Ejemplo n.º 1
        public TransitionCache()
            const int cacheSize = 2 * TransvoxelExtractor2.BlockWidth;

            _cache = new ReuseCell[cacheSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++)
                _cache[i] = new ReuseCell(12);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public RegularCellCache(int chunksize)
            this.chunkSize = chunksize;
            _cache = new ReuseCell[2][];

            _cache[0] = new ReuseCell[chunkSize * chunkSize];
            _cache[1] = new ReuseCell[chunkSize * chunkSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize * chunkSize; i++)
                _cache[0][i] = new ReuseCell(4);
                _cache[1][i] = new ReuseCell(4);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public RegularCellCache(int chunksize)
            this.chunkSize = chunksize;
            _cache         = new ReuseCell[2][];

            _cache[0] = new ReuseCell[chunkSize * chunkSize];
            _cache[1] = new ReuseCell[chunkSize * chunkSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize * chunkSize; i++)
                _cache[0][i] = new ReuseCell(4);
                _cache[1][i] = new ReuseCell(4);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public TransitionCache()
            const int cacheSize = 0;// 2 * TransvoxelExtractor.BlockWidth * TransvoxelExtractor.BlockWidth;
            _cache = new ReuseCell[cacheSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++)
                _cache[i] = new ReuseCell(12);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal void PolygonizeCell(Vector3i offsetPos, Vector3i pos, ref Mesh mesh, int lod)
            Debug.Assert(lod >= 1, "Level of Detail must be greater than 1");
            offsetPos += pos * lod;

            byte directionMask = (byte)((pos.X > 0 ? 1 : 0) | ((pos.Z > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 1) | ((pos.Y > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 2));

            sbyte[] density = new sbyte[8];

            for (int i = 0; i < density.Length; i++)
                density[i] = volume[offsetPos + Tables.CornerIndex[i] * lod];

            byte caseCode = getCaseCode(density);

            if ((caseCode ^ ((density[7] >> 7) & 0xFF)) == 0) //for this cases there is no triangulation

            Vector3f[] cornerNormals = new Vector3f[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                var   p  = offsetPos + Tables.CornerIndex[i] * lod;
                float nx = (volume[p + Vector3i.UnitX] - volume[p - Vector3i.UnitX]) * 0.5f;
                float ny = (volume[p + Vector3i.UnitY] - volume[p - Vector3i.UnitY]) * 0.5f;
                float nz = (volume[p + Vector3i.UnitZ] - volume[p - Vector3i.UnitZ]) * 0.5f;
                //cornerNormals[i] = new Vector3f(nx, ny, nz);

                cornerNormals[i].X = nx;
                cornerNormals[i].Y = ny;
                cornerNormals[i].Z = nz;

            byte regularCellClass = Tables.RegularCellClass[caseCode];

            ushort[] vertexLocations = Tables.RegularVertexData[caseCode];

            Tables.RegularCell c = Tables.RegularCellData[regularCellClass];
            long vertexCount     = c.GetVertexCount();
            long triangleCount   = c.GetTriangleCount();

            byte[]   indexOffset   = c.Indizes();                    //index offsets for current cell
            ushort[] mappedIndizes = new ushort[indexOffset.Length]; //array with real indizes for current cell

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                byte edge       = (byte)(vertexLocations[i] >> 8);
                byte reuseIndex = (byte)(edge & 0xF);               //Vertex id which should be created or reused 1,2 or 3
                byte rDir       = (byte)(edge >> 4);                //the direction to go to reach a previous cell for reusing

                byte v1 = (byte)((vertexLocations[i]) & 0x0F);      //Second Corner Index
                byte v0 = (byte)((vertexLocations[i] >> 4) & 0x0F); //First Corner Index

                sbyte d0 = density[v0];
                sbyte d1 = density[v1];

                //Vector3f n0 = cornerNormals[v0];
                //Vector3f n1 = cornerNormals[v1];

                Debug.Assert(v1 > v0);

                int   t  = (d1 << 8) / (d1 - d0);
                int   u  = 0x0100 - t;
                float t0 = t / 256f;
                float t1 = u / 256f;

                int index = -1;

                if (UseCache && v1 != 7 && (rDir & directionMask) == rDir)
                    Debug.Assert(reuseIndex != 0);
                    ReuseCell cell = cache.GetReusedIndex(pos, rDir);
                    index = cell.Verts[reuseIndex];

                if (index == -1)
                    Vector3f normal = cornerNormals[v0] * t0 + cornerNormals[v1] * t1;
                    GenerateVertex(ref offsetPos, ref pos, mesh, lod, t, ref v0, ref v1, ref d0, ref d1, normal);
                    index = mesh.LatestAddedVertIndex();

                if ((rDir & 8) != 0)
                    cache.SetReusableIndex(pos, reuseIndex, mesh.LatestAddedVertIndex());

                mappedIndizes[i] = (ushort)index;

            for (int t = 0; t < triangleCount; t++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    mesh.AddIndex(mappedIndizes[c.Indizes()[t * 3 + i]]);