Ejemplo n.º 1
        // return weight for each query term
        public static List<WeightedTermQuery> weightingQuery(string q, List<Document> ListDocuments)
            double wTerm;

            string queryString = StopwordTool.RemoveStopwords(q);

            // Regex, untuk menghilangkan angka
            queryString = Regex.Replace(queryString, @"[0-9]+ ", string.Empty);

            if(stemCode == 1)
                // Stemming, mengubah kata ke bentuk dasarnya
                StemmingTool Stemmer = new StemmingTool();
                queryString = Stemmer.Stemming(queryString);

            string[] qTerm = queryString.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            TermWeighting QW = new TermWeighting(ListDocuments);
            List<WeightedTermQuery> ListQueryWithWeight = new List<WeightedTermQuery>();

            for (int i = 0; i < qTerm.Count(); i++)
                List<string> found = new List<string>();    // store word that has already counts

                if (!found.Contains(qTerm[i]))

                    // menghitung term weight masing-masing kata di tiap query
                    wTerm = QW.CalculateTermWeightingQuery(qTerm, i, tfQueryCode, idfQueryCode, normQueryCode);
                    //wTerm = 1;
                    ListQueryWithWeight.Add(new WeightedTermQuery(qTerm[i], wTerm));
            /*Print to console*/
            /*Console.Write("QUERY : ");
            foreach (var item in ListQueryWithWeight)
            return ListQueryWithWeight;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void createInvertedFileFromListDocuments()
            // Split text per document
            //string[] TextDocuments = documentsContent.Split(new string[] { ".I " }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            // Make Document Entities
            //ListDocuments = new List<Document>();
            //ListDocumentsFixed = new List<Document>();
            //dTitle_NumDoc = new Dictionary<String, int>();
            //dTitle_NumDoc.Add("lalala", 1);
            dDocuments = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
            for (int i = 1; i < ListDocuments.Count(); i++)
                Document document = ListDocuments[i];
                //dTitle_NumDoc.Add(document.Title, i);
                //Console.Write(" - ");

                // input terms in document to dictionary
                foreach (string term in document.Content.Distinct())
                    if (dDocuments.ContainsKey(term))
                        dDocuments[term].Add(document.No, (from s in document.Content where s == term select s).Count());
                        dDocuments.Add(term, new Dictionary<string, int>());
                        dDocuments[term].Add(document.No, (from s in document.Content where s == term select s).Count());

            //print dTitle_NumDoc
            foreach (var item in dTitle_NumDoc)
                Console.Write(" - ");

            TermWeighting TW = new TermWeighting(ListDocuments);
            List<string> ListTermWithWeight = new List<string>();

            dTermWeigth = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ListDocuments.Count(); i++)
                List<string> found = new List<string>();    // store word that has already counts
                for (int j = 0; j < ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).Content.Count(); j++)
                    string term = ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).Content[j];
                    if (!found.Contains(ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).Content[j]))

                        // menghitung term weight masing-masing kata di tiap dokumen
                        //ListTermWithWeight.Add(ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).Content[j] + " " + ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).No + " " + TW.CalculateTermWeightingDocument(i, j, tfDocCode, idfQueryCode, normDocCode));

                        if (dTermWeigth.ContainsKey(term))  // dictionary already has the term 'key'
                            dTermWeigth[term].Add(ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).No, TW.CalculateTermWeightingDocument(i, j, tfDocCode, idfQueryCode, normDocCode));
                        else    // dictionary not yet has the term 'key'
                            dTermWeigth.Add(term, new Dictionary<string, double>());
                            dTermWeigth[term].Add(ListDocuments.ElementAt(i).No, TW.CalculateTermWeightingDocument(i, j, tfDocCode, idfQueryCode, normDocCode));

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, double>> entry in dTermWeigth)
                string term = entry.Key;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> subEntry in entry.Value)
                    string noDoc = subEntry.Key;
                    double weight = subEntry.Value;
                    ListTermWithWeight.Add(term + " " + noDoc + " " + weight);


            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@outputInvertedFile2))
                foreach (string linestring in ListTermWithWeight)