Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            /* ---------------------
            91) Retrieving data from Thread function using callback method
            -------------------- */

            // Example
            // Please enter the target number
            // 5
            // Sum of numbers is 15

            // So
            // Main thread retreives the target number from the user
            // Main thread creates a child thread and pass the target number to the child thread.

            // The child thread computes the sum of numbers and then returns the sum to the Main
            // thread using callback functions.

            // The callback method prints the sum of numbers.

            // Step 1: Create a callback delegate. The actual callback method signature should
            // match with the signature of this delegate.

            // refer to MyNumber class in Program5.cs

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the target number");
            int target = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

             // so just pass the name of the function
            SumOfNumbersCallback callback = new SumOfNumbersCallback(PrintSumOfNumbers);

            MyNumber number = new MyNumber(target, callback);
            Thread T1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(number.PrintSumOfNumbers));

            /* ---------------------
            92) Significance of Thread Join and Thread IsAlive functions
            -------------------- */

            // Thread.Join and Thread.IsAlive functions

            // Join blocks the current thread and makes it wait until the thread
            // on which Join method is invoked completes.
            // Join method also has an overload where we can specify the timeout.
            // If we don't specify the timeout the calling thread waits indefinitely,
            // until the thread on which Join() is invoked completes.
            // This overloaded Join(int millisecondsTimeout) method returns a boolean
            // True if the thread has terminated otherwise false

            // Join is particularly useful when we need to wait and collect a result from
            // a thread execution or if we need to do some clean-up after the thread has completed.

            // IsAlive returns boolean. True if the thread is still executing otherwise false

            // View static function definitions at the end of the class

            Console.WriteLine("Main started");

            // a worker thread
            Thread T2 = new Thread(Program6.Thread1Function);

            Thread T3 = new Thread(Program6.Thread2Function);

            Console.WriteLine("Main completed");

            // The order of the output
            // will differ a bit every time it executes
            // The statements are not guarantee in any order
            // which is the nature of multithreaded programming.

            // for example the output COULD BE
            // Main started
            // Thread1Function started
            // Main completed
            // Thread2Function started

            // So the Main function, we get one thread for free
            // then the Main thread creates two additional threads, T2 and T3

            // Once the Main thread creates the additional thread,
            // the Main thread will not wait for that thread to complete,
            // it will proceed to the next line

            // Main thread doesn't wait, it proceeds

            // Sometimes you may need to make the Main thread wait while
            // worker threads are doing their work
            // since you may want to collect the result from worker threads and
            // based on that we want the main thread to do something.

            // That's when Join is useful

             Console.WriteLine("Main started");

            // a worker thread
            Thread T4 = new Thread(Program6.Thread1Function);

            Thread T5 = new Thread(Program6.Thread2Function);

            // once this line is executed, the Main thread is going to suspend
            // its execution and wait for T4 to return from its method
            // and once it has completed its exeuction
            Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function completed");

            // Main thread will wait until this thread completes its execution
            Console.WriteLine("Thread2Function completed");

            // SO now with the above code which uses .Join()
            // you will always get the same output
            // as we force the Main thread to wait.

            Console.WriteLine("Main completed");

            // There is another overload of the .Join() method where you can specify the timeout
            // you could pass the timeout in milliseconds for the time that you are willing to wait
            // until the thread completes its execution

            Thread T6 = new Thread(Program6.Thread1Function);
            if (T6.Join(1000))
                Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function completed!");
                Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function has not completed in 1 second");

            if (T6.IsAlive)
                Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function is still processing");
                Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function has completed execution");

            // to check every 500 milliseconds

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                 if (T6.IsAlive)
                    Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function is still processing");
                    Console.WriteLine("Thread1Function has completed execution");

            /* ---------------------
            93) Protecting shared resources from concurrent access
            -------------------- */

            // What happens if shared resources are not protected from concurrent access
            // in multithreaded programs?

            // The output or behavior of the program can become inconsistent if the shared
            // resourcecs are not protected from concurrent access in multithreaded program.

            // This program is a single-threaded program.
            // In the Main() method, AddOneMillion() method is called 3 times
            // and it updates the total field correctly as expected

            // so far this program is single threaded,
            // where a single thread is used to execeute all of this code
            // and protecting shared resources is not a concern
            // and you always get the same output.
            Console.WriteLine("Total = " + Total);

            // now rewrite the program to use multiple threads
            // Everytime we run the below program we get a different output.
            // The inconsistent output is because the Total field is a shared
            // resource is not protected from concurrent access by multiple threads.
            // The operator ++ is not thread safe.

            Thread thread1 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillion);
            Thread thread2 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillion);
            Thread thread3 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillion);



            Console.WriteLine("Total = " + Total);

            // And how to protect shared resources from concurrent access.

            // There are several ways to fix this.

            // using Interlocked.Increment() method
            // increments a specified variable and stores the result as an atomic operation

            // Interlocked.Increment(ref Total);
            // instead of
            // Total++;

            // Or with Locking:

            // shown below this class
            // so when we use lock,
            // only one thread at a time could enter that piece of code

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Thread thread4 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillionLock);
            Thread thread5 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillionLock);
            Thread thread6 = new Thread(Program6.AddOneMillionLock);



            Console.WriteLine("Total = " + Total);
            // A tick is a measurement of time, so
            // one millisecond contains 10,000 ticks

            // for example, it has other useful methods

            // Which option is better?
            // From a performance perspective, using Interlocked class is better
            // over using locking.
            // Locking locks out all the other threads except a single therad to read
            // and increment the Total variable.
            // This will ensure that the Total variable is updated safely.
            // The downside is that since all the other threads are locked out,
            // there is a performance hit.

            // The interlocked class can be used with addition/subtraction
            // (increment, decrement, add, etc.) on an int or long field.
            // The Interlocked class has methods for incrementing,
            // decrementing, adding, and reading variables atomincally.

            // Anything other than that we will wil have to resort to locking.

            /* ---------------------
            94) Difference between Monitor and lock in C#
            -------------------- */

            // Both monitor class and lock provides a mechanism that synchronizes access
            // to objects.
            // Lock is the shortcut for Monitor.Enter with try and finally.

            // see code below this class for example

            // They are equally valid.

            // for lock(_lock)
            // that code will acquire an exclusive lock
            // and the same is the case for Monitor.Enter

            // in C# 4, it's implemented slightly differently

            // as shown in function below this class

            // So in short, lock is a shortcut and it's the option for basic usage.
            // If you need more congtrol to implement advanced multithreading solutions
            // using TryEnter(), Wait(), Pulse(), and PulseAll() methods
            // then the Monitor class is your option

            /* ---------------------
            95) Deadlock in a multithreaded program
            -------------------- */

            // When a deadlock can occur.
            // Lets say we have 2 threads.
            // a) Thread 1
            // b) Thread 2

            // and 2 resources
            // a) Resource 1
            // b) Resource 2

            // Thread 1 has already acquired a lock on Resource 1 and wants to acquire a lock on resource 2.
            // At the same time Thread 2 has already acquired a lock on Resource 2 and wants to acquire a
            // lock on Resource 1.

            // Two threads never give up their locks, hence a deadlock.
            // They are waiting for each other.


            var accountA = new Account(101, 5000);
            var accountB = new Account(102, 3000);

            AccountManager accountManagerA = new AccountManager(accountA, accountB, 1000);
            Thread t10 = new Thread(accountManagerA.Transfer);
            t10.Name = "t10";

            AccountManager accountManagerB = new AccountManager(accountB, accountA, 2000);
            Thread t11 = new Thread(accountManagerB.Transfer);
            t11.Name = "t11";


            Console.WriteLine("Main completed");

            // The above code is going to deadlock!!
            // The Transfer methods are being executed on two different threads.
            // 2 different resources, and the lock is performed.

            // NOTE: Many modern computers have many processors
            // which enable them to execute in parallel.
            // Enable multiple processes as to make your applications
            // faster and more responsive.

            // A process is an instance of a program or an application.
            // So when you open/run an application, your operating system
            // loads that application within a process.

            // A process contains an image of that application's code.
            // Your operating system can execute many processes at the same time.
            // You could also have concurrency within each application
            // using threads.

            // A thread is a sequence of instructions.
            // A thread is "that thing which executes your code."

             /* ---------------------
            96) How to resolve a deadlock in a multithreaded program
            -------------------- */

            // There are several techniques to avoid and resolve deadlocks.
            // 1) Acquiring locks in a specific defined order
            // 2) Mutex class
            // 3) Monitor.TryEnter() method

            // In this video, will discuss, acquiring locks in a specific defined order
            // to resolve a deadlock.

            // We need to define a specific order. View the updated transfer method.

            // The possibility of having deadlocks is reduced.

            /* ---------------------
            97) Performance of a multithreaded program
            -------------------- */

            // Performance when run on a single core/processor machine
            // versus multi core/processor machine.

            // To find out how many processors you have on your machine.
            // 1) Using Task Manager

            // 2) Use the following code in any .NET application.
            // Environment.ProcessorCount
            // Console.WriteLine("Processor count " + Environment.ProcessorCount);

            // 3) On the windows command prompt window, type the following
            // echo %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%

            // On a machine that has multiple processors. Multiple threads can execute
            // application code in parallel on different cores. For example,
            // if there are two threads and two cores, then each thread would run on an
            // individual core. This means, performance is better.

            // If two threads take 10 milli-seconds each to complete, then on a machine with
            // 2 processors, the total time taken is 10 milli-seconds.

            // On a machine taht has a single processor, multiple threads execute, one after
            // the other or wait until one thread finishes.
            // It is not possible for a single processor system to execute multiple threads
            // in parallel. Since the operating system switches between the threads so fast,
            // it just gives the illusion that the threads run in parallel.
            // On a single core/processor machine multiple threads can affect performance
            // negatively as there is overhead involved with context switching.

            // If two threads take 10 milli-seconds each to complete, then on a machine with 1
            // processor, the total time taken is
            // 20 milli-seconds + (Thread context switching time, if any)

            // using System.Diagnostics;

            // StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch.StartNew();
            // ....
            // stopWatch.Stop();
            // Console.WriteLine("Total milliseconds without multiple threads");

            /* ---------------------
            98) Anonymous methods in C#
            -------------------- */

            // An anonymous method is a method without a name.
            // They provide a way of creating delegate instances without having to
            // write a separate method.

            // Step 1: Create a method whose signature matches
            // with the signature of Predicate<Employee> delegate
            // private static bool FindEmplyee(Employee employee)
            // {
            //     return employee.ID == 102;
            // }

            // Step 2: Create an instance of Predicate<Employee> delegate and pass the
            // method name as an argument to the delegate constructor.
            // Predicate<Employee> predicateEmployee = new Predicate<Employee>(FindEmployee);

            // Step 3: Now pass the delegate instance as the argument for Find() method
            // Employee employee = listEmployees.Find(XmlWriterTraceListener => predicateEmployee(x));
            // Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name {1}", employee.ID, employee.Name);

            // Anonymous method is being passed as an argument to the Find() method
            // This anonymous method replaces the need for step 1, 2, and 3
            // employee = listEmployees.Find(delegate(Employee x) { return x.ID == 102; });
            // Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name {1}", employee.ID, employee.Name);

            // Also used for subscribing for an event handler.
            // private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // {
            //     Button Button1 = new Button();
            //     Button1.Text = "Click Me";
            //     Button1.Click += new EventHandler(Button1_Click);
            //     this.Controls.Add(Button1);
            // }

            // void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // {
            //     MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked");
            // }

            // Anonymous Method
            // private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // {
            //     Button Button1 = new Button();
            //     Button1.Text = "Click Me";
            //     Button1.Click += delegate(object obj, EventArgs eventArgs)
            // {
            //     MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked");
            // }
            //     this.Controls.Add(Button1);
            // }

            /* ---------------------
            99) Lambda expression in C#
            -------------------- */

            // What are lambda expressions?
            // Anonymous methods and Lambda expressions are very similar.
            // Anonymous methods were introduced in C# 2 and Lambda expressions in C# 3.

            // To find an employee with Id == 102, using anonymous method.
            //Employee employee = listEmployees.Find(Employee => Employee.ID == 102);

            // You can also explicitly specify the Input but not required.

            // You can also explicitly specify the input type but this is not required.
            //Employee employee = listEmployees.Find((Employee Emp) => Emp.ID == 102);

            // int count = listEmployees.Count(x => x.Name.StartsWith("M"));

            // => is called lambda expression and reads as GOES TO
            // Notice that with a lambda expression you don't have to use the delegate
            // keyword explicitly. The parameter type is inferred.
            // Lambda expressions are more convenient to use than anonymous methods.
            // Lambda expressions are particularly helpful for writing LINQ query expressions.\

            // In most of the cases, lambda expressions supersedes anonymous methods.
            // The only time you would prefer anonymous methods over lambdas,
            // is when we have to omit the parameter list when it's
            // not use within the body.

            // Anonymous methods allow the parameter list to be omitted entirely when it's not
            // used within the body, where as with lambda expressions this is not th ecase.

            // For example, with anonymous method, notice we have omitted the parameter list
            // as we are not using them within the body.
            // Button1.Clilck += delegate
            // {
            //     MessageShow.Show("Button Clicked");
            // };

            // The above code can be rewritten using lambda expressions as show.
            // Notice that we cannot omit the parameter list.
            // Buttton1.Click += (eventSender, eventArgs) =>
            // {
            //     MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked");
            // };

            /* ---------------------
            100) Func delegate in C#
            -------------------- */

            // Purpose of Func<T, TResult> delegate in C#

            // In simple terms, Func<T, TResult> is just a generic delegate.
            // Depending on the requirement, the type parameters
            // can be replaced with the corresponding type arguments.

            // For example,
            // Func<Employee, string> is a delegate that represents a function
            // expecting Employee object as an input parameter and returns a string.

            // public class Employee
            // {
            //     public int ID { get; set; }

            //     public string Name { get; set; }
            // }

            // List<Employee> listEmployees = new List<Employee>()
            // {
            //     new Employee{ ID = 101, Name = "Mark"},
            //     new Employee{ ID = 102, Name = "John"},
            //     new Employee{ ID = 103, Name = "Mary"}
            // };

            // Func<Employee, string> selector = employee => "Name = " + employee.Name;
            // IEnumerable<string> names = listEmployees.Select(selector);

            // foreach (string name in names)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(name);
            // }

            // lambda expressions can also be used to achieve the same thing
            //IEnumerable<string> names  = listEmployees.Select(employee => "Name = " + employee.Name);

            // What is the difference between the Func delegate and lambda expression?
            // They're the same, just two different ways to do the same thing.
            // The lambda syntax is newer, more concise, and easy way to write.

            // What if I have to pass two or more input parameters?
            // There are 17 overloaded versions of Func.
            // Enables you to write a modern version of a delegate. (function pointer)
            // as a reference to refer to a function (and its signature).

            /* ---------------------
            101) Async and await in C#
            -------------------- */

            // For retrieving some data from a dependency such as the network,
            // or disk, that is going to have some latency.
            // We don't want the thread to have to wait and reduce performance by blocking.

            // Should still be able to interact with the application.

            // To make it responsive.
            // Task class, can think of it as a verb.
            // Decorate with
            // private async void btnProcessFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // {
            //      Task<int> task = new Task<int>(CountCharacters);
            //      task.Start(); // so will execute the function asynchronously
            //      int count = await task; // wait for the task to return,

            /* ---------------------
            102) C# wait for thread to finish without blocking
            -------------------- */

            // So could implement it using Threads.
            // however it would creating blocking.

            // Have to wait for the worker thread to finish.

            // To make the main thread wait to finish we have to call
            // thread.Join();

            // It will now perform as expected.
            // We have introduced a problem which is blocking the UI.

            // The thread that is in control should be modifying its properties,
            // no other thread should be doing that.

            // The right way is to use the begin invoke method.
            // Action delegate
            // Action action = () => { ...... }
            // this.BeginInvoke(action); // this ask the UI thread to execute asynchronusly

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            /* ---------------------
             * 80) Some useful methods of List collection class
             * ---------------------- */

            // TrueForAll()
            // Returns true or false depending on whether every element in the list matches the
            // conditions defined by the specified predicate

            // AsReadOnly()
            // Returns a read-only wrapper for the current collection.
            // Use this method if you don't want the client code to modify the collection
            // so no adding or removing from the collection
            // The ReadOnlyCollection will not have methods to add or remove items from the collection
            // you can only read items from this collection

            // TrimExcess()
            // Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the list,
            // if that number is less than a threshold value
            // NOTE:
            // This method can be used to minimize a collection's memory overhead if no new elements
            // will be added to the collection. The cost of reallocating and copying a large List<T>
            // can be considerable. So the TrimExcess method does nothing if the list is at more than 90
            // percent of capacity. This avoids incurring a large reallocation cost for a relatively
            // small gain.  The current threshold is 90 percent, but this could change in the future.

            List <NewCustomer> listCustomers = new List <NewCustomer>()
                new NewCustomer()
                    ID = 1, Name = "Steven", Salary = 52000
                new NewCustomer()
                    ID = 1, Name = "Joe", Salary = 65000
                new NewCustomer()
                    ID = 1, Name = "Tony", Salary = 88000

            Console.WriteLine(listCustomers.TrueForAll(x => x.Salary > 5000));

            ReadOnlyCollection <NewCustomer> readOnlyListCustomers = listCustomers.AsReadOnly();

            foreach (NewCustomer customer in readOnlyListCustomers)
            Console.WriteLine("First employee in the collection is {0}", readOnlyListCustomers[0].Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Capacity before trimming = " + listCustomers.Capacity);
            listCustomers.TrimExcess(); // So now this instance of List<> has a fixed size
            Console.WriteLine("Capacity after trimming = " + listCustomers.Capacity);

            // So the .TrimExcess() method is beneficial for saving memory if you know that you are not going
            // to be adding any new elements to the specific List<> instance

            /* ---------------------
             * 81) When to use a dictionary over list in C#
             * ---------------------- */

            // Find() method of the List class loops through each object in the list until a match is found.
            // So if you want to lookup a value using a key dictionary is better for performance over list.
            // So use dictionary when you know the collection will be primarily used for lookups.

            Country country1 = new Country()
                Code = "USA", Name = "UNITED STATES", Capital = "Washington D.C."
            Country country2 = new Country()
                Code = "IND", Name = "INDIA", Capital = "New Delhi"
            Country country3 = new Country()
                Code = "CAN", Name = "CANADA", Capital = "Ottawa"

            List <Country> listCountries = new List <Country>()

            string strUserChoice = string.Empty;

                Console.WriteLine("Please enter country code");
                string strCountryCode = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                Country resultCountry = listCountries.Find(country => country.Code == strCountryCode);

                if (resultCountry == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Country code not valid");
                    Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}, Capital = {1}", resultCountry.Name, resultCountry.Capital);

                    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue? (Y or N)");
                    strUserChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                } while (strUserChoice != "Y" || strUserChoice != "N");
            } while (strUserChoice == "Y");

            // So for the above code, the data structure of List is not most efficient
            // as we are utilizing that data structure primarily for the use of retrieval.
            // Therefore since we would already know the 'key' using the dictionary would allow us
            // to retrieve the value we want in O(1) time. (lookups)
            // As compared to O(n) time for the List.

            Dictionary <string, Country> countriesTable = new Dictionary <string, Country>();

            countriesTable.Add(country1.Code, country1);
            countriesTable.Add(country2.Code, country2);
            countriesTable.Add(country3.Code, country3);

                Console.WriteLine("Please enter country code");
                string countryCodeInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                // Need to check if a key is within a dictionary otherwise
                // .NET will throw an exception.
                if (countriesTable.ContainsKey(countryCodeInput))
                    var resultCountry = countriesTable[countryCodeInput];
                    Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}, Capital = {1}", resultCountry.Name, resultCountry.Capital);
                    Console.WriteLine("Country code not valid");

                    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue? (Y or N)");
                    strUserChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                } while (strUserChoice != "Y" || strUserChoice != "N");
            } while (strUserChoice == "Y");

            /* ---------------------
             * 82) Generic queue collection class
             * ---------------------- */

            // Queue is a generic FIFO (first in, first out) collection class
            // that is found in the System.Collections.Generic namespace.
            // The first one to be added (enqueued) to the queue,
            // will also be the first item to be removed (dequeued).

            // To add items to the end, use Enqueue()

            // To remove at item that is at the beginning use Dequeue()

            // A foreach loop iterates through the queue, but will not remove it
            // from the queue.

            // To check if an item exists, use Contains()

            // Peek() can be used to return the item at the beginning of the queue,
            // without removing it.

            NewCustomer customer3 = new NewCustomer()
                ID = 3, Name = "Dan", Salary = 72000

            Queue <NewCustomer> queueCustomers = new Queue <NewCustomer>();

            queueCustomers.Enqueue(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 1, Name = "Steven", Salary = 52000
            queueCustomers.Enqueue(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 2, Name = "Joe", Salary = 90000
            queueCustomers.Enqueue(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 4, Name = "Tony", Salary = 65000

            NewCustomer firstCustomer = queueCustomers.Dequeue();

            Console.WriteLine($"The first customer is {firstCustomer.Name}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Total items in the Queue = {queueCustomers.Count}");

            foreach (NewCustomer c in queueCustomers)
                Console.WriteLine($"ID = {c.ID}, Name = {c.Name}");

            // To get the item at the beginning of the queue without removing it.

            firstCustomer = queueCustomers.Peek();
            Console.WriteLine($"ID = {firstCustomer.ID}, Name = {firstCustomer.Name}");

            if (queueCustomers.Contains(customer3))
                Console.WriteLine("Customer 3 is in the queue.");
                Console.WriteLine("The customer does not exist in the queue.");

            /* ---------------------
             * 83) Generic stack collection class
             * ---------------------- */

            // Stack is a generic LIFO (last in, first out) collection class that is present
            // in System.Colllections.Generic namespace.
            // Think of it as a stack of plates.
            // The last item is added (pushed) to the stack,
            // and will be the first item to be removed (popped) from the stack.

            // To insert an item at the top of the stack, use Push().

            // To remove and return the item at the top of the stack, use Pop()

            // A foreach loop iterates through the items in the stack, but it will not remove
            // them from the stack.
            // The last element added to the stack is the first one to be returned.

            // To check if an item exists in the stack use Contains()

            // Peek() returns the item at the top of the stack without removing it.

            Stack <NewCustomer> stackCustomers = new Stack <NewCustomer>();

            stackCustomers.Push(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 1, Name = "Steven", Salary = 52000
            stackCustomers.Push(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 2, Name = "Joe", Salary = 90000
            stackCustomers.Push(new NewCustomer()
                ID = 4, Name = "Tony", Salary = 65000

            NewCustomer customerOnStack = stackCustomers.Pop();

            Console.WriteLine($"First on stack is {customerOnStack.Name}");

            Console.WriteLine($"The amount of customers on the stack is {stackCustomers.Count}");

            foreach (NewCustomer current in stackCustomers)
                Console.WriteLine($"The current customer on the stack is {current.Name}.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Retrieve item on top without removing it: {stackCustomers.Peek()}");

            if (stackCustomers.Contains(customer3))
                Console.WriteLine("Yes customer 3 is in the stack.");
                Console.WriteLine("No customer 3 is not in the stack.");

            /* ---------------------
             * 84) Real time example of queue collection class in C#
             * ---------------------- */

            /* ---------------------
             * 85) Real time example of stack collection class in C#
             * ---------------------- */

            /* ---------------------
             * 86) Multithreading in C#
             * ---------------------- */

            // What is a process?
            // A process is what the operating system uses to facilitate the execution of a program
            // by providing the resources required. Each process has a unique process id
            // associated with it. You can view the process within which a program is being
            // executing using windows task manager.

            // What is a thread?
            // A thread is a light weight process. A process has at least one thread which is
            // commonly called as main thread which actually executes the application code.
            // A single process can have multiple threads.

            // NOTE: All the threading related classes are present in System.Threading namespace.

            // So pass in a function name
            //Thread workerThread = new Thread(DoTimeConsumingWork);
            // So here we create a new thread such that the UI of the application remains responsive.
            // workerThread will start execution will begin with
            // workerThread.Start();

            // So the job is offloaded to the thread.
            // So the benefit of multithreading is that it can make your application more responsive,
            // as you can offload the work of time consuming functions.

            /* ---------------------
             * 87) Advantages and disadvantages of multithreading
             * ---------------------- */

            // Advantages of multithreading:
            // 1. To maintain a responsive user interface.
            // 2. To make efficient use of processor time while waiting for I/O operations to complete.
            // 3. To split large, CPU-bound tasks to be processed simultaneously on a machine that has
            // multiple processors/cores.
            // Multithreaded applications can improve the performance by taking advantages of multiple processors/cores
            // ability to have multiple threads.

            // Disadvantages of multithreading:
            // 1. On a single processor/core machine threading can affect performance negatively as there is overhead involved
            // with context-switching.
            // As the processor must allocate its time equally amongst its threads. Also time involved to switch between threads.
            // 2. Have to write more lines of code to accomplish the same task.
            // 3. Multitheading applications are difficult to write, understand, debug, and maintain.

            // NOTE: Only use multithreading when the advantages of doing so outweigh the disadvantages.

            /* ---------------------
             * 88) ThreadStart delegate
             * ---------------------- */

            // To create a THREAD, create an instance of Thread class and to it's constructor,
            // pass the name of the function that we want the thread to execute.

            Thread T1 = new Thread(Number.PrintNumbers);


            // Now rewrite it using ThreadStart delegate

            // There are 4 overloaded version of the Thread constructor,
            // One option is a ThreadStart delegate

            // A delegate is a type-safe function pointer.
            // The signature of the function which the delegate point to should match
            // the signature of the delegate otherwise you will get a compile error.

            Thread T2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Number.PrintNumbers));

            // Why does a delegate need to be passed as a parameter to the Thread class constructor?
            // The purpose of creating a Thread is to execute a function. A delegate is a type safe function pointer,
            // meaning that it points to a function that the thread has to execute.
            // In short, all threads require an entry point to start execution. Any thread you create will
            // need an explicitly defined entry point i.e. a pointer to the function where they should
            // begin execution.
            // So threads always require a delegate.

            // In the code showed above in the example where we just do
            // new Thread(Number.PrintNumbers)
            // It's working in spite of not creating the ThreadStart delegate explicitly because the
            // framework is doing it automatically for us.

            // You could also rewrite the same line using delegate() keyword
            Thread t3 = new Thread(delegate() { Number.PrintNumbers(); });

            // The same line written using lambda expression
            Thread t4 = new Thread(() => Number.PrintNumbers());

            // Thread functions do not need to be static functions always.
            // It can also be a non-static function. In the case of a non-static
            // function we have to create an instance of the class.

            Number number = new Number();
            Thread t5     = new Thread(number.DisplayNumbers);

            /* ---------------------
             * 89) ParameterizedThreadStart delegate
             * ---------------------- */

            // Use ParameterizedThreadStart delegate to pass data to the thread function.

            Console.WriteLine("Plesae enter the target number");
            object target = Console.ReadLine();

            ParameterizedThreadStart parameterizedThreadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(Number.OutputNumbers);
            Thread t6 = new Thread(parameterizedThreadStart);


            // Could also be written as...
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the target number");
            object setTarget = Console.ReadLine();

            Thread t7 = new Thread(Number.OutputNumbers);


            // Here we are not explicitly creating an instance of ParameterizedThreadStart
            // delegate. Then how is it working?

            // It's working because the compiler implicitly converts
            // new Thread(Number.PrintNumbers);
            // to
            // new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Number.PrintNumbers));

            // When to use ParameterizedThreadStart over ThreadStart delegate?
            // Use parameterizedThreadStart delegate if you have some data to pass to the
            // Thread function. Otherwise just use ThreadStart delegate.

            // NOTE: Using ParameterizedThreadStart delegate and Thread.Start(Object)
            // method to pass data to the thread function is not type safe as they operate
            // on object datatype and any type of data can be passed.

            // If you try to change the data type of the target parameter of OutputNumbers() function
            // from object to int, a compiler error will be raised as the signature of OutputNumbers()
            // function does not match with the signature of
            // ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.

            /* ---------------------
             * 90) Passing data to the Thread function in a type safe manner
             * ---------------------- */

            // To pass data to the Thread function in a type safe manner,
            // encapsulate the thread function and the data it needs in a helper class
            // and use the ThreadStart delegate to execute the thread functino.

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the target number");
            int target8 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            MyNumber myNumber = new MyNumber(target8);
            Thread   t8       = new Thread(new ThreadStart(myNumber.PrintNumbers));
