monitoring-objects-" + date_suffix + ".json");
                else if (currTweetList.Count > tweetSaveInterval)
                    DateTime time        = DateTime.Now;
                    string   date_suffix = time.Day.ToString() + "-" + time.Month.ToString() + "-" + time.Year.ToString() + "-" + time.Hour.ToString() + "-" + time.Minute.ToString() + "-" + time.Second.ToString();
                    Tweet.SaveTweets(currTweetList, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-" + date_suffix + ".json");
                    Query.SaveQueries(queries, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-queries-" + date_suffix + ".json");
                    MonitoringObject.SaveMonitoringObjects(monitoringObjects, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-monitoring-objects-" + date_suffix + ".json");

            DateTime finalTime       = DateTime.Now;
            string   finalDateSuffix = finalTime.Day.ToString() + "-" + finalTime.Month.ToString() + "-" + finalTime.Year.ToString() + "-" + finalTime.Hour.ToString() + "-" + finalTime.Minute.ToString() + "-" + finalTime.Second.ToString();

            Tweet.SaveTweets(currTweetList, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-" + finalDateSuffix + ".json");
            Query.SaveQueries(queries, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-queries-" + finalDateSuffix + ".json");
            MonitoringObject.SaveMonitoringObjects(monitoringObjects, jsonOutFilePrefix + "-monitoring-objects-" + finalDateSuffix + ".json");
            log.Info("Stopping Twitter Monitor.");