Ejemplo n.º 1
        static Logger()
            // Set log level
            //LogLevel = (Status)Properties.Settings.Default.LogLevel;
            LogLevel = Status.Info;

            // Get working AppData Local directory
            string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "NotCoffee418\\TrinityCreator");

            if (Debugger.IsAttached) // Seperate directory for debugger
                path = Path.Combine(path, "Debug");

            // Enter logs subdirectory & create if it doesn't exist.
            path = Path.Combine(path, "Logs");
            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            // Create log filename with timestamp
            LogFilePath = Path.Combine(path, string.Format("tc-{0}.log", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss")));

            // Start log writer
            GHelper.SafeThreadStart(() => StartLogWriter());

            // Application exit event
            Application.Current.Exit += Application_Exit;

            // Clean log files older than 6 months
            GHelper.SafeThreadStart(() => CleanLogs());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static Logger()
            // Set log level
            //LogLevel = (Status)Properties.Settings.Default.LogLevel;
            LogLevel = Status.Info;

            string logsDir = GetLogsDirectory();

            // Create log filename with timestamp
            LogFilePath = Path.Combine(logsDir, string.Format("tc-{0}.log", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss")));

            // Start log writer
            GHelper.SafeThreadStart(() => StartLogWriter());

            // Application exit event
            Application.Current.Exit += Application_Exit;

            // Clean log files older than 6 months
            GHelper.SafeThreadStart(() => CleanLogs());
Ejemplo n.º 3
      public static void UpdateProfiles()
          // Update Profiles from https://github.com/NotCoffee418/TrinityCreatorProfiles
          Logger.Log("Updating Profiles from GitHub.");

          // Get relevant directories
          string sysProfilesDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Profiles");
          string usrProfilesDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "TrinityCreator", "Profiles");
          string tmpDir         = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "tc-" + GHelper.RandomString(6));

          // Download repository, update any new files
              // Generate user profile directory if it doesn't exist (this function doesn't affect this folder aside from creating it)
              if (!Directory.Exists(usrProfilesDir))

              // Generate system profile directory if it doesn't exist
              if (!Directory.Exists(sysProfilesDir))

              // Generate tmp directory if it doesn't exist
              if (!Directory.Exists(tmpDir))

              // Download latest version of profiles
              string zipPath   = Path.Combine(tmpDir, "latest.zip");
              string sourceUrl = "https://github.com/NotCoffee418/TrinityCreatorProfiles/archive/master.zip";
              Logger.Log("Downloading updated profiles from '" + sourceUrl);
              using (var client = new WebClient())
                  client.DownloadFile(sourceUrl, zipPath);

              // Extract download & delete zip
              Logger.Log("Extracting downloaded profiles and deleting zip. Path: " + tmpDir);
              ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipPath, tmpDir);

              // Check each file to see if it's updated (using revision)
              Logger.Log("Installing updated profiles...");
              foreach (string tmpFilePath in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(tmpDir, "TrinityCreatorProfiles-master")))
                  string fileName        = Path.GetFileName(tmpFilePath);
                  string profileDestPath = Path.Combine(sysProfilesDir, fileName);

                  Logger.Log("Checking for new version on " + fileName);
                  if (!File.Exists(profileDestPath))
                      Logger.Log(fileName + ": is a new profile. Installing...");
                      File.Copy(tmpFilePath, profileDestPath);
                  else                                                              // profile exists, check if it's a new version
                      Profile localVer  = Profile.LoadFile(profileDestPath, false); // Not error display, versions for older version of app will default to rev 0
                      Profile remoteVer = Profile.LoadFile(tmpFilePath, true);      // display error, if the downloaded version is corrupt, we have an issue

                      if (remoteVer.Revision > localVer.Revision)                   // New version found, install
                          Logger.Log($"{fileName}: New version found. Updating from revision {localVer.Revision} to {remoteVer.Revision}.");
                          File.Copy(tmpFilePath, profileDestPath, overwrite: true);
                      else   // Up to date
                          Logger.Log($"{fileName}: Up to date.");
          catch (Exception ex)
              Logger.Log("Failed to update profiles from GitHub: " + ex.Message, Logger.Status.Warning, true);
              // Delete temp dir
              if (Directory.Exists(tmpDir))
                  Directory.Delete(tmpDir, recursive: true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
      public static void UpdateProfiles()
          // Update Profiles from https://github.com/NotCoffee418/TrinityCreatorProfiles
          Logger.Log("Updater: Updating Profiles from GitHub.");

          // Get relevant directories
          string sysProfilesDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "NotCoffee418", "TrinityCreator", "Profiles");
          string usrProfilesDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "TrinityCreator", "Profiles");
          string tmpDir         = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "tc-" + GHelper.RandomString(6));

          // Download repository, update any new files
              // Generate user profile directory if it doesn't exist (this function doesn't affect this folder aside from creating it)
              if (!Directory.Exists(usrProfilesDir))

              // Generate system profile directory if it doesn't exist
              if (!Directory.Exists(sysProfilesDir))

              // Generate tmp directory if it doesn't exist
              if (!Directory.Exists(tmpDir))

              // Download latest version of profiles
              string zipPath   = Path.Combine(tmpDir, "latest.zip");
              string sourceUrl = "https://github.com/NotCoffee418/TrinityCreatorProfiles/archive/master.zip";
              Logger.Log("Updater: Downloading updated profiles from '" + sourceUrl);
              using (var client = new WebClient())
                  client.DownloadFile(sourceUrl, zipPath);

              // Extract download & delete zip
              Logger.Log("Updater: Extracting downloaded profiles and cleaning zip. Path: " + tmpDir);
              ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipPath, tmpDir);

              // Check each file to see if it's updated (using revision)
              Logger.Log("Updater: Installing updated profiles...");
              bool isOutdatedTcForProfiles = false;
              foreach (string tmpFilePath in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(tmpDir, "TrinityCreatorProfiles-master")))
                  string fileName        = Path.GetFileName(tmpFilePath);
                  string profileDestPath = Path.Combine(sysProfilesDir, fileName);

                  Logger.Log("Checking for new version on " + fileName);
                  if (!File.Exists(profileDestPath))
                      Logger.Log(fileName + ": is a new profile. Installing...");
                      File.Copy(tmpFilePath, profileDestPath);
                  else                                                              // profile exists, check if it's a new version
                      Profile localVer  = Profile.LoadFile(profileDestPath, false); // Not error display, versions for older version of app will default to rev 0
                      Profile remoteVer = Profile.LoadFile(tmpFilePath, true);      // display error, if the downloaded version is corrupt, we have an issue

                      if (remoteVer.Revision > localVer.Revision)                   // New version found, install
                          Logger.Log($"Updater: {fileName} - New version found.");

                          int runningAppBuild = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Revision;
                          if (remoteVer.TestedBuild > runningAppBuild)   // profile may not support this version of Tcreator
                              // used to show warning, doesn't update
                              isOutdatedTcForProfiles = true;
                              Logger.Log($"Updater: Profile {fileName} was tested on a newer version of Trinity Creator. Not updating or installing local file.",
                                         Logger.Status.Warning, false);
                              Logger.Log($"Updater: Updating {fileName} from revision {localVer.Revision} to {remoteVer.Revision}.");
                              File.Copy(tmpFilePath, profileDestPath, overwrite: true);
                      else   // Up to date
                          Logger.Log($"{fileName}: Up to date.");

              // Show warning profiles are newer than build
              if (isOutdatedTcForProfiles)
                  Logger.Log("Profile: Some profiles were not installed or updated as this version of Trinity Creator may not support them." +
                             Environment.NewLine + "Please update Trinity Creator to resolve this issue. (Help > Check for updates)", Logger.Status.Warning, true);
          catch (Exception ex)
              Logger.Log("Failed to update profiles from GitHub: " + ex.Message, Logger.Status.Warning, true);
              // Delete temp dir
              if (Directory.Exists(tmpDir))
                  Directory.Delete(tmpDir, recursive: true);